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FFW Future Shock S12E5

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Author Topic: FFW Future Shock S12E5  (Read 619 times)
Adam Grant
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« on: December 28, 2013, 03:26:07 am »

(Special Thanks to Sarah)

Femme Fatale Wrestling
A Shooting Star Production
FFW Future Shock
Season Twelve - Season Finale!

The FFW logo flashes across the screen as we hear something rather massive hit the ground apparently when we see a rather large sign laying flat on the pavement. Several people gather around to see what happened as we hear a voice over a walkie say “We are going to need some manpower to get this billboard up….” As the people gather around, we see a pair of feet walk into the shot and set a boombox on the ground before hitting the play button. “One of a Kind” by Breaking Point blares from the speakers as we see Reiha Laine shaking her head and whistling into her fingers. From five different directions, we see Hope Osborne, Lilly Sheffield, Adira Riddick, Ana Barbosa, and Rhea Laskaris walk into the shot. All six women look at one another as Ana takes the walkie away from the officer, shaking her head. All of them descend on the massive sign as they begin to lift it. The passersby look on amazed as these six women lift a massive billboard and set it up against the wall to cheers from the onlookers as they all look up to see the FFW Future Shock Season 12 logo on the billboard and then take off towards the Future Shock Arena before the video fades out to the live broadcast.

The exterior of the facility is shown before we go inside to a full house of fans gathered around the ring as we see the Greek and UK flag hanging in opposite corners. The fans are buzzing as the camera pans through them.

Mark: On the final FFW broadcast of 2013, you are looking at the packed Future Shock facility here in Los Angeles! And tonight on what is almost Future Shock’s third birthday since it’s inception in December of 2010, the stakes couldn’t be any higher with the Season 12 Championship on the line and a shot at the Future Shock title hanging in the balance! Welcome to the twelfth season finale of FFW Future Shock!

The camera comes back to show the broadcast team, that being Mark & Wendy.

Mark: Joining me for this historic night is the reigning FFW Champion herself just two nights away from a major collision with Wendigo at When Worlds Collide 2, only on Pay Per View! Wendy, welcome to the season finale!

Wendy: Thank you, Mark!  I’m excited to be here!  The Future Shock finale is always a high point on the schedule, and I’m sure this season will be FAR more watchable than the last!

We see Rhea and Lilly shaking hands ringside as they step into the ring and head for neutral corners from the flags.

Mark: The rules for a flag match are simple. Only way to win this match is to retrieve your country’s flag from it’s perch in the corner. Wendy, this season has felt like the World Cup season as we have had women from six countries competing. A first for Future Shock!

Wendy: Yup, but one by one they fell by the wayside.  First the USA, then Brazil, then Canada, and finally Finland.  Now all that’s left is Greece and the United Kingdom.  And only one will emerge victorious from that!

Referee Kevin Fisk stands in the ring, asking both women if they are ready and gets a positive response. He quickly calls for the bell and exits the ring as both women look at one another and then to their respective flags standing in their corners. The buzz in the facility only grows louder as Lilly takes off towards her corner. Rhea immediately goes after her, grabbing her around the waist as Lilly begins firing back elbows into the side of her head to stun her. Rhea releases her grip as Sheffield turns in and headbutts her, but only staggers her a little. The UK native takes off past her towards the ropes. As Rhea turns, Lilly rebounds and catches her with a flying shoulder tackle! But Laskaris staggers back a couple steps, not going down. Lilly hits the ropes again, nailing her a second time with that shoulder tackle. But Rhea stays on her feet, just dazed. Sheffield rallies the fans with a pump of her arms before she takes off for a third time, and this time a flying clothesline sends Rhea back into the ropes! Lilly glances up to the corner with her flag, as Rhea collects herself and and delivers a big boot into the side of her head that sends the English beauty down to her knees. Laskaris shakes off the cobwebs as she gets back to her feet.

Wendy: Lilly with a quick early onslaught, but its far too early to be thinking about grabbing the flag!  You have to weaken your opponent first!

