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FFW Future Shock Sydney Supershow - October 22, 2024
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FFW Future Shock Sydney Supershow - October 22, 2024
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Topic: FFW Future Shock Sydney Supershow - October 22, 2024 (Read 148 times)
Adam Grant
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FFW Future Shock Sydney Supershow - October 22, 2024
October 22, 2024, 02:05:06 pm »
Location: Qudos Bank Arena in Sydney, Australia
October 22, 2024
Official Theme:
The Future Shock logo is shown on the side of a bus before it speeds past, and then the familiar opening riff of “Highway to Hell” begins to play. The closing moments of the Future Shock Championship match from Unstoppable 15 is shown as Missy locks eyes with Luna Cortez as she heads down the ramp after her match with Arabella. Missy lays the title on the mat and invites the triplet to come get it.
Living easy, living free
Season ticket on a one-way ride
Asking nothing, leave me be
Taking everything in my stride
A clip from a recent Future Shock is shown as Lacey goes into a fury as she blasts Shaw in the corner during their match. At least she did before the surprise arrival of Charlotte Harker as she stormed towards the ring. Shaw’s eyes widened at the sight of her former tag partner, before the Moose told her she wasn’t doing this for her. Then we see the “One Night Only” match announced on the next show by Jake.
No stop signs, speed limit
Nobody's gonna slow me down
Like a wheel, gonna spin it
Nobody's gonna mess me around
Then the history between the Undisputed Tag Champions and Target Acquired is shown dating all the way back to the pool party till Unstoppable 15 as well as Jake announcing the rematch for the show tonight. Finally, we cut inside the Qudos Bank Arena as “Highway to Hell” plays over the PA system with the crowd singing along with it.
I'm on the highway to hell
On the highway to hell
I'm on the highway to hell
On the highway to hell
The stage looks like an endless road as it speeds towards the viewers on the video wall with the ramp looking like a highway with LED lights illuminating it. Fireworks explode from the ring posts and get the crowd even louder before we hear Zack’s voice.
Zack: For only the fifth time in Future Shock history, welcome to the Emerald City of Sydney in New South Wales, Australia! Welcome to the sold out Qudos Bank Arena, where 21,137 fans are nearly overflowing this building for Future Shock’s return to Australia! And most of all, welcome to the SYDNEY SUPERSHOW!!
The camera shows the crowd, all of whom are making a tremendous amount of noise as they see themselves on international television.
Zack: 7 matches with 3 championships to be decided, and you’ve chosen an outstanding night to join us here on FFW All Access! Thank you for doing so wherever you are around the world. We have a double main event tonight including the Future Shock Championship match when Missy defends her title for the first time against Luna Cortez!
We cut to footage earlier in the day of the Future Shock Champion arriving with her husband. Adam is pulling her rolling bag with him as she passes the camera and takes off her sunglasses.
Zack: Our tag team main event has arguably the two best tag teams in FFW history reuning for one night only here in Sydney! The Gold Standard, Lacey and FFW’s Valerie McKinley, meet the One Woman Show! Shaw and Charlotte are hardly besties anymore, but we’ll see how they fare against the redhead rebellion they’ll meet tonight.
Kyle looks very pleased as we cut to earlier in the day as Valerie and Lacey step out of a limo with him after the driver opens the door. That man gets their bags as the trio heads into the building, getting only boos from the Sydney crowd.
Zack: Jamie Winters will make her second defense of the Nova Championship after upending Luci when she meets the runner up in the Race to Go Nova: River Campbell! The Nova title has been something of a white whale for Campbell, but she could leave Sydney with a better fate than Captain Ahab did in his pursuit.
Then we see DOC hyping up River as she stands in front of a mirror in her locker room, nodding her head as she listens.
Footage from Unstoppable 15 is aired at Latina Heat retaining the FFW Undisputed Tag Team Championship from Target Acquired, including using cayenne pepper on Nadia to get the win.
Zack: In the biggest travesty of Unstoppable 15, Jake has ordered a rematch for tonight for FFW’s biggest prize in the tag ranks when Latina Heat are forced to give Target Acquired a rematch for the Undisputed Tag Titles tonight!
Next we see Kyle chatting with Phoenix as she’s making last minute tucks and adjustments to her ring gear.
Zack: Phoenix Galloway will go one on one with Domino Evans, and these two have been in each other’s way since they arrived at the Fatale Royale. That’s a pick’em if you ask me.
The blonde bombshell is soon joined on camera in her locker room by Tiffany Lynn Page, who shares a few words with her bestie before darting out of the room.
Zack: It’ll be the in-ring debut of Tiffany Lynn Page when she finally meets Gina Van Zyl, also making her debut tonight in the ring. These two women have been like oil and water, to say the very least.
Then we see Constance warming up as she stretches her leg over a table top before doing the same with the other leg.
Zack: Constance McCullough also feels like she has a score to settle when she meets Alyson Hyde. We saw their last interaction on the most recent Future Shock, where Hyde took some exception to Constance’s cheerleading during her match.
Then we return inside the arena as Lexi Carmichael heads up the steps to enter the ring. She takes an extra second as she leans over to step between the ropes, giving the crowd a bit of a view before stepping through and moving to the center.
