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FFW Future Shock S12E2

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Author Topic: FFW Future Shock S12E2  (Read 286 times)
Adam Grant
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« on: November 16, 2013, 12:42:01 am »

(Special Thanks to Sarah)

Femme Fatale Wrestling
A Shooting Star Production
FFW Future Shock
Season Twelve - Episode Two

The FFW logo flashes across the screen as we hear something rather massive hit the ground apparently when we see a rather large sign laying flat on the pavement. Several people gather around to see what happened as we hear a voice over a walkie say “We are going to need some manpower to get this billboard up….” As the people gather around, we see a pair of feet walk into the shot and set a boombox on the ground before hitting the play button. “One of a Kind” by Breaking Point blares from the speakers as we see Reiha Laine shaking her head and whistling into her fingers. From five different directions, we see Hope Osborne, Lilly Sheffield, Adira Riddick, Ana Barbosa, and Rhea Laskaris walk into the shot. All six women look at one another as Ana takes the walkie away from the officer, shaking her head. All of them descend on the massive sign as they begin to lift it. The passersby look on amazed as these six women lift a massive billboard and set it up against the wall to cheers from the onlookers as they all look up to see the FFW Future Shock Season 12 logo on the billboard and then take off towards the Future Shock Arena before the video fades out to the live broadcast.

We are taken to an aerial shot of the Metrodome in Minneapolis from a helicopter briefly before we are taken inside the stadium itself. Specifically, we are down on the field where we see the five remaining Future Shock stars all suited up in football gear, including pads and helmets before the camera pans across to show the hosts, Mark & Isabella.

Mark: The second episode of the twelfth season is here! Welcome to Future Shock, and we are coming to you live from the Metrodome here, the home of the NFL’s Minnesota Vikings! And tonight, we are going to find out what happens when Future Shock hits the gridiron! I’m Mark, and I am joined by none other than first ballot Hall of Famer Isabella Mackenzie!

Isabella: Thank you, Mark, I’m happy to be here! I used to play football as a youngster... proper football, you know, not this gridsteel or whatever we’re doing here today! But I’m happy to experience new things!

Mark: Tonight, the goal is simple. The task is not. Each of these five women will have to catch the football from our guest quarterback and then get past four defenders to make it to the end zone from the halfway point of the field on the fifty yard line. You get one chance. If you fail, you are done. The fastest time wins the challenge. But let’s introduce our guest quarterback!

Out onto the field walks Pollaski himself as he does a bit of a dance on the turf before he heads for the sidelines.

Mark: Pollaski will be firing the footballs to our players, they have to catch it and get to the end zone. All five women are well padded, and it’s one shot here tonight!

Isabella: Yeah, these women get slammed around for a living, but I suppose padding is fine... if you’re a wuss! I somehow doubt we’ve got any NFL hitters here, have we?

Mark: This is pretty much going to be a free for all. While it is their job to get to the end zone, it is the four defenders’ jobs to bring them down...any way possible. NFL rules do not apply!

Each of the women in the special Future Shock football uniforms have their last names on their backs. Four line up on the twenty yard line as we see Rhea Laskaris line up on the fifty yard line. She is quite easily the most buffed looking of the players, even in her pads.

Isabella: Look at that physique on the Greek! Hey that rhymes! GO RHEA GO! GO RHEA GO! Do it for Southern Europe and our shitty economies... YEAH!

The camera shows Dan warming up a bit as he heads out onto the field. The four defenders line up a few yards apart from each other as Rhea bounces up and down. She glances over to the sidelines, seeing her manager watching as Kyle stands with his arms crossed over his chest.

Mark: And we’re about to start! Rhea Laskaris will kick this thing off!

Pollaski takes off past her and as she turns to face him, the four defenders start towards her. He lobs the pass up and Laskaris catches it, taking off towards the end zone. Adira and Reiha make a beeline for her as Laskaris jukes around Adira as Laine shoves her out of the way. Laskaris charges past her with Laine making up ground behind her. Barbosa looks around, not really having moved much from her spot as Lily heads off to intercept her.

Mark: Barbosa isn’t really offering much help here, Laskaris made it past Riddick, but look at the DJ! She’s right behind her! Lilly coming in from the side too!