Mark: I agree completely. Lilly making a mistake right there and taking her eyes off Rhea for even a second, and she paid!

Rhea pulls Lilly up and whips her into a neutral corner. And as she tries to step out, Laskaris catches her with a hard knee into the abdomen that puts her right back where she was. The Amazon turns towards her and begins to unload with a flurry of lefts and rights to the body before Rhea sits her on the top rope. She scoops her up into a military press over her head and launches her almost halfway across the ring. Lilly crashes into the mat hard as Rhea moves towards her. Sheffield starts to get to her hands and knees as Rhea moves behind her, grabbing her up onto her shoulder and taking off before driving her into the mat with a running powerslam!

Mark: And this is what Lilly absolutely has to avoid, Wendy. The power of Rhea Laskaris. Lilly would rather have this match on a football field, and Rhea rather would fight in a phone booth!

Wendy: Well, then I think we’ve found a happy medium with a standard ring size, haven’t we? 

Laskaris pulled Lilly up again, burying a short knee before she rocketed her back into the England corner. Lilly’s body crashed against the corner as Rhea quickly grabbed her hand and fired her across again. Sheffield’s body crashed into the Greece corner as Rhea took off towards her. Lilly tried to dodge, but got sandwiched when Rhea lowered her head into a football tackle and took Lilly off her feet on impact. And with a mighty beal, Rhea launched Lilly out of the corner and once more sent her halfway across the ring before she looked up at the flag hanging above her head in her corner.

Wendy: I know a flag match sounds cutesy and gimmicky, but the ultimate goal of the match is pretty much the same as any other- to so incapacitate your opponent that they can’t stop you from fulfilling the victory conditions.  Rhea is well on her way to getting that done!

Mark: You’re right about that! Rhea looking at that flag right over her head. All she has to do is climb up and get it!

Rhea began to ascend the corner and made it to the top rope before Lilly was back up and hit the ropes nearby, causing her to lose her balance and straddle herself facing the fans on the top turnbuckle. The Greek Amazon’s face clenched in pain as Lilly managed to get around behind her. Laskaris began to try to climb down from the corner as Lilly left her feet and grabbed the back of her head before dropping into the mat with a lungblower! Rhea hit the mat hard as Lilly started to get back up, clearly in pain as well.

Mark: Lilly with a well timed lungblower, and Rhea didn’t make it! She has to use her speed in this! Rhea is far too powerful to try and trade blows!

Wendy: No, but she’s still got to hit her hard when she can!  Rhea’s not as fast as Lilly, but she can still catch her going for a win!

As Rhea tried to sit up, Sheffield began dropping relentless elbows into her chest one after another after another in rapid succession. Lilly rolled to her feet immediately, only to drive another into her chest. The fans began to count along with each elbow before Lilly stopped at twelve in a row.

Wendy: I think we’ve got the point!

Sheffield glanced back to the far corner, where her flag hung and down to Rhea who was clutching her chest after those repeated elbows. The UK beauty headed for the corner, glancing behind her once again to see Rhea was starting to stir on the other side of the ring. Lilly grabbed the corner and began to make her ascent up the corner. She got to the top rope, reaching and trying to unhook the flag from the lock as the fans watched on. Her right hand actually brushed the flag before her eyes widened when she felt something around her waist. She glanced down to see Rhea’s arms around her abdomen as she was standing on the middle rope under her. And with one fluid motion, Rhea delivered a release belly to back suplex off the middle rope that sent Lilly hard into the canvas!

Mark: Sheffield...got...launched! You could see her face when she felt those arms wrap around her body!

Wendy: That’s the danger of a flag match- just like a ladder match, but even arguably worse.  Sure, it’s not as far as a drop, but your opponent likely has better footing when they catch you, so they can hit a far more devastating move.

Rhea slowly began to get back to her feet, still rubbing her chest from Lilly’s elbow drops just a few moments ago. Sheffield began to stir, trying to get up to her feet as Laskaris moved around in front of her. She hoisted Lilly up and locked in a bearhug! Sheffield’s feet weren’t even touching the ground as Rhea had her suspended as the cameras showed her arms tensing around Lilly’s body.