Zack: Looks like our blonde bombshell is ready to go, so let’s send it up to Lexi!
This gets a loud response, making her smile wider before she begins with the opening match introductions.
Lexi: The opening contest of Future Shock’s Sydney Supershow is scheduled for one fall with a 20 minute time limit!
Zack: We’re starting off with a dual debut tonight. We’ve seen both of these women at shows for a while now, but we’re about to see what they can do in the ring one on one.
"Ladies and Gentlemen" by Saliva plays as Gina steps through the curtain. She runs down the entrance ramp, and slides under the bottom rope. She climbs the middle turnbuckle and smirks as the crowd reacts. She chuckles before sarcastically blowing a kiss to the crowd before jumping down from the turnbuckle.
Lexi: Making her way to the ring, from Cape Town, South Africa "The Show" Gina Van Zyl!
Zack: Gina’s got some receipts to hand out after Tiffany cut off some of her hair recently, and the South African bombshell is looking for a pound of flesh. Or maybe just to scalp her at this point.
“Started to Make it Hot” by Iggy Azalea Ft Cardi B, Nicki Minaj, & Nicole Wray
begins to play throughout the arena to a chorus of boos. Tiffany casually makes her way through the curtains with a cocky smile on her face and her arms raised to her sides. As she walks down the aisle she taunts the audience. Tiffany gets to ringside and walks up the ringside stairs. She looks over at the referee and motions for the referee to open the ropes for her. Once the referee opens the ropes for her, Tiffany enters the ring and twirls in the center of the ring.
Lexi: Introducing from New York City… “Too Sexy” Tiffany Lynn Page!!!
Zack: If you look up obnoxious in your dictionary, you’re likely to find a picture of this woman right beside it as a visual aid. Tiffany has certainly gotten a lot of tongues wagging since she arrived at the Fatale Royale. Now it’s time to back it up.
As soon as referee Ashley Pruitt was about to ring the bell, Lexi barely got out of the ring before Gina took off towards her opponent. Tiffany had only taken a couple steps out of the corner before she was caught with a Thesz press followed by mounted punches that brought the crowd quickly to their feet. Gina hammered away with right hands before dragging the blonde back to her feet. She shoved her backwards into her corner before grabbing the top rope and unloading with kicks to the body.
Zack: Look at Gina go! Is she pissed off or what?! That woman got her hair chopped off partially by Tiffany, and Page is paying for it now!
Van Zyl started throwing hands again, this time pounding Page down to a seat in the corner with shots to the top of her head. The redhead used the middle rope for a wrecking ball dropkick to the chest before storming out of the corner to a roar from the crowd.
Zack: Van Zyl with those hammer fists played whack-a-mole with Tiffany’s head! Gina’s been waiting on this match for weeks, can’t you tell?
Tiffany used the ropes to pull herself back to her feet before Gina charged into her with a rolling elbow to the jaw. It snapped her head back before the South African beauty used a hard Irish whip to send her chest first into the opposite corner. As soon as the socialite’s body crashed against the turnbuckles, Gina hit the near side ropes with a lariat that put the blonde on the mat, clearly getting a strong response from the crowd.
Zack: This is the first time I’ve gotten to see Gina in the ring live like this, and I’ll tell you what! I like it, she’s got all kinds of fire! And so far, Tiffany has had no answer to it!
When she spotted the blonde starting to get back to her feet, Gina bounced off the near side ropes with a running kneelift to the face that sent Tiffany stumbling backwards. A spinning leg lariat put the blonde down on the mat before a leaping leg drop landed. Van Zyl hooked the far leg for the cover as Pruitt dropped to count.
Zack: We won’t need much of that time limit, because this may be over already! Thanks for coming, Tiffany!
The veteran kicked out before the two landed, and Gina went back to pummeling her with right hands to the head. She rose back to her feet, heading towards the ropes before she crouched down and waved her to get back to her feet.
Zack: I think Tiffany may be wishing she had gotten to sign that contract for FFW right about now.
Page got back to her feet as Gina took off towards her, looking for a running European uppercut. But Tiffany side-stepped her, causing her to go right past her before the veteran grabbed her by the hair from behind into an inverted facebuster that drove the back of her head into the canvas. She had a scowl on her face as she got herself together before bludgeoning Gina with elbows to the face.
Zack: Tiffany’s head might have landed in the fourth row if Gina had hit that uppercut, but Page saw it coming and had the answer. She better stay on top of her though, because she certainly doesn’t want her to get up again.
Page rolled her onto her stomach and began to use a gator roll around the ring. She rolled her opponent in all directions for several seconds before pulling her up into a front facelock. She then hoisted her skyward into a stalling brainbuster. Her confidence was coming back now as the blonde sat up with a smirk on her face.
Zack: That’s one of Tiffany’s favorite moves right there. She calls it ALLURING, only I’m not sure to whom that would be. Looks like an Excedrin headache waiting to happen to me.
