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FFW Future Shock S12E4

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Author Topic: FFW Future Shock S12E4  (Read 314 times)
Adam Grant
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« on: December 14, 2013, 02:10:01 am »

(Special Thanks to Sarah)

Femme Fatale Wrestling
A Shooting Star Production
FFW Future Shock
Season Twelve - Episode Four

The FFW logo flashes across the screen as we hear something rather massive hit the ground apparently when we see a rather large sign laying flat on the pavement. Several people gather around to see what happened as we hear a voice over a walkie say “We are going to need some manpower to get this billboard up….” As the people gather around, we see a pair of feet walk into the shot and set a boombox on the ground before hitting the play button. “One of a Kind” by Breaking Point blares from the speakers as we see Reiha Laine shaking her head and whistling into her fingers. From five different directions, we see Hope Osborne, Lilly Sheffield, Adira Riddick, Ana Barbosa, and Rhea Laskaris walk into the shot. All six women look at one another as Ana takes the walkie away from the officer, shaking her head. All of them descend on the massive sign as they begin to lift it. The passersby look on amazed as these six women lift a massive billboard and set it up against the wall to cheers from the onlookers as they all look up to see the FFW Future Shock Season 12 logo on the billboard and then take off towards the Future Shock Arena before the video fades out to the live broadcast.

The next image we see is the exterior of a drinking establishment in Atlanta, Georgia before we are taken inside. The camera shows a well stocked and clean bar with patrons lining up along the counter before it pans across and we see a mechanical bull with the three Future Shock hopefuls standing by in a corralled area away from the patrons.

Mark: FFW faithful, welcome to the penultimate chapter leading into the season finale of the twelfth season of Future Shock! We are coming to you from one of Atlanta’s nicest watering holes here. And while they don’t normally house a bull, we got one ready and set to go here. Tonight as you know, our final three will take to the mechanical bull and find out who will have the best time. Due to an appointment with her OB/GYN, my usual broadcast partner for this season was unable to make it in time for the show. So joining me is none other than the FFW Champion herself who joined Adam last week for the update, Wendy Briese.

Wendy: Hey, Mr. Horton!  Thanks for having me… man, Isabella’s getting a bit big, too!  I hope everythings going along fine, and it’s not long before we have our newest little member of the FFW family!

Mark: I’m sure of that. Happy to have you, and Wendy, this is the last challenge before the season finale. And I think it’s safe to say that these three girls have never been more nervous throughout this season than they are tonight. No immunity to save them, they have one last chance to prove why they belong in the season finale!

Wendy: It’s scary when things are taken out of your hands, believe me, I know.  And tonight, you can do whatever you can to influence the voters, but in the end, you are at the mercy of them, and while they say two out of three isn’t bad… that still means one person is eliminated in a week.  But after that, you can say it gets easier, because EVERYTHING is in your control for the finals.  You just have to wrestle the best match of your life, grab your opponents flag, and you’re the Champion!

As we listen to Wendy, the camera catches “The Firebird” Ignis dressed in a form fitting black dress heading towards the toggle switch on the opposite side of the bull and taking a seat. All three women look over towards her.

Mark: And there’s your wildcard potentially, Wendy. Ignis will be handling the master control over there. Plus when you take into account what happened at Anarchy, she might not be in the best mood as it pertains to Future Shock.

Wendy: Well, she got beat by Gabrielle, fair and square.  But at the same time, it might be GOOD to have a woman in a bad mood like Megan on the controls.  Could mean an extra challenge.

Mark: The order was chosen randomly before we came on the air. And the first woman to try her luck….is Reiha Laine.

The DJ heads for the bull, climbing up and swinging a leg over the side as she establishes a grip on the handle.

Mark: Laine had some interesting comments for her video this week, Wendy, where she almost sounded like...she was conceding that she wasn’t going forward after this round.

Wendy: Well… Pollaski seemed to think the same way.  I’ve learned that NOTHING is EVER written on stone in this business.  Reiha has all the opportunity in the world to change some hearts and minds, and it’s a little bit disappointing that it sounds like she’s not even going to try.  But let’s see what happens.

