on: February 11, 2025, 01:42:15 pm
Started by Adam Grant - Last post by Adam Grant
The show returns to a darkened arena as Lexi stands one last time in the ring. When she starts to speak, the lights come back up and the fans get very loud.
Lexi: The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 30 minute time limit, and it is your main event of the evening!
Zack: Valerie, have you noticed so far on every Future Shock show this year that we’ve ended with a hometown girl in the main event? There was Shaw back in Montreal, the Calgary crowd for Sydney, and here we are about to feel it all over again.
Valerie: That’s the way it should be! If it is something that can be done, then give them it! I was lucky enough to experience it once in my career though it was a very long time ago now. Give the hometown girls their moment with the people who were local to them. Future Shock gets spoiled tonight, because they get two!
The opening bars of “You Call Me A Bitch Like It’s A Bad Thing” begin to play through the speakers around the arena and the lights on the stage go out leaving it darkness.
You took me to your little crib Guess it must have been a big deal Got me starring in your wet dream Now it's time to get real I'm not looking for love No not today But you call me up and had the nerve to say See you next Tuesday
A white spotlight hits the centre of stage to see Cassandra Sheffield standing in the middle of it with her husband, Ryan Sheffield standing by her side. The crowd instantly show their disdain for the pair with a loud chorus of boos. Neither Cassandra nor Ryan seem phased at all by this and in fact seem to revel in it as Ryan pulls Cassandra in for a steamy kiss. A smirk curling on Cassandra’s lips after it breaks as she surveys the crowd.
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing You call me a freak like that means something Can't get your way so you're sulking I think we know the rest Get it off your chest I don't give a shit I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing
Cassandra begins her walk down the ramp to the ring slowly with Ryan walking beside her, Cassandra surveying the crowd either side of her as she does. Still she doesn’t seem particularly bothered by the less than favourable yells from the crowd as she whispers something to her husband which makes him grin.
Kat: Making her way to the ring, from Leeds, England, and accompanied by her husband, star of stage and screen, Ryan Sheffield, she is the co-holder of the FFW UNDISPUTED TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP...….CASSANDRA SHEFFIELD!
You show up everywhere I go Get a grip you're acting so weird I don't need your jager bombs I think I can take it from here You gotta learn to leave when the party ends I don't really care what you tell your friends Tell me again
As she reaches the ring, Cassandra climbs the steps and takes another moment to look around at the crowd as Ryan holds the ropes open for her to enter between the middle and top ropes.
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing You call me a freak like that means something Can't get your way so you're angry I think we know the rest Get it off your chest I don't give a shit I love it when you call me a bitch
Cassandra’s music comes to an end and as it fades out, she makes her way to her corner and leans back against the turnbuckles and rests one arm on the ropes beside her, as she shares some last minute words with her husband.
Zack: Wow….they don’t like her in her own hometown, Valerie! Listen to the boos for Cassandra right here where she grew up! Sheffield’s about as popular as polio, and no one in Leeds wants anything to do with her or her husband!
Valerie: It’s not a thing that happens very often, but it’s a thing that’s happening all the same. I take back what I said earlier, apparently Leeds absolutely does have a favourite!
Cassandra looks around at the fans booing her with a scowl as Ryan stands on the apron and tells her to ignore them.
Zack: If they hate her this much, I have a feeling we’re in for quite the roar when her sister gets out here.
Valerie: I swear to God if I don’t leave this tour with hearing loss, I’m going to be a pretty annoyed woman. Think I’m still recovering from Calgary.
Zack: We talked about this in Calgary two weeks ago so let me ask the reverse. Does it mess with your head at all when your own hometown can’t stand you? I know you haven’t experienced it, but it’s gotta do something to you mentally.
Valerie: You’re absolutely right, I never did experience it, but the only other Scot I could have faced at the time is from a different city so it’s not quite the same even if I had been able to experience that. And I only ever saw it happen once before tonight, and that person was a very confused mess when they get back behind the curtain. Either way, I can only imagine that it really messes you up. We’re almost conditioned to expect a positive response if we get to work at home…so not getting it is gonna screw with you.
Zack: It’s already starting…
Valerie: It really is. You ready to not hear yourself think, Zack?
The lights in the arena go off before a single purple spotlight hits the stage. As the opening bars of “Wild Side” by Cross My Heart Hope To Die starts to play Missy appears at the entrance way. And the fans in the arena ERUPT! Missy stands perfectly still, as her head stays bent, looking towards the ground and her manager Christian Kincaid walks out to stand behind her. The chants get even louder for her!
I've been on my best behavior But I've heard that good girls finish last And once you're gone they say no one can save you But who knows if I go I may never want to ever come back We've all fell victim to temptation It seems that I'm the last one holding on What's the use in fighting for my salvation And why does it feel so damn right to want to be so wrong
At the side of Missy purple lights flash on and off, looking almost like fireworks, as she remains perfectly still. As the lights subside, Missy raises her arms up to the air and a single white spotlight accompanies the move. This gets another roar from the fans in Leeds.
I just wanna dance with the devil tonight I wanna know what it feels like I wanna close my eyes, put my hands in the sky I wanna walk on the wild side
Lexi: Introducing at this time…. Hailing from right here in Leeds, England and weighing in at One hundred and twelve pounds… she is the reigning FFW Future Shock Champion…please welcome home,MIIIIISSSSSY!
Missy makes her way down the ramp to the ring keeping her eyes straight ahead, focussing on the ring, with Christian following a few steps behind. When she reaches the ring she slowly climbs the steel steps, surveying the crowd as she does until she reaches the top. She steps onto the apron and gives one final look around before she enters the ring between the top and middle rope. The camera shot of her is quaking as a result of the response from her hometown fans as she climbs the corner and thrusts her title high over her head.
Zack: This is unreal! For those watching at home, the cameramen aren’t shaking those cameras! It’s the response from a sold out Leeds Arena welcoming home that woman right there!
Valerie: This is what we’ve been talking about all show! That response is something else, and it’s amazing. Missy doesn’t need to play mind games with her sister tonight, the people of Yorkshire are doing that for her!
Missy walked past her sister and climbed to the other corner, raising her title over her head as the chants continued throughout the arena. Cassandra’s face looked as though she could spit nails.
Zack: There is no question who Leeds is here to support! Missy has never competed in front of her own hometown, she said that two weeks ago in that fairly contentious interview with Sara. And for God’s sake, they are making up for lost time tonight as the Future Shock Champion holds court with her twin sister’s eyes staring daggers at her.
Valerie: I don’t really blame Cassandra for feeling that way, though. She’s come home expecting the same thing that her sister, Shaw and Sydney all got and she didn’t get it. Kinda fair that she’s mad, though it’s not entirely surprising given that Missy has always been the more popular of the two.
Zack: I think we’re gonna see the absolute worst side of Cassandra Sheffield tonight, as not only because she wants to put her sister down but to also stick it to all these fans in Leeds who clearly despise her!
Valerie: Anything to get a secondary reason to get a win, I guess? Look, I’m on Team Missy here, not gonna kid on otherwise. But I am also not gonna pretend that there’s no reason for Cassandra to be annoyed. Then you also factor in the fact that these two women can’t stand each other anyway.
Referee Jennifer Stringer is about to call for the bell as the two sisters stare across at one another, but that gets interrupted. The arena lights go out and a second later “Animal I Have Become” by Three Days Grace starts to play. As the song started a spotlight hit the stage area as Charlotte Harker stepped out from the back in her street clothes as she surveys the crowd and strolls down the ramp with a chair in hand before she takes a seat at ringside.
Zack: Well now… the #1 contender for the richest prize in Future Shock wants to see this as much as anyone apparently. And she’s parked herself ringside to get a close up view. I don’t know what to think with both her and Ryan out here.
Valerie: Probably best that we don’t think about it too much at all, to be honest. If only because I don’t expect to be able to hear myself do that.
Stringer hands off both of the titles to the respective managers before she calls for the bell. Missy’s attention goes back to her sister before the two take off towards one another, and the fists start flying from there. The Leeds crowd was 100% behind Missy as she began to back her sister up with her shots, causing Cassandra to step back before she got whipped across for the ride. Sheffield had barely rebounded before Missy used a Thesz press to take her down, and unload with more straight right hands to the head as the fans were exceptionally loud as a result.
Zack: They may be sisters separated by only seconds the day they were born, but they damn sure don’t get along! And the Undisputed Tag Champion is getting her clock cleaned for her!
Valerie: We all know already that both women are fiercer than fierce, but there’s a damn good reason that only one of them has dropped less than a few matches in a significant amount of time…and she’s showing it.
Sheffield shoved her off the cover, but Missy was back to her feet a split second later. When Cassandra did the same, she rushed her twin with a low shoulder tackle that pushed her back into the corner. Shoulder thrusts to the body followed that before Cassandra used a discus elbow to the jaw to snap her head back. A hair mare sent the Future Shock Champion out to the canvas as Ryan tried to rally the fans behind his wife with very little success.
Zack: Sorry, Ryan. The fans in this arena made their choice very clear, and Missy is quite vociferously their choice for this one!
Valerie: She really is. But hey, at least Ryan’s trying to get someone on his wife’s side.
A blatant choke with both hands resulted from that before Stringer started counting her down. Cassandra let go at four, and rose back to her feet. Ryan applauded her, even if no one else in the arena was doing it. She pulled Missy back to her feet, yanking her forward into a short arm clothesline…except the Future Shock Champion ducked the contact and ended up behind her. As soon as Sheffield turned around, Missy scooped her up for an inverted atomic drop. It wobbled the twin before she began throwing jabs to the head and body followed by a bionic elbow to the top of her head that put Sheffield on the mat.
Zack: Missy with an elbow all the way from Boston right there putting her sister down again. How often did you want to beat the hell out of your sisters, Valerie?
Valerie: Did? I still do! And more often than I’d like to admit. But I’ll stick to the gym for that one, personally. World doesn’t need to know what Hell the lot of us give each other for our nonsense.
Missy pulled her sister back to her feet, scooping her up for a fallaway slam that sent her into the ropes. With the fans still solidly behind her, she used a baseball slide that sent Sheffield rolling out to the floor. Ryan went to check on his wife as she got to her feet, and climbed back onto the apron. The Future Shock Champion caught her with a running elbow to the mouth before hooking her head and bringing her back into the ring with a stalling vertical suplex.
Zack: I don’t blame Missy for wanting to keep it all in the ring when you got a great white shark like Charlotte out here….and a jellyfish like Ryan.
Valerie: Two potentially bad outcomes if you don’t have your wits about you there…and even if you do. But at least in the ring she’s relatively safe.
Sheffield crawled towards the far ropes to help her get up when Missy went after her. Ryan hopped up onto the apron to complain, drawing the referee which allowed his wife to mule kick her sister between the legs as she approached. Christian headed around the corner to get him down, but he hopped down on his own and the referee turned to see Missy on her knees. Cassandra got herself together, her face into a scowl before she began driving elbows into the top of her sister’s head. She bounced off the near side ropes to deliver a knee trembler that dropped her to the mat. Sheffield dusted her hands and kicked proverbial dust behind her onto her sister as the Leeds fans showed her virtually no love at all.
Zack: I think Cassandra believes she’s done more damage to Missy than she’s actually done. The Future Shock Champion is not the kind of woman you give this much time to recover.
Valerie: It’s either that or just taking a moment to do some gloating over finally getting a shot in after taking a beating for that length of time. It becomes difficult to tell after a while.
When she spotted Missy starting to get back to her feet, Cassandra immediately threw her out of the ring near where Charlotte was sitting. But the Moose stayed where she was, looking over at Missy as Cassandra encouraged her to do something. So was Ryan for that matter as Christian approached cautiously and checked on his client as she got back to her feet.
Zack: Did you hear that? She wants Charlotte to do her dirty work for her. And to Harker’s credit, she isn’t interested in that.
Valerie: Gotta give props where props are due! If Cassandra wants it done she;d be better to just do it herself, rather than let everyone claim she got help.
Missy climbed back onto the apron before Cassandra charged her with a running European uppercut that sent her right back down to the floor. Stringer began to get on her case for not letting her sister back in the ring as Ryan was trying to coax Charlotte to get involved with her future opponent very close.
Zack: Now Ryan’s getting involved in it trying to get Charlotte to get a few shots in. Harker spent the early part of her career here playing the heavy for another woman, and she’s not interested in doing that for anyone else.
Valerie: I wouldn’t be either if I was Charlotte. Seems like far more work than it would ever be worth.
Missy made it back to her feet again, climbing up onto the apron. Sheffield went to charge her again, but Missy ducked between the ropes to avoid it. She popped back up and snapped Sheffield’s neck across the top rope, causing her to stumble backwards choking before the Future Shock Champion used the top rope for a slingshot into a flying shoulder tackle that bowled Cassandra to the canvas.
Zack: They’re back in the ring now where this match belongs, and Ryan is still over here trying to…I don’t know if I’d call it reasoning with Harker since she’s the one being reasonable.
Valerie: I’m sure Ryan himself would call it being reasonable. Us? Not so much! Wouldn’t be surprised if she clocks Ryan at this rate.
She planted her sister’s head between her legs before scooping her up into a running buckle bomb that dropped her to the mat in the corner. Missy took off for the far side, and rebounded quickly with a face wash boot to the jaw that sent her sister doubled over the bottom rope. The Future Shock Champion took off again, this time rebounding with a cannonball senton in the corner before getting back to her feet to another pop from the crowd.
Zack: She is just a dynamo in there. For my money, there’s no one better in big match situations than the Future Shock Champion, and she’s showing us all why in case we forgot. Two weeks from tonight, it’ll be the biggest challenge she’s ever faced for that title…literally against Charlotte.
Valerie: Missy has made more than a name for herself in the way that she goes in the biggest matches, but Charlotte also has a knack for them. But this match is basically a beating at this point.
Cassandra rolled herself out of the ring to the floor on the far side. Her twin sister rolled out after her, grabbing her head to toss her back inside. But Sheffield blocked it, and drove Missy’s head into the apron instead. It dropped her to her knees before Sheffield scooped her up from behind for a release German suplex into the barricade. She glanced over to Charlotte sitting a few feet away watching from her seat.
Zack: There’s no soft spot on those barricades, fans. They just cover up steel bars underneath, and the human body wasn’t meant to be thrown into them. These are dangerous waters for Missy with all these extra people out here.
Valerie: Can confirm, that hurts a bitch. In any case...Cassandra got herself back in front and Lord knows she needed it.
Cassandra scooped her up, dropping her across the top of the barricade before she followed up with a running knee to the jaw that sent her into the wall again. She pulled Missy up and slung her to the floor in front of Charlotte again, glancing at her husband who was now keeping the referee distracted as Cassandra encouraged Charlotte to do some damage.
Zack: Again! Cassandra doesn’t want to beat her sister on her own, she wants Harker to do it for her! And she might be poking the bear a little too much here.
Valerie: I said earlier she might end up clocking Ryan, but I can see her doing that to either of them at this point. Charlotte has far more patience than I do.
But the #1 contender didn’t respond other than to get up and take her chair to move away from where she was.
Zack: Charlotte’s showing plenty of restraint here while Ryan continues to keep Stringer’s attention. She’s not gonna do Cassandra’s bidding, end of.
Valerie: As well she shouldn’t! As you mentioned, she spent basically her whole early career being that person for someone. I can’t see why she’d want to do it again.
Cassandra was getting more irritated as she started to follow after her. But as this went on, Missy was back to her feet. When Cassandra spun Charlotte around to make her case, the Future Shock Champion bolted towards her sister and went for a superkick…only Sheffield ducked it and she blasted Charlotte with it instead.
Zack: Missy knocked Charlotte over the retaining wall, and that was meant for Cassandra, I’m sure of it!
Valerie: Of course it was! But all that’s gonna do is make all hell break loose! Wrestlers aren’t known for their ability to see an accident at the time of the accident.
It toppled the Moose over the barricade before Missy shook her head. She blasted her sister with a backfist before throwing her back into the ring. Christian yanked Ryan down off the apron, allowing the referee to get her attention back to the match. Missy slid back into the ring, catching Cassandra as she was getting up with a spear that drove her to the mat. She backed up to the corner, stomping her boot to the point before focusing on her sister.
Zack: I think we’re about to see an emphatic MISCHIEF MAKER!
Zack turned out to be right as Missy charged towards her sister, only to get mowed down near the ropes by Charlotte. The Moose stepped over the top rope as the referee called for the bell!
Valerie: She had that plan, but Charlotte’s decided to get involved the way that Cassandra wanted her to!
Cassandra got to her feet with a smirk before Charlotte shot her a look, and Ryan pulled his wife out of the ring. Harker turned back to Missy, dragging her back to her feet and delivering her side slam backbreaker to the brunette. Then she got back to her feet.
Lexi: Your winner by disqualification….MISSY!!
Zack: CHARLOTTE’S CRUCIFIX! Harker wasn’t gonna let getting kicked in the face like she was slide. No way in hell, even if it was meant for Cassandra. She almost put the champion through the mat! And if she hits that two weeks from tonight at Undeniable 2, we’re gonna see a new Future Shock Champion! Sheffield got her way after all, but probably not how she was hoping.
Valerie: I don’t think Cassandra cares about how she got her way, but she got Charlotte involved all the same. Maybe would’ve preferred to have won but that’ll be about it.
Charlotte looked over towards the Future Shock Championship and down to Missy as she stood over her.
Zack: Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, Massachusetts, two weeks from tonight in front of over 70,000 fans on FFW All Access! It’s Undeniable 2 with three titles definitely on the line and possibly a fourth with three grudge matches as well! The Future Shock, Adrenaline and Diamond titles up for grabs, maybe the Pure if Shaw has her way, and we’ll see Jake back for the first time in months!
Valerie: It’s going to be an absolutely fantastic show all round for everyone who joins us for it, we’re already hyped to the moon about it! A lot of bad blood will hopefully be settled with those matches, definitely not a show that you’d want to miss.
The show closed on Charlotte standing tall in the ring before Future Shock faded off the air on Prime.
on: February 11, 2025, 01:42:05 pm
Started by Adam Grant - Last post by Adam Grant
The show returns from the commercial break to Prime, where we find Lexi once again in the ring ready for the next introductions.
Lexi: The following contest is scheduled for one fall to a finish with a 20 minute time limit! And it is a CHAMPION VERSUS CHAMPION match!
Zack: The first of two tonight actually. While there may not be the bitterness between these two that there is between the two women in our main event, I wouldn’t expect Stacey not to be as violent and vicious as her partner would be if I were Siobhan.
Valerie: If Siobhan goes into this match expecting anything even close to sunshine and rainbows, I’m gonna be having words with Christian after the show.
Low strums of guitars fill the arena, bathing the area around the stage in dry ice with dimmed lights. The music builds, building anticipation.
The song bursts in, and the dimmed lights turn blue and white. From the curtain, with Christian Kincaid standing beside her, is Siobhan, entering the arena to the cheers of the crowd.
Lexi: Coming to the ring from Inverness, Florida, accompanied by Christian Kincaid, please welcome the reigning Future Shock Adrenaline Champion….SIOBHAAAAAAAAAAN!
On the end of Lexi’s announcement, the pair start their walk down the ramp, Christian hyping her to the camera as she high fives a few fans on their way down. Christian reaches the bottom before his charge, as it would appear that Siobhan has stopped to answer a question from someone in the crowd. She leaves the fan where they stand and makes her way over to him, where he’s waiting on the apron for her. She ascends the stairs, and climbs in between the bottom and middle ropes. Making her way to her corner, she looks out but doesn’t stand on a turnbuckle. Turning to face the ring, she leans back against the corner and Christian joins her there, speaking with her as the music fades out.