Wendy: Oh, this is painful, and could be it for Lilly!  She could squeeze the life out of Sheffield right here, and make taking that flag like going out to get the mail!

Lilly’s face was a mask of pain as Rhea’s teeth were gritted as she squeezed Sheffield’s ribs in her grasp. Lilly shouted in pain as her upper body was nearly draped over Rhea’s right shoulder as the Team Kyle member kept moving her grip on her own arm in an attempt to tighten the grip around Lilly’s body. Sheffield’s mouth was open wide as she was gasping for air with Rhea’s vise-like grip around her body.

Mark: Look at Lilly, she’s fighting just to breathe right now and Rhea is tightening her grip every chance she gets. Look at the positioning of her hand on her arm there, Sheffield may go unconscious before this is over.

Wendy: That’s going to be a lousy way to end this match.  Lilly’s got to fight if she can!

Lilly began to lean back, pulling Rhea’s head up so she could see it and began firing piston-like right hands into her skull. But Laskaris shook her head and continued to pour on the punishment. Lilly’s blows were rather weak anyway, given the fact she was having trouble breathing. The UK native’s arms fell limp as she gasped for oxygen before she extended those arms and boxed Rhea’s ears with a clap of her hands. Laskaris was stunned by that as Lilly did it a second time and managed to get free and land on her feet. Sheffield dropped to her knees, trying to gasp for air in her lungs as Rhea was shaking off the cobwebs. Laskaris started towards her again as Lilly surprised her coming in with a jawbreaker. Rhea staggered backwards on that one as Lilly pushed up to her feet. Rhea tried to grab her from behind, but LIlly surprised her with a RKO out of nowhere!

Wendy: What a huge turnaround!  But I think that took as much out of LIlly as it did Rhea!

Wendy was right as both women lay on the canvas. Lilly clutched her ribs as she lay face down on the canvas, trying to get as much air as she could with a pained expression on each inhale. She began to crawl towards the ropes, trying to use them to pull herself up. As she finally managed to do that, she glanced behind her towards her corner’s flag. But Rhea was also starting to get up. Sheffield tried to take off past her towards the corner, but Rhea grabbed her feet and jerked them out from under her. Sheffield landed on the back of her head as Rhea climbed back to her feet, still with Lilly’s feet under her arms. She glanced around and began to turn in a circle. She began to revolve faster and faster as Lilly’s body was being spun around in midair in a giant swing! Rhea continued spinning in place like a whirling dervish!

Wendy: That is a scary move to be on the receiving end of!  You never know where you’re going to land, and it’s dizzying and painful all at once!

Mark: Wherever she lands, it won’t be anywhere she wants! Look at this display, Lilly must feel like she’s in a dryer!

Rhea continued the revolutions till she stopped in place and fell backwards, catapulting Lilly into the top turnbuckle! Sheffield’s body hit the buckle, while her head hit the metal arm that holds it. And the former PA collapsed on top of it, hanging on the corner as Rhea sat up and was clearly lacking any equilibrium.

Wendy: That is everyone’s worst nighmare when the giant swing is involved.  Lilly’s been absolutely obliterated… but I think Rhea overdid it on the rotation!

Mark: I agree, I doubt either one of them are in much condition to do anything. Laskaris is looking at the ropes, and she probably sees more than three of them right now!

Rhea tried to get to her feet and dropped down to her knees as soon as she tried. In the neutral corner, Lilly hadn’t moved a muscle on the top turnbuckle where she was draped over it with her arms hanging down from there. Laskaris slowly began to try to get up again, this time getting her corner in sight as she tried to move towards it. But her equilibrium was still shot and she dropped to her knees and began trying to crawl towards it.

Mark: Laskaris has absolutely no equilibrium, but she’s hellbent on getting to her corner. Trying to climb like this isn’t going to be easy. And I’ll be honest, I don’t like that Lilly hasn’t moved a muscle over there. She may be out cold!

Wendy: There have been movements to ban the giant swing, and they’re not without merit.  It’s a dangerous move to pretty much all involved!  There’s a reason the same thing is called a death spiral in figure skating!

Rhea finally made it to the corner on her knees, leaning against it as she tried to reach up for the top rope to get up but was having a hard time just grabbing that rope above her head. She glanced over towards Lilly as she rested her face against the second turnbuckle, and Sheffield still was unmoving on the top turnbuckle.

Mark: Rhea can’t even get her hand on the top rope, and Sheffield still hasn’t budged an inch! If this were a normal match, you could pin Sheffield and get it over with!

Wendy: Yup, but it’s not, and Rhea is feeling it!   But she’s getting closer, she’s just got to find a way to pull through!

Rhea’s attention went back to the top rope as she finally managed to wrap her hand around and then grab the other and try to get to her feet. Rhea finally got her feet under her and began to ascend the turnbuckles very very slowly as she grabbed onto the flagpole protruding from the ringpost to help her keep her balance. She made it to the bottom buckle and then up to the second and finally the top. She glanced down to the floor and her eyes widened a fair as she started to teeter on the top rope till her hand wrapped tightly around the flagpole.

Mark: I think Rhea’s got her sense of direction back now for the most part, but looking down at the floor isn’t going to help things. All she has to do is pull that flag free, and this thing is over!

Wendy: Yup.  You’re going to have to get used to being up high on a turnbuckle in women’s wrestling.  It happens to pretty much everyone sooner or later.  And right now, it’s really hurting Rhea!

Rhea regained her balance and looked up towards the flag hanging high above her head. She started to reach up to grab it when a thud was heard behind her. Laskaris glanced to the other corner and Lilly was gone. She looked around to the other corner and didn’t see her there. And without warning, Lilly’s head popped up between her legs. Rhea glanced down for just a half second before Lilly dropped backwards with an electric chair that drove Rhea head first into the mat!

Wendy: And just like that, the opportunity is gone!  Rhea took too long!

Mark: Lilly with a nearly perfectly timed electric chair right there! I thought she was done!

Lilly rolled onto her stomach, her pained face looking towards her corner on the other side of the ring. Glancing to see Rhea was holding the back of her head, Sheffield got to her hands and knees and began to crawl towards her corner. Hand over hand, she made it all the way to her corner as Rhea started to sit up in hers.

Mark: I think we’re about to have one hell of a race, Wendy! Lilly’s got her eyes on the prize in her corner, Rhea’s right under hers!

Wendy: This is how things end sometimes!  Two women just giving up any thought of defense, and going ofr the win!  But the strategy only pays off for one!

Lilly grabbed onto the ropes and began to pull herself to her feet and began her ascent. Rhea slowly got to her feet as well, reaching for the ropes and starting to get back up. With both women in their corners, they each began to climb towards their flag. The fans around the ring were all standing and watching as the two women began to ascend the turnbuckle….until one fan hopped the barrier!

Mark: We got a fan who hopped the barricade….we need security immediately! That’s no place for a fan!

Wendy: Get them out of here! They’re going to get themselves, or someone else hurt!

The fan pulled up the ring apron and removed something before security began to filter out of the backstage area. Lilly and Rhea were on their top turnbuckles when the fan rolled into the ring and jerked Rhea down. Laskaris spun around when…


Mark: For the love of God!

A chair cracked across her face and dropped her like a bad habit! Security jerked the fan out of the ring from under the bottom rope, and when the camera got a good look at this female fan, it was clear she was no fan!

Mark: Wait! That’s no fan….it’s SAMARA STEELE!!

Wendy: … Completely and utterly disgusting.  I hope she faces disciplinary action for this!

Rhea was left laying on the canvas as a gash had opened on her forehead from the shot. Meanwhile in the other corner, Lilly saw none of this as she had her back to the ring and pulled her flag free of its perch when the bell rang!

Lilly hopped down off the turnbuckle with a smile on her face till she turned and saw what had taken place behind her and dropped the flag to stand in the corner as she moved towards Rhea. Samara had three members of security holding her back as she looked rather proud of herself.

Mark: Was that payback for Ground Zero? Samara has SCREWED her own team member out of the Future Shock Season 12 Championship! Lilly’s won the match, but she didn’t want it like this!

Wendy: No, I know EXACTLY what it’s like to be in Lilly’s shoes right now, and it’s not right!  And Samara is freaking CROWING about doing this!  Absolutely disgusting, and to a supposed ally to boot!

Security began escorting Samara out of the building as Kyle Kilmeade came out of the back and hit the ring, kneeling over his assistant as he shouted for medical attention. Members of the medical staff emerged almost as if on cue, making a beeline towards the ring as Lilly looked aghast at what had taken place.

Wendy: This is horrible Mark.  And its the THIRD consecutive season we’ve had a screw-over in the final match!  Can’t we get one off without SOMEONE interfering!?

The referee handed Lilly the Season 12 Championship, which she draped over her lap and watched and tried to help the medical staff revive Rhea. Kyle’s face was a mix of concern and clear anger. Samara was taken out of the exit doors by the security force.

Mark: Samara Steele has destroyed Rhea’s chance at becoming the Season 12 Champion, and in some way, I gotta believe this is all about what happened at Ground Zero in SVW over the Chaos title! Security has thrown her out of the building, and rightfully so!

Wendy: Yeah, but it doesn’t do much good for Rhea… her ship has sailed, so to speak.  Lilly’s the Champion, as unhappy as even she is about it.  Just too bad.

The show cuts to an instant replay as we see Lilly climbing her corner with her back to the ring as Samara jerks Rhea off the turnbuckle and cracks her with the chair a few seconds before Lilly pulls her flag free. We then go back to live action as we see Rhea starting to sit up, dazed and confused.

Mark: There you just saw it! Lilly never even saw a second of what took place right behind her. As is usual in a match like this, your back is to the ring when you are trying to grab the flag.

Wendy: Yup, you can’t blame her.  It’s just the way things go sometimes.  But… Samara, you can blame her for all of this, and I know Rhea certainly will. 

Kyle helped Rhea get to her feet, whispering something in her ear as Lilly apologized to her. Sheffield shook her head at the events as she picked up the title that was laying on the mat. Rhea’s eyes went back towards the exit doors Samara had been taken out of, a clearly seething expression building on her face as blood dripped down her features.

Wendy: Oh, God.  This is going to get ugly.  But not tonight, I hope.  Samara is out of the building, and hopefully out of this company for a bit after the stunt she pulled tonight.

Lilly looked towards the door and then to her title and back to Rhea, telling her if she wins the Future Shock Championship, she’ll give Rhea a shot anytime she wants it. Rhea offered little reaction as she glared towards the exit doors as her face grew red to match the blood coming from it.

Wendy: It’s a nice gesture by Lilly, but it’s not going to help things.  Not right now.  The best thing she can do is get out of there, and let Rhea calm down.

Mark: Kilmeade has to be seething himself. I’m no fan of Kyle, but the fact is a member of his own team just cost Rhea her shot at winning tonight! Rhea’s face tells the tale….

Blood continued to drip down the cheeks of Laskaris as the medical staff tried to tend to the wound, but Rhea’s eyes were stone cold as she looked to the doors Samara went out.

Mark: Lilly Sheffield is the Season 12 Champion, and through no fault her own at that! She’ll move on and get a shot at the Future Shock title currently held by Gabrielle Crimson. But as big of a story as that is, one just as big is in the eyes of that massive Amazon who is stoic right now….

Wendy: There’s going to be hell to pay, soon, Mr. Horton.  I just hope I’m far away safe when it does.

Mark: Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes the twelfth season of Future Shock! And what a way to end the year! Congratulations, Lilly. When Worlds Collide 2 begins tomorrow night, and FFW returns to the air for Velocity on January 9 when Wendy meets Aimee! Thank you for watching, we’ll see you in Tampa!

The look in Rhea’s eyes is the final image as Future Shock’s twelfth season fades off the air.

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