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FFW Future Shock S12E3

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Author Topic: FFW Future Shock S12E3  (Read 312 times)
Adam Grant
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« on: November 30, 2013, 03:21:23 am »

(Special Thanks to Sarah)

Femme Fatale Wrestling
A Shooting Star Production
FFW Future Shock
Season Twelve - Episode Three

The FFW logo flashes across the screen as we hear something rather massive hit the ground apparently when we see a rather large sign laying flat on the pavement. Several people gather around to see what happened as we hear a voice over a walkie say “We are going to need some manpower to get this billboard up….” As the people gather around, we see a pair of feet walk into the shot and set a boombox on the ground before hitting the play button. “One of a Kind” by Breaking Point blares from the speakers as we see Reiha Laine shaking her head and whistling into her fingers. From five different directions, we see Hope Osborne, Lilly Sheffield, Adira Riddick, Ana Barbosa, and Rhea Laskaris walk into the shot. All six women look at one another as Ana takes the walkie away from the officer, shaking her head. All of them descend on the massive sign as they begin to lift it. The passersby look on amazed as these six women lift a massive billboard and set it up against the wall to cheers from the onlookers as they all look up to see the FFW Future Shock Season 12 logo on the billboard and then take off towards the Future Shock Arena before the video fades out to the live broadcast.

The show then cuts to a shot of the Future Shock Arena from the outside before we go in to see a small group of fans watching the ring as the four remaining hopefuls head towards it. The camera shifts over to show Mark Horton, alongside a brunette well known to FFW fans.

Mark: Welcome to the midway point of the twelfth season of Future Shock! We are coming to you from the Future Shock facility here in Los Angeles, where tonight we are going to see a Cibernetico tag match between the four remaining Future Shock hopefuls. Joining me tonight for the show and a redeye to Indianapolis afterwards is none other than my co-host for the upcoming Second Chance Season….Rebecka Hate!

Becka: i have to say that this is the first time that I have been in this arena and so far I am impressed with it.  Probably more impressed with the arena than I am with the remaining competitors.  I see that the man-child is still in this which lowers my faith in the voting audience.

Both teams head for their corners as Rhea and Lily look to be on the same page, while Adira and Reiha seem to be anything but. Riddick casts some distrustful looks towards the Finnish DJ as they await the referee to come to the ring.

Mark: The rules are simple, folks. This is a standard tag match till one team gets beat. And whichever team wins will face each other immediately following that. The winner earns immunity from this week’s fan vote, and that could make all the difference. Lily & Rhea look ready, Adira and Laine….well they look like they’d just rather hit each other.

Becka: Adira and Laine remind me of Frosted Steele when we were on this show.  I wanted nothing more than to bash Laura’s head in each and every time we were in the ring together.  I hope for their sake that they can get it together or it will be a short night for them.

The senior referee, Jennifer Stringer, steps into the ring and asks all if they are ready. Getting an affirmative from all parties, she calls for the bell as Laine shoves Riddick into the ropes and out of her way before she sprints across the ring and catches Lily from the blind side. A forearm shot to the back of her head followed by a second garnered boos from the crowd before the DJ dragged her away from her corner and began to pound her head into the turnbuckle repeatedly. Riddick look none too pleased with this as she made a beeline for her partner before the referee got in front of her. Laine caught Lily with a knee lift before she sent her in for the ride. Sheffield ducked the clothesline and ended up behind her. Laine used a mule kick that caught Sheffield between the legs and dropped her to her knees as the referee was getting Adira out of the ring. Stringer turned back as Laine had a grin on her face.

Becka: And there is a prime example of why Laine and Riddick won’t make it to the end tonight.  Laine needs to be a team player at the moment instead of pissing her partner off.

Mark: A low blow and we aren’t even a minute into this match. And look at Reiha’s face, she looks tickled almost!

Riddick shouted at the referee that her partner cheated, but Laine hooked Lily’s head and dropped her with a DDT into the mat. The Finn pulled her back to her feet by her arm and began unloading a series of kicks to her abdomen one after another before she scooped her up and dropped her with an atomic drop. Lily staggered towards the corner as Laine took off behind her, delivering a running bulldog! She quickly rolled her over and made a cover.




Lily kicked out right at two as Laine pulled her back up and shoved her into the corner. The fans in the arena only began booing louder as the DJ climbed to the middle turnbuckle and began to drive closed fists into Lily’s head, causing the referee to admonish her for using those closed fists.