Zack: In two weeks from tonight, this young lady right here will defend the Adrenaline Championship against Sapphire Taylor at Undeniable 2 in front of over 70,000 fans in Foxborough! But this match… Stacey and Sapphire have virtually nothing in common! So I’d hardly call this a good warm-up for Siobhan.
Valerie: About the only thing they’ve got in common is that they can be vicious, but Stacey’s mean streak is a hell of a lot wider. But Stacey’s got a world of momentum rolling behind her after winning the Tag Titles from Prophecy, so she’s gonna be riding a high of her own.
As the opening of ‘Pour Some Sugar on Me’ by Def Leppard starts to play, Kyle Kilmeade steps through the curtain and holds it open. Stacey Sky steps out onto the stage wearing her ring gear which consists of a black bra-style top, with gold trim. A black and gold cheerleader style skirt, and black boots with a gold trim. Her Championship secured around her waist which she runs her fingers over with a smirk.
Pour some sugar on me Ooh, in the name of love Pour some sugar on me C'mon, fire me up Pour your sugar on me I can't get enough
She stops at the start of the ramp and runs her hands down her sides until she reaches her hips and then stands with her hands on hips for a moment, before she starts moving towards the ring with Kyle walking slightly behind her.
I'm hot, sticky sweet From my head to my feet, yeah
As the line hot, sticky sweet plays, she raises her finger to her mouth and tilts her head to one side. Then she sways her hips, lowering herself down at the same time, before popping back up and blowing a kiss from one side to the other.
Lexi: Making her way to the ring, hailing from Anaheim, California and accompanied by Kyle Kilmeade……Your reigning co-holder of the FFW UNDISPUTED TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS……….“Sensational” Stacey Sky
Listen! red light, yellow light, green-a-light go! Crazy little woman in a one man show Mirror queen, mannequine, rhythm of love Sweet dream, saccharine, loosen up Loosen up
She removes her Championship and passes it to Kyle before she takes off at a run towards the ring and then jumps up onto the apron, where she immediately drops down into the splits. She leans forwards and grabs hold of her foot, lowering her head so she can roll under the bottom rope, still in the splits. Once in the ring, she moves up to her knees, throwing her head back as she does. She licks her lips and gives a devilish smile out to the crowd.
You gotta squeeze a little, squeeze a little Tease a little more Easy operator come a knockin' on my door Sometime, anytime, sugar me sweet Little miss innocent sugar me, yeah, yeah Give a little more.
As her music starts to fade she gets to her feet and goes to her corner, where Kyle hands her back her Championship. She climbs up and sits on the top turnbuckle with her legs crossed and the Championship raised high above her head to a boo from the crowd. She shares a few last minute words with her manager on the apron as she awaits the start of the match.
Zack: Stacey has done damn well for herself. She ended the year at Sabotage when she battered Crystal Hilton with seven superkicks before applying a submission where the Hall of Famer wasn’t even conscious at the end. Then she became half of the tag champions in Vancouver last month. She may be on a career high right now, but she has a damn short temper that only Kyle seems to be able to control.
Valerie: Hey at least someone can control it! Better than nothing, I suppose. But that temper works incredibly well in her favour pretty often, which I would argue is part of what makes her successful.
Zack: This is also the first time she’s been on a Future Shock event in years, not counting the Fatale Royale. The last time she was here when it was run by Adam, she flipped out and wrecked the entire set costing somewhere in the realm of several hundred thousand dollars worth of damage. To me, there is no one more volatile in this company than her.
Valerie: Absolutely not. Siobhan is best to be careful because if that’s what she can do to a set, and we’ve seen her do it, just imagine what she could do to a person if she got angry enough…
Referee Ashley Pruitt calls for the bell to start the match, and Siobhan quickly finds the fans right behind her in this match. It brings a smile to her face, but Stacey doesn’t seem to care as she meets the redhead in the center of the ring. The pair lock up from there with the taller Stacey starting to push the Adrenaline Champion backwards, at least until Siobhan drops to her back and uses a monkey flip to send the blonde up and over to the canvas. They both pop up quickly with Stacey trying to land a right cross, only to have it blocked and countered into a high angle hip toss. The blonde is back to her feet once again, almost at least before she catches a running knee to the chest from the redhead. SIobhan bounces off the near side into a baseball slide under the bent over Stacey, and delivers a palm thrust to her throat that sends her reeling backwards coughing.
Zack: I think Siobhan might have Stacey beat in the speed department as we’re seeing at the moment, but that’s not what you have to be mindful of against Stacey. It’s her temper.
Valerie: Siobhan has most people in the speed department! But very few people have Stacey in the angry department, even when they’re incensed. Not sure winding Stacey up is the smartest move.
Before the blonde can get her breath back, Siobhan bounces off the near side ropes this time with a leg lariat to take her down to the canvas. Another bounce off the ropes yields a springboard leg drop across the chest before she hooks the outside leg for the cover. Pruitt is quickly in position.
Zack: Siobhan looking for it early, but I think she may be very premature to think she’s got Stacey beat.
Zack was right as Stacey shoved her off the cover at the one count. As soon as Sky sat up, Siobhan delivered a kick to her spine to freeze her up briefly before a low angle dropkick to the chest put her down again.
Valerie: Not wrong there in the slightest, but she’s not about to let a one count stop her.
She pulled Stacey back to her feet by the arm, and yanked her forward into a forearm smash to the jaw. It rocked the blonde before she got whipped across to the far side. The tag champion rebounded and ducked a discus clothesline before stopping on a dime behind Siobhan. When she spun around to face her, Sky used a headbutt to her face before driving her down to the mat with a facebuster. She looked a little irritated as she began stomping her relentlessly.
Zack: There’s some of the speed Stacey has in her arsenal. I think Siobhan should have tried keeping her on the mat a moment ago. She’s a lot less dangerous face up on the canvas.
Valerie: It’s possible that Siobhan was hoping she’s just faster than Stacey and could keep it that way. Which…isn’t the worst plan but not a great one either.
She drags the redhead back to her feet, catching her with a short knee to the ribs before flinging her into the corner. Sky follows her in at a fast clip, hopping onto the middle rope for a disaster kick to the back of her head that puts her face down on the mat. Kyle watches on with approval as she hops up onto the middle turnbuckle. She measures her opponent as she gets up with a meteora to her back that drives her down onto the mat again.
Zack: I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of those delivered to the back like that. Siobhan didn’t even see it coming, and that’s when it hurts the most, I’m told.
Valerie: If you don’t see it coming, you can’t brace for impact…and yeah, that hurts like hell. It’s all Stacey now though.
She grabbed the redhead around the waist, and drove her into the mat with a gutwrench suplex. Stacey pulled her arms up behind her, and planted a food into the redhead’s back to apply a standing surfboard submission. The referee knelt in front of the Adrenaline Champion to check for a submission, but she showed no indication of wanting that. As soon as Siobhan told Pruitt “NO!”, Stacey stomped her back and reapplied the hold.
Zack: A little negative reinforcement there, wasn’t it, Valerie? No is not the answer that the new co-holder of the Undisputed Tag Titles wants to hear.
Valerie: It’s never the answer you want to hear when you’re doing that to someone, and Stacey’s just gotten annoyed by the response.
Christian moved around into the eyesight of the redhead, pointing to her left to show her she’s very close to the ropes at the moment. Siobhan glances to see that for herself. Since her arms are tied up though, she begins trying to stretch her leg to reach underneath it. Unfortunately for her, Stacey notices it too and stomps her in the back of the head before applying the hold once more.
Zack: All she needs to do is stretch that leg out a bit, and she can make it. But it’s hard to think about that when you got Stacey stomping your skull in for you.
Valerie: Or stomping her back in, as the case might be! Either way, still pretty difficult.
The fans in Leeds were getting loud behind the Adrenaline Champion as she looked to her left again, and tried to stretch her leg once more. Just as Stacey was about to stomp her head again, she made it and Pruitt called for the break. Stacey stomped her head anyway twice more before she released the hold. The redhead rolled out to the apron next, which seemed to bring a smirk to Stacey’s face.
Zack: I really wouldn’t linger out on the apron too long if I were the Adrenaline Champion. You run the risk of giving Stacey the chance to take this to the floor, which is…inadvisable.
Valerie: Siobhan already knows what happens when you let being on the floor get the better of you, she lost that way in her last match! Hopefully she’s got a bit of brains about her here.
The Adrenaline Champion made it to her feet on the apron before Stacey took off towards her, sending her off it with a dropkick to the chest. But when she fell backwards, Christian caught her in both arms and stood her back up on the apron again. Stacey lunged a second time, but the lass sidestepped a shoulder tackle between the ropes and countered by flipping back into the ring with a yoshi tonic on the blonde!
Valerie: Christian apparently does a catch ‘em service too! But that counter!
Zack: I doubt Siobhan minded not having to hit the floor there, kinda reminded me of when you go bowling and the gutters are filled up so the ball can’t go into them.
Siobhan got back to her feet, her back clearly bothering her though. Stacey was starting to do the same before the redhead bounced off the near side ropes to come back with a leg drop bulldog to the back of her head before she rolled her over for the cover with the far leg hooked. Pruitt dropped to count.
Zack: Stacey landed face first, she may resemble a Picasso painting in about three seconds!
The tag champion got her shoulder up in time, and Siobhan rolled back to her feet as Pruitt warned Christian about catching Siobhan. As she did that, the Adrenaline Champion headed for the nearest corner to make her way up top.
Valerie: Managers help their clients get to or stay on their feet all the time, Pruitt! Yeesh. Anyway, Siobhan’s looking to fly!
Kyle tried to warn Stacey as she was getting back to her feet. When the blonde did so, she had hardly turned around before she ate a blockbuster from the top rope from the Adrenaline Champion. Siobhan rolled her over and hooked both legs for the cover before the referee was in position.
Zack: Siobhan borrowing a page from Nadia with a top rope blockbuster, and I think I’d call it an upset if she gets the three!
But the temperamental blonde got her shoulder up in time. Kyle let out a sigh of relief as he watched, while Siobhan rolled away and made it back to her feet.
Valerie: Don’t think I’ve ever seen a manager look as relieved as Kyle does right now. But I’m not sure if that did what Siobhan wanted it to do without doing more damage to her back.
Valerie was right as Siobhan leaned against the ropes, one hand pressed to her lower back. Stacey was starting to get up as well with Kyle making a hand motion for her to see. The blonde was back to her feet, and caught the redhead with a bicycle kick into the ropes…that caught her arms between them. Stacey was taking in deep gulps of air when she spotted her opponent stuck in the ropes.
Zack: Uh oh, Valerie! The last time I saw this, it was Crystal Hilton at Sabotage…. Stacey LOVES this setup!
Valerie: It didn’t end well for Crystal either. Siobhan’s about to put herself in for a very, very long night seeing as she’s entirely helpless right now.
The Adrenaline Champion realized where she was and began struggling feverishly to get her arms free before Stacey delivered a superkick to her jaw. It snapped her head back just before Sky hit another, a grin growing on her face as the referee and Christian were trying to untangle the ropes.
Zack: It’s like shooting fish in a barrel! Stacey has used this again and again…seven of them at Sabotage against Crystal and I don’t think she’s done.
Valerie: There ain’t no way she’s done taking all the free shots she can at Siobhan. And if I were a woman who behaved like that…I wouldn’t be either.
The referee and her manager finally managed to free Siobhan’s arms just as Stacey connected with a third that sent her over the top rope to the floor face down. The fans were rallying behind the redhead as Christian darted around the ring to attend to her. Meanwhile, Kyle looked very pleased and encouraged Stacey to go get her.
Valerie: Kyle’s a bit like the cat that got the cream there. As well he should be. Siobhan’s gonna be more than a little wiped after all that.
Zack: She’s lucky it was only three, because we both know that Stacey could have kept going a lot longer if she had the chance.
The blonde rolled out of the ring, and tossed Siobhan back inside before joining her. She was very slow-moving at this point as she was having trouble just getting to all fours. Meanwhile, Stacey was stalking her from behind and waving her fingers for her to get up. But the Leeds crowd was loudly chanting Siobhan’s name, trying to help her as much as they could.
Zack: If this was anything like the last time, Stacey’s got her favorite submission in mind and I doubt Siobhan will even be with it enough to know where she is, much less submit.
Valerie: I wouldn’t be entirely surprised by that either, honestly. But she’s tenacious to a point of stupid sometimes. Sorry, kid.
Stacey got tired of waiting for her, and yanked her up from behind before applying her crossface chickenwing and dropping back to the mat on her side. Pruitt immediately moved into position, checking on Siobhan…just before she kicked her feet up and over into a ball on top of the blonde while still in the hold!
Pruitt called for the bell just as Stacey broke the hold and sat up stunned. The blonde’s eyes widened as she heard the announcement.
Lexi: Your winner by pinfall……SIOBHAN!!
Valerie: We stand corrected on Siobhan not knowing where she is! Where the HELL did that come from?
Siobhan was still on the mat in pain as Stacey got to her feet, and began pacing angrily as she heard the Adrenaline Champion’s music start playing again. The fans were quite loud in the redhead’s favor as she started to get up and had her hand raised.
Zack: I’m happy for Siobhan but I don’t like where this is going…. Look at Stacey!
Valerie: Peas in a pod here Zack. I’m watching…and I definitely don’t like it.
Sky lunged towards the redhead, shoving her back into the corner before unloading with hammer fists into her head and driving her down to a seat in the corner. Pruitt tried to intervene, only for Stacey to catch her with a spinning backfist to the mouth that dropped the referee. She turned back to her former opponent and pulled her back to her feet, applying her crossface chickenwing again and dropping back to the canvas.
Zack: She laid out the referee, and Siobhan’s back in that submission again! Stacey is incensed!
Valerie: She really, really is. It never ceases to amaze me just how much of a hair trigger Stacey actually has.
Another official headed down to the ring before Christian pulled out a chair, and was heading inside before Kyle held up his hand. He stepped between the ropes, and grabbed the blonde’s hand. She then seemed to cool off a bit and shoved Siobhan off her before getting back to her feet.
Zack: Christian was about to put a stop to that, but we know Kilmeade is the only one I know of who can bring her out of these rages. Can you believe she was once a cheerleader?!
Valerie: If I base my knowledge of cheerleaders on American teenage comedy dramas…yeah, I can believe it! Those girls always struck me as hella vicious.
Kyle escorted his client out of the ring as Christian was attending to Siobhan. The fans booed the blonde every step of the way as the camera zoomed in on Christian talking to his client. All it picked up was her telling him she wanted a rematch with an angry look on her face.
Zack: She wants…to do it again?
Valerie: I mean…she just got the crap beaten out of her for the crime of winning. I can see why she wants it. Don’t necessarily agree with her, but I can see it.
The show goes to a split screen and there we see Sapphire and Emerald munching popcorn and clearly enjoying what they had just seen.
Zack: And there’s her opponent two weeks from tonight at Undeniable 2 loving every second of it. Siobhan will defend the Adrenaline title against Sapphire. And if you hung Sapphire for being a decent human being, you’d hang an innocent woman.
Valerie: That is not untrue. At all. God I hope she wipes that smug smile off Sapphire’s face in two weeks.
The show then cuts elsewhere inside the First Direct Arena.
Carson’s Magnum Opus Recorded This Afternoon…Carson looks more than a little put out at the moment before he’s joined by Sara. She flashes a smile to him before she addresses the camera. Both of them get boos from the fans watching the clip in the arena. Sara: I know it’s going to be a busy day for you, Mr. Black. I also wanted you to know what a terrific job you’ve been doing overall, and especially with tonight’s card in a dump like Leeds. His demeanor seems to be less coarse after hearing the compliment. Carson: I appreciate your kind words, Sara. With Undeniable 2 a mere two weeks away, I have indeed been quite busy getting all the ducks in a row, so to speak. And while I wait for Mr. Grant, allow me to share some details with you about that show. I’ll be adding a new match to the card. After her defeat two weeks ago, I decided Miss Page deserves a chance to avenge her loss, especially as Miss Van Zyl had quite a few. So I am adding Allison Sullivan versus Tiffany Lynn Page to Undeniable 2. Sara nods approvingly as she hears that. Sara: It’s only fair. Gina had like 3 chances, so why shouldn’t Tiffany have at least one? I would ask another question, but I see the man you’re looking for coming this way. Carson glances towards the direction she is, and then back to her. Carson: That he is. I’ll handle it, thank you for stopping by. He tells Sara before she turns and walks away only a few seconds before Adam enters the shot. The fans in the arena give him quite a loud response. Adam: You wanted to chat, right? Sorry about yesterday. Missy was showing me some of her favorite places from when she lived here. I assume everything is fine with the show? Carson nodded curtly. Carson: Yes. What I wanted to talk with you about is Mr. Chandler’s return coming up at Undeniable 2. I know what you said a few weeks ago, but if he’s coming back to resume his role as the Director, I don’t think I agree with that. Adam: I’m sorry to hear that. But I told him the job would be waiting for him when he comes back, and I told you that you were going to only have the role until that time. Did I not? Carson: You did. But I’ve barely had any time to run this show. I’ve not had the chance to implement the things I wanted to see done, and I think I deserve at least that much. It’s bad enough I got saddled with Melody, whom I did not need. Adam: Jake hired Melody. And since this is a TEMPORARY position for you until he returns, I wasn’t going to fire her for you. Look, you did a good job for the time you had. Just consider Undeniable 2 as your magnum opus, and then you can get back to your talent agency. Carson pauses here, causing the CEO to think they were done. As Adam was about to walk away, he grabbed his arm. Carson: What if he changes his mind? Adam: I…I don’t think that’s going to happen. At least not judging by the conversations I’ve had with him. Carson: I said what if he does? Adam: Well…in the event he does, you can stay on in the role. But I wouldn’t get my hopes up on that, Carson. I don’t think it’s going to happen. I’ll let you get back to what you were doing. You did great. He gave Black a pat on the arm before walking away, leaving Carson clearly thinking as a graphic shows on the screen with Jake’s picture showing he will return in 2 weeks at Undeniable 2. The fans in Leeds give a loud response to that.
on: February 11, 2025, 01:41:55 pm
Started by Adam Grant - Last post by Adam Grant
The show returns from the commercial break to Prime, where we find Lexi once again in the ring ready for the next introductions.
Lexi: The following contest is scheduled for one fall to a finish with a 20 minute time limit!
The dirty technologic sounds of “Don’t Stop” echo through the sound system, and as the beat drops, the massive “AC” logo flashes in bright neon blue on the main screen. The crowd is already reacting to it with mixed reactions, mostly boos, as Anna Cortez steps through the entrance gate and stops atop the ramp, being closely followed by Christian Kincaid. She stands there for a second, surveying the environment, before walking down the ramp, her focus zeroed in on the ring.
Lexi: Introducing first, from Fort Worth, Texas… ANNA CORTEZ!
Anna takes the steel steps into the ring and jumps in, moving to the turnbuckle opposite from where she entered, hopping on the second rope and just allowing herself and the crowd to look at one another, almost as if it was the protocol… Before jumping back down to the ring and removing her coat and glasses, putting it all aside as she takes shelter on her corner.
Zack: Ever since breaking away from her sister, I think Anna’s skills have improved. I think we can both agree that Luna would be an overbearing influence on anyone. Also CK is gonna be a busy man tonight, we’ll be seeing a lot more of him all the way down the card.
Valerie: You’ll hear no argument from me. Anna’s always been a force and anyone who disagrees with that can keep it to themselves. On her own though, and forging her own path? She’s really changed the way she works and I am entirely here for it.