Laine was asked if she was ready by the timekeeper, which provoked a nod as Ignis turned on the controls. And the mechanical bull barely began to move. It slowly lurched forward and back at almost a ludicrously slow pace, with the DJ having no trouble at all keeping her balance. The camera peered over the shoulder of Ignis, who had it turned on to just one notch past the on position. And the bull continued to rock lethargically as Laine’s face grew into a grin.

Wendy: I… uh… is it broken?  Because… that’s… supposed to be a bit more… jerky… right?

Mark: I’ve been on bumpier rides walking the escalator at the mall. Laine is having no trouble at all with this.

Ignis gripped the control in her hand, glancing around watching what was going on in the bar as Reiha continued to have quite the easy go of it till the official glanced over at Ignis. The Firebird looked back at him as the bull ebbed and flowed as though it were half asleep. The timer showed Reiha was already at 9 seconds and counting.

Wendy: Well, if this is a real rodeo, she’d have qualified.  But then again, she’d be getting a pathetically low score, because that bull’s not doing anything.  Maybe a reride is in order?

Mark: Ignis is more than welcome to turn the power up anytime she wants! She has that ability and she’s not even really paying attention.

Ignis glanced around the bar as one of the FFW officials walked towards her and turned the switch higher as the bull really began to buck. Laine let out a little shout as she was immediately forced to hold on a lot tighter as Ignis looked back to see what the official had done. She gave him an annoyed look as the bull kicked into high gear and rocked forward with great velocity, sending Laine over the side and onto the padded floor.

Mark: See? Ignis was giving Laine a free shot here, but let’s see what the time to beat is…… Sixteen seconds!

Wendy: That’s TWICE as long as a professional rider has to stay on a bull, and I don’t think anyone here is a professional!  Ignis and her… I don’t know what else to call it.. APATHY may have given Laine a free pass!

The next to head towards the bull was Lily, who climbed up onto it and got into position. She wrapped her hand around the handle before she was asked if she was ready. Sheffield nodded her head with a smile on her face as the bull ride began….at a frenetic pace! Immediately the bull began to rock back and forth and shake side to side as Lily’s knuckles were white from gripping the handle as hard as she was. Ignis looked back towards the ride this time, turning the knob up as Lily was getting shaken vigorously.

Wendy: Well, Ignis is doing her job this time… but I’m not sure if she’s just catching on, or if she’s trying to set Laine up for a victory!

Mark: We know for a fact the bull is working, and Lily is getting shaken like a martini up there!

Sheffield continued to rock back and forth as the bull’s speed kicked up another notch and then one more right after it. Sheffield’s ponytail whipped around behind her violently as Ignis cranked the speed up two more notches and sent Lily tumbling over to the floor. The Firebird grinned at this as one of the officials helped Lily back to her feet. The timer on the wall behind them showed her ride lasted 8.9 seconds!

Wendy: Well, you take out DJ Laine’s… ahem… warmup, then Lilly’s got her beat.  If not…Lilly’s coming up way short, and that’s unfortunate.

Mark: I might be wrong, but I think Ignis may be playing favorites a bit here. I noticed Lily didn’t get eight or nine seconds of a sedated bull like Laine did.

The next up was Rhea Laskaris. Laskaris shared a few words with her manager, who was standing a few feet away, before she climbed up onto the bull.

Mark: With Adira gone, Rhea Laskaris is absolutely the powerhouse of this season! And she may be the one who has the toughest task ahead of her. But I watched her crush a watermelon earlier today, that woman has freaky leg strength.

Wendy: It’s impressive.  She’d have an absolutely deadly figure four… heck, she might even win with a bodyscissors, and that’s more of a wear-down!

The official asked Rhea if she was ready, and the Amazon nodded her head. And with that, Ignis turned on the bull and ¾ of full speed right from the start. The bull took less than a second before it started gyrating violently under the Greek native. Laskaris’ eye looked dead ahead, never looking in another direction as she held on. Her upper body was being tossed to and fro, but her legs never moved and stayed locked in place.