Mark: Reiha is really pushing it already. She certainly doesn’t want to get disqualified, and the referee is having all she can stand of those closed right hands.

Becka: Could you imagine what Adira would do to DJ if she got the team DQ’d for being stupid?  Adira already hates her and a DQ would push that to fierce hatred.

As the booing got louder, Laine looked up with a smile on her face at the response of the fans. But that gave Lily a moment to recover as she grabbed her by the legs and took three steps out of the corner before she fell straight backwards. The DJ went face first at high velocity into the top turnbuckle! She hit the mat like a sack of bricks as the fans began chanting for Lily now. Sheffield tried to get her wits about her as she started to get to her feet, pulling Laine up from behind in a rear waistlock. And with a snap of her hips, she delivered a German release suplex! Laine tried to get back to her feet again as Lily snapped her arms around her waist, and this time lobbed her overhead with a belly to belly suplex. The DJ staggered back to her feet before Lily caught her a third time, this time administering a t-bone suplex, much to the delight of the fans!

Mark: Good Lord, Lilly Sheffield has certainly come back! Laine’s been suplexed in almost every direction, and the fans are certainly enjoying seeing it!

Becka: Lily is smart to wear DJ down a little bit but she needs to tag in the man-beast so that he can finish it off.

Sheffield pulled her back to her feet and gave her an atomic drop of her own that sent Laine crashing into the corner. The DJ hung there for a moment before Lily pointed to her partner, causing the fans to cheer more. And as Lily headed for the corner, she tagged in Rhea Laskaris. The powerhouse stepped through into the ring and headed straight for Laine. As she spun her around, Laine tossed the turnbuckle pad in her face to distract her before using a drop toe hold to send Rhea face first into the exposed turnbuckle! Stringer immediately got into the DJ’s face about what she had done as Laine sidestepped her and began to put the boots to the back of Rhea’s head.

Becka: Too much showboating on Lily’s part and DJ had enough time to recover her wits.  I’m surprised the ref didn’t throw out DJ and Adira for the exposed turnbuckle.

Mark: Stringer is getting all over Laine, and rightfully so! I don’t think Reiha gives a damn. I guarantee Rhea does though!

Stringer scooped up the turnbuckle and began to try to reattach it before Adira came into the ring again. This time, the Canadian looked beside herself with anger over what her partner had done. Stringer turned back towards her, trying to cut her off before Laine pulled Rhea up and proceeded to bash her head against the exposed turnbuckle while Stringer wasn’t looking. A small gash began to open on Rhea’s head as she dropped to her knees on the mat. Laine turned back towards her partner, taunting her and basically antagonizing her more as Stringer tried to get Riddick out of the ring. The DJ was quite amused with this as Rhea touched her forehead in the corner as she slowly began to get to her feet, her teeth gritting in anger.

Becka: The ref needs to get control of this match.  DJ baited her partner into coming into the ring just so that she could cheat some more with the turnbuckle.  Lily needs to get over there and help her partner.

Mark: I’m not sure she needs it….Laskaris is getting up. She just saw her own blood….

Laine grinned as the referee finally got Adira out of the ring, and as she turned around, she walked straight into the furious face of Rhea Laskaris. The DJ went for a right hand, but the PA blocked it and hoisted her up high overhead and walked out from under her. Reiha faceplanted from about six feet in the air to the mat below. Laskaris touched the small gash on her forehead, once more seeing her own blood. And as Laine started to get up, Rhea hit the far side ropes and delivered a thunderous lariat that caused Laine to flip in midair before she hit the mat.

Mark: Laskaris is furious, and the Finnish DJ knows what kind of hits the Amazon is playing tonight! I think seeing her own blood…..has set this powerful Greek Amazon off!

Becka: It’s like watching the running of the bulls in Pamplona.  Rhea sees red and charges out of the gate at anyone infront of her.

Laine began to crawl towards her corner, looking for a tag as Rhea grabbed her by the foot and began to drag her back away. She pulled the DJ up to her feet and onto her shoulders before taking off towards the corner with a Snake Eyes. Laine’s head bounced off the turnbuckle as Rhea caught her turning around with a flash kick that sent her through the ropes to the floor around ringside near her partner. Adira looked down at her partner, her face none too happy at all as Laine tried to get to her feet, only to stagger and fall back to her knees. As she tried to pull herself up onto the apron, Rhea reached over the top rope and pulled her up with both hands by her head, lifting her off the ground before driving her into the mat inside the ring.