If you havin' girl problems I feel bad for you son I got 99 problems, and a bitch ain't one
Much to the dismay of the crowd - the very country heavy version of 99 Problems comes onto the PA the arena’s lights dim and golden strobe lights roam the building from the stage out and back into the center of it to the beat of the song, as gold and pink electricity courses over the big display wall.
Tip my hat to the sun in the West Feel the beat right in my chest At the cross roads a second time Make the devil change his mind It's a pound of flesh but it's really a ton 99 problems and a bitch ain't one
Phoenix steps out onto the ramp with a cheshire like smile seemingly soaking in the hatred of the crowd as she makes her way to the center of the ramp, turning back to watch her manager Kyle Kilmeade walk out behind her only for them to share a look with one another before he joins her center stage with the golden spotlights finally settling on the both of them before Pink fireworks shoot up from the stage and golden sparkles from from the rafters much to the blonde’s delight.
If you're having girl problems I feel bad for your son I got 99 problems and a bitch ain't one 99 problems But a bitch ain't one
Phoenix and Kyle start to slowly stroll down the ramp engaged in quite the conversation as they both ignore the crowd, as if they weren’t even there. As they make their way to the ring Lexi begins her introduction.
Lexi: In the ring, hailing from Fairbanks Alaska, and being accompanied by the ‘best manager’ in the industry, Kyle Kilmeade...she is the future Diamond Champion...Phoeeeeeenixxxxxxxx Gaaaaallooowwwwayyyy!
Like broken glass under my feet I can lose my mind in this heat Lookin' for the prize but I don't want blood Oh I won't drink then I drink the flood Well you can come inside but your friends can't come 99 problems and a bitch ain't one
Phoenix begins to complain about the intro that Lexi gave her as Kyle helps the blonde up the steps following behind her, only to open the ring ropes for the Alaskan to climb in the ring, shaking her head at Lexi while rolling her eyes, she climbs the near turnbuckle and starts to tell the crowd how she’s the best Alaskan wrestler before she hops down.
If you havin' girl problems I feel bad for you son I got 99 problems, but a bitch ain't one I got 99 99 99 99 99 problems But a bitch ain't one
The buff Barbie goes to the opposite corner and steps back up on the middle turnbuckle; she again shrugs as she happily tells the crowd how “she’s the best.” She turns around and much like her mom she sits on the top turnbuckle waiting for the match to begin, and getting last minute advice from Kyle.
Zack: The #1 contender for the Diamond Championship coming up at Undeniable 2 has plenty of self-confidence. She tried to buy the title two weeks ago during Angela’s match with Sapphire to what would be described as very limited success, and…she’s adopted Kyle’s entrance theme apparently.
Valerie: I love her mother to death right, but I swear this is a thing that happens when you spoil people. Which also leaves a very interesting situation in the event of her first loss…probably try to buy her way out of it. Music wise though…I don’t even like Jay-Z and this is just a bastardisation of a midway okay song.
Referee Kevin Fisk called for the bell to start the match as Phoenix was propped up against the corner, looking fairly bored as she watched Anna across from her in her corner. The triplet was listening to something Christian told her as she pushed up to her feet and headed towards the center of the ring. Her opponent, however, couldn’t have looked less interested as she faked a yawn and strolled towards her.
Zack: I’ve seen on social media where Phoenix has called Anna the least relevant of her sisters. You underestimate Anna at your own peril. Of her three sisters, she has explosive knockout power.
Valerie: I saw that too. I won’t tell you how hard I rolled my eyes. Underestimating another wrestler is a death sentence.
That’s when the smack talking started from Phoenix as she looked down at her shorter opponent. Anna remained emotionless as she listened to the blonde demean her and ask her insulting questions. But she wasn’t getting a response from the triplet. She shoved her backwards next as Anna glanced towards Christian…and superkicked Phoenix right on the chin before she dove on top of her! Fisk slid into position quickly to make the count.
Zack: Phoenix is really underest–oh my God…OH MY GOD! WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!
Galloway kicked out in time as Anna got back to her feet. She watched as the statuesque blonde struggled to do the same before she bolted forward with a bicycle knee. It sent the buff Barbie staggering backwards into the ropes before Cortez used a shotgun dropkick to send her over the top rope to the floor.
Valerie: Like we said, bad idea! And I don’t think Anna took too kindly to it either.
Kyle darted around the corner to go help his client, while Christian had what would best be described as a shit-eating grin on his face. As soon as Kilmeade helped Phoenix back to her feet, Anna took off again. She bounced off the far side, used a vertical leap to land on the top rope before using a corkscrew body to splash Phoenix to the floor. And the Leeds crowd LOVED it. And the normally stoic Anna’s expression showed she was now…grumpy.
Valerie: Leeds feels the same way about that as I do! Never thought I’d see anything other than straight determination on Anna’s face either.
Zack: I’d say she has all kinds of reasons to feel the way that she does. And right now, Anna’s running the table and making it look easy!
She pulled the blonde back to her feet long enough to toss her back into the ring before sliding in after her. Galloway got to all fours and started to crawl away from her before Anna hopped up onto the closest corner behind her. Phoenix got to her feet before Anna dove off onto her shoulders, and spiked her with a dragonrana that brought the Leeds fans to their feet before she made the cover.
Zack: Anna’s putting on a master class tonight in Leeds! Least relevant, you say?!
She got her shoulder off the mat again as Kyle was pounding the mat with one hand, while he had the Feud of the Year plaque in the other. Anna glanced towards her manager, and Christian couldn’t have looked more pleased with what he was seeing.
Valerie: My first question is why would you try and write your opponent off like that? My second question is why the hell is Kyle got that plaque with him?
Anna headed for the corner, and dropped down to a crouch as Phoenix was trying to get up again. Kyle was adamantly shouting advice to her as she did so. Back to a vertical base, she turned around as Anna launched towards her. She left her feet, but Galloway caught her on her shoulders. The blonde smirked for about half a second before Anna countered her holding her like that with a crucifix powerbomb into a rollup. Fisk dove into position!
Zack: She caught her! Phoenix caught…Well maybe not! Anna was ready, and she’s about to pitch a shutout!
Galloway got her arm free in time, and Cortez rolled away to her feet. The Leeds crowd was even louder now as the triplet paced behind Phoenix. Christian shouted towards his colleague “Oh yeah, she’s definitely the least relevant” with a grin on his face.
Valerie: Well said there, Christian. Fair to point out though that we all know how protective he is over all his clients. But he’s right, Anna has entirely dominated so far.
She pulled the blonde back to her feet, and whipped her into the far corner. Anna followed after her with a corner clothesline followed by a trio of chops. Another hard Irish whip sent Phoenix into the far corner with Anna right behind her. The triplet hopped up to the middle just as Galloway boosted her up even higher before diving out of the way. Cortez plummeted face first into the top turnbuckle and crumpled to the canvas. The #1 contender for the Diamond Championship stumbled away from her, trying to get herself together as quickly as she could.
Valerie: And just like that, Phoenix got her opening. She absolutely needed it in any case. Good quick thinking on her part, too.
Zack: Galloway finally got her foot in the door, but she’s been catching it from every direction. She has to stay on top of Anna now, because she doesn’t want to see what that second wind might look like.
Kyle was still shouting advice from the floor as Phoenix turned around to see Anna using the ropes to get back to her feet. It was short-lived though as the blonde charged her with a running tackle from behind that crunched her against the corner. She quickly hooked both arms into a full nelson before dragging Anna away from the ropes and began to shake her violently in the hold in the center of the ring.
Zack: Phoenix reminds me of one of those wildlife specials where bears pluck fish out of the water and shake them just before they eat them. Anna’s getting the rag doll treatment now.
Valerie: I’m not sure it’s the best tactic to go for all things considered, but it’s a thing that she’s doing all the same. If it works for her, I guess?
She finally stopped shaking her as Anna hung from the full nelson, seemingly limp at the moment. Christian moved around to that side of the ring so he could make eye contact with his client, and he was saying something to her before Phoenix started shaking her all over again as Anna’s black hair whipped about for a few seconds before she hung from the blonde’s grip again.
Zack: Phoenix generally likes to take a risk or two and show some speed, but I think Anna may have put the fear of God into her just thinking about trying that. Now she’s imposing a serious power advantage expertly instead.
Valerie: Which makes sense. She’s bigger than Anna and I would presume maybe stronger than her too. It also lets those of us who haven’t seen a whole lot of her besides Future Shock see a proper repertoire.
Fisk checked with Anna about stopping the match, but he got no sign that’s what she wanted. Instead she began to kick backwards with her foot onto the blonde’s knee. One shot after another after another until Galloway lost her grip, allowing Anna to break free. The triplet spun towards her with a roundhouse kick, only to get caught and sent flying with a leg hook Saito suplex that deposited her onto the mat. Phoenix rubbed her knee briefly with a scowl on her face.
Zack: That’s a novel way to break the full nelson I don’t see very often. Good training pays off, right? We’ll be seeing much more of CK tonight as he’s got two more matches on the bounce still to come.
Valerie: I don’t understand how we don’t see that more. It’s a solid way to get the hell out of it, especially when someone’s literally just tried to ragdoll you.
Anna was slow to get back to her feet as Phoenix hit the near side ropes, and rebounded into a lariat that mowed the triplet back to the mat. She planted her head before scooping her up into a turnbuckle powerbomb that crumpled Anna against the corner. Phoenix stood on her chest in the corner, getting a four count from the referee and boos from the crowd before she stepped off after that.
Zack: Phoenix has successfully grounded Anna, but this is hardly any kind of prep for Angela two weeks from tonight. The Diamond Champion is a brute, and Phoenix has already pissed her off with what happened on our last show when she was facing Sapphire.
Valerie: The only thing getting a win ahead of facing Angela is going to do is get herself some momentum. Angela is an entirely different beast to Anna so playing the power game - while smart for this match - isn’t gonna do anything for her in a fortnight.
Phoenix dragged Anna by the arm out of the corner, and followed that by dropping an elbow to her chest. She quickly got back to her feet, leaning against the ropes as she waited for the brunette to get back to her feet. As soon as she did, she bounced off the ropes for her springboard Superman punch that floored Anna to the mat. Phoenix made the cover with a loose leg hook as she counted with her fingers along with the referee!
Zack: An old favorite from the Samara Steele playbook, and Phoenix is ready to pack her bags to Foxborough!
Even though Phoenix had three fingers up, the referee only got to two before he reached over and put one of her fingers down. That got him a dirty look as the blonde got back to her feet.
Valerie: Ohhhhh she getting mad about that one. Not that I blame her, I was halfway to convinced that was the end of it all too.
Phoenix headed for the corner next, making her way to the top rope at a somewhat leisurely pace, thanks to a great deal of confidence. She launched herself into a top rope elbow drop, only for Anna to roll away and let her hit the canvas instead. The fans were trying to rally the triplet back to her feet as she used the ropes to help her get up again.
Zack: The mat was not the intended recipient for that elbow drop, but Phoenix took way too long to get up there too.
Valerie: She really did, and now she’s paying for it. Anna’s got a good recovery time on her and Phoenix just found that out the hard way.
Galloway was up a second later rubbing her elbow before Anna darted towards her. The blonde went to grab her, only for Anna to use a baseball slide between her legs and get back to her feet. When the buff Barbie turned around, Anna left her feet for a lungblower that sent her to the mat. She scrambled on top of her for the cover as Fisk dropped to make the count.
Zack: Phoenix turned right into that one, and Anna’s three seconds away from ending an undefeated streak!
Galloway got her shoulder up in time though, and Anna was back to her feet again a second later. She leaned against the corner as Christian was sharing some advice with her at ringside.
Valerie: Scratch that idea! Phoenix has still got some left in the tank.
Anna watched her opponent as she began to rise, and then took off towards her with what looked like a clothesline. But she ran into Phoenix’s hand around her throat instead, and was driven into the mat with a Rydeen bomb. The buff Barbie rolled to her feet, and returned to the corner amid a shower of boos from the fans.
Zack: She ran right into that one, and now Phoenix is gonna go up top again. Let’s see if the last verse is the same as the first!
Valerie: One way to find out!
She wasted no time at this point as she scaled the corner and delivered her shooting star corkscrew elbow drop! The blonde snagged both legs as she rolled over for the cover before Fisk dropped to count.
Zack: It paid off in dividends that time with TOTES OUTRAGEOUS… sounds like Sapphire.
The referee called for the bell before Phoenix made it back to her feet. She tapped her wrist as she glared at the official before he raised her hand and her music restarted.
Valerie: Phoenix keeps her streak going, which is exactly what she was looking for.
Lexi: Your winner by pinfall…….PHOENIX GALLOWAY!!!
Christian reaches in to pull Anna towards him to look her over as Kyle joins his client in the ring. To say he looks pleased is an understatement as he too raises her hand, which brings a smile to her face.
Zack: These two managers will be matching wits again in the next match, but Phoenix heads to Undeniable 2 with her record still intact. Val, are you excited to be calling your first Future Shock event amidst over 70,000 fans in Foxborough, Massachusetts?
Valerie: If someone thinks I’m not excited about that, they’ve not been paying attention. Not about me though, it’s gonna be about that woman standing tall right now doing her damndest to get that title off Angela. And a whole bundle of others.
As the fans continue to rain boos down on Angela’s future challenger, the show heads elsewhere inside the First Direct Arena.
Sara vs. Luci, Round 1 Sara is shown standing on the stage in front of the Leeds crowd as she introduces her guest to the fans in the First Direct Arena. Sara: Leeds, England, please join me in welcoming my guest at this time. She is currently representing Australia in Global Wars…and not very well. Luci, welcome to Leeds, England! Have you ever visited the city before? Luci takes a second before she answers, giving the reporter a look. Luci: Thanks…for that. I’m sure we all needed reminded I’m the only Global Wars competitor without points on the board. Truly. And no, I’ve never been to Leeds before. England isn’t a country I’ve spent a whole lot of time in. They’re good people form what I’ve met though. Sara: Well that’s nice. I’m sure they are happy to see you. Aren’t you? She asks the crowd, who clearly gives Luci a very favorable welcome. Sara: But back to Global Wars, what do you attribute your current string of failures to in the series? I mean you’re halfway through, and it’s getting a bit tight, isn’t it? Luci: Yeah, it is a bit tight. But this is the thing. It happens that way sometimes. I’m not happy about it, there’s no getting out of that. But that isn’t to suggest that I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure that I don’t find myself in the position that Canada were in last year. A string of losses, longer than I would like it to be, isn’t a definition of my character the same way a string of wins that I accrued last year aren’t a definition either. I don’t attribute anything to it. I don’t go into my matches with anything but the intention of winning. It just so happens that it hasn’t gone that way in the last three. Sara: It certainly hasn’t. The fans are booing Sara at this point. Sara: You seemed out of your depth against Missy when all the fans put you into that match thinking you’d be a good opponent for her. Not so much. Alyson’s had less than five matches, and that went south. And in the tag match, well that went to pot too. Do you think you just choke in very important matches nowadays? While the fans are booing Sara, Luci just looks irritated. Luci: I have that opinion of myself the same way that you have the opinion you haven’t spent the last few months being an absolute bitch for no reason, now extending that to wrestlers who’ve hit a stroke of bad luck. Do your job in the way you’re supposed to. Without trying to lead a narrative. Unlike the Future Shock Champion, I’m not worried about saying what I think about those of us who aren’t trained. Sara: I’ve been hearing that again and again, and I’ve not asked Adam any questions that were unfair. He runs all of FFW. If talking to me is that big of an issue for him, maybe he needs to step down. I’m sure Mr. Black would be more than happy to assume the role for him. Luci smirks. Luci: Who said anything about Adam? It wasn’t me. So by virtue of the fact you said it, you must think the shoe fits. Maybe wear it, as I wear the fitting shoe of a woman who’s dropped three matches in a row and of a woman who thinks you’ve been out of line with everyone for the past few months. You can ask any questions you like. But you seem to think you can speak to and of people in the same way that Lacey can, and no one’s going to bat an eye because you’re just a journalist. Sara: Why are we name dropping the Pure Champion? She just defeated Diamond on Atomic this past Saturday. What does she have to do with these narratives people are labeling me with? I haven’t even spoken to her. Luci: You do enjoy deflecting and not answering a question. But I’ll answer yours. She was the first person that came to mind when I thought of the way that you’re speaking to people. And are continuing to do so like it won’t land you in more trouble than it’s worth. You’ve been round the block a couple times with this company, you should know by now that this only ends with someone wanting to take a shot. But don’t worry, it won’t be me. People who hide behind guards of their job aren’t the most interesting people to get into an altercation with. Sara almost huffs as she looks at the camera, still with the fans booing her. Sara: We didn’t get any answers unfortunately on Luci’s current form in Future Shock. When we come back though, we’ll see our first of two champion versus champion matches when the reigning co-holder of the Undisputed Tag Title Stacey Sky meets the Adrenaline Champion Siobhan. She tosses her microphone to Luci and walks off the stage before the show goes to a commercial break on Prime.
