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FFW Future Shock S12E1

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Author Topic: FFW Future Shock S12E1  (Read 409 times)
Adam Grant
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« on: November 02, 2013, 04:48:19 am »

(Special Thanks to Sarah)

Femme Fatale Wrestling
A Shooting Star Production
FFW Future Shock
Season Twelve - Season Premiere!

The FFW logo flashes across the screen as we hear something rather massive hit the ground apparently when we see a rather large sign laying flat on the pavement. Several people gather around to see what happened as we hear a voice over a walkie say “We are going to need some manpower to get this billboard up….” As the people gather around, we see a pair of feet walk into the shot and set a boombox on the ground before hitting the play button. “One of a Kind” by Breaking Point blares from the speakers as we see Reiha Laine shaking her head and whistling into her fingers. From five different directions, we see Hope Osborne, Lilly Sheffield, Adira Riddick, Ana Barbosa, and Rhea Laskaris walk into the shot. All six women look at one another as Ana takes the walkie away from the officer, shaking her head. All of them descend on the massive sign as they begin to lift it. The passersby look on amazed as these six women lift a massive billboard and set it up against the wall to cheers from the onlookers as they all look up to see the FFW Future Shock Season 12 logo on the billboard and then take off towards the Future Shock Arena before the video fades out to the live broadcast.

We open inside the Future Shock Arena as a small group of very vocal fans make a lot of noise as they see themselves on live television! The camera pans the facility to show the state of the art equipment before it pans over to the hosts, Mark Horton & “The Diva of Extreme” Isabella Mackenzie!

Mark: Welcome to the rebirth of a phenomenon! Welcome to the historic twelfth season premiere of a brand iconic within the ranks of Femme Fatale Wrestling! Welcome to Future Shock! We are here live at the Future Shock Arena in Los Angeles, and tonight we kick off the latest and greatest season of the show that has launched many FFW careers! I’m Mark Horton, and I have the courtesy of being joined for this season by none other than FFW Hall of Famer Isabella Mackenzie!

Isabella: Glad to be here, Mark! Just a day removed from seeing FFW’s next stop star Mika Demidov advancing to the semi finals of the Femme For All, we’re here to watch another incoming batch of future stars!

Mark: Tonight, six women will begin their journey to the bright lights of FFW. And in the case of these women, they won’t even have to wait that long! They will all be appearing for the first time ever in a Trios match on the next edition of Velocity! Never before has an opportunity like that been made available to everyone in a season. So they definitely have a lot to look forward to going forward!

Isabella: It’ll do these girls some good to get some big match experience! But then is then, and now is now! So let’s get to tonight!

Mark: But tonight, they will compete in an over the top rope battle royal! And the winner of that will earn immunity from the fan vote this round and automatically go into round two! And that’s a prize that will be on the line every time these women step into that ring throughout the season. It is certainly high stakes this season, more than ever before really!

Isabella: It certainly adds a whole new dimension to the format. And to be honest, I really like it!

The camera heads towards the ring as we see the first two entrants already standing in the ring, that being Hope Osborne and Rhea Laskaris, both warming up in their corners.

Mark: And there’s the two women who will start this match! Hope is giving up one hell of a size disadvantage and power to Rhea, but the upshot is she does have big match experience with two SVW Pay Per View matches under her belt. One was as recently as this week!

Isabella: That is true. But despite that, I’ve got to fancy Rhea here. She’s much more... appealing to me.

Referee Jennifer Stringer calls for the bell on the floor Hope bursts out of the corner towards Rhea as she turns around. Osborne begins unloading with forearm shots to the head one after another. Laskaris piefaces her backwards, but Hope takes off again and once more begins to unload with those shots. Rhea tries to weather the storm, but got shoved backwards again. Rhea’s eyes fasten on Hope, moving straight towards her as Hope catches her with a dropkick to her knee. Rhea bends down in pain for a moment as Hope grabs her head and looks to be going for a DDT. But Rhea stands back up with Hope hooked around her head. Osborne’s eyes widen as Rhea grabs her with both hands and lifts her high with a military press before walking out from under her! Osborne hit the mat with a loud splat as Rhea tried to get herself together.