Gina rolled away from her and tried to get back to her feet, but Page was right behind her with a running forearm to the back of her head. She followed that by dragging her face along the top rope to blind her. As the redhead tried to get her vision back, the blonde hit the far side ropes with a running boot to the jaw that dropped her back to the mat. Tiffany dropped down to a seat beside her, immediately applying a crossface submission. The referee moved around to see if Gina wanted to stop the match, but she didn’t.
Zack: Tiffany’s hit some hard shots, to say the least. But the main goal is to douse that fire Gina had burning inside her a few minutes ago. I’d say she’s done that with aplomb.
As she pulled back on the submission, Tiffany was trash talking Gina the entire time. It was hard to tell how much the hold itself versus the trash talking was making Gina’s face even more red. Pruitt checked again, still not getting the answer to stop the match. Gina’s eyes darted around, seeing how close they were to the ropes before kicking her foot underneath it. The referee called for the break, but Tiffany held on for a four count before finally getting back to her feet.
Zack: Gina showing us some outstanding ring awareness there. Given what’s transpired, I think Tiffany will have to knock her out to defeat her. I can’t see Van Zyl giving up to this woman. She’d never hear the end of it.
Gina started to get to her feet with the help of the ropes, but caught a running high knee to the back of her head that nearly sent her through them. Tiffany hooked her head under one arm and took off for the near side to deliver a springboard bulldog. The fans in Sydney were giving her grief as she got back to her feet, to which she responded with an obscene gesture. As soon as she spotted the South African beauty beginning to use, her chick kick put a stop to that before she went for the cover with the far leg hooked.
Zack: Another of her favorites called PRIMA DONNA! Must be referring to herself, but we got a cover!
Gina kicked out in time before the three count landed, and Tiffany made it back to her feet. Her confidence was overflowing now as she waved for her to get up with both hands. When she didn’t do it fast enough, she grabbed two handfuls of hair to pull her up. And that was when Gina caught her with an elbow to the stomach.
Zack: Page was wasting a little time there trying to goad Gina to get up, and that’s what happens when you let your foot off the gas.
The shot stunned Tiffany before Gina caught her with a second one, then turned towards her to land a jawbreaker. It staggered the blonde backwards, and also got the Sydney crowd behind the redhead again. She started landing forearms to the head before sending her into far corner chest first.
Zack: Gina’s coming back, and that’s the absolute last thing that Tiffany wanted.
With Tiffany slumped against the corner facing the crowd, Gina charged towards her at top speed. But Page dodged her, and used a drop toe hold that sent her face first into the exposed turnbuckle!
Zack: What the hell happened to the turnbuckle pad?! Did she take it off?!
Gina slumped against it before Tiffany grabbed her from behind, and delivered her signature codebreaker finisher that flipped her over to the mat. She rolled over on top of her for the cover as Pruitt dropped to count, and then got herself a handful of tights to go with it.
Zack: I don’t know that Gina’s aware where she is! Her head hit the corner and there’s her move!
Pruitt called for the bell as Tiffany let go of the tights, and rose back to her feet. The referee raised her hand to a loud response of boos, not that she cared.
Lexi: Your winner by pinfall……’TOO SEXY’ TIFFANY LYNN PAGE!
Zack: Tiffany steals the win with the help of that missing turnbuckle pad and enough tights to have Gina practically mooning the crowd. Something tells me this isn’t over just yet though.
Page reached down, grabbing a few strands of Van Zyl’s hair and yanking them from her head and telling her she’s starting a collection. Then she rolled out of the ring and tossed the hair into the air.
Zack: Tiffany is definitely going to regret this, and I’m positive Gina Van Zyl will be looking for her all over again.
As the blonde headed towards the back, the show went to an advertisement for Future Shock merchandise.
Constance Has Enthusiasm
In the backstage area, the camera catches Constance McCullough as she walks closer, the camera moving back as she moves through the back in her ring outfit.
Constance: Sydney!
The crowd can be heard roaring in the background as Constance quickly looks to her right, an apologetic look on her face as she pauses momentarily with her hands out in front of her.
Constance: Sorry, not you.
She continues as FFW legend Sydney Christensen can be seen shaking her head in response and going back to her private conversation, McCullough passing by equipment cases and light rigging.
Constance: Tonight, I get to entertain you when I go one on one with Alyson Hyde in the ring. Two weeks ago, she didn't appreciate my enthusiasm and backing as she picked up her first singles win since returning to Femme Fatale Wrestling. Well,
appreciate that kind of thing, so let me introduce you to some of my friends.
While Constance continues to walk towards the camera and through the backstage area, two groups of women in black outfits with red trim and carrying pom-poms join her from both the left and the right of the screen.
Constance: These are some of the talented women of the Sydney All-Star Sports cheer club.
Cheer Team: WOOOOO!
Constance: Alyson? You may have your husband in your corner, but I have these wonderful ladies, and every single fan out there in Sydney, in mine. So do as my new friends here do and give a cheer, because I'm ready to give you all a routine you'll never forget in a hurry.
McCullough stops her walk near the area containing the production monitors and entrance curtain, the cheer team surrounding her and shaking their pom-poms in front of them, all smiles on the group.