on: February 11, 2025, 01:41:45 pm
Started by Adam Grant - Last post by Adam Grant
Location: First Direct Arena in Leeds, England February 11, 2025The driving beats of “I Don’t Wanna Stop” by Ozzy Osbourne start playing as we see a subway train barreling through the tunnels underneath a city. That’s where we find a fan watching Future Shock on a tablet, zooming forward to show Missy’s recent performances at both the Fatale Royale and Unstoppable 15 before the tablet gets swatted out of the fan’s hand. He looks up to see Luna Cortez scowling as she storms toward the camera. Then we see Charlotte Harker’s reign as Anarchy Champion and her path of destruction. I don't know what they're talkin' about I'm makin' my own decisions This thing that I found ain't gonna bring me down I'm like a junkie without an addiction In the next subway car, we find River Campbell and Latina Heat. The former tag champions are trying to talk her into something before clips of both their last year and River’s ascension to the Nova Championship are shown to the viewers. In the next car, Target Acquired are heading in their direction as they walk past Jamie Winters, who throws a deck of cards at the camera before she disappears. All my life I've been over the top I don't know what I'm doin' All I know is I don't wanna stop All fired up, I'm gonna go 'til I drop You're either in or in the way Don't make me, I don't wanna stop In a car all to herself, Lacey is seen with her feet propped up and running her finger along the centerplate of the Pure Championship. She looks over her shoulder to see Kyle, bringing a smile to her face as we get a closer look at her highlights of the last year which culminated in her taking that title in December of 2024. Too many religions but only one god I don't need another savior Don't try to change my mind You know I'm one of a kind Ain't gonna change my bad behavior Clips of Phoenix Galloway and Tiffany Lynn Page are shown as well as Luci and Leona Vega before we cut to a desk with a picture of Jake Chandler on it. A hand swats the picture to the trash before we see the hand belongs to Carson, all the while someone is standing right over his shoulder before we go back to the subway car. It comes to a halt before the doors open as Siobhan bolts out, and we go live inside the arena. Fireworks erupt from the stage with two tunnels on either side of a large video wall. The camera pans the roaring crowd as Ozzy’s song continues playing before we go down to the broadcast booth with Zack and Valerie. The camera spins around to show all of the raucous fans in the crowd before it finally settles on Zack and Valerie standing in front of the broadcast booth. Zack: For the first time in FFW history, FFW has visited Leeds, England, which happens to be the hometown of the two women in tonight’s main event. Welcome to the Leeds Arena, where 13,288 fans have all come together for Future Shock’s first visit. I’m Zack Hudson, and this is Valerie McFarlane. Ever been to Leeds before tonight? Valerie: It might surprise no one to learn that this is a city I’ve been to many times over the years, mostly when my own dad was active. It’s an absolutely fantastic city and as far they’ve been as phenomenal as I remember it ever being! We’ve done Sheffield a few times with Future Shock, which for some Americans is basically a trip to the supermarket away! Regardless of that fact though, we are in the home of two talents and I’m as convinced as anyone that they’re going to put on the show of their lives in a hometown crowd. Zack: Champion versus Champion in our main event. Leeds’ own prodigal daughters, Future Shock Champion MIssy and her twin sister and new co-holder of the FFW Undisputed Tag Titles Cassandra Sheffield face off for the first time in FFW. Who do you like here? Both have some serious momentum right now. Also curious how many Cassandra fans we have tonight. Valerie: They absolutely do have some of the best momentum going in, and I know which twin I fancy taking the win, as I’m sure you do too. But I’m also not going to put myself in a situation where I would presume half a crowd wants my guts because I said the wrong sister! Missy’s the most dominant of Future Shock perhaps ever, but Cassandra’s riding one hell of a wave thanks to her win against Prophecy. Zack: But Carson didn’t just bring ONE of the new tag champions to the show. We’re also gonna see her tag partner, “Sensational” Stacey Sky, really test the mettle of the current reigning Future Shock Adrenaline Champion Siobhan. Many may recall Stacey was among the last to hold the Adrenaline title in SVW. Two champion vs. champion matches! Valerie: Siobhan’s gonna have one hell of a sore head after this one! Stacey is as vicious as they come, and it’s gonna show. But we had her challenger in the ring two weeks ago, makes sense that we would get both of them before they face each other. And while Stacey is vicious, we’ve seen just how fast and unpredictable the Adrenaline Champion can get. Zack: Sapphire faced a champion two weeks ago, only fair that Siobhan gets the same treatment, I say. And with the tag titles as we know, the champions have free reign over both rosters. Valerie: They do! So you can assume that they’d be watching what’s going on in Future Shock to see who might want to take a shot at them. With the match in front of us though, I would like to hope that at least one half of the title match in a fortnight can go in there with a win. Zack: Speaking of the Adrenaline division, whoo boy! I have been very curious to see this one since it was announced. SVW’s final Adrenaline Champion Anna Cortez returns to the ring, and we both know she’d love a crack at the title. But her opponent tonight? The undefeated and potentially the next Diamond Champion Phoenix Galloway. Valerie: I don’t know if you saw Zack, but Phoenix is definitely making the hole after her escapades a couple weeks ago worse by implying Angela owes her for her donation to the fans, Which is..logic, I guess. All the same, it’s gonna be brilliant seeing Anna back in the ring and back to chasing for the Adrenaline. It’s all things speed, starting to feel! Zack: Do you think hanging the first loss on Phoenix’s record would put Anna right in line behind whoever leaves Undeniable 2 with the Adrenaline Championship? I certainly do. Valerie: I wouldn’t argue with that in the slightest. The only argument against it would be that Siobhan’s already put a loss on Anna, but beating the as-far unbeaten Phoenix would absolutely re-open that discussion to my eyes. Zack: Also tonight, we’ll see the return to action of Gina Van Zyl. Last we saw her, it was a…uh, tempestuous tag team with Domino at the end of 2024. But then again, Domino didn’t really gel too well with Madyson either, did she? Either way, our South African star will meet Constance McCullough one on one. Valerie: That’s going to be a very interesting match. Neither woman really has much going their way at all, especially in Constance’s case where she’s not actually had a match for a while. But we all know she’s plucky, so that may work to her advantage. Now if Gina could take that angry energy she had in that tag match and use it to her favour, she’d be pretty set. Zack: We’re just two weeks away from Future Shock Undeniable 2 at Gillette Stadium on February 25th in the home of the New England Patriots in Foxborough, Massachusetts. A lot of matches have already been announced, and we found out from Kyle of all people that’ll be when we get to see Jake again. I’m looking forward to that, even if I don’t think Carson is. Valerie: As am I! I’ve missed him. Carson isn’t pleased, not that anyone would expect him to be. It’s the last show before the All Access, and it’s gonna be an absolute doozy! Zack: Let’s get it started! Lexi, it’s all yours! The show cuts to the ring with Lexi dressed in a white and red dress matching the colors of the country’s flag as she begins to speak. Lexi: LEEDS, ENGLAND… Cheap pop. Lexi: Welcome to FUTURE SHOCK!! Another cheap pop. Lexi: The opening contest of Future Shock in Leeds, England…
Cheap pop again.
Lexi: It’s scheduled for one fall with a 20 minute time limit!
"Ladies and Gentlemen" by Saliva plays as Gina steps through the curtain. She runs down the entrance ramp, and slides under the bottom rope. She climbs the middle turnbuckle and smirks as the crowd reacts. She chuckles before sarcastically blowing a kiss to the crowd before jumping down from the turnbuckle.
Lexi: Making her way to the ring, from Cape Town, South Africa "The Show" Gina Van Zyl!
Zack: We spent a good portion of the latter bit of 2024 thinking Gina was a sympathetic person with all the stuff she had to deal with from Tiffany Lynn Page. But that mask fell off with a thud in the tag match on the throwback show when she was teaming with Domino against Phoenix and Tiffany.
Valerie: Oh don’t get me wrong, I still feel a little bad for her having to deal with that nonsense from Page. But not nearly as much as I do now. But in any case, she’s still looking for that first win and dear Lord she needs it.
"Anti-Hero" by Taylor Swift begins to play as red and white lights flash around the entrance area, a momentary wait until a tall, lean blonde emerges through the curtain. She's all smiles as she raises her arms to wave at the crowd before her, almost skipping towards the ring.
Lexi: From Gladstone, Missouri, she is Constance...McCullough!!!
Constance reaches the ring and climbs onto her knees on the apron, rolling under the bottom rope into the splits, arms raised once more and her mouth wide open in glee. She quickly rolls and tucks her legs to the side, standing up ready for the match to begin.
Zack: Constance is a favorite, and easily one of the most earnest and hard working women on this roster. She may not have a huge win list, but I respect that she leaves it all in the ring and it never seems to affect her, instead serving as motivation. Of course, it’s even more impressive when you look at the list of insufferable women she’s dealt with, like Luna and Delilah.
Valerie: I know right! It’s something I absolutely love about Constance. She just keeps on plugging, and it’s amazing for her. Wins are great, but attitude gets you so much respect that it’s insane. I’d like to think her attitude has gotten her a few fans at least. I know there are two here.
Referee Stephen Wilson called for the bell as Gina and Constance met in the center of the ring. The pair locked up together with the blonde getting pushed back into the ropes. Gina gave a clean break except for a short knee to the body that Constance wasn’t expecting. Three more quick shots landed before she raked her eyes across the top rope, and then brought her down with a side Russian leg sweep to the canvas.
Zack: Gina does have an experience advantage over Constance, and she’s certainly got a much more pronounced mean streak too, as we saw towards the end of last year.
Valerie: True on both counts, and I’m sure that’s something we’re going to see more of going forward. And it’s showing, since Gina has an advantage here.
The blonde was getting back to her feet when she found herself in a front facelock before a barrage of knees to the body landed. Van Zyl followed that with a vertical suplex before flipping over on top of her in the mount position, then paint-brushing her face with both hands in a show of disrespect before she got back to her feet. The Leeds crowd showed her very little support at all, and it was clear quickly that she didn’t care.
Zack: Gina’s not really going out of her way to win over our fans here in Leeds on FFW’s first visit to the city. I don’t think this will be a host city for any fan clubs for her.
Valerie: She doesn’t need to gain fans though, that’s the thing. She just needs to do her job. Can’t hold that one against her too much.
Van Zyl pulled her up again, this time with both arms before she connected with a butterfly suplex to the canvas. She measured and delivered a knee drop to her head, and pelted the side with elbows till she got back to her feet. But Constance refused to stay down, and was beginning to get up when a hair mare by the South African star sent her to the canvas. A cheerleader leg drop to the chest landed before she went for the cover with the far leg hooked.
Zack: I was about to say Constance needs to get out of the blocks, but she may not get the chance here!
But Constance still had fight left in her as she kicked out just before the two count landed. Gina dragged her back to her feet, and hammered her with forearm strikes to the head before firing her into the far corner with an Irish whip.
Valerie: She really, really isn’t getting a chance to get out of the blocks and honestly, that’s the part that sucks for her right now. It’s just been everything except her getting a move in.
Van Zyl measured her, and took off as Constance’s chest struck the corner. The redhead was looking for a running boot to the back of her head, only for McCullough to sidestep her. Gina’s leg cleared the top turnbuckle, and got stuck before the blonde drove one forearm after another into the back of her head. And in a first, she grabbed Gina’s head and used it to drive into her own knee once and again since her leg was still hung on the top turnbuckle.
Zack: Van Zyl got hung up, and look at that! I’ve never seen anyone drive an opponent’s head into their own knee like this!
Valerie: Hey, if it works! That might be the break that Constance needed though, Lord knows she needs one.
Constance freed her from being caught the hard way when she snatched her into a rear waistlock, and sent her into the mat with a German suplex. She rolled through, pulling Gina up again for a second and a third and a fourth. She still hadn’t let go though, and pulled the redhead up yet again for a release German suplex.
Zack: Constance is snapping off those suplexes like she got them on sale, and Gina’s getting to know every part of the canvas as a result.
Valerie: Gina’s gonna be wondering where her head is after that.
The Leeds fans were entirely behind the blonde as she got back to her feet. As Gina tried to get up, that’s when Constance bounced off the far side to deliver a one-handed bulldog that put the redhead face down on the canvas. But Van Zyl tried to get to all fours, only to receive an axe kick to the back of her head to stop that before McCullough fell into position to make the cover. Wilson was quickly ready to make the count.
Zack: That axe kick hit paydirt, and she may have knocked Gina into the next postal code!
However, the South African star got her shoulder up before the three count. Constance rolled off the cover, and headed to the nearest corner before hopping up to sit on the top turnbuckle as she waved for her opponent to get back to her feet.
Valerie: Setting up for some high rewards here. Constance working out that she needs more than a bunch of suplexes to get her way.
But the redhead took her time getting up. When she finally did and turned around, Constance came off the corner with a meteora…that missed. Gina darted to the left, and McCullough landed on both knees instead. Van Zyl retaliated with a knee trembler to the side of her head that put her face down on the mat.
Zack: Your knees are not meant to be used like that, and Gina was able to give herself plenty of time to get her bearings.
Valerie: Really really. Probably gave Gina a little too long before launching herself and it’s cost her.
Gina’s face showed the pain she was still feeling though as she used a double stomp to the blonde’s back before she had a chance to get up again. From there, McCullough was whipped into the far side and scooped up on the rebound into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. She grabbed both feet and flipped her over into a Boston crab, causing Constance’s back to bend in a very awkward position. The referee was there to see about a submission, but it was quickly clear that McCullough wasn’t interested in that.
Zack: Submission or not, this gives Gina time to rework her game plan for this match. Applying a Boston crab isn’t that taxing, but being stuck in one…
Valerie: Being stuck in one hurts all the same. Never used one with the intent of getting a tap, but doing that thing you said there. Gives you a minute to get yourself together. And Constance is the kind of wrestler you need to keep your wits about you with.
Constance had long since been reaching for the ropes, which weren’t very far at all. She stretched to the point where her face was showing the pain before she finally got her hand under the bottom rope and grabbed the apron. Wilson called for a break, which Gina gave at a 4 count. She tried to pull the blonde towards the center, but McCullough had grabbed the bottom rope with both hands to stop her.
Zack: Looks like Gina wants to try it again in the center of the ring, but Constance isn’t going without a fight. She’s got a death grip on that bottom rope.
Valerie: Best thing to do in that situation. It’s not gonna help Constance’s pain while Gina’s dragging her, but it’s better than being dragged to the middle.
Van Zyl tried to pull her again, but Constance brought her knees up and pulled Gina into her as a result. That’s when the right hands started flying as the blonde pummeled her with shots to the head. They rocked the redhead backwards as McCullough got to her feet, and delivered a spinning roundhouse kick that dropped the South African star to her knees. The fans in Leeds were much louder in support of the blonde as she leaned against the ropes, trying to collect herself.
Zack: Constance back on her feet again, and this looks like the perfect position for Constance’s favorite—JAWJACKER!!
The blonde darted forward with her Busaiku knee to the jaw that crumpled Gina to the mat before she was rolled over for the cover with the far leg hooked. Wilson dropped to make the count.
The referee called for the bell before Constance slowly rose back to her feet. She had her hand raised, bringing a tired smile to her face as her music began to play again.
Valerie: Constance picks up a win for the first time in an age! And she had to fight hard for that one.
Lexi: Your winner by pinfall…..CONSTANCE McCULLOUGH!!
She propped up against the ropes to catch her breath as the crowd continued to show her no shortage of love.
Zack: Constance picks up the win tonight in Leeds, and she certainly worked hard for it too. I’d say she should be in the conversation for a Diamond title shot after Undeniable against either Angela or Phoenix. What do you think?
Valerie: I don’t see the harm in putting her in the conversation. I think she’d struggle against Angela or Phoenix, though.
McCullough ducked out of the ring, and began to head towards the back as the show cut to footage recorded this afternoon.
An Unlikely Hyde-ing Place Recorded Earlier Today..A document posted outside the office door of the Director of Future Shock can be seen. Some of it can be, at least, as we see Christian Kincaid reading whatever is on it before he’s about to walk away when he almost runs into… Alyson Hyde, wearing a pair of oversized track pants and a tight tank top, as she looks towards the door then back to her former trainer, a soft smile slowly appears. Aly: You going in there or... He shook his head at the question. Christian: Nope, was just reading the bulletin about Undeniable 2. Congratulations, looks like you’re about to compete in front of 70,000 plus at the stadium show in a couple weeks. Aly: Huh, well that slightly resolves the biggest issue I’ve had for the past two weeks. Who the hell does that heathen think she is? He shrugs his shoulders at the question. Christian; You’d have to ask Domino that, but she probably thinks she’s in the pole position for Global Wars right now. I saw her blow her nose on you last show. Aly: Yep. The word comes more of a growl than an actual statement as she shook her head and bit her lip. Aly: I’m so absolutely sick of being disrespected, it’s not even funny CK. I cannot stand these women. I get why River Campbell flipped the switch, and I’m about to lose my ever loving cool. Christian: That’s not what you need to do against her. He says as he places a hand on her shoulder. Christian: That’s how she’s had a lot of success already. She pisses off her opponents, which in turn, causes them to make a mistake that lets her capitalize. It’s happened almost since the day she got here with Phoenix last year. She does have a weakness, but what you have to do is approach this like a cold-blooded killer. If you let her control your emotions, you’re already behind the eight ball. She let out a sigh and nodded her head, as she let out another frustrated sigh. Aly: She’s got the best of me in her debut, but who hasn’t. I’m looking forward to Undeniable 2, I’m looking forward to switching the gears and the momentum. I need to do something because what I’m doing now it’s just going to cause burn out. And I’m not ready to burn out yet. Christian: You’ll do fine. Global Wars is a pressure cooker unless you’re the one leading it. And no matter which way it goes, you already know that the woman holding the title you want is ready and willing to face you anytime. Right now, she’s just a bit more focused on Sapphire. That comment makes the Canadian born wrestler smile, an actual smile. Aly: I do look good in red. But, right now. I want to be stood in front of a sold out GIllette Stadium on February 25th hearing Mz. Hyde for a second time that night. I want to get my points, I want to be in Florida for my birthday and I want to get the title of Global Wars Champion. I’m not going to fire my husband, I like his face too much at ringside, however if you’re willing to help... I’ve always been willing to learn under you. Christian: Come visit me in Toronto this weekend and next, and I’ll put you through the same regimen I use with the Future Shock Champion. How’s that? I’d say she’s done pretty well for herself. Alyson nods, blushing a little. Aly: So go home, sleep in my own bed, train like a demon and win this whole damn thing. Yeah, Christian. I think I might really like that. Christian: Good girl, that’s how to do it. I’ll see you there. I should get back to the champs actually. He gives her a pat on the arm and continues walking before the show heads to a commercial break. No Adrenaline, Just Anger We go backstage where we find the Adrenaline Champion heading out of her locker room. Siobhan: Where on Earth is she? It’s at the moment a certain blonde Mancunian wrestler appears on shot, a scowl on her face. That, of course, being Sapphire. Sapphire: I made a promise…and I’m going to keep it. Siobhan can only roll her eyes at the challenger to her title. Siobhan: What promise is that? That you’ll crumble in two weeks like you did in August? The redhead grins. Sapphire’s scowl deepens. Siobhan: No, you silly bitch. I made a promise to your mother that I would out you after she assaulted me IN MY OWN HOME! HOW DARE THAT ARROGANT BITCH DO THAT TO ME! IN MY HOUSE! IN FRONT OF MY FAMILY! If the intention had been to intimidate Siobhan, it didn’t work. The champion held a steady gaze to her challenger, though did seem to become slightly annoyed. Siobhan: She told me about that. You deserved it. Just like you deserve what’s coming to you in two weeks when I beat you when it matters most…again. She also told me about that little threat you made…that you’re too cowardly to actually do. We pan out a little bit, and find that Emerald McAdams has joined Sapphire, a grin on her face that makes Siobhan look a little uneasy. Emerald: The only wan wha shid be feart, is yersel’. An’ we a’ know that ye unnerston whit Am saying wi’oot Domino’s translator. Two weeks an’ ’at belt goes where it richtfully belongs. TAE THE GEM STONES! The Gem Stones high five each other while Siobhan rolls her eyes. Meanwhile, in the lower third of the screen, Domino’s translator appears. <translator: Apparently Siobhan understands what Emerald is saying and stupidly believes the Adrenaline Championship is going with the Gem Stones in two weeks.> Emerald: Ye were lookin’ fer yer maw, weren’t ye? Weel, mebbe ye shid dae that. Quickly. Else she micht bleed oot. Fer the tough auld bird ‘at she claims tae be, she didna put up much ae a ficht. <translator: Something about Siobhan looking for her mom and said mom not putting up a fight.> Siobhan looks a little panicked now. It’s then she notices the cricket bat in Emerald’s hand. Sapphire: I promised her I’d get her back for attacking me. So I did. Mummy dearest is out of gas and just like you will be, come Undeniable. I I expected more out of her but it’s a different story when my niece isn’t around. She couldn’t even last EIGHT minutes but then again you will be in the same shape in Foxborough. Siobhan: Where is she. It wasn’t a question. It was a demand, choosing to ignore the egging on from the Englishwoman. The Gem Stones shared a grin, which only made the champion more restless. Emerald looked over her shoulder and Siobhan followed her gaze, her eyes widening in horror at the sight a few feet away. The redhead bolted in that direction, and the camera followed her to the sight of a woman on the floor, instantly recognisable to fans. Emma Mackenzie. Bleeding from the mouth and laying on her back, Siobhan crouched beside her, turning the unconscious woman to her side. Sapphire and Emerald stood about a foot back, still grinning. Unlike Siobhan, the blonde had seen the camera. Sapphire: I’ll see you in two weeks, Siobhan Mackenzie. As the Gem Stones walk away laughing we head somewhere else.
on: February 08, 2025, 01:41:12 pm
Started by Adam Grant - Last post by Adam Grant
The show returns after the commercial break to find Kat in the ring one last time for the night as she begins the introductions.
Kat: The following contest is scheduled for one fall to a finish, and it is your main event of the evening!