Isabella: Damn, that was a six foot freefall, and that canvas doesn’t have much give in it.

Mark: I think Osborne irritated Rhea with that opening offense, and that’s a bad ride she just took with a worse landing!

Hope began to get to her hands and knees as Rhea charged forward with a front kick that lifted her off the mat and right back down onto it. Laskaris pulled her back to her feet, and heaved Hope over the top rope. But Osborne grabbed onto the rope before she fell to the floor. Laskaris glanced to see it, charging for her with a scissor kick. But Hope ducked and Rhea landed straddle of the top rope. Hope steps back through the ropes and tries to shake the ropes and send Rhea over to the floor. But the Greek Amazon manages to fall back into the ring and on her knees with a look of pain on her face. Hope bounces off the near side and catches her with a shining wizard to the back of her head, causing the Amazon to fall face first onto the mat.

Mark: What a nasty kick right to the back of the head! Hope’s chopped this big tree down, but she has to get her over the top rope! And that’s going to be one hell of a chore for her!

Isabella: Yeah, good luck with that. Aren’t we due to have someone else out soon?


The buzzer goes off as we see Adira Riddick hit the ring next. Hope glances back to her as the Canadian beauty nails her straight away with a thunderous lariat that drops her to the mat.

Mark: There’s Samantha’s chosen one right there, Adira Riddick! And Hope got her head taken off!

Isabella: Not often I don’t concur with Samantha, but I still like Rhea. We’ll see what Adira can do, however.

Adira pulled Hope up, dropping her across her knee in a gutbuster. She fired her hard into the ropes, with Hope grabbing onto the ropes to stop the rebound. But as she turned, Adira nailed her with a dropkick over the top rope to the floor.

Mark: Hope’s been eliminated, but one hell of a game effort from her!

Adira dusted her hands off, and turned around as she saw Rhea getting back up to her feet. The two powerhouses locked eyes as Adira walked up to her, almost going nose to nose. A little bit of trash talking was shown as the two looked back at one another with Adira raising her hand up and challenging Rhea to a test of strength. The PA nodded her head and raised her hand up, grabbing Adira’s and then grabbing the other one as the two locked up. Both women gave it all they had, trying to bring the other one down till Adira caught her with a short knee to double her over. Riddick drove another knee home, and took off towards the ropes. And as Laskaris raised up, the Canadian left her feet and caught her with a devastating hurricanrana!

Isabella: The Greeks like breaking dishes, but I think the poor Amazon just got broken herself!

Mark: Adira and Rhea are two powerful women, and that impact may have put her onto Dream Street!

The cheering from the fans made her smile as she pulled Rhea up, shoving her towards the ropes. She began to pepper her with right hands and a couple lefts as she tried to push her over. Leaning down, she grabbed her leg and tried to lift her over. Rhea wrapped her arm around the top rope as Riddick dumped her over to the apron. The Amazon dropped to her knees as Adira backed up a few steps and took off towards her, much like she did with Hope. But Rhea stood up and caught her around the throat with a goozle! Laskaris’ hand wrapped around her throat and hoisted her up and drilled her with a chokeslam into the mat!

Mark: Adira was looking to send Rhea out the same way as she did Hope, but ran right into a thunderous chokeslam! Rhea Laskaris is power personified!

Isabella: And that’s why she’s my pick, Mark. Not just powerful, but resourceful too. She chokeslammed Adira halfway to Timbuctoo!

She stepped back through the ropes and into the ring. Adira rolled to her hands and knees as Rhea circled around behind her. She waved her to get up fully as she finally moved in behind her and grabbed her with both hands around her head. Adira’s eyes widened as Rhea lifted her up by the head and dropped her atomic drop style into the mat as she kept on the head vice!

Isabella: Well that’s definitely some innovative... and painful offense.


As Rhea heard the buzzer, she didn’t turn around in time before DJ Laine hit the ring and caught her with a back cracker! Laskaris hit the mat hard as the DJ rolled over on top of her and began to pelt her with shots to the head one after another. Laine rolled back to her feet, jerking Rhea up and shoving her into the corner. She grabbed the top rope and began to unleash a flurry of kicks to her body in the corner one after another. She backflipped away from her and took off with a shoulder block that lifted Rhea off the mat on impact!