Isabella: There’s no rules, right? So you shoulder charge little Lilly, then back kick Laine in the legs. Simples!

With the ball tucked into her arm, Rhea barreled towards the end zone. And as Lilly approached, she shot her arm out and pushed her backwards by her helmet! As Laskaris closed in on the end zone, Laine let out a shout and left her feet, literally landing on Rhea’s back and causing her to fall forward. She stumbled and fell across the end zone to the sound of the whistle!

Isabella: TOUCHDOWN GREECE!!! That’s how you do it, right?

Mark: Indeed it was! Rhea had to deal with one hell of a piggyback ride from Laine in those pads! But she made it across. Rhea passes the challenge, and now it’s her job to join the others and keep the next woman out. Remember if they get tackled to the ground, they are done! There are no do-overs!

Isabella: Assuming they catch the ball of course... I’m looking at you, Barbosa.

Laine shoves Rhea away from her as they get back to their feet, with Rhea looking back at her and walking back to her with a purpose. The DJ shot her hand up in front of her face, as if to say she didn’t have time for her. The four defenders slowly began to line back up, as we see Adira heading towards the fifty yard line.

Isabella: Alright, now it’s Samantha’s second favourite! Because everyone knows I’ll always be her absolute favourite!

Mark: Adira Riddick’s up, and let’s see how the Canadian powerhouse handles herself!

Pollaski shouts out a countdown and takes off, passing the ball straight to Adira. She caught it with ease, turning to see three defenders barreling down on her as Barbosa nodded her head and took off behind them. Reiha and Lily were first towards her as Riddick dodged in the other direction past Laine as Lilly changed directions to get to her. Sheffield seemed to pick up a second speed as she really took off, lunging for her feet. But Riddick outstepped her barely and saw Rhea running across to intercept her path. Laskaris shouted at her to bring it as Adira and the Greek were on a direct collision course!

Isabella: TRAIN CRASH INCOMING! THERE WILL BE... NO SURVIVORS! MWAHAHAHA! .......I’m really getting into this, aren’t I?

Mark: One big collision coming up! Someone’s gonna get plastered!

Adira lowered her head and picked up speed as Rhea charged towards her. As the two ran at each other, Barbosa charged across and brushed the back of Laskaris, causing her to glance behind her. Riddick went straight through her, nearly flipping her over onto her back as Ana found herself right in the path of her!

Mark: Adira barreled through Rhea, thanks to an assist from Ana! And Ana….she’s in trouble!

Isabella: You know, in Italy we have trouble with match-fixing. Maybe we should tap Ana’s phone and see if she’s been contacting any betting rings...

Ana’s eyes widened as she saw Adira on a collision course with her, and actually took off to run away from her. Barbosa hit the end zone first, but Riddick was right behind her before she spiked the ball on the ground with a smile at the whistle!

Isabella: That was impressive. I give it a 9 out of 10, it would have been a 10 if she spiked the ball on Barbosa’s head. But A for Effort I guess!

The defenders got into position again as this time, it was Ana’s turn. Barbosa moved to the fifty yard line, looking around for a moment before she looked across at what was waiting for her.

Mark: This one should be most interesting, to say the least!

Isabella: Well Barbosa has already shown a propensity for getting out of Dodge, so to speak. Maybe she can run around the field till they all get tired? Though that won’t help her time any...

Pollaski asks if she’s ready. She shakes her head. He asks again. She shakes her head. And finally he decides to stop asking and throws the ball up high, Ana watches it sail up and begins running towards the end zone. She kept her eyes right on the ball as she tried to get underneath it.

Mark: Pollaski apparently decided to go deep with this one….and I think Ana’s about to get it!

Barbosa spun around and left her feet, grabbing the ball in midair. She landed on her feet with a huge smile on her face as Pollaski screamed at her to run! She turned around as Adira, Rhea, and Lily hit her from three different sides and tackled her to the ground all at once!

Isabella: Bwahahaha! Okay, that was hilarious. She got squished!

Mark: Moral victory for the Brazilian for catching the ball, but those three defenders weren’t playing around either. That’s why they are wearing pads.

Next to the line was Reiha Laine. The DJ held up her fingers and went to Pollaski, telling him to stand on the 50 yard line and she’d take his position twenty yards farther away!