Zack: Could we see Diamond Steele jump the line of the Pure Championship division tonight as she’s about to meet the new champion that was crowned at Future Shock’s throwback show in December?
Sapphire: Put on your war paint You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down Strike a match and I'll burn you to the ground We are the jack-o-lanterns in July setting fire to the sky Here, here comes this rising tide, so come on Put on your war paint Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-dies Silver clouds with grey linings
The entire arena goes dark and as it does that is when we can see a huge spotlight hitting the curtain and the silhouettes of five figures illuminate behind the curtain. we are able to see Ruby Steele playing a Bass Guitar, Jenni “Garnet” Taylor playing a guitar, and Emerald McAdams on a drum. They continue playing the song until two figures burst through the curtains. Sapphire is the first one to emerge through the curtain with a diamond studded microphone in one hand, along with the Union Jack Flag designed megaphone in the other. The crowd begins to cheer as loud as they can as she points at the curtain and sings into the microphone.
Sapphire: I'm gonna change Diamond like a remix Then I'll raise her like a phoenix Wearing our vintage misery No, I think it looked a little better on me I'm gonna change her like a remix Then I'll raise her like a phoenix
It’s at that moment that we can see flame pyros going off one after another. We can hear a loud Bird HAWKING nose and that is when Diamond Steele emerges in her Phoenix inspired gear. She smiles as she runs over to her sister Sapphire and hugs her as tight before the two of them walk down to the ring together. Sapphire throws the microphone to someone from staff as she raises the megaphone and hits the siren on it as it sounds loudly. She twirls her arm in the air trying to get the crowd behind her. Diamond just glances over at her shrugging her shoulders as Sapphire screams into the megaphone.
Sapphire: It’s time to stand up and cheer her everybody. Give it up for my sister Diamond!!!
The background vocals begin to take over as we can hear Ruby, Garnet, and Emerald singing
So we can take the world back from a heart attack One maniac at a time we will take it back You know time crawls on when you're waiting for the song to start So dance alone to the beat of your heart
Kat: Ladies and gentlemen making her way to the ring being accompanied to the ring by her sister Phoebe “Sapphire” Taylor from London, England, RISING FROM THE ASHES…. She is “The Phoenix” Diamond Steele!!!!!!!!
As the drums in the song pick up Diamond takes the moment to immediately sprint her way towards the ring. The crowd just gives her a mixed reaction. She smiles as she kips up to her feet and waves to everybody in the arena. Sapphire runs to ringside and raises the megaphone up to her lips.
Sapphire: I believe in you Diamond!!!!!!!
She turns her attention to the crowd trying to get them behind her and half of the crowd boos while the other half gets behind her.
Diamond just brushes it off as she focuses on what’s happening in the ring and her task at hand.
Zack: I think Diamond could quiet a few of these fans if she had just left Sapphire at home. She’s not any more popular on Future Shock, is she? But at least, she might be a deterrent for Lacey’s manager tonight.
The lights dim as the opening bars of Smile by Maisie Peters hit the speakers around the arena.
Got bridges to burn and places to run Yeah, this smile is a loaded gun
A red spotlight hits the curtain and Kyle Kilmeade walks out and proceeds to hold it open for Lacey to walk through. Stepping onto the stage in front of Kyle, Lacey wears a green and black one piece, which has a deep vee cut all the way to her navel, black fishnet tights and matching green and black boots. She runs her hands down her curves, while giving a little sway of her hips and then stands with her arms folded across her chest and her head lowers.
It's my party, my body, my business It's my town and my crown and my hitlist It's my world and you're just living in it Did I, did I, did I finish? They are my girls, and it's us who's deciding It's our door, did we say you're invited? Leave your name and we'll call if we like it If we, if we, if we like it
She snaps her head up and flings her arms out at the sides of her in one fluid motion, almost as if someone has just pulled the strings on a puppet. Keeping her gaze straight ahead she slowly smirks before lowering her arms to her sides and making her way down the ramp with Kyle walking beside her.
No more Mrs. Sweet and Miss Nice No more Mrs. Fuckin' Polite Time for Mrs. Takin' What's Mine You don't need him Got bridges to burn and places to run Yeah, this smile is a loaded gun
Lexi: Making her way to the ring at this time and accompanied by Kyle Kilmeade….from parts unknown…..she is the reigning FFW Pure Champion….LAAAAACEEEEEY!!!
It's my party, my body, my business If he tries to control me, he's finished Won't be crying, there's plenty of fishes And I, and I, and I'm fishin' You should know that you won't find another Who will ruin your life and your brothers Who will take what she's owed when she wants to Did I, did I, did I stutter?
Completely ignoring the crowd at either side of the ramp, Lacey speeds up as she reaches the ring and jumps up onto the apron. Taking hold of the top rope with both hands, she slowly and seductively sways her hips and wiggles her way down and back up, almost like a serpent, before springboarding over the top rope. When she lands in the ring she immediately drops down into the splits and stays there for a moment with her arms outstretched. After getting back to her feet, she climbs up onto the top turnbuckle facing the outside. Pulling something from her top she opens her palm and blows the contents into the crowd.
No more Mrs. Sweet and Miss Nice No more Mrs. Fuckin' Polite Time for Mrs. Takin' What's Mine You don't need him No more Mrs. Lettin' It Slide No more Mrs. Shut Up and Smile Time for Mrs. Takin' What's Mine You don't need him
I got bridges to burn and places to run Bang, bang and your party's done Got bridges to burn and places to run Yeah, this smile is a loaded gun
The lights shut off completely for a second at the end of the theme, when they come back on, Lacey is standing in her corner sharing some last minute words with Kyle.
Zack: For about two years, Lacey has been complaining that she was confined to Future Shock, which is why she wanted that title. You gotta believe she’s on cloud nine that she’s back on Saturday nights! For those who haven’t been keeping up with Future Shock, well that’s on you. But allow me to welcome you to the Lacey-verse!
The referee asks the redhead for her title, but she refuses and tells her it’s not on the line. Referee Jennifer Stringer acknowledges that, but still holds her hand out for it. Lacey hands the Pure title to Kyle as he steps out of the ring down to the floor. Stringer rolls her eyes and calls for the bell as Diamond is already eyeing that Pure Championship in Kyle’s hands before Lacey steps into her line of sight.
Zack: I’ve had enough of Kilmeade for three shows as much as I’ve seen him tonight, and it looks like Lacey doesn’t care for Diamond’s interest in her title.
Diamond turns her attention to the redhead just as Lacey delivers a headbutt into her face. She grabs the purple-haired wrestler by the arm, and jerks her forward into one elbow smash to the mouth after another. Four land in a row before she scoops Steele onto her shoulders for something, but the musician wiggles free and lands on her feet behind the champion. Before Lacey can turn around, Diamond grabs her arms into a full nelson facebuster before rolling her over for the cover. Stringer falls into position quickly.
Zack: Look at that! Diamond’s looking to put Lacey away in less than a minute!
But the champion kicked out as the one struck the canvas, and shoved the Gemstone off the cover. Diamond was quickly back to her feet, pulling Lacey up with her before she unleashed a flurry of knife edge chops to her chest.
Zack: Way too early to think Lacey’s done. She has a lot of resilience.
She backed her into the nearest corner before a barrage of kicks to the body started landing. Diamond hopped up onto the middle turnbuckle, bringing Lacey out of the corner with a tornado DDT to the canvas. A springboard leg drop followed that before she went for the cover again with the far leg hooked. Stringer was in position quickly.
Zack: Diamond’s trying to jump the line for the Pure title…in record time! I don’t think she’s done enough!
Lacey kicked out again, and rolled out of the ring to the floor when the musician was getting to her feet again. The Pure Champion looked thunderous at the moment as her manager headed towards her quickly, and was offering some advice as he held both her title and the awards plaque. Diamond got impatient though, and reached through the ropes to pull her back into the ring before the redhead grabbed her and snapped her neck across the middle rope instead. It sent Steele staggering and holding her throat as she gasped for breath, and that’s when the Pure Champion slithered under the bottom rope back into the ring.
Zack: You’d almost think she laid a trap for Diamond there, but there’s a solid case for not letting her take a break on the floor too.
As the musician was trying to get her breath back, Lacey darted past her with a running neckbreaker to put her on the canvas. Before she could get up again, the champion draped her neck across the middle rope and climbed onto her back for a four count from the referee to choke her further. Steele was coughing heavily now as her back was mounted again for another choke till the four count.
Zack: I think Diamond should have stayed in the center of the ring till Lacey got back inside, because nothing good has come of her trying to retrieve her herself.
As the referee got onto her for flagrant rule breaking, Lacey held up her hand to Stringer as if to say “talk to the hand” before she snapped the rope back to send Diamond to the mat. As the Gemstone was getting to her feet and still trying to get her breath, the Pure Champion circled behind her and applied a cobra clutch submission. Steele immediately tried to get to the ropes before Lacey hopped onto her piggyback style and brought her down to the mat on her side.
Zack: Lacey’s certainly focused everything on Diamond’s neck, and trying to choke her out, hasn’t she? If she senses even the slightest weakness, she will exploit it with every fiber of her being.
Lacey made sure to stay on her side to prevent a pinfall attempt as the referee knelt near Diamond to see if she wanted to stop the match. But the Gemstone showed no sign of that as she began to reach for the bottom rope with her hand. It wasn’t far away at all, but it wasn’t helped by the fact Kyle had both hands on the bottom rope behind the referee’s back and was barely pulling it out of reach.
Zack: You can barely see it from the camera angle, but there’s no question in my mind he’s pulling that rope away from Steele.
Stringer began to get suspicious though, and glanced behind her to see Kyle now had his hands in his pockets. When she turned back, he grabbed the rope again before Diamond kicked her foot underneath it instead. He quickly let go, and scooped up the Pure title and the plaque as the referee called for the break. Lacey finally released it on a four count, and Diamond was trying to revive herself as she rolled under the bottom rope before Kyle took a giant step backwards.
Zack: The referee missed what he was doing, but the important detail is Diamond is free of the hold now. He’s still too close for comfort on that side of the ring though.
Lacey rose to her feet, immediately heading for Diamond as she pulled herself to her feet with the help of the ropes. But the redhead caught her with a short knee to the body before pulling her head between the ropes into a pendulum piledriver that crumpled her into the ring. The cover followed that as Stringer dropped to count.
Zack: I’ve never seen her use that before, and I think Steele is out cold!
But Diamond’s shoulder spasmed off the mat in time, though the rest of her hadn’t moved at all to that point. Lacey gave Stringer a long glare as she rose back to her feet, prompting the referee to reiterate it was just a two count.
Zack: Staring daggers at the referee isn’t going to win the match for the Pure Champion.
The Pure Champion pursed her lips as she looked from the referee down to the motionless Diamond on the canvas. She grabbed her by the arm, and pulled her away from the ropes. She pulled Steele up, only for her to slump against her legs. That brought a smirk to the redhead’s face as she planted her head between her legs for a second piledriver…only for Diamond to collapse at her feet.
Zack: Just roll her over and cover her again. Clearly that shoulder popping up was a spasm or something like that. She’s dead weight.
This all seemed to amuse Lacey as she nudged Diamond with her feet, almost like she was poking her before she nudged her over onto her back. Steele landed on her back with her arms and legs akimbo before the redhead started to drop to make the cover. But when she did, the Gemstone came to life and pulled her into a tight small package! Even the referee was stunned as she dropped to make the count.
Zack: Lacey’s gonna score the—SHE WAS GOLDBRICKING!!
Lacey barely kicked out in time, making sure it was just a two as Diamond made it back to her feet. The Birmingham crowd was roaring now as the champion turned around into a blaze of furious right hands to the head.
Zack: Look at those right hands coming at a lightning clip from Diamond!
Steele battered her back into the far corner before whipping Lacey across for the ride. The redhead rebounded into a rolling elbow from the musician that staggered her backwards. Diamond grabbed her head, looking for her Diamond Cutter before the Pure Champion shoved her off and rolled out of the ring immediately. Kyle went to talk with her before Steele used a wrecking ball dropkick between the ropes to send Lacey backwards into the barricade before sliding out after her.
Zack: Lacey is beside herself, and I got a feeling we’re gonna see a MASSIVE upset tonight in Lacey’s return to the FFW roster! Do it, Diamond!
Steele immediately tossed her back into the ring before hopping up onto the apron. She headed for the corner next with the Birmingham crowd LOUDLY behind her. Steele launched herself off the top rope with a diving headbutt…only for Lacey to get her boot up and catch her flush on the jaw on her descent.
Zack: Face first right into Lacey’s boot! I didn’t know if that was spit or a tooth I saw flying out of Diamond’s mouth!
The redhead struggled to her feet with an angry look on her face before she yanked the musician up into her reverse STO before rolling her over for the cover. Stringer dove into position for the count.
Zack: There’s the THROE OF PASSION!
The referee called for the bell, and the fans in Birmingham were certainly not happy with the situation. Lacey made it back to her feet, and got her hand raised to make it official before her music started again.
Kat: Your winner by pinfall…….LACEY!!
Kyle headed into the ring next, praising his client effusively before returning the Pure Championship to her. Lacey held it high over her head with a confident smirk on her face.
Zack: Lacey shuts Diamond out of Pure title contention, but she’s got one hell of a looming threat at Undeniable 2 on February 25th when she meets Shaw! I’ll see you Tuesday night on Future Shock from Leeds!
Lacey draped the title over her shoulder, giving her manager a smile as he raised her again to more boos before Atomic faded off the air on Prime.
on: February 08, 2025, 01:41:02 pm
Started by Adam Grant - Last post by Adam Grant
The show returns from the commercial break showing a clip of how Mikayla Stone earned a shot at the new Atomic Champion two weeks ago. Then we return to the live broadcast with Kat back in the ring once again.
Kat: The following contest is scheduled for one fall to a finish, and it is for the FFW Atomic Championship!
Zack: Hello, Kyle. Welcome to the booth. What brings you here, and why are you still carrying around that Feud of the Year plaque?
Kyle: Nice to see you too. For the first question, I have a vested interest in the Atomic title since I’ve had someone competing in the tournament and two weeks ago, namely Elizabeth. Secondly, why am I carrying this plaque still? You mean the award the fans gave for someone trying to break my neck last year?! Oh, this award means a lot to me. Believe me on that.
The lights go out completely as the opening of Legendary by Welshy Arms starts to play. A rumble like thunder can be heard, getting louder and louder until a lightning effect flashes across the stage. The lightning strikes again and again, each time catching a glimpse of a female figure descending from the rafters on a trapeze-like swing.
Take a look around me Taking pages from a magazine Been looking for the answers Ever since we were seventeen You know the truth can be a weapon To fight this world of ill intentions A new answer to the same question How many times will you learn the same lesson? I think they got it all wrong We just gotta hold on And on, and on, and on
The lightning strikes come to an end as the lights come back up as they do, the female figure stands up on the trapeze swing a few feet off the ground, facing away from the crowd and then backflips off it to land in a crouch with her head lowered looking at the stage.
'Cause we're gonna be legends Gonna get their attention What we're doing here ain't just scary It's about to be legendary Yeah, we're gonna be legends Gonna teach 'em all a lesson Got this feeling in our souls we carry It's about to be legendary
As the word legendary is sung, Mikayla Stone leaps to her feet with her arms in the air to a pop from the crowd. She soaks it in for a second before she takes off towards the ring at a run.
This is what we came for And we couldn't want it anymore We could never turn back now Got to leave it all on the floor
Kat: Introducing at this time from Salem, Oregon…...MIKAYLA STONE!
When she reaches the ring, Mikayla jumps up onto the apron and turns around to smile at the crowd before she climbs to stand on the top rope. She gives the crowd a wave and then backflips into the ring to land with a smirk. She makes her way to her corner as her music comes to an end.
Zack: Mikayla Stone is gonna ask a lot of questions of the new champion! Just like Ruby, she’s a speedster! She has explosive energy, and is capable of knocking you out with just the right opening. She didn’t make it past Clover in the tournament, but she’s found herself challenging for it after her victory over Elizabeth two weeks ago.
Kyle: I won’t take anything away from Mikayla, she’s done very well. At least before she made it to the FFW roster. I’m not sure we can make a good case for after that switch, but maybe she’ll prove me wrong here. If she does, I’ll be the first to admit I was wrong. I’m a fair man, Zack.
"I Wanna Dance With Somebody" by Whitney Houston begins to blast all across the speakers and as it does, we are able to see Ruby Steele emerging from the curtain. She is clad in a sparkling ruby glow in the dark jacket. The championship is around her waist. The jacket shines brightly and she excitedly sprints to the ring. Diamond emerges from behind the curtain to support her cousin although her eyes are too focused on her pocket mirror where she just admires her hair.
Kat: Making her way to the ring being accompanied by Diamond Steele, she weighs in at 112 pounds and she is the reigning and defending FFW Atomic Champion.. Ruby Steele!
Ruby however is over the top excited as she does some cartwheels before finishing up with one massive backflip. She giggles before she slowly slides into the ring. She nips up to her feet and blows kisses to the crowd before she bounces about raising her championship high into the air.
Zack: I think Ruby surprised the hell out of a few when she went through the tournament and captured the gold. But she didn’t surprise me, she’s proven she can get the job done such as when she scored a victory over Stacey Sky last year. I think if you underestimate her, you do so at your own peril.
Kyle: I won’t disagree with that, she just surrounds herself with people who aren’t really taking her best interests to heart. What exactly does Diamond add to her presentation? Nothing. If you ask me, she’s probably secretly jealous that Ruby won a title before she did in FFW. You can see how much she cares, she’s checking her texts over there.
Referee Ashley Pruitt takes the title from Ruby, and lifts it over her head to show the crowd. As soon as Kat leaves with the title, the bell sounds and the two women move to the center of the ring. Mikayla offers the champion a handshake, which Ruby accepts before they lock up. Stone immediately counters with an armdrag takedown that drops the blonde to the mat. She pops up, and turns around into a standing dropkick from the witch. Ruby pops up and turns again, catching another dropkick to the chest that puts her down. The champion quickly rolls away from her to the ropes to get up as Mikayla is smiling at her.
Zack: Ruby got herself caught in a vicious cycle there, and rolled in the right direction to stop it where it started. Mikayla is just as fast as the champion in the ring, if not faster.
Kyle: Yeah, I don’t think we’re gonna see a catch-as-catch-can classic here, Zack. These two are going to try to pop the crowd here every chance they get with what they can do, which I don’t think is the right call.
Steele was back to her feet again before the pair circled for a moment, and then she surprised the witch by lowering her shoulder and driving her backwards into the far corner with a running shoulder thrust. She quickly began driving that shoulder into the brunette’s body repeatedly, knocking the wind out of her before Steele grabbed her head to bring her out of the corner with a running bulldog to the canvas. The Atomic Champion hammered the back of her head with forearms. She had a bit of a scowl too as she finally got back to her feet.
Zack: Goodness, look at those relentless forearms from the champion. If you didn’t know better, you’d think Mikayla spit in her face or something.
Kyle: She’s trying to take her title, Zack. That’s not her friend in there. She’s doing what she needs to do to ensure she leaves Birmingham with the Atomic title. You want them to hug it out?
She pulls the witch to her feet, this time into a corner bulldog. But Mikayla starts back to her feet a moment later before Ruby drops her with a reverse DDT. A guillotine leg drop to the back of her head as she tries to get up again puts Mikayla back on the mat. Steele follows up with a Muay Thai clench before a barrage of knees to the head and body land that drops the challenger to her knees. Steele looks down at her, and drops her with a shining wizard before she goes for the cover as Pruitt moves into position.