Mark: The DJ has come in with a house of fire, and Rhea’s catching all the attention right now, but I believe Adira Riddick is about to make her presence felt!

Isabella: Laine is mixing up some beats on the Athena right now! Or something...

Mark: You’ve never listened to club music in your life, have you?

Isabella: Not once. Is it so obvious?

Laine backed up again, lining up towards the PA as Adira wrapped her arms around her into a full nelson. Laine surprised her with a rear headbutt to the face, getting her arms free and unloading with a pair of back elbows to her head one after another after another. She spun around, grabbing her arm and firing her hard into the ropes. Adira bounced off the far side, as Laine went for a roundhouse kick. But Riddick ducked it, and ended up behind her. And as Laine spun around to face her, Adira hoisted her up with both hands by the throat into a Rydeen bomb!

Mark: Thunderous impact from Adira! Laine was imposing her will on Rhea Laskaris, but this Canadian beauty can turn a tide just...like...that!

Isabella: You can see why Samantha has her picked out. I think Laine needs to call the Finnish World Order for back up!

Mark: That reference isn’t dated at all!

Isabella: Ugh... I feel old...

Adira scooped the Finnish DJ up, hoisting her over her head as she started towards the ropes. Reiha began to struggle for her life, reaching down and scratching her eyes to cause her to drop her. Riddick staggered forward into the ropes, and as she turned around, Laine delivered a superkick that sent her through the ropes to the apron. Riddick dangled by one arm over the floor as the referee moved around to that side, seeing if she was going to fall. Laine began to fire shots at her head, trying to cause her to fall the rest of the way. Adira got her leg up onto the apron as Reiha continued to wail away furiously. Riddick rose to her feet, but was getting hammered with those shots as she teetered backwards with her hand holding onto the top rope.

Mark: Adira Riddick is holding on with one hand! And look at the Finnish fighter unload! She knows she needs to get this woman out...and now!!

Isabella: She won’t get a much better chance than this. There’s nothing between Adira and the floor except for imagination!

The fans cheered as Adira began to fight back, firing a right hand of her own but Laine was relentless with her shots. Meanwhile behind her, Laskaris was back up and scooped Reiha up from behind….and dropped her with a huge Olympic slam! The fans came to their feet as Rhea scooped her up into a gorilla press. Riddick tried to get her balance on the apron as Rhea lobbed Laine towards her. Riddick ducked under the flying Finn as she hit the floor behind her.

Isabella: I guess that’s... sort of worked. She got Laine out, but I think Laskaris was looking for the double there!

Mark: Laine went flying out, and we are back down to the two studs in this match! And look at the timer!


Mark: Lilly Sheffield is number five!!

Rhea went towards Adira as Lilly charged the ring and took off. She bounced off the ropes near Rhea and came back with a disaster kick straight to her head that sent her backwards. The camera caught Kyle Kilmeade watching not far away, focused on what he was watching. Rhea staggered backwards as Lilly began firing forearm shivers into her head one after another after another, backing her up into the ropes. She backed up a few steps and ran right at her, but Rhea grabbed her by the throat as she came in. Sheffield’s eyes widened as she got caught, kicking Laskaris in the gut. The PA broke the hold as she doubled over when Lilly hit the axe kick to her head! Rhea wobbled backwards into the ropes, and as she was about to do something, she rolled out of the way and Riddick nailed Rhea with a spinning backfist that sent her over the top rope to the floor!

Mark: And Laskaris is out!! It damn near took a village to do it, but Adira eliminates Rhea! Riddick is an elimination machine, and now Lily……

Isabella: A solid effort. But you’re right, Riddick is dominating this match...

Adira turned her attention to Lily as the English beauty looked across at her opponent. Riddick went straight for her as Lily ducked the contact, and as she spun around, began to fire left and right hand combinations a la Claire Black. Lily’s fists connected more than once before she took off towards the ropes. She went for a flying clothesline but Riddick put her boot up and caught her square on the jaw with a boot to her face! Sheffield dropped to the mat like a sack of bricks as Adira took a moment to try to get her wits about her. She moved in behind Lily as she tried to get up, and grabbed her waist and drove her into the mat with a German suplex. She rolled through and delivered a second. And a third. And a fourth. And a fifth. And a SIXTH!!