Becka: that is a show of strength that even bodybuilders would be jealous of.  There is no doubt in my mind that she has something swinging between the trees that she calls legs.

Mark: Either way you want to call it, Rhea Laskaris is beating the holy hell out of the Finnish DJ right here! I’m not sure how much of this she can stand!

Rhea pulled her up and locked in a bearhug, violently shaking Laine as her feet dangled above the mat. Stringer moved into position to ask her if she wanted to quit, but Laine shook her head. Rhea resumed shaking her like a rag doll before Laine leaned down and sunk her teeth into the gash on Rhea’s head. Laskaris dropped her to her feet as she staggered backwards, holding her forehead in pain. Laine dropped to her knees, trying to get herself together as Laskaris turned back with a furious stare. Reiha lunged into her corner and slapped her partner’s hand to make the tag.

Becka: That is one way to get someone to let go of you.  DJ kept her wits about her and has tagged in Adira, rather roughly I might add.

Mark: She had to, but I’m not sure how thrilled Riddick is about it! But now we got two powerhouses ready to go one on one, this should be good!

Rhea glared at the DJ as she sat against the corner. Adira glanced over towards her too, giving her a scowl before both she and the PA had the same idea and took off towards the ropes. Both went for shoulder blocks, but neither one moved. They tried it a second time, and again neither woman moved. Riddick grabbed her arm and sent her in for the ride. Rhea ducked a clothesline and grabbed her from behind by the waist before Adira hooked her head and delivered a stunner! Rhea staggered backwards as Riddick rolled to her feet and delivered a devastating spear that folded up the Amazon in half on the mat!

Mark: A stunner into a spear! And Laskaris got folded up like the world’s biggest accordion!

Adira dove into a cover.




Rhea got her shoulder up before the three.

Becka: Two powerhouses in the ring means a lot of heavy hitting in the match right now.  Adira was able to turn the tide and almost got the elimination for the team.

Adira got back to her feet, pulling Rhea up with her and looking for a powerslam. She got her up, but Rhea began to fire elbows into the side of her head, causing her to drop her back to her feet. Laskaris scooped her legs out from under her and catapulted her chest first into Rhea’s corner. Riddick hit hard as Laskaris got back to her feet and delivered a Stinger style splash in the corner on Adira’s back. She quickly made the tag to her partner, Lily. Rhea ducked her head between Adira’s legs and scooped her up onto her shoulders as she told Lily to go up top. The Sheffield native did as she was asked and launched herself into a high cross body!

Mark: Look at this….

And as Lily flew, Adira caught her on Rhea’s shoulders and twisted off Rhea’s shoulders into a scoop slam to the mat!

Mark: Look at THAT!!

Becka: Rhea got a little greedy with her opportunities and Adira made Lily pay the price with a devastating slam to the mat.  Rhea is clueless to what happened as they landed behind her.




Rhea spun around to see what had happened and delivered a clubbing blow to Adira’s back to break up the pinfall attempt. Stringer began to usher Rhea out of the ring as Laine had pulled herself together in the other corner. Adira got back to her feet, pulling Lilly back up as well. She hoisted her up and tossed her with a fallaway slam into a neutral corner. Laskaris had finally left the ring as Adira stalked towards Lily. She pulled the former PA to her feet, as Lily seemed dead on her feet after what she had already gone through. She whipped her hard out and back into that same corner as she walked towards the opposite side. Laine dropped to the floor and held Lily’s feet in place, telling her partner to take her out. Riddick yelled at her to get away from Lily before Riddick started towards her instead. Reiha let go as Lily dropped to the mat out of the corner as Riddick screamed at her partner to get back into her corner. Laine gave her a lewd gesture as Lily rolled Adira up by surprise from behind in a small package!

Mark: Wait!! Small package!!




Adira kicked out as Laine hopped up on the apron, yelling at her. Riddick rose to her feet as Laine stepped through into the ring.

Becka: Adira got a surprise when she got distracted arguing with her partner.  Lily almost pulled it out on her own.

Mark: You can just tell Adira wants to rip Laine apart! She damn near cost them this match!

The referee tried to get Laine back out before she shoved her out of the way. And as Lily got back to her feet behind Adira, Laine took off and delivered a superkick right to Sheffield’s jaw that she never saw coming! Sheffield hit the mat like a sack of bricks as Laine screamed at Adira to cover Lily. This drew Rhea back in, and as soon as she did, Adira glanced over to her before Laine nailed her own partner with a superkick as well that caused her to fall over on top of Lily in a cover. Reiha took off towards Rhea, taking her down with a double leg takedown as the referee dropped to make the count in the ring.