Zack: Ruby pulled the trigger on that shining wizard, and she’s ready to head home with her title intact!
But Mikayla kicked out in time as the two was on the way down. Ruby sat her up from there, and quickly applied a dragon sleeper before rolling onto her side. The referee moved around to see if Mikayla wanted to stop the match.
Kyle: Look at that, Ruby’s playing it smart. No point in a war of attrition with Mikayla, suck the energy out of her. That’s the smarter way to go about it.
The witch showed no signs that she wanted to stop anything though, and began to reach for the nearby bottom rope. Ruby tightened her grip and then rolled in the other direction, putting the rope well out of reach for her opponent. Many of Stone’s fans began chanting her name as they tried to rally her. Pruitt checked again before Mikayla rolled Ruby onto her back and kicked her feet over her head to roll up on top of her with her shoulders pinned to the mat.
Zack: Brilliant counter from Mikayla! She’s gonna pin Ruby in her own submission!
Steele broke the hold, and shoved the brunette off her before the three came down. She made sure it was just a two before getting back to her feet, grabbing Stone with two handfuls of hair to pull her back to her feet with that same scowl on her face from a moment ago.
Kyle: Kind of a “Hail, Mary” moment for Mikayla, wasn’t it? She isn’t gonna surprise Ruby like that, especially with what little damage she’s done to her already.
As soon as she got the challenger up though, MIkayla grabbed her head and surprised her with a jawbreaker that sent Steele stumbling backwards. Stone quickly tried to get herself together as the champion came forward, catching her with a scorpion kick that sent her reeling yet again. Mikayla made it back to her feet, and began firing kicks into Ruby’s body before she drove her backwards into the ropes. She whipped the blonde across to the far side, and popped her up on the rebound into a sitout facebuster!
Zack: Mikayla’s bringing the heat now, and the champion just kissed the canvas! I highly doubt she’ll ask for a second date!
Kyle: The best thing Ruby can do right now is roll out of the ring, and break up the momentum here. There’s not a lot to be gained staying in there with her at the moment.
Stone was back up a moment later, and took off for the ropes. She used them for a springboard into an Asai moonsault that landed on target before she hooked the far leg and rolled over for the cover. Pruitt slid into position quickly to make the count.
Zack: The tempo’s picked up, and Mikayla’s flying like a bird now! Could we see a new champion crowned in three seconds?!
The answer to Zack’s question was no as Ruby got her shoulder off the mat. Stone popped back to her feet, taking off towards the ropes again before she rebounded into a phoenix splash that doubled Steele into a ball on the canvas.
Kyle: This is the point yet again where I’d be telling one of my clients to get out of the ring as quickly as possible. Mikayla’s building up way too much momentum right now, Zack.
The baby sister of the Stone siblings headed towards the corner, making her way to the top rope. Ruby was beginning to get up as Stone started to walk the top rope. Pruitt went to check on Ruby as she was rising, only for the blonde to shove her backwards and send the official into the ropes, which in turn, sent Mikayla hurtling to the floor when she lost her balance. The referee looked dumbfounded that she had done what she did as Ruby was starting to get back to her feet.
Zack: Pruitt got sent into the ropes by Ruby, and Mikayla hit the floor like a sack of bricks out here! I don’t know if Ruby realized where she was or not.
Kyle: Who cares if she did? That was the right thing to do in the moment. It stopped Mikayla’s momentum, and gives Ruby a minute to get herself together.
Steele made it back to her feet, glancing towards the floor as she saw Mikayla down on the canvas. The blonde got to her feet, and took off for the far side before rebounding into a suicide dive on the other side that crashed Stone back to the floor. Ruby sat on her chest, and bludgeoned her with right hands to the head before she got back to her feet. The referee demanded they get back into the ring as Ruby was catching her breath and looking over her shoulder at Mikayla on the floor.
Zack: Ruby was like a missile with that tope from the ring to the floor on the #1 contender for the Atomic Championship! Mikayla is in major trouble right now!
Kyle: When you go up top, that’s why it’s called high risk. That wouldn’t have happened if she stayed on the mat in the ring. She can thank the referee for how that unfolded.
Zack: What are you talking about? Ruby shoved the official into the ropes! What match are you watching?
Inside the ring, the referee was counting them both out as Diamond hopped up onto the apron and tried to convince her not to count them out and let the match finish. As that conversation went on, Mikayla was beginning to get to her feet near the announce table. That’s when Ruby snatched the Feud of the Year awards plaque off the table and crashed it into Mikayla’s head, dropping her to the floor. Steele dropped the plaque back on the table and rolled Stone back into the ring. Diamond’s mouth fell open as she saw what happened over the referee’s shoulder.
Kyle: I didn’t hand that to her! She took it herself!
The referee turned back as Ruby pulled the witch up, and delivered her DDT variant before making the cover amid a chorus of boos from the fans in Birmingham!
Zack: RUBY TUESDAY…and she knocked her cold with that plaque!
Pruitt called for the bell as Ruby slowly got back to her feet. Her music began to play as the referee raised her hand. Steele snatched the title from the referee as Diamond was still on the apron, asking Ruby what she had done.
Zack: That was horsesh—
Kat: Your winner by pinfall…AND STIIIIIIILL FFW Atomic Champion….RUBY STEELE!!
The Birmingham crowd continued to boo the blonde as she raised her title over her head. Diamond still looked flabbergasted as Ruby rolled out of the ring, draping her title over her shoulder as she headed towards the back.
Kyle: Congratulations on her first defense, right Zack?
Zack: Are you kidding me?! What the hell was that about? Last month, she wins the Atomic Tournament and this is how she follows it up?! All that goodwill she earned…screw that! Mikayla deserves a rematch!
Kyle: That’s up to Adam obviously.
Diamond followed after her friend to try to get some answers as the Birmingham crowd continued to show their disdain for the Atomic Champion before the show went to an advertisement for Future Shock Undeniable 2 coming February 25th on FFW All Access.
Vendetta Things The show finds Allison Marx outside the office of Adam Grant somewhere inside the Utilita Arena. The CEO has his arms crossed over his chest as he looks from the camera towards the reporter. Allison: I’m here with the CEO, and I understand you have some news pertaining to Vendetta coming April 5th only on FFW All Access when we visit your hometown of Chicago, Illinois at the United Center. Adam: You’re correct, and I’m definitely looking forward to returning home in April. As for the card, I definitely have some matches signed. Earlier tonight, we confirmed that it will be Claire Black challenging Scarlett Silver for the Phoenix Championship. Allison: Claire has been a dynamo since she returned to the ring, and doesn’t seem to have lost a single step in her time away. Adam: I think we can attribute some of that to working with our upcoming talent in Boston. Those girls would keep anyone on their toes. The Evolution Championship will be on the line, which has already been announced when Robbyn and Caitlyn meet in the rubber match of their series that began last year. Allison: Judging by the video we saw earlier, it sounds like the champion is very eager to get into the ring with Caitlyn at Vendetta. Adam: I could tell that too. Also we got Lilly Arthur beginning her journey towards the FFW Championship after a historic reign as No Surrender slash Pure Champion. She’ll meet Josephine Star. Allison: Definitely a match worthy of a big stage, Adam. I’m not sure who has the inside track there. Adam: Given the history that’s been brewing, I’m also putting together a tag team match at Vendetta. It’ll be Prophecy meeting the Kincaid Sisters for the first time two on two. Allison: That should be a wild match, given all we’ve seen. What about Prophecy in the tag title picture after coming up short against Violence Inc? Adam: I’m gonna leave that to them. I haven’t spoken with them today, but what I will do is offer them a rematch for those titles OR I know Maddison wants into the Atomic title picture. You can’t hold two titles anymore, so I’ll let them pick. I’ll either book a rematch for the titles or put Maddison into a #1 contender match for the Atomic title at a later date. Allison: That seems fair. I did want to ask you about what just happened to Mikayla. Are you– She doesn’t finish her question before Seth Star arrives on Amber’s other side. He hands Adam an envelope, which causes the CEO to give him a curious look. Adam: What’s this? Seth: A check for $150,000 to pay Raven Knight’s fine. Both Allison and Adam look a bit surprised by this. Seth: She tried to immolate Savannah on more than one occasion, and my wife isn’t going to be able to teach her the error of those choices if she’s sitting at home. Seth leaves the shot as Amber continues. Allison: Are you going to…? Adam: I’ll consider it. Thanks for the time, Allison. He heads in the opposite direction of Seth before the show heads to its final commercial break of the evening.
on: February 08, 2025, 01:40:51 pm
Started by Adam Grant - Last post by Adam Grant
The show returns from the commercial break back to the ring with Kat standing ready for the next introductions.
Kat: The following contest is scheduled for one fall to a finish, and the winner will challenge Scarlett Silver at Vendetta for the FFW Phoenix Championship!
The lights in the arena sharply cut off, leaving everything in complete darkness. The chiming of a clock is heard echoing in the darkness, followed by a chipper, circus like chime tone. As the tone chimes on, a vibrant gold spotlight shines down on the top of the stage. The circus chimes are soon replaced by the opening chorus of “Villain” by Wild Fire. "Tic tic toc, the time bomb clock Ticks grinning ear to ear here baby Tic Tic Toc, the time bomb clock ticks counting down... tic, tic stop!" At the exact moment “stop” is sung, the song kicks into full gear, setting off a series of shimmering gold strobe lights going off on either side of the ramp. A few seconds pass before the controversial redhead, Valerie McKinley makes her way out from behind the curtain and stands in the immediate center of the stage, standing in the gold spotlight. Coming out behind her and standing next to her was her manager, one Kyle Kilmeade. "You know I speak in riddles, And I’m plotting to destroy Villain as I always was Crazy is as crazy does" Clad in a mid-thigh length leather jacket worn open over her gear, Valerie looks around at the crowd showering her with a rousing chorus of boos. She looks over at Kyle and the pair simply shake their heads. The strobe lights begin to lessen in intensity as the pair makes their way down the aisle, her arms at her side and a focused look on her face. As she makes her way to the ring, the fans on either side of the aisle make their displeasure at her appearance rather noticeable, which Valerie simply dismisses with an arrogant flip of her hand. "My sanity's in short supply Mad as a hatter, hey surprise! T-T-T-Ticking bomb on the inside Livin' with the villain pacing in my mind." Kat: Ladies and gentlemen, making her way down to the ring, being accompanied by Kyle Kilmeade…..from Providence, Rhode Island…….Valerie McKinley!! The boos grow louder as Kyle hops up onto the apron and climbs into the ring. Valerie hops up onto the apron and spins around so her back is resting on the ropes. With her head bowed, she lifts both arms up towards her head and has her pointer finger and thumb on both hands close to her head. She lifts her head up and extends her arms out, her fingers pointing out at the crowd like pistols. She then makes a motion like she was firing her finger guns at the crowd before turning around to see Kyle already holding the ropes open for her. She steps through the open ropes and into the ring. "I'm blowing up the mystery And all the pretty things you see Light flame to fuse And Sparks will fly You said goodnight Now say goodbye." Once in the ring, she walks around with her arms extended outward, reveling in the heat from the crowd. She walks over to the corner and peels off her jacket, letting it drop to the apron as the lights return to normal and her music fades out. She rests her back against the turnbuckles and brushes a few stray strands of hair out of her face, awaiting the start of the action.
Zack: Valerie was the lone woman who didn’t get pinned or submitted in the triple threat back at Sabotage to crown the new Phoenix Champion. That’s why she didn’t have to do anything to be in this #1 contender match like her opponent did. It was a privilege, which we know Valerie loves all of those she can have.
As “Vanilla Radio” by The Wildhearts strikes up, Claire Black moves out to the centre of the stage bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet, loosening up a little before throwing her hands up in the air. She performs the sign of the cross and kisses the crucifix around her neck. Finally she began to dance down the entrance ramp towards the ring, shadow boxing all the way, snapping off furious combinations, her taped hands moving in a blur. As she reaches the ring she climbs the ring steps and enters between the ropes. She begins to shadow box one more time, practising a couple of combinations before stepping back into her corner, where she raised her foot onto the middle rope and stretched out, before switching to the other leg. As she finished stretching, she took the crucifix from around the neck, gave it a kiss then hung it over the top of the ring post before turning back to face her opponent, awaiting the start of the match.
Kat: Weighing in at 126 lbs and standing 5’ 5.5” tall, hailing from Boston Massachusetts, please welcome…CLAIRE BLACK!!!
Zack: I was very proud of my former broadcast partner on Tuesday nights when she put together her first win after about 3 years away from the ring. And in one match, she could find herself back in the ring with Scarlett, who she has traded wins with before her sabbatical from the ring.
Referee Stephen Wlson calls for the bell to start the match, and the fans are already supporting Claire before Kat is even out of the ring. The brunette heads towards the center as Valerie remains in her corner, leaning through the ropes as Kyle is sharing something with her before she heads out towards her opponent. The redhead looks unfazed entirely before she and Claire lock up together. Claire pushes the redhead back into the ropes, and gives a clean break. But Valerie doesn’t as she jams a thumb into Claire’s eye and then drags her face along the top rope.
Zack: Show of hands from anyone who’s surprised that Valerie took a shortcut immediately after the bell. Yeah, me neither.
She dragged her all the way to the corner before she began to pound her face against the turnbuckle. With the boxer dazed, the redhead yanked her by the arm into a ripcord knee strike that dropped Claire to her knees. And a spinning heel kick to the jaw put her down on the canvas. Valerie glanced down to her manager with a smirk on her face as Kyle showered her with praise from ringside.
Zack: As the only woman who wasn’t pinned in the triple threat at Sabotage, I think Valerie has a claim to getting the first shot at Scarlett for the Phoenix title. But she’s being made to earn another crack at her whether she likes it or not.
When she spotted Claire starting to get to her feet, she quickly hooked her head for a corner bulldog that put the boxer back on her knees again. Valerie pressed her boot against the back of the brunette’s head, trying to smother her face against the turnbuckle before Wilson got to a five count. Then she stomped the back of her head and stepped back. The boxer used the ropes to get back to her feet when Valerie pulled her into a rear waistlock, but that proved to be a mistake as Claire began firing back elbows with both arms, shaking the redhead loose before a discus punch dropped her to the canvas.
Zack: There’s that right hand coming into play as Claire derailed whatever plans Valerie might have had in her mind.
McKinley started to get to her feet, only to get pulled up the rest of the way before Claire began throwing hands more frequently. Jabs to the body and head landed, reeling the One Percenter in place before a rising uppercut from the prizefighter put her down on the mat. The fans in Birmingham responded loudly as a result.
Zack: Those fists of hers are just as dangerous now as they ever were. Claire trains some of our talent in Boston, so there’s no ring rust that I’ve seen. She’s just out here doing what LL Cool J’s mom was known for saying: Mama said knock you out!
Kyle was pounding the mat as he shouted advice to his client with his award plaque in one hand. Valerie began to rise again as Claire took off for the far side, catching her as she turned around with a flying shoulder block to drop her to the canvas. She grabbed her by the head to pull her up again before snapping a trio of vertical suplexes before the fourth one was turned into a fisherman’s suplex with the leg hooked. Wilson was in position quickly.
Zack: Claire’s got a lot more than punches to her game, she’s about to hook herself a win possibly!
But the One Percenter kicked out as the two was on the way down. Claire dragged her back to her feet, and fired her into the far corner. McKinley crashed chest first before Black darted behind her, leaving her feet to pull off a reverse rana to snap her down to the canvas.
Zack: Look at that! You’ll never see that in the boxing ring!
The Birmingham fans were getting louder in their support now as Claire went towards the redhead. Valerie had rolled to the ropes, and using them to get back up again. But as the boxer approached her from behind, a mule kick to the stomach stopped the brunette in her tracks. McKinley spun around and delivered a facebuster that put Claire face down on the mat as the redhead leaned back against the bottom rope to collect herself.
Zack: Valerie with a sixth sense there, like she could feel Claire was coming up from behind and she put a stop to that. Now she’s trying to shake off some of the cobwebs.
After a few seconds, Valerie was back to her feet again. Claire was almost up as well, but a swinging neckbreaker put her back on the mat. The redhead circled around behind her, waiting on her to get up again before she applied a cobra clutch submission. The boxer’s instincts kicked in as she felt it applied, and immediately started trying to reach the ropes. She only made it a couple steps before the redhead stomped the back of her leg to get her down before dropping to the mat with her and applying a body scissors in addition.
Zack: Outstanding strategy from Valerie here. She’s a technician in the ring, always has been. And Claire may be catching a few z’s before too much longer.
Wilson checked to see if Claire wanted to stop the match, but got no such indication. The fans in Birmingham were getting loud again as they chanted Claire’s name, trying to rally her as Valerie kept the hold tightly applied. But Black proved to be doggedly determined as she started to pull them both towards the ropes with her hands. She got close enough to kick her foot under the bottom rope, prompting Wilson to call for a break. Valerie reluctantly gave it at the four count, and then rolled back to her feet.
Zack: Claire may be out of that cobra clutch, but the effects of it don’t go away just because the hold is broken. She’s still in danger, and Valerie can smell that rematch with Scarlett like it was right under her nose.
The fans were still trying to rally the boxer as she got to her knees and was shaking her head to clear the cobwebs. Valerie took off for the near side ropes, and came back with a drive-by kick to the head that toppled Claire before she went for the cover!
Zack: Valerie tried to send Claire’s head into the fourth row, and it looks like our Phoenix title match at Vendetta is set!
Claire popped her shoulder off the mat in time though, and Valerie’s temper began to flare. She began pummeling the boxer with right hands to her head and face before finishing off the flurry with an elbow there as well.
McKinley was back to her feet amid more booing from the crowd. She paced around Claire, telling her to get back up. And that was what the boxer was attempting to do. Valerie yanked her forward into position for a flatliner. Kyle watched approvingly from the floor with his awards plaque under his arm as he clapped for Valerie, telling her it was time to finish it.
Zack: Kyle thinks it’s all over but the crying right about now, and currently I haven’t seen any signs to argue the point with him.
Claire finally began to get to her feet before Valerie hoisted her onto her shoulders…but the boxer began throwing elbows again. Several landed that caused Valerie to drop Claire back to her feet before the prizefighter didn’t even let her turn around before using a double knee backbreaker to send her to the mat. The fans were behind the brunette all over again as she struggled to get back to her feet.
Zack: I think Valerie was looking for DIVINE PROVIDENCE, but Claire certainly had that well scouted and had something ready, just in case.
She finally made it to a vertical base, and looked behind her to see that Valerie was starting to do the same. Claire bounced off the ropes, and came back with a Superman punch that floored the redhead, also bringing the fans in Birmingham to their feet. McKinley struggled to a vertical base before she was fired into the ropes, only to rebound into a flawless right to the jaw that dropped her like a tree! Black dropped on top of her for the cover as Wilson dove to make the count.
Zack: That’s her knockout…LUCKY’S LIGHTS OUT!!
Wilson called for the bell as Claire rolled off the cover. Her music began to play again as she made it back to her feet, winded but happy as her hand was raised in victory.
Kat: Your winner by pinfall and the #1 contender for the Phoenix Championship….’TKO’ CLAIRE BLACK!!
Claire soaked up the crowd support before she spotted Scarlett at the top of the ramp, giving her a little golf clap. The boxer looked back at her as Scarlett buffed her title with a smile on her face.
Zack: The date is set now, fans. Claire and Scarlett one on one at Vendetta for the Phoenix Championship. Scarlett better have an answer for that right hand, because Claire is absolutely lethal with it!
Kyle tended to his client before he began to head towards the broadcast booth as Atomic cut elsewhere inside the Utilita Arena in Birmingham.