Last Edit: October 24, 2024, 04:44:47 pm by Adam Grant
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Adam Grant
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Re: FFW Future Shock Sydney Supershow - October 22, 2024
Reply #1
October 22, 2024, 02:05:18 pm »
After a video package showing the recent events between Alyson and Constance dating back to the Fatale Royale, we return to the ring as Lexi is ready to begin the introductions.
Lexi: The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a twenty minute time limit!
Zack: From one grudge match to the next, I think that could easily be the theme for the majority of tonight’s show. This one has been brewing for a while now, and finally about to come to a head.
The arena goes dim as strobing white and pink lights flow back and forth on the stage.
“MZ. HYDE!” echoes through the arena as a wall of sparklers erupts from the stage, as they dissipate Alyson Hyde catapults up from the middle of the stage and posts an almost spiderman type of pose as she lands, Alyson is wearing a pair of black pants with white patch work lines of the, the letters FU on her left thigh in white and a few skulls just under her right knee, her black boots had the words HYDE up the sides also in white and rested midway to her knee. Her black sleeveless top was cropped just above her navel with a white falling angel on it that did up behind her neck with a white sports bra under it.
“In the daylight,
I'm your sweetheart,
You're goody-two-shoes prude is a work of art
But you don't know me,
And soon you won't forget,
Bad as can be, yeah you know I'm not so innocent”
As she poses she looks over her shoulder to see her husband and manager walk out behind her, reaching down to help her to her feet, much to the disdain of the crowd. As the two bask in the spotlight for a moment. Aly looks at her husband who smirks and winks at her, as the two of them begin to walk slowly down the ramp towards the ring, sharing in a small conversation as Lexi begins to announce the canadian born wrestler.
Welcome to the nightmare in my head, (Oh god!)
Say hello to something scary,
The monster in your bed, (Oh god!)
Just give in and you won't be sorry,
Welcome to my other side,
Hello it's Mz Hyde!
Lexi: Making her way to the ring, accompanied by Viktor Hyde, and hailing from London, Ontario, Canada.... She is the “FALLEN ANGEL” ALYSON..... HYDE!!!
I can be the bitch,
I can play the whore,
Or your fairytale princess who could ask for more
A touch of wicked,
A pinch of risqué,
Good girl gone bad, my poison is your remedy
As the two of them make it to the ring they turn to the corner, Alyson gives him some last minute directions before he scoops her up easily and places her on the side of the ring causing the blonde to giggle. As he stands in front of her she wraps her arm around his shoulder to his chest and looks out into the crowd before pressing a kiss to his cheek causing him to grin ear to ear.
Aly, still on the apron of the ring moves towards her corner, as Vik climbs onto the apron before Alyson jumps over the top rope, and gets a little pep talk from her manager while waiting for the match to start.
Zack: During her most recent match two weeks ago on Future Shock, Alyson had a guest at ringside playing the role of cheerleader. It’s safe to say she didn’t appreciate it, and made her displeasure well known later that night. I suspect that’s only a glimpse of what she plans to do here tonight in Sydney.
Then we see a host of cheerleaders lining the stage in their uniforms as they begin a chant of “CON-STANCE!” over and over again before “Anti-Hero” by Taylor Swift starts to play. Then we see Constance herself appear on the stage between them as the girls began doing their acrobatics. McCullough is wearing matching ring gear to the cheerleaders.
Zack: I heard Constance brought some friends here in Sydney, and that’s the squad from Cheer Energy!
Lexi: From Gladstone, Missouri, she is Constance...McCullough!!!
Constance reaches the ring and climbs onto her knees on the apron, rolling under the bottom rope into the splits, arms raised once more and her mouth wide open in glee. She quickly rolls and tucks her legs to the side, standing up ready for the match to begin.
Zack: Constance is one of Future Shock’s favorites with her heart and determination. She may not have the best record, but she always gives it 100%. Unlike many of those prior matches, I have a feeling she’s fired up more than normal for this meeting with Alyson.
Referee Oscar Graves called for the bell to start the match, and both women were already in the center of the ring and talking smack to the other one. It wasn’t long before Alyson had enough of that, and shoved her opponent backwards. McCullough responded with a shake of her head as she looked at the crowd, and then blasted Hyde with a roundhouse kick that caught her flush on the side of her head. And the fists began flying from there as the former cheerleader unloaded with right hands. She grabbed Hyde by the head and sent her into the corner before hammering the top turnbuckle with her face. The Canadian barely had time to respond before Constance sent her out of the corner with a German suplex to the canvas.
Zack: I don’t know what those two were saying to each other, but it certainly doesn't look like it was anywhere close to complimentary.
Constance told her to get up, but didn’t give her time to do so after cinching another rear waistlock and sent Alyson to the mat with a second German suplex. She took off for the far side, and rebounded into a running kneelift to the face that staggered Hyde backwards. A kick to the shin brought her to a knee, giving Constance an opening to connect with a shining wizard that put her face down on the mat.
Zack: When Constance is fired up, she’s an absolute force of nature! Alyson is catching feet like she was a shoemaker.