Isabella: Well... damn. I think Sheffield might need a chiropractor before this is all said and done!

Mark: Power personified by Adira Riddick! I think she may have this thing won! She just seems to be unstoppable!

Riddick rolled to her knees, breathing heavily as she finally got to her feet. She pointed to the top rope, as the fans watched on. She pulled Lily up, scooping her up into a powerslam position. Sheffield was dead weight over her shoulder as she headed towards the ropes.


The final entrant was Ana Barbosa, who hit the ring and caught Adira with a martial arts kick to the ribs, causing her to drop Lily to the mat.

Mark: That was….not a good strategy! Barbosa saved Lily from elimination right there, and if she wanted Riddick’s attention….well….she got it!

Isabella: Oh dear. I’d say I can’t watch, but I’m actually quite a fan of stupid people getting destroyed!

Riddick held her ribs for a moment as Ana took off for the far side. She bounced off and caught Riddick with a high cross body that took her down to the mat. Lily dropped to her knees on the apron as Ana pulled Adira to her feet. She began to deliver a series of knee strikes into her abdomen. Riddick backed away from her as the strikes continued, now with her feet from the Brazilian model. Adira shoved her off, holding her ribs as Barbosa came forward with a throat strike that really caught the Canadian flush. Adira began coughing heavily as Barbosa went for a leg sweep. But Riddick jumped it and grabbed her feet before she had a chance to get up.

Mark: Barbosa got caught right there, and I don’t know what she plans to do with her, but it won’t be anything she’ll enjoy!

Isabella: You got that right!

And with some power, Adira began a giant swing as she rotated around in a circle as the fans counted along with her. The swing went for nearly fifteen seconds before she sent the model flying! Barbosa staggered to her feet, clearly with her equilibrium shot. And as she turned, Riddick delivered a flash kick that sent her over the top rope to the floor.

Mark: And another elimination!! Adira Riddick is going to win this match!

Adira glared down at the model for a moment, and as she turned, Lily caught her head and delivered a stunner!

Isabella: Oh wow! Out of nowhere, the 3/4 neckbreaker hits, and Adira is suddenly on the ropes... metaphorically at least. She needs to stay off them in the more literal sense, which may be hard after that!

The Canadian staggered backwards and dropped to the mat as Lily waved her up. Riddick began to stir finally as she got to her feet before Sheffield took off into a handspring back elbow that caught her on the chin and sent her toppling over the top rope! But once again, she landed on the apron.

Mark: How many times has Riddick been on that apron?! I won’t believe it till she hits the floor!

Isabella: Could just be a matter of time! She’s still reeling!

Lily made a beeline for her as Adira regained her balance and grabbed her by the head with both hands. Sheffield countered with a jawbreaker that bounced Adira’s head off hers and sent her to the floor before the referee called for the bell!

Mark: Lily Sheffield has won the battle royal!! Lily’s got immunity!

Stringer hit the ring and raised her hand as Lily beamed ear to ear before her fiance joined her, raising her hand in victory as the fans roared in approval.

Isabella: Well damn. Let’s give Lily some credit, she had the resourcefulness to finally knock off Adira. But I don’t think there’s much doubt who dominated this match.

Lily gave him an embrace, though clearly exhausted by the look on her face as Adira nodded her head on the floor after getting her wits about her. She reached through the ropes, shaking her hand out of respect.

Mark: A lot of class right there! Adira is showing respect! But now fans, it’s up to you! Lily Sheffield is going to the next round, but head over to the FFW site and cast your vote! The question is different this season! Who do you want to see eliminated from the competition? Who do you want to send home?! We’ll find out in one week, and there will be five anxious women who don’t want your vote! Good night from Future Shock, and congratulations to you, Lily!

The fans cheered as Stringer raised Lily’s hand once more, causing the brunette to beam from ear to ear as the FFW logo flashed across the screen.

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