The Opposing View A graphic shows the viewers the main event announced for two weeks from tonight on the next Atomic between Evolution Champion Robbyn Helmsley and “La Coneja” Sofia Rojas. As we go back into the arena, the roaring boos from the crowd are heard before we find Sofia and her boyfriend standing on the stage, hand in hand, and clearly soaking up the ire of the Birmingham crowd. Jason: You all can keep making all the noise you want, it doesn’t faze either of us. If we gave two shits what a bunch of random British people thought, that’d be two more than we give right now. We got two things to talk about tonight: success and failure. Let’s start with failure, which came on the very first edition of Atomic when Sofia’s tag partner FAILED to do her job. She FAILED to listen to Sofia and myself. She FAILED to execute the plan that was laid out. And because of that when the bell rang at the end of the match, she FAILED to get the win. Sofia: Well I knew from the beginning that she would be a failure. I hoped that wasn’t going to be the case but as soon as the match was made I knew I would have my hands full like I always do. Anyway in two weeks time I get to go back into being a solo act and I get to make Robbyn look stupid when I step into the ring with her. It’s only a matter of time before I get my rightful shot and when this cluttered division separates itself and I finally get what i rightfully deserve everybody will see that this rabbit is ready to soar higher than anybody else in this company. Jason: Unfortunately for Sofia, good help is hard to find. After all, her tag partner exuded FAILURE just like her former husband did. He too was a FAILURE, and couldn’t measure up in any respect to what was expected of him. That’s why he’s sitting at home playing with his joystick hoping the phone rings and it’s Sofia calling. The response makes Jason grin. Jason: But in two weeks on the next Atomic, the woman who should be facing the champion at Vendetta is meeting her in London when the title is not on the line. In case you forgot, Sofia defeated Caitlyn at the end of 2024. But where’s her shot? Why isn’t she getting the match INSTEAD of Caitlyn? Another example of FAILURE. The FAILURE to recognize that people higher up don’t want to have Sofia here holding a title. But I promise you she will have her shot at the Evolution one way or another. We don’t care if it’s Robbyn between her hitting the pipe on her days off or yet another match with Caitlyn, who exemplified FAILURE when she faced Sofia at the end of the year. Sofia: Brayden is always a failure, let me just say that for starters and I won’t be playing with his joystick. I have you and don’t need anybody else. As far as Robbyn goes we have to give her some credit. She did return to FFW like a brickhouse but getting into the ring is going to showcase her getting exposed. She’s going to be put firmly in her place and there’s going to be no doubt in anybody’s mind that I should be a future Evolution Champion. Mark my words on that! Jason: One last thing. After that tag team match last month, Brittany…you’re fired from the Dynasty. Sofia: There’s no place for you and I am happy I don’t have to see her stupid face anymore. All she mentioned was Bray, Bray, Bray… Nobody cares about you nor your twin. Enjoy going back to irrelevancy. I refuse to have you use me as a meal ticket for you to get fame. Jason: We’ll see Cheech Helmsley in two weeks. Or is it Chong? The boos continue as he tilts Sofia’s chin up to kiss her to louder boos before the show goes to a commercial break.
on: February 08, 2025, 01:40:41 pm
Started by Adam Grant - Last post by Adam Grant
The click-clack of heels is heard as we see two heeled boots walking through a barely lit path until one hand pushes a switch upwards, lighting up the path as “Going to Hell” by the Pretty Reckless starts to play. The heels keep moving until another switch gets turned on and we start to see what looks like an abandoned power station. Father, did you miss me? I’ve been locked up a while I got caught for what I did But took it all in style Then we flash to see Caitlyn Storm charging towards the ring in a clip followed by Emma Mackenzie stopping and listening to the crowd as she looks ahead at a battle royal in front of her. Then atop a ladder stands Kelly Kincaid as she looks down over the crowd with a title in her hands before we next see Tara Cortez pulling Vivi Traeger from the ring as the two look at one another warily. For the lines that I take, I’m going to hell For the love that I make, I’m going to hell Getting heavy with the devil, you can hear the wedding bells We’re back in the abandoned power station next as the woman in heels pulls open a door, slamming her hand against a button inside just as several green isotopes look to be radiating brightly before she joins a band performing and standing in the center of the room. That’s when we see Taylor Momsen and the Pretty Reckless as she begins singing and her band continues playing the theme. Father, did you miss me? Don’t ask me where I’ve been You know I know, yes I’ve been told I redefine a sin We go back to the clips and find Josephine Star adjusting the Privilege Crown on her head with a smirk towards Kyle standing over her shoulder. Next is Scarlett Silver hoisting the Phoenix Championship while Valerie McKinley and others watch from different vantage points. Both members of Prophecy share a grin with each other as they head towards the camera, only for the clip to change and show Robbyn Helmsley jerking someone off some scaffolding to the floor. For the lies that I make, I'm going to hell For the way I condescend and never lend a hand My arrogance is making this head buried in the sand For the souls I forsake, I'm going to hell We cut back to the band playing in the abandoned power station before one of the green isotopes explodes, and then we go into the arena with a deafening crowd. We see the ring with lime green ropes and flames shooting from it and the stage, which looks like that same power station but with two tunnels on either side. The camera pans the crowd, and then we hear our announce team. Zack: For the first time in FFW history, we come to you from Birmingham, England at the Utilita Arena for the third edition of Atomic! 15,612 fans have sold out this building to see the stars of FFW on their first stop of a British tour through February. Thank you for joining us wherever you are watching around the world on Prime. I’m Zack Hudson, and this is the “Commentary Cat” Gabrielle Crimson. Gaby: We have a very tightly knit history with the United Kingdom, but it’s always a warm, cozy sensation to come to a new place on this beautiful island! And tonight, darlings, things are gonna pick up big time, as we have champions in action, including the first ever Atomic Championship defense! Zack: We have a lot going on tonight, not the least of which is our main event. The reigning Pure Champion Lacey returns to the FFW roster tonight when she meets Diamond Steele. We know Lacey has been wanting to have full reign over both rosters for some time now. Gaby: Let joy be unconfined in the Laceyverse, as the line goes, as Lacey finally gets her wish of being the free agent she’s always dreamed of being. And with being the new Pure champion, she should know there are several crosshairs on her back wanting to send her right back to step 1. Across the ring from her is a woman who knows a thing or two about violence and how to get under people’s skins, so there’s that! Zack: We crowned a first ever Atomic Champion last month, and that woman will make her first defense of the new title tonight. Mikayla won the shot two weeks ago, and will face a fellow speedster in Ruby for it all. Gaby: The match that never happened in the flash tournament two weeks ago, as Mikayla was originally defeated by Clover Thomas in the first phase and never got to meet the would-be champion! Now we get to check if Mikayla had a bad night and will rebound two weeks later, or if Ruby’s superiority will be confirmed as she goes 3 for 3 on that tournament’s opposition! Zack: Speaking of champions, I know Scarlett Silver will be watching this one closely when Valerie McKinley meets the recently returned Claire Black. The winner will challenge Silver at Vendetta on April 5th for the Phoenix Championship. Do you think Scarlett has a preference, Gaby? Gaby: She prefers to look good while wearing the championship, that’s the only thing I know for sure. After she faced surprising odds to become the new Phoenix Champion, Scarlett will take on any challenger if she gets the chance to strike a pose. Sadly for her, neither Valerie nor Claire are the types of people that would take being stepped on for a photo op that lightly. Zack: Also tonight, newcomer Bobbi Villalobos will find herself facing off with the powerful Clover Thomas. The “Eagle” didn’t get the result she wanted in her debut against Bianca Salvador, but luckily for her, Clover is a far more honorable opponent. Gaby: Yeah, but Clover is ANGRY after being the bridesmaid again. The golden Eagle has the chance to prove herself against a far more imposing opponent and show how versatile she can be. She’s gonna need to run laps around the Highlight of the Night, lest she gets her wings clipped by a different force of nature. Zack: All that and a whole lot more tonight here in our first visit to Birmingham, England. So let’s send it up to Kat Grayson to get the action started. The view changes to show Kat standing in the ring with a bright smile on her face in yet another expensive dress. Kat: The opening contest of Atomic is scheduled for one fall to a finish!
The lights fade to a series of spotlights that shine up into the rafters; none of the spotlights are on over the ring, only the floor level lights are on.
"I wanna fly away on a unicorn To a land of freedom and light But I know that my destiny Is to die in the ultimate fight I wanna fly away 'cross the galaxy To discover the force that's inside of me"
As the music builds up, the lights on the rafters over the ring begin to flicker and strobe with the drums.
"I wanna fly away!"
The lights come to life in gold and white as Bobbi bursts through the curtains and from under the archway, all smiles as she comes out, in blacks and golds, the tassels on her Macho Man inspired leather jacket, the tassels a blend of black and gold themselves, wave like feathers on wings. She stands at the top of the ramp, on the stage, T-posing to show off the tassels cut to match wings: the length of each tassel matches the necessary length, from wrist to shoulder, of flight feathers.
Kat: From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, a graduate from the famous IceDog Training Facility, she stands 5'6" and weighs 162 lbs! She is Bobbi! The Eagle! Villalobos!
Bobbi starts headbanging to the chorus of the song, raising the devil horns as she bounces her way down the ramp excitedly. She hops from the second steel step to the apron, wiping her boots off at the corner before climbing up to the second rope, resting her lead foot on the top turnbuckle, arms again in the T pose as she spreads her wings, giving a hearty battle cry as she hops down into the ring from the top turnbuckle, front flipping and landing on her feet with a bounce.
Unzipping the jacket, she pulls the snaps at the end of her sleeves, freeing her arms from the jacket and hanging it over the turnbuckle. She smiles and bounces to the beat of the music as she waits for the bell.
Zack: In her debut last month here on Atomic, Bobbi Villalobos showed nothing but unbridled potential against the “Typhoon” Bianca Salvador. There’s a lot of upside with her, and it doesn’t help she rubs elbows with the reigning Evolution Champion, Gaby.
Gaby: Bianca Salvador has made it clear she wants a bite out of Evolution Champion Robbyn Helmsley, and that’s why Bobbi ended up in the Typhoon’s path. But now the Eagle has a different kind of animal to deal with: an angry powerlifter who’s fresh out of one of the most heartbreaking defeats in her career.
I'mmadoitlikeitain'tbeendone I'mma do it like it AIN'T. BEEN. DONE!
As "Ain't Been Done" echoes throughout the venue, punctuated by a burst of vibrant lights of green and red. Amidst the swirling lights, a spotlight shines down on the entrance ramp, and out steps Clover Thomas, wearing a robe adorned with her signature symbol, the four-leaf clover, arms open and smirking at the crowd. She stops at the top of the ramp and strikes a pose, pointing to the lights atop the stage, before pulling her arm in a "heck yeah" motion and proceeding to strut down the entrance ramp, taking the time to indulge in high-fives with the fans on the front rows.
Kat: And her opponent... From New York City, standing at 6-feet tall... "The Highlight of the Night"... CLOVER! THOMAS!!!
As she approaches the ring, Clover ascends the steel steps and pauses at the ring apron, casting a determined gaze over the sea of faces, bobbing her head to the sound of music, before stepping between the ropes. As she enters the ring, she quickly gets rid of the robe, throwing it to the side before walking up to the hard cam ropes and stretching her arms, as if she could hug the audience, before pointing to the lights again. Ultimately, she goes to her corner and starts stretching, as she gets ready for show time.
Zack: Clover made it to the finals of the Atomic Tournament, and I believe she’d love to get back into the ring for it with whoever wins tonight between Ruby and Mikayla. I’m sure the same can be said for the “Eagle” as well though.
Gaby: Clover is now the only woman out of the four that competed in the tournament that has never won a belt, period. She’s angry, mostly at herself I’ll assume, and she’ll tell you she has every reason to be. Which brings the age old question up, is a woman most dangerous when she has nothing to lose and a lot to prove or what?
As soon as referee Kevin Fisk called for the bell, the two women met in the center of the ring and shook hands in a show of good sportsmanship. A collar and elbow tie-up followed before Bobbi dropped to her back, using a monkey flip to send Clover onto the mat. She tried to roll over on top of her into the mount position but the blonde got her knees up when she went to straddle her. That stopped the “Eagle” before Thomas shoved her off the cover. She quickly got back to her feet, catching the brunette with a kick to the chest as she was stunned on her knees. A second and third landed before Clover hoisted her up into a belly to belly suplex.
Zack: I like Bobbi’s plan right there at the outset, but Clover had a counter in mind. Now she’s already bringing that power advantage to bear.
The “Eagle” got back to her feet, only to turn around into an open hand slap to the chest. The sound resonated through the arena before she brought a second big clap down to her chest, making Bobbi’s torso turn bright red where it landed. Clover whipped her into the turnbuckles before following her in with a corner clothesline. Yet another clap landed across Bobbi’s chest before Thomas scooped her up into a high gorilla press before sending her to the canvas.
Zack: You can hear those claps throughout the arena, flesh on flesh! Bobbi’s chest is turning tomato red, courtesy of Clover!
Gaby: And those hit less like a whip crack and more like being smacked with a freaking shovel across your chest!
The powerhouse scooped her up from there for a running powerslam into the center of the ring. She quickly hooked the far leg as Fisk dropped into position to make the count.
Zack: Clover says the “Eagle” isn’t taking flight tonight, and we got a cover!
But Bobbi kicked out after the one count, causing Clover to get back to her feet. She dragged the brunette to her feet, delivering another hard clap to her chest before scooping her up for a sidewalk slam.
Gaby: Clover’s just flaunting her strength and her hard hitting style now, almost as if it’s a message to the roster and Bobbi is the paper!
Villalobos rolled towards the ropes to use them to get up, but Clover was right behind her. Though that was the plan. When Thomas got within ring, Bobbi used a drop toe hold that sent her neck first across the middle rope. It gave the brunette a chance to get back to her feet before she took off for the far side with a running punt to the blonde’s ribs as she was trying to get up. She pulled her up the rest of the way, scooping Clover into a gutbuster across her knee.
Zack: Bobbi laid the trap, and Clover got snared in it like a big grizzly bear. She’s gotta do everything she can to keep her off her feet. When she’s vertical, she tends to be dominant.
Gaby: And being the Eagle, she now needs to establish some distance and rain down punishment with faster paced offense that will allow her to keep some distance. That’s how you deal with an opponent that much larger than you.
The powerhouse began to push up to try to get to her feet again, only for the “Eagle” to deliver a double underhook piledriver onto the canvas. She rolled her over from there and hooked the far leg for the cover.
Zack: A devastating variation of the piledriver, and we’ll see if it knocked Clover out in three seconds or less!
But Thomas got her shoulder off the mat in time. Bobbi rubbed her chest where all those claps landed before she dragged the blonde back to her feet long enough to put her down with a falcon’s arrow.
Gaby: Not enough to put Clover away, and Bobbi is definitely feeling the ways in which fighting the Highlight of the Night can really… pun not intended… light ya up!
She headed to the corner, making her way to the top rope and waiting as the powerhouse started to rise to her feet again. When she turned, the “Eagle” flew with a missile dropkick to the chest that put her down again. Bobbi rolled out of the ring to the apron, and used the top rope for a slingshot into a plancha that landed squarely on Clover’s chest before she got back to her feet once again.
Zack: Bobbi’s ensuring that Clover spends more time on the canvas than da Vinci right now, and it’s working like a charm!
Gaby: It’s her best bet, she’s proving she knows exactly what she’s doing! Keep Clover grounded, establish a distance, waste no movement!
Villalobos returned to the corner, scaling it quickly as Clover rolled over to get up again. A leg drop bulldog from the top rope drove her face into the mat before the brunette rolled her over and went for the cover again!
Zack: I don’t think I’ve ever seen that one before, and Bobbi is three seconds away from her first win in FFW!
Clover got her shoulder off the mat in the nick of time, and Bobbi shook her head as she got back to her feet. She pulled her arms behind her setting up for a double underhook facebuster, but the blonde countered that by rising up and delivering a backdrop driver instead that put them both on the canvas.
Gaby: Oop– And there’s the danger of dealing with someone like Clover, because she can just raw power out of the situation and bring the pace back to her own speed.
Both women were down at that point as Fisk began his ten count. Clover was back to her feet at five as Bobbi wasn’t far behind her in doing the same. The blonde spun her around into a short arm clothesline that put her down again. She was still trying to get herself together before she took off for the far side, catching the rising brunette with a Superman punch that floored her back to the mat.
Zack: Clover’s starting to rally here, and Bobbi got her jaw jacked off that shot! I think she’s setting the table for that gorilla press she loves so much.
Gaby: The Eagle has flown too close to the Sun and it might he the time for her to meet the Sky Highlights…!
Thomas took a moment and then planted her head between her legs. With one swift motion, she hoisted Bobbi high above her into a jackknife powerbomb that bounced the brunette’s body off the mat. She quickly dropped into the cover with the far leg hooked!
Zack: A jackknife from the heavens right there, Clover’s gonna be hearing her music in a matter of seconds!
Villalobos got her shoulder off the mat at the last possible moment, causing Clover to double check with the referee. He assured her it was just a two as the powerhouse began to get to her feet.
Gaby: Frustration is starting to set in within Clover, I don’t remember having seen her as desperate as this!
Thomas made it back to her feet, and pulled her opponent up with her. She scooped her up into position only for Bobbi to slip behind her into a backstabber. It propelled the blonde forward before the newcomer spun her around, kicked her in the gut and dropped her with her spiked pedigree before going for the cover!
Zack: Villalobos out of nowhere! She avoided what I think was gonna be the SKY HIGH, and hit paydirt with what she calls the DESCENT OF DEATH!
Fisk immediately dove into position to make the count.
Kat: Your winner by pinfall….’THE EAGLE’ BOBBI VILLALOBOS!!
The support of the British crowd brings a smile to her face as the newest addition to the FFW roster gets back to her feet. Clearly sore from the match, she gets her hand raised as her music begins to play once again.
Zack: I thought Clover may have had this match all sewn up, but the “Eagle” thought better of that and now has her first win in FFW! Well done, Bobbi!
Gaby: And for the first time since her return, Clover Thomas loses a match that’s not a championship or #1 contenders match! This is the sign of desperation right there! But the Eagle had an ironclad strategy to deal with the much more imposing opponent, an it has paid dividends greatly!