Alyson’s husband shouted some advice to her, but Constance remained on offense as she yanked her fellow blonde to her feet and drove her back to the mat with a side Russian leg sweep. She quickly scooped both of Hyde’s feet under her arms and fell backwards into a catapult that sent her chest first into the corner. She slumped over it in pain before McCullough’s head popped up between her legs and brought her back to the mat with an electric chair driver.
Zack: To think this all started with an elimination from the Fatale Royale! Constance is a one woman wrecking crew tonight in Sydney!
When Alyson was beginning to get up again, McCullough had rebounded off the near side this time with a running neckbreaker. It dropped Hyde to the mat before the Chiefs superfan made the cover with the outside leg hooked. Graves slid into position immediately to make the count as the fans counted along.
Zack: Constance is pitching a shutout tonight! Thanks for coming, Alyson!
But Hyde had too much left in the tank, and kicked out in time before the three. That didn’t faze McCullough at all as she pulled her into position for a corner bulldog. But as she took off, Alyson shoved her into the corner instead and followed up with a lungblower after she collided with it to put her down on the mat.
Zack: Alyson showed some excellent presence of mind there, and she couldn’t have waited much longer to do it without risking a three count. She’s gotta get her marbles together quick, fast, and in a hurry.
Viktor shouted support for his wife as Alyson made it back to her feet, quickly trying to pull herself together before a scowl appeared on her face. She dragged Constance to her feet, and whipped her into the far corner before following after her a rolling elbow smash to the jaw. She quickly grabbed the top rope and began stomping her body until she drove her to a seat against the corner. Then Alyson hit the far side ropes and returned with a cannonball senton in the corner before making it back to her feet.
Zack: Alyson’s getting her offense working for her now, and none too soon. You can only get pummeled for a while before it starts to piss you off, I suppose.
She dragged the Chiefs fan out of the corner by her feet before using the middle rope for a standing springboard moonsault that landed perfectly on target. She hooked both legs as she rolled over to make the cover before Graves was in position.
Zack: She calls that AIR ALY, and she’s looking to hear the bell in about 3 seconds!
Constance got her shoulder off the mat in time, and Hyde was back to her feet a second later. She was back to running her mouth about Constance before she headed for the nearest corner. After quickly measuring her, Hyde came off the middle rope with a trust fall onto McCullough’s body before cradling her head and hammering her with a few right hands.
Zack: One thing I’ve noticed about Alyson is she likes to run her mouth during her matches, especially if you get on her bad side. I suspect some of it probably isn’t fit family audiences either.
She pulled McCullough back to her feet, grabbing her by the face as she insulted her a bit more. Alyson whipped her to the far side, letting her crash against the corner before she charged towards her with a running boot to the jaw. Hyde scooped her up to sit on the top turnbuckle before snapping off a superpled before floating across for the cover with the far leg hooked.
Zack: Major impact from Alyson, and she may have Constance done and dusted!
McCullough kicked out in time, and Alyson hammered her with a few more right hands before she got back to her feet. Viktor cheered her on from ringside as she doubled back to the corner to make her way up once again.
Zack: I think Alyson feels like we’re a lot closer to the end than the beginning. And depending on what she has in mind, she may be proven right.
The mouthy Canadian turned to the crowd and launched herself into a moonsault splash. The only problem was that McCullough rolled out of the way, and she hit the mat instead. The fans in Sydney were getting behind the Chiefs superfan as she made it to the ropes, using them to slowly pull herself back to her feet.
Zack: A little too much showboating there from Alyson, and I can guarantee you that wasn’t the landing she wanted.
She leaned against the ropes, trying to pull herself together when she spotted the trash talking Canadian starting to rise. Constance bolted towards her with a double leg drop to the back of her head to send her face first back to the mat again. The crowd was getting much louder as a result. She nailed Alyson with a kneelift to the body as she stood up, and followed up quickly with a yoshi tonic that spiked her into the mat before Constance went for the cover. Graves was in position a second later.
Zack: Devastating impact! Constance with a yoshi tonic, and we might be about to hear the bell!
But Alyson got her shoulder up in time, causing Constance to get back to her feet. She was still reeling from the offense she had taken earlier in the match, but she pulled Hyde up with her. The Chiefs fan whipped her across to the far side, and caught her on the rebound with a discus elbow to the jaw that wobbled her.
Zack: Alyson may have a few molars that are a little looser tonight than they were before the bell rang! I gotta believe Constance is setting up for that knee strike she loves so much!
With the crowd behind her, McCullough took off for the far side and left her feet on the rebound to deliver a tilt-a-whirl headscissors into a DDT. The Sydney crowd roared as McCullough headed to the corner, and started patting her knee as she waved for Alyson to get back to her feet.
Zack: I was right! Constance is looking for that knee strike of hers that tends to win her matches whenever she can hit it! Alyson doesn’t know it’s coming!
Viktor tried to warn his wife as she struggled back to her feet. She didn’t make it all the way before McCullough bolted towards her to deliver that Busaiku knee that dropped her where she stood. The fans came to their feet as she lunged across Hyde for the cover!
Zack: The JAWJACKER! I don’t know if that was spit or a tooth I saw fly out, and we got a cover!
Graves called for the bell to a pop from the crowd as Constance made it back to her feet when she heard it and her music start to play. Graves raised her hand and dropped it quickly.
Lexi: Your winner by pinfall…….CONSTANCE McCULLOUGH!!
Zack: What a win for Constance! She came into tonight with a solid strategy and revenge on her mind. When she’s focused and determined, she can be damn hard to stop!
The referee left the ring quickly as Constance celebrated. She beamed at the crowd response before going to the floor and posing for selfies with the fans at ringside.
Zack: I don’t know what Graves’ problem is, but who cares! A hard earned win for Constance McCullough will put her right back on the path towards a shot at the Diamond Championship.
As the bubbly blonde continued to celebrate her win with the fans, the show went to a commercial for Future Shock merchandise.
Last Edit: October 24, 2024, 04:48:36 pm by Adam Grant
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Adam Grant
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Re: FFW Future Shock Sydney Supershow - October 22, 2024
Reply #2
October 22, 2024, 02:05:30 pm »
The show returns to the ring after a video package showing how the match between Domino and Phoenix came about, beginning from their first interaction at the Fatale Royale. Then we find Lexi in the ring ready and waiting.
Lexi: The following contest is scheduled for one fall to a finish with a twenty minute time limit!
Zack: Unlike our first match on tonight’s show, we’ve seen what these two can do one on one and they’ve certainly gotten under one another’s skin since they arrived at virtually the same time.
“Cynics and Critics” starts blaring through the speakers as a spotlight hits the entrance ramp, highlighting the arrival of the One-Woman Rebellion, who steps out with a steel chair in one hand, a baton in the other. Holding the chair like a riot shield, Domino Evans bangs the baton against it a couple of times just for the thunderclap, before letting out a roar of war before strutting down towards the ring (while twirling the baton around her fingers/, dropping the chair and the baton along the way). Right before entering the ring, she swiftly removes her spiked leather jacket with the same hand twirling the baton, before rolling into the ring and making her way to the ropes, perching herself on the middle rope and raising her baton/jacket up high as she poses for the crowd.
Lexi: Introducing first… From Edinburgh, Scotland… DOMINO! EVANS!!!
After posing and soaking in the response of the audience, she jumps down and paces around the ring, a sick smile on her face as her need for aggression already overflows from her body language.
Zack: Domino works for two different promotions, including Future Shock. But I’d be willing to wager this is easily the biggest crowd she’s been in front of for a match. She doesn’t strike me as the type to get butterflies, but I’m sure the pressure is on.
The arena goes completely dark as The Phoenix by Fallout Boy starts to play,as flames burst up from the stage lighting up a row of white lights from above. The screens lights flash blue and black with the beat of the drum, as the bass and second guitar start to play more flames erupt from the stage. First two puffs of fire on the outside shooting on an inward angle, and then inner flames shoot straight up on the cymbal crashes.
“Put on your war paint
You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down
Strike a match and I'll burn you to the ground
We are the jack-o-lanterns in July setting fire to the sky
Here, here comes this rising tide, so come on”
More flames erupt through the stage with the beat of the cymbals, and yellow and red lights stretched across the stage start to swing in and out on a loop. A deep red planet with swirling colors from lighter red to orange and yellow appears in the center of the tron.
“Put on your war paint”
Phoenix appears center stage wearing a yellow, white and black plaid bra like wrestling top with matching unattached compression sleeves that go midway down her tricep down to her wrist, and a matching pair of bootie shorts that falls just below her belly button to just under her butt, a pair of net leggings and knee pads matching the other gear. Her black ring boots come up mid calf with a P on the outside of each boot, her ring coat however was a black leather one sleeve coat with white details on it. Coming off the shoulder blades and extending above her head are a set of red and black phoenix wings, each feather detailed with black and white stripes near the tips, dropping down into a red and black stripe. As the feathers reach the base of the wings smaller red and yellow feathers make them full, the bottom of the wings covered in black and white torn fabric with the same pattern of plaid as her outfit.
“Crosswalks and crossed hearts and hope-to-dies
Silver clouds with gray linings
So we can take the world back from a heart attack
One maniac at a time we will take it back
You know time crawls on when you're waiting for the song to start
So dance alone to the beat of your heart”
On the cymbals, more flames fly up into the sky behind the woman, as the red and yellow lights that were swinging back and forth start to twirl in a circle on that woman, who has a smirk on her face, the blonde bombshell looks over the crowd before walking to the sides of the stage, stopping there for a moment as she gives a models pose before walking to the opposite, posing again.
“Hey young blood, doesn't it feel like our time is running out?
I'm gonna change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix
Wearing our vintage misery
No, I think it looked a little better on me
I'm gonna change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix”
Phoenix walks to the center stage and blows a kiss to the crowd before using the ramp as her very own cat walk. Strutting towards the ring with purpose. As she got to the end of the ramp she turned towards the ramp, snapping at the referee to help her up the stairs, refusing to do them herself. Once Phoenix gets to the apron she wipes her boots off before pointing to the referee to hold the ropes for her. She steps through the ropes and looks over her shoulder with an arrogant smirk
Lexi: In the ring, hailing from Fairbanks Alaska, and standing 5 foot 7 inches tall. She is a Future FFW and Future Shock Hall of Famer. This is Phoeeeeeenixxxxxxxx Gaaaaallooowwwwayyyy!