Stringer called for the bell as Rhea shoved Reiha off of her, and looked up in shock. The DJ grinned ear to ear!

Mark: Are you kidding me?!

Becka: DJ better stay on top of Adira or there might not be a need for an elimination this week.  Adira will kill Laine.

Rhea was shocked as she pulled Lily towards her, helping her out of the ring. Laine glanced around and dove on top of Adira Riddick for a cover!




Adira military pressed Laine and launched her off her into the ropes. And the Canadian beauty sat up, her face fueled by rage and her body shaking as Laine looked at her like she had seen a ghost!

Becka: I got three words for the DJ:  Run, Bitch, Run.  This is turning into a great match.  Any bets on how much blood Adira with bleed from DJ?

Mark: Look at her face! Adira Riddick just eliminated the other team, but she looks like she’s about to pop a blood vessel!

Laine looked in shock as Adira got to her feet. And the Finnish DJ rolled out to the floor to get away from her. Adira hit the ropes and came out after her before Laine took off around the ring with the Canadian in hot pursuit.

Mark: I think she’s taking your advice, Rebecka! Laine is running for her damn life, and I don’t blame her a bit!

Becka: I think DJ is up to something.  Don’t be surprised if Laine rolls into the ring at the last second.

Laine made almost an entire lap around the ring before she stopped, but Adira didn’t as she caught her with a vicious clothesline to the floor. Laine crawled slowly towards the corner, grabbing onto the ringpost under the ring as Adira grabbed her foot and tried to pull her free. The fans in the arena were boisterous as they chanted for Riddick.

Mark: Reiha has a death grip on the ring post, and Riddick is trying to get her free! These fans want to see Adira destroy this woman!

Becka: DJ shouldn’t have stopped running and now Adira is going to make her pay for that lack of judgment.

Riddick let go of her feet and started to move towards her when Laine used a drop toe hold to send her face first onto the floor. She grabbed something under the ring and then grabbed Adira’s arm. The referee was making sure Rhea and Lily left the ring area as Reiha had grabbed a microphone cable and began to tie it around Adira’s wrist and the other end around the ring post, barely a foot away.

Mark: What is she…? She’s tying Riddick’s arm to the ring post at ringside, and….

Laine got back to her feet and slid back into the ring as the referee turned back, seeing Adira down on the floor from half a ring away. She began her ten count as Laine lay against the corner, trying to catch her breath as the referee was up to five. Riddick began trying to get up, though her arm being tied to the ringpost was making that very difficult. She jerked at it, trying to get free till she realized she was tied up and began trying to loosen the knot Laine had tied. It gave her some trouble before she finally unfastened it and got to her feet when the referee hit ten and called for the bell!

Becka: The fans may not like the DJ but she used her brain to out-fox her opponents here tonight.  Microphone cord around the wrist and the ring post is just genius.

Mark: What a load of horse crap! Laine got Riddick counted out! And now Reiha Laine has immunity?!?!

Laine rose to her feet as Stringer raised her hand in victory. The celebration was short-lived though as Riddick pounded the mat and stormed the ring. Laine rolled out to the floor and took off towards the back as Riddick was furious in the ring.

Mark: Reiha Laine used every trick in the book, and by countout, she escapes the voting this round with immunity! But if I’m her, I’m hoping and praying that Adira Riddick doesn’t make it to the next round!

Becka: I agree.  Adira will be looking for blood the next time these two are in the ring together, whether it be here in Future Shock or in FFW.  Adira doesn’t seem like the type to forgive and forget easily.

Mark: Fans, it’s your turn now. Reiha Laine wins the immunity for this round, but who do you want to see sent home next week? Head over to the FFW website and cast your vote now for who should be eliminated. And if I had my way about it, I’d vote for Laine if I could! That was robbery!

Becka: Let’s just hope that the fans are blood-thirsty this week and keep Adira around.  Although, it is sad that someone has to go home that shouldn’t but that is the name of the game.

Mark: We’ll find out who you voted for one week from tonight! Don’t forget to order Anarchy tomorrow night, live and only on Pay Per View! We’ve seen highway robbery tonight, but we’ll see you tomorrow for Anarchy! Good night from Los Angeles!

The FFW logo flashes across the screen as the last image we see is of a furious Adira Riddick in the ring.

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