As the two women show one another mutual respect, the show cuts away to a commercial for Future Shock Undeniable 2 on February 25th on FFW All Access.Robbyn Isn’t Mahomes Right Now Recorded Earlier Today…The next sight we see is that of Kayla Palmer standing in front of a monitor, where the reigning Evolution Champion is standing by. It’s clear by the words on that screen that she is at the home city of Super Bowl 59 in New Orleans. Kayla: Kayla here filing a report for tonight’s edition of Atomic. As you can see, I’m joined by Evolution Champion Robbyn Helmsley, who isn’t in Birmingham today with the FFW roster because she’s going to be attending Super Bowl 59 between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Kansas City Chiefs. Let’s start with a prediction. Who do you have winning the game Sunday? Robbyn adjusts the belt on her shoulder as she seemingly ponders the question. Robbyn: I’m gonna say it here and likely regret my call but I think the Chiefs are going to do it again this year and walk out of New Orleans the champs... again. Not to say it won’t be a tight game with the Eagles but nothing beats the bromance between Kelce and Mahomes. Kayla: Well we know who our fans in Philadelphia will be cheering come Vendetta. As we know, you’ll be having a tiebreaker match between yourself and Caitlyn Storm for your Evolution Championship on April 5th. You recently got to team up with her on the inaugural edition of Atomic for the first time. Tell us how that experience went for you. Robbyn: The amount of respect I have for Caitlyn is unequivocal. She’s the definition of professional inside of the ring. I think I’m warming up to her on the outside too. She’s just beyond talented. To say I’m looking forward to the rubber match for MY Evolution Championship is an understatement. And for it to be defended at Vendetta, the very show I came back at almost a year ago where all of this started is going to be fun. The respect I have for her, however, is not going to hinder my ability to do whatever it takes to keep her on the mat for three seconds. Robbyn looks at the title on her shoulder for a few seconds and as she lets out a breath. Kayla: During that tag match, you also spent most of it fighting with Brittany alongside Caitlyn. Not to mention her partner spit in your face, which has set up the main event two weeks from tonight in London when you meet Sofia Rojas one on one in a non-title match. Would you like to comment on meeting the Rabbit, which is what coneja is in Spanish for those who didn’t know? Robbyn: Sofia is a coward, and piece of shit and she needs to do some soul searching. The last person who pissed me off this much got ran over by a Darkhorse at a Throwback event, and she didn’t even disrespect me the way Sofia has. I cannot wait to get in the ring with her. I cannot wait to teach her what her mama has refused to teach her and I cannot wait to pick up a massive win at the fourth edition of Atomic in London. Kayla: She has been maintaining she deserves the shot because she already defeated Caitlyn at the end of 2024. But Adam had already promised Caitlyn her rematch first, since you two are 1-1 at the moment against each other. Do you agree Sofia also deserves a title match? The tattooed wrestler laughed, almost too hard at the question. Robbyn: The shithead doesn’t deserve a title match. She doesn’t deserve to be around any title. As a matter of fact. She needs to pull her head out of her boyfriend's ass, take this job a little more serious, and stop being a god damn rabbit jumping all over the place. Kayla: Last question. I wanted to get your thoughts on what your daughter attempted to do on the last episode of Future Shock. Now she maintained she was buying the Diamond Championship, but… Robbyn: Phoenix reminds me of me when I was that age. She’s impulsive and doesn’t always realize that the world she lives in isn’t the reality the world sees. That could be my fault for giving the girl whatever she wants plus an allowance. But touching someone’s title without winning it is a bad omen, and I’m not at all about that. Kayla: As it turns out, neither was Angela Hinchcliffe. Robbyn: As much as I want to see Phoenix win her title. I’m sure Angela will do her best to not only stop the momentum that is Phoenix Galloway but also teach her that she can’t always buy what she believes she’s earned. Best of luck to the both at Undeniable 2. Kayla: Enjoy the game tomorrow, and we’ll see you in London for the next Atomic. She tells the champion before the show goes to a commercial break on Prime. Emma-culate Reception The fans were very loud as the show came back from the ad for Undeniable 2 on the 25th to find Amber Carano on the stage with none other than Emma Mackenzie. The latter was getting quite the response from the Birmingham crowd. Amber: Ladies and gentlemen, a woman who really needs no introduction. Emma Mackenzie, welcome to Birmingham, England! Emma gives a grin to the crowd, holding a hand up in a static wave. Emma: Well…it’s been a very long time since I’ve been in England, and ever longer since I’ve been in this particular city. The place that gave us the man responsible for the Future Shock theme, too! Amber: You can never go wrong with Ozzy. Emma: Absolutely not! Bitta Ozzy, bitta Sabbath, definitely can’t go wrong. Anything for a cheap pop, we guess! Emma: But I’m pretty willing to bet, Amber, that you didn’t ask me to join you out here so we can delight in the musical wonders that this city has produced over the years. Amber: That’s accurate, because I wanted to talk with you about our last stop for the FFW roster in England two weeks from tonight when we visit the OVO Wembley Arena in London. You’re going to be part of that show! Emma grins. Emma: Well hey, I finally get to be part of the new show in a way that isn’t standing here talking to you! How about that! Was starting to think I as just gonna be that girl that sits in the back and doesn’t do much. Not that I mind a more part time schedule, the body doesn’t hold up like it did a few years ago, after all. Amber: You’ll be meeting a woman who, two weeks ago, certainly did not leave Atomic in a good mood. But I’m not sure how often she’s in one anyway. You’ll be heading to London two weeks from tonight to face the former co-holder of the Undisputed Tag Titles Rori Mackenzie! No relation. Emma: In a different time, we’d be that strange thing where you’d call us sisters-in-law that’s a thing in the US. But not these days. I know she’s got an issue with me saying one thing and then doing another, so we’ll call that a focal point of when she talks about me. She thinks she’s unhinged…she’s not. I can show her what that is though, if she wants. Amber: Were you surprised at the brevity of Prophecy’s tag title reign, given how they were seemingly unstoppable all the way up to when they won them against the Heat last November? Emma: Honestly? No. And Rori and Maddison can be mad about that, because the reality of that matter is that they were beaten by a team who are better than them, that they themselves effectively wrote off. That’s what happens when you think you have a match in the bag. You lose it. It’s what happened. Look, I’m a cocky, arrogant pain in the arse and I’ll hold my hands up to that. But I’m not stupid enough to write off a whole match. Amber: I’m sure it’s going to be a war of attrition. And I’m also sure you’re amped because two weeks after that show, we’re heading to Glasgow at the Hydro for the next Atomic on March 8th. I’ve had it confirmed that you’ll be part of that show too. The grin that was on Emma’s face widens at the mention of being part of the show in her home city. Emma: Home we go! I’m not gonna be here and make a point of how I feel about the place I call home, everyone already knows that much. All the same, you can’t beat getting to go to the place you called home and seeing that reaction. Amber: Touching back on the match you have with Rori. I wanted to get your opinion on her and Maddison seemingly being of the mind that Cody is out to get them. There was Scarlett being put in as guest referee back at the Fatale Royale, where they still won the match. Then he made a deal with Kyle that saw them have to defend the tag titles against Violence Inc. Where do you stand on it? Do you think they have a point? Emma shrugs and shakes her head. Emma: Let’s preface this with my relationship with Cody not being a secret. That man is a little brother to me and everyone knows that. Saying that, I do not claim to know what goes on in his head. Do I buy their theory? Not in the slightest. If Cody had a problem with Prophecy I don’t believe that’s how he would go about it, and he’d still have Adam to answer to in any case. Though as far as I remember, Violence, Inc getting their championship match didn’t actually have anything to do with Prophecy and more giving Stacey something that wasn’t Kyle’s safety to fight for. Amber: I have asked Cody about that since then, and he informed me that he wanted to give both women at Sabotage something to compete for. Crystal wanted five minutes with Kyle, and Stacey’s prize was something he knew she’d want as well beyond what you just said. And I mean…it turned out to be a good idea because…we got new tag champions two weeks ago. Emma: It turned out good if you’re the current Tag Team Champions, absolutely. Which may well be adding fuel to the fire of Cody has it out for Prophecy. But as I said, I can’t speak to what goes on in Cody’s mind. Wouldn’t want to either. Amber: We’ll see how it all shakes out two weeks from tonight in London when Emma meets Rori one on one on the next Atomic. As we see the graphic on the screen for the upcoming match, the show heads to a commercial break on Prime.
on: February 04, 2025, 02:43:01 pm
Started by Adam Grant - Last post by Adam Grant
The instrumental version of “Boom” by the X Ambassadors starts to play briefly before we see a sign for the Grand Velos Los Cabos hotel. The camera takes us through the very luxurious hotel before we end up on a balcony overlooking crystal blue waters, only to find both Kyle Kilmeade and Phoenix Galloway in chairs on either side of the table. Kyle has on a pair of shorts and a half open white short sleeve shirt, while Phoenix has on a pink bikini and a white wrap around her waist. Kyle: Welcome to the Grand Velos Los Cabos hotel here in Cabo San Lucas. I’d had enough cold weather for a while in the States, so I decided to head south to what is honestly one of the most gorgeous places in the world. This is After Shock, obviously. I’m Kyle Kilmeade, and this is the next Diamond Champion and my co-host Phoenix Galloway. Phoenix: I had the title, I should be the current Diamond Champion but Angela decided to spoil those plans for me, but enough about her, this weather, this place it’s beautiful. Especially since I can wear one of my favorite bikinis from my collection. Kyle: Glad you approve. We’re now very close to the first major event of 2025 in Future Shock..hell, in FFW. That’s Undeniable 2 in front of over 70,000 people at Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, Massachusetts on FFW All Access. A show where this woman right here will get what she deserves and become the next and easily the most prominent Diamond Champion in Future Shock history. What’s important to note about what happened on the last show was Angela attacked Phoenix as she was leaving the arena. Had she tried that face to face, a very different outcome would have taken place. Phoenix scoffs looking overly annoyed with the actions of her opponent and lets out an almost audible sigh. Phoenix: The fact that she had the audacity to jump me while leaving with something that I’m entitled to is just an absolute overreach of the rules, and I’m hoping Carson will fine and punish her accordingly. Especially since she fired him and his agency for no reason at all. Kyle: How he handles his business is his own to deal with. I wouldn’t tolerate it personally, but that’s a tale for another day. Today, we’re here to talk about the final show before Undeniable 2 when we are in Leeds, England as FFW tours the country throughout February. And as an added bonus, the goddess to my left will be part of that show. He looks towards her. Kyle: Ever been to England? Phoenix nods and grins wide. Phoenix: I went to England with my little sister for an FFW event last year. They have some of the loudest, most overpowering crowds in the entire world. It was one of the best memories Leah and I share together. Sat up in a private box away from all the mouth breathers of course. Kyle: Well now she’ll be able to see you compete in front of everyone there. But we’ll get to that. Before I dive too far into the card and I know it’s not really your concern, but are you surprised at all with how things are going in Global Wars? I mean Scotland is currently leading, and that almost never happens. Phoenix: It’s disgusting the type of thing that monster is. If I were Aly I’dve lost it, and if my manager sat back and watched someone disrespect me like that I’d expect him to do something about it too. She shoots Kyle a look while referring to Domino blowing her nose on Aly. Phoenix: What she did was unacceptable on a brand with the prestige that Future Shock has, and I think her country needs to be docked at least one or two points for it. Kyle: I think her and Madyson may have a bone to pick with how things went. She doesn’t strike me as someone who bothers too much with hygiene, so I’d definitely get in a good shower after any match with or against her. He scrunches his nose merely thinking about it. Kyle: Anyway, what say we dive into business? Future Shock will visit the Leeds Arena for the first time in company history in…where else but Leeds?! Carson has booked a double main event, one match including twin versus twin when Missy meets Cassandra Sheffield. Looking alike is the only thing those two have in common, which I can personally attest to as I used to manage Cassandra. Who do you like in that one? MISSY VS CASSANDRA SHEFFIELD Phoenix: As much as I want to go with one half of the Undisputed Tag Team Champions, and your very respected client. I have to say Missy isn’t going to let Cassandra walk into her brand in their city, and not come out on top. Missy is a wrecking ball, and until someone can dethrone her she’s not going to lose a match, especially when it’s against a sibling let alone a twin. Congrats on the shiny Cassandra, sorry about the loss in Leeds though. Kyle: But while those two champions meet in one half of the main event, Carson has booked two more champions to meet in the other half of the main event. None other than Cassandra’s partner, co-holder of the Undisputed Tag Titles, is back in a Future Shock ring on February 11th that night. “Sensational” Stacey Sky will face the reigning Adrenaline Champion Siobhan before she heads off to deal with Sapphire at Undeniable 2. "SENSATIONAL" STACEY SKY VS. SIOBHAN The buff Barbie’s jaw dropped as she heard the match, in absolute shock with the co-main event. Phoenix: MY GOD!!! Stacey is going to absolutely demolish the Adrenaline Champion. She takes a moment to process the match. Phoenix: That’s one long night for Siobhan, and is being thrown into the deep end in who I deem to be the more volatile of Violence Inc. It’s rather amusing, and it makes for more opportunities for Siobhan to limp into Undeniable 2 if she happens to get of the wrong side of Stacey’s temper. Kyle: For those who don’t remember, Stacey was one of the best Adrenaline Champions in SVW history, which was where the concept for that title being brought to Future Shock was born. Siobhan has a long way to go to get on that level. And let’s be honest, her winning it, to begin with, was in large part to your mom wrecking Sapphire during Ultimate X, I think, based purely on the fact she had all the momentum and was on a win streak heading into that show. Phoenix gives a soft shrug. Phoenix: Sapphire had it coming, and I’m not opposed to the current Adrenaline Champ’s reign, but my mom didn’t wreck anything that wasn’t already spoiled by the human hemorrhoid up Sapph’s ass, that being Emerald. Kyle: We’ll also see your bestie’s former pain back in the ring. Gina Van Zyl is back in action, and she’ll meet Constance McCullough. As someone who has been in the ring with Gina during the tag match where she had enough of Domino…as any woman would, how do you feel about this one? You think Constance can get past her? CONSTANCE McCULLOUGH VS. GINA VAN ZYL He turns his attention back to his blonde co-host. She stifled a giggle with her hand over her mouth as he mentioned having enough of Domino. Phoenix: GVZ is an atrocious woman and wrestler, however the best moment in her career was attacking the Yeti at the end of the tag match that Tiffany Lynn Page and I won. She’s done nothing to prove she’s worth her spot on the Future Shock roster and she simply is nothing but a mark in the win column of her opponents. Enjoy your win Constance, my understanding is they come few and far between for you my dear. Kyle: Now that brings me to your match. For those who have very short memories, Phoenix’s last match saw her defeat the longest reigning Diamond Champion in Future Shock history. No one has been able to stop her yet, and now…now they are throwing a high flier…a speedster at her who also has been a champion. He looks back to her again with a smile. Kyle: Have I got your curiosity up enough yet? Phoenix: Way to build suspense Kyle. The Alaskan looked at him playfully. Phoenix: Care to share with the world or wanna just whisper it to me and I’ll tell the world. Kyle: Well it’s someone who also held the Adrenaline title in SVW just like Stacey did. And just like in the main event, also a twin. Or a triplet actually. It’ll be Phoenix facing Anna Cortez. PHOENIX GALLOWAY VS. ANNA CORTEZ Phoenix: Another heathen to burn though. Phoenix looks less than pleased as she hears Cortez mentioned. Phoenix: Remind me again why she’s relevant, Ky? Kyle: Well it’s not really my job to boost her accomplishments. That’s on Christian. But let’s see….she’s the one who ended Stacey’s reign as SVW Adrenaline Champion? Phoenix: Well she sure as shit ain’t going to end my undefeated streak. I have absolutely no issue with beating her ever loving hell out of a triplet. Thanks Carson for putting me in a match for Leeds to see, sorry Anna but I intend to make the triplets into twins by the end of the match. Kyle: That’s the whole card you have in store for Leeds. Let’s look at Phoenix’s expert predictions in retrospect. She’s got Missy, Stacey, Constance….and herself all leaving with the win And then we’re off the Undeniable 2 in Foxborough, and I have a very special location in mind for that After Shock. Now the rest of the day belongs to you. He tells her as he looks towards her again. Kyle: Co-hosting After Shock has a lot of perks, at least with me in charge. Phoenix: Traveling to amazingly upscale locations with the best manager in FFW, while getting to relax in a bikini in the sun during a January chill. While we hang out and talk strategy. I love this job! Kyle: We’re done here, so I’ll let you say goodbye to the viewers this week while they lust for and admire you. She grins and leans in towards the camera, absolutely playing to the audience. Phoenix: Well that was fun heading into Leeds next week. For Kyle and myself have yourself the week you deserve, and we’ll see you at Future Shock in England! BYE guys. She gets out of her seat and sheds her white wrap before slipping into a pool as the cameras go off air.
on: January 30, 2025, 06:49:24 pm
Started by countt0thr33 - Last post by countt0thr33
Frustration was quickly starting to sink in, especially in the quiet hallway that led to the dressing room. Taking another sip of her water she whipped the bottle towards the wall letting out a deafening scream of defeat as she did, her body gave way to exhaustion when she slumped next to the wall and curled her knees to her chest. She had remembered this feeling, the emotional toll of simply not being good enough, it’s how she felt the first time around. All her skills, all her successes in life just couldn’t translate to the one job she truly loved; the one job that not only gave her the thrill and excitement she needed but also the outlet she desired. She could train and teach kids taekwondo, she could wrestle and fly around the ring. But she couldn’t hold someone down for three seconds. She’s come close but in this business, this company. Close sometimes just isn’t enough.
“Hey,” A deep voice came from down the hall; the voice belonged to Aly’s little brother Andrew Vuletich, who had a plate of food from catering. “There’s no crying in wrestling.” Using the line from ‘A League of their Own’ he tapped her leg with his foot before taking a seat beside her, holding his plate out for her to pick off if she pleased. “Listen, I can understand the frustration. Coming up on the wrong side of the three count again. The self doubt and internal sabotage you’re likely feeling. But Alys,” He stopped himself as he wrapped an arm around her, forcing his big sister into a hug. “If you fold, if this feeling gets too deep into you, that you aren’t great. Then you’re going to prove everyone right. That you’re still that little girl who runs away when it gets tough.”
Roo held his hand up to stop any reply from coming out. “You ran when things got too tough after Future Shock. Yes your mom was dying, yes she succumbed to the illness in her, but she didn’t once give up. The fight got too much but Aly she never gave up, she kept coming back to the battle even when the doctors told her that it wasn’t in her best interest.” His voice came out quiet as he talked about the woman who had raised him for the earlier parts of his life. “Alys, she wouldn’t want this for you. The hurt and frustration, the self doubt and labels you have given yourself.”
“Your mom.” He stopped himself and looked at her, “Listen, your mom was so damn proud of you, and your cocky attitude. Your resilience and determination.” He tilted her head, “Alyson, you’ve never been the best fighter. But to mom, you were the world champion because you didn’t give up.”
Tears flowed from the brunette’s eyes as her little brother spoke with such elegance about her mother, the young man pulled her in a little closer, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “It’s just...”
“It’s hard, I know but feeling sorry for yourself every time you come close but don’t succeed isn’t going to make you any better. It’s not going to help you win, It’s going to put the doubt in your mind that you’re simply not good enough. It’s going to make you feel like you don’t belong with the best, and Aly... You’re absolutely something special in this company. You’re something special in that ring. Don’t ever think that you don’t belong when it’s so clear that you do.” He pressed another kiss on her forehead. “You’ve done harder things, and stuck with them. So why is this any different?”
Andrew shook his head, “It’s not any different so don’t even try to argue your position. You worked on an almost guaranteed divorce from your husband. You chose to stay and fight when things may have not looked so bright. Despite the dark cloud, sis you stayed, you stepped up and you fought for what you needed to make things work.” He let out a heavy sigh. “When others are so willing to give up a part of their life that they vowed to fight though, you actually did it.”
“Vik’s worth the fight.” The wrestler said softly, “He’ll always be worth the fight.”
“So make your career worth the fight Aly, don’t be Mz. Hyde, don’t be the fallen angel, don’t be the alycat be you. The fourth degree black belt, who has all the fight in the world. Who doesn’t give up on the hard things because it’s not going your way. Give yourself the fight you’d give anyone else. Give yourself the fight your mom would be proud of.”
The brunette simply nodded, still very much stuck in her head. “Just fight. Tired or not... just... fight.”
“It’s easier said than done, but if anyone has a defiant streak, if anyone can get over this, it’s you.” He nudged her softly. “I love you Aly, I love that you feel so deeply, I love that you care so much, I love that you’re my big sister and that I have you to look up to when things get rough for me.”
“Now, get yourself together, and be proud, at least you didn’t take the pin.” Andrew tried to find the silver lining in the night.