“So we can take the world back from a heart attack
One maniac at a time we will take it back
You know time crawls on when you're waiting for the song to start
So dance alone to the beat of your heart”
Phoenix steps up on the middle turnbuckle in the far corner, shrugs as she smiles at the crowd's reaction and doesn't phase the young blonde at all. Mouthing the words “What are you talking about?” To some fans booing her. Phoenix goes to the opposite corner and steps back up on the middle turnbuckle; she again shrugs as she happily tells the crowd how “she’s the best.” She turns around and much like Robbyn sits on the top turnbuckle waiting for the match to begin.
Zack: Would you believe this is only the second match in Future Shock for either of these two women? We saw Phoenix’s partner in crime at the top of the show, and I’m sure Kilmeade has her well prepared for this match.
Referee Melinda Davis calls for the bell as Domino has a shit-eating grin on her face as she waves Phoenix towards her. The blonde rolls her eyes before looking at the crowd…and surprising her with a rush towards her. A low shoulder tackle sends Evans back into the corner as she starts hammering blows across her back while Phoenix drives her shoulder repeatedly into her body. The Alaskan gets the better of that exchange, knocking the wind out of Evans before using a back body drop to send her to the mat. The brawler tries to get back to her feet, and only gets about halfway before Galloway punts her in the spine.
Zack: I thought Phoenix was gonna drag this out, but I missed that call! She took off like a linebacker and put Domino on the backfoot right out of the gate.
Evans sat up again, only to catch another kick to the back before Phoenix used a rear chinlock with one hand while blasting away with punches to the head with the other. She dragged her across the middle rope and climbed onto her back to choke her against it until Davis got to a four count. Galloway hopped up to sit on the top turnbuckle, waving at Domino to get up again. When she did, it didn’t last long before the buff Barbie drove her into the mat with a tornado DDT. The ire of the fans only got them a blown kiss from the blonde before a standing fist drop to Domino’s face followed that.
Zack: She may not be all that popular in Future Shock, but I can assure you that Phoenix doesn’t give a damn what these people think of her. Near as I can tell, only about three or four people matter in her worldview.
She dragged her back to her feet, and shoved the lass into the corner for a foot choke. That got her another four count from the referee before Phoenix scooped her onto her shoulders and darted across the ring for a Samoan drop. She sat up and checked her nails, blowing on them a bit as she got back to her feet with a smile on her face. Kyle watched with amusement from the corner.
Zack: Phoenix is trying to give the impression that Domino is light work for her, but I’ll believe it more when she has her hand raised.
Domino was getting back to her feet a moment later, prompting Phoenix to pull her into a short arm clothesline. But the lass ducked under it, popping behind her before she spun her around and started blasting her with right hands to the jaw. This got the crowd behind her as she hammered Galloway back towards the ropes with each shot. She whipped her across to the far side, and caught her on the rebound with a spinning back elbow to the jaw that nearly put the blonde on the mat. It didn’t, but the discus clothesline did.
Zack: Maybe that wasn’t the best time to check the job your manicurist did for you earlier today, Phoenix. Though I’m sure Domino is happy about it.
Then Domino mocked her by looking over her own nails as Phoenix got to her feet, and blasted her with a left hook to the jaw for her troubles. It sent Galloway stumbling backwards before Evans whipped her into the far corner. She followed after her with a running European uppercut. Evans yanked her out by the arm, only to scoop her up into an atomic drop…over the top rope before she began bouncing the Alaskan on it till she fell back into the ring in what was almost a fetal position.
Zack: Well…there’s no fun way to land on the rope like that. Domino’s a brawler through and through, and she’ll use whatever’s available…just like if it was a bar fight.
This all amused Domino as she let Phoenix begin to get back to her feet. She quickly hooked her head, and took off for a corner bulldog that drove the top of her head into the middle turnbuckle. After pulling her back to her feet, she shoved her into the corner and started throwing left and right hand combinations to the body before an uppercut to the chin snapped her head back. Domino yanked her out of the corner into a t-bone suplex before dropping across her for the cover.
Zack: She’s a brawler who can throw hands with the best of them! There’s the cover, and Phoenix’s 0 may be about to go!
Galloway kicked out though, and Domino was back to her feet a second later. She whipped the blonde into the far corner before following her in with a rolling elbow followed by stomps to the body. She flipped the bird with both hands before sending her out to the canvas with a leg hook Saito suplex.
Zack: Domino’s letting Phoenix know she’s number one with her, and then sent her for a flight with the worst kind of landing.
She headed for the other corner, dropping down as she watched Phoenix starting to get up. When she finally got to her feet, Evans hit the near side ropes and delivered a springboard Superman punch that floored the blonde before she went for the cover once again. Davis slid into position to make the count.
Zack: Talk about some hard FEEDBACK, and I think PHoenix may be ripe for the picking right about now! There’s the cover!
Galloway kicked out in time before the three, and Domino got back to her feet with a shake of her head. She told Phoenix she could do this all night if she needed to, and pulled her back to her feet over one shoulder.