Wendy: It looks like Pollaski’s wrong about Rhea!  Top-heavy doesn’t mean anything when your legs have a vise-like grip on the saddle!

Mark: Look at her eyes, she’s not even looking down. She’s focused as I’ve ever seen, and her legs...haven’t moved an inch!

Ignis twisted the knob and turned the speed up two more levels as the bull continued to pick up speed as it rocked violently in virtually every direction. The Firebird’s face soured a bit as she cranked it up again, but Laskaris’ legs didn’t budge as the bull was now spasmodic in its movements!

Mark: Look at this, Ignis is turning it up more….and Rhea’s still going! From the waist up, she’s getting tossed around. But from the waist down…..she’s got a death grip on the bull with those tree-trunk like legs!

Wendy: This is incredible.  I have NEVER seen anything like this!  Actual cowboys would KILL to be able to stay on like this!

The bull continued to gyrate violently as the PA continued her ride, her legs remaining locked in place as if they were tied to it. The timekeeper glanced up to the clock as Rhea passed the 16 second mark and the whistle blew!

Mark: Laskaris beat Laine’s record, and this thing is over! She doesn’t have to go any further than that!

Wendy: A CLEAR cut winner!  She didn’t even get Laine’s warmup session, and she still beat her.  We dont’ even need to go to a reride now.  This one is in the books!

The bull began to slow down to a stop before it was cut off as Rhea stepped down onto the padded floor. Her hand was raised in victory by the timekeeper! Laskaris grinned as she joined Kyle, who raised her hand again while Mark headed towards the bull. He waved Wendy and the cameraman over to him as he leaned down, pointing to the lower third of the bull where the camera picked up faint indentations of where Rhea’s legs were during the ride.

Mark: Look at this….

Wendy: Well...uh… looks like we owe the bar a new mechanical bull.  Or rather Rhea does.  She dented it with her strength!

Mark: Actually we rented it, we couldn’t find a bar in Atlanta that had one. So...I’m guessing that’s coming out of the budget, but….do you see the prints left by her legs on this thing? If she were to ever get a head scissors on someone, I think she could crush their skull….

Wendy: Yup.  This woman is STRONG.  And if I had to hazard a guess.. I’d say there’d be a Greek flag hanging in one corner of the ring in two weeks time.

Mark rose back up to his feet, turning back to Wendy.

Mark: Wendy, give us your analysis of what we have seen here tonight. And also who do you feel deserves to go through to the season finale?

Wendy: Well, after what we just saw, Rhea, definitely.  As far as the other two… I’m not liking DJ’s attitude of concession, so I’d rather see Lilly.  But I think at this point anyone is going to be giving us a good match.

Mark: Fans, now it’s your turn. This is the most important vote of the season for you. Head over to the FFW website and vote for who you think should be eliminated. And in one week’s time, we’ll find out who you chose and know who will be competing in the second ever flag match in FFW history! Congratulations to Rhea Laskaris on picking up a very impressive win here in this final challenge before we head into the last voting round. Don’t forget to tune in tomorrow night for our final Breaking Point of the year, where the woman to my left here will find out her opponent for Byte This.

Wendy: Make sure you’re there for the start!  Otherwise you’ll miss me, and be very sad, because all you’ll get are two title matches, a grudge match from Future Shock, and the Blondetourage getting owned!

Mark: Also a little programming note here. Even though tomorrow is the last full FFW show of 2013, Future Shock will still continue all the way to the season finale in two weeks. We are going to crown a Future Shock Season 12 Champion in two weeks time! So make sure you plans to join us for Breaking Point tomorrow and December 27th for the season finale of Season 12 of Future Shock!

Wendy: Flag match!  Two women enter, one woman leaves with a stick!  And a trophy!  And a shot at the Future Shock Championship… whoever that’s going to be!

Mark: For Wendy Briese, I’m Mark Horton and we’ll see you tomorrow night from the Georgia Dome for Breaking Point!

The Future Shock logo flashes across the screen as the show fades out.

« Last Edit: July 09, 2017, 04:57:08 pm by Samantha Star » Report Spam   Logged

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