Mark: So...Laine wants Pollaski on the 50...and she’s going to run it from the 70?

Isabella: Well... I guess that gives her time to build up momentum?! But it’s further to run, so how will that help her time?

Pollaski looks a little put off by this as Laine lines up behind him. The whistle blows as Dan spins around and fires the ball straight at her. Laine catches it right in the numbers and takes off towards him. Dan tried to get out of the way but Laine kept right behind him. Adira and Rhea were right up first as Laine brushed past Dan and shoved him into their path, causing them to collide. The DJ sprinted past them with Lilly and Ana waiting for her!

Isabella: Aha! That was smart!

Laine short-armed Ana as she closed in, pushing her away as Lilly was right behind her now. The Sheffield native grabbed the back of her jersey and latched on as Laine literally backfisted her and dropped her to the field and cleared the end zone!

Mark: That was about one of the dirtiest runs I’ve ever seen, and she’d have been penalized to hell if this were regulation football. But it’s not, and Laine makes the end zone!

Isabella: Nice. That was fantastic. I loved it!

Mark: Four down, one to go! Lilly Sheffield is next up, the winner of the first battle royal!

Dan walked back to his spot on the 70 yard line, adjusting his uniform a bit and likely not terribly happy about being used. The whistle blew and he fired the ball right at Lilly. The English lass took off and made a beeline for Ana who was slightly to her left. Barbosa moved towards her, not as quickly as she could. Laine and Rhea were coming in from both sides. Barbosa tried to grab her but Lilly grabbed her instead. And as the pair of women closed in, she jerked Ana into their path and ran around them as they collided. However, guarding the end zone at the ten yard line was Adira Riddick, who had her eyes set on Lilly!

Isabella: Smart so far, but she still has Riddick to get past!

Riddick moved every way Lilly did, and it was clear they were on a collision course. As Lilly closed in on the end zone, Riddick lunged forward as Sheffield left her feet. The Canadian beauty caught her in midair, causing them both to fall backwards into the end zone as the whistle blew and the referee called it a touchdown! Adira helped Lilly to her feet, shaking her hand as she got back to her feet.

Mark: Adira was looking to power Lilly down to the line, but momentum worked against her and carried them both backwards. Impressive show of power right there!

Isabella: Absolutely! So everyone apart from Barbosa made it then! Who wins?

Mark: We’re about to see the times up there on the video wall. As you said, Ana didn’t make it so her total won’t be counted.

All eyes fell on the jumbotron as the scores popped up on the screen.

~ ~ ~

Rhea Laskaris: 5.6 seconds
Adira Riddick: 5.4 seconds
Reiha Laine: 7.4 seconds
Lilly Sheffield: 5.8 seconds

~ ~ ~

Isabella: Riddick wins! I guess Reiha’s plan didn’t really work as she had to run farther than everyone else... she was the most entertaining though, save maybe for Barbosa’s splat!

Mark: I think she was out to ensure she didn’t get tackled first and foremost. But you’re right, she definitely had the most entertaining attempt of the five. Adira Riddick squeaks past Rhea Laskaris and has won this challenge! Now the question lies with the fans. There is no immunity this week, folks. Who do you want to see eliminated going into the next round? Isabella, who impressed you most?

Isabella: I gotta go with Rhea again. She may have been a couple of seconds slower than Riddick, but her power and drive were standout. Plus, if Ana hadn’t distracted her, I think she’d have taken Adira down, but that’s just me.

Mark: I’m going to give credit to Ana myself. I realize she didn’t make time, but she definitely came at this with the best intentions. The one who impressed me most was Laine, if I’m honest. Dirty but effective, and very memorable. And sometimes it’s not just winning that carries you forward in Future Shock, it’s what you did that stands out.

We see another flash of the jumbotron again.

Mark: It’s up to you now, folks! Head over to the FFW website and pick who you think needs to be eliminated this round. Not your favorite. And we’ll meet you right back here next week for the answer to the question as well as finding out the next challenge! For Isabella, this is Mark Horton saying good night from Minneapolis!

And on that, the Future Shock logo flashed across the screen followed by the FFW one.

« Last Edit: July 09, 2017, 04:56:38 pm by Samantha Star » Report Spam   Logged

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