Zack: I believe Domino when she says that. She loves to fight, there’s no question about it. Kyle must be sweating Versace’s cologne over there!
It looked like she was about to go for a running powerslam, but Phoenix slipped free of her grip and shoved her into the corner. Domino’s body hit the top turnbuckle before she turned around into a single knee facebreaker that put the Scottish lass on the canvas. Galloway rolled towards the ropes to collect herself as Kyle moved around close to her, sharing some advice in her ear.
Zack: Whatever Domino had in mind, Phoenix had a better idea! If she hadn’t been getting thumped for the last few minutes, I think she’d have gone for the cover. Now for some immoral support from Kilmeade.
The blonde nodded her head as she got back to her feet, catching the rising Domino with a kneelift to the face. It sent her staggering backwards before Galloway took off for the ropes behind her, catching her when she turned around with a bicycle knee that floored her to the mat. She used the middle rope for a springboard moonsault that landed flawlessly before she hooked the leg and rolled over for the cover!
Zack: That’s one pretty moonsault from Phoenix, and that knee that preceded it may have made this academic!
Domino got her shoulder off the mat in time, causing Phoenix to get back to her feet. Kyle shouted some advice to her as she headed to the ropes. When the Scottish lass made it back to her feet, the Alaskan blonde dropped her with an impaler DDT and headed towards the corner to make her way up top.
Zack: I think I heard Kilmeade tell her to put this match to bed, and it looks like that’s exactly what Phoenix has in mind! She’s heading to the high rent district.
The buff Barbie came off the top rope with her shooting star corkscrew elbow drop. It landed flawlessly as she hooked both legs when she rolled over for the cover!
Zack: That’ll do it right there, loathe as I am call it TOTES OUTRAGEOUS!
Davis called for the bell as Phoenix slowly got back to her feet. The referee raised her hand as Kyle headed up the steps, clapping as he did so. She jerked her wrist away from the referee as Kyle stepped through the ropes, wanting him to raise it instead.
Zack: Why does it matter who…never mind. Go ahead, Lexi!
Lexi: Your winner by pinfall…..PHOENIX GALLOWAY!!
Kyle gave her more applause before she beamed ear to ear, a disgusted look followed that as she looked down to Domino. Then she looked towards Kyle, letting him know she needed some gold.
Zack: Listen to that. She’s already getting her eyes set on a championship, sounds like to me. I’m positive Kyle will do whatever he can to get her a shot at one.
He holds the ropes open for her to leave the ring before he steps out and follows her up the ramp. The show goes elsewhere inside the Qudos Bank Arena after that.
Angelina’s Got Her Groove Back
The sight of the FFW CEO is seen next when we find him chatting with one of his favorite talents, at least if the last few years are any indication. That talent is Angelina Fantastica, and the pair are in one of the hallways of the Qudos Bank Arena.
Adam: Just the woman I wanted to talk with. I’m only filling in for Jake while he takes some time away with Arabella, but I know you still have an eye for Siobhan’s title. So I was thinking what we can do to see about getting you a chance to earn a shot at it, you in?
Angelina: Yeah, Arabella’s mentioned that she’s gonna be taking some time off. And you’re right, I do still have my eyes on that Adrenaline title. Siobhan’s done a great job and I’m proud of her, so I’d love to find a way to challenge her in the future.
Adam: Well how about a #1 contender match in a couple weeks when Future Shock is in New Orleans on November 5th?
Angelina: Big Match Angelina in the Big Easy? Bring it on. Who’ve you got in mind?
Adam: I’ll give you some hints. She’s Siobhan’s biggest detractor. Let’s see, she had four people stage a protest outside an arena to give her a title shot that Anna earned. She threw a tantrum while you faced Anna at ringside. And she claimed she was never pinned in Ultimate X, which makes her the rightful challenger.
The New Yorker groans audibly.
Angelina: You know, it’s a pity Sapphire can’t figure out how these things really work. I congratulated Siobhan on her win, I did the same to Anna when she earned her shot. I’m trying to take my role as the OG seriously and set the example around here. So if I gotta try and beat some sense into Sapphire in order to earn a shot at Siobhan? So be it. I’m ready.
Adam: Then that’s what we’ll do. And just to make it a bit more even given how she acts during Sapphire’s matches, I’ll see about sending Emerald to the back for it since I know Arabella is going to be busy with Jake and can’t be in your corner for it. Sound good? I remember her trying to win Ultimate X for Sapphire, I mean…
Angelina sighs heavily.
Angelina: Sending her to the back isn’t a bad idea. She’s somehow even more of a nuisance than Sapphire is. Seriously though, whatever she tries to pull? I’ll be ready for it. I’ve been off my game these last couple months but I’m feeling a lot better now. On November 5th, I’ll show Sapphire why everyone but her is getting the title shots that she wants so badly.
Adam: Well that’s the main event set for the show then. One of them, at least. Big Match Angelina indeed. I doubt she’ll try to pull out of this one since it’s for a title shot like when Jake had to almost fire her the other week. I swear she wasn’t like this when I hired her.
Angelina: I think Diamond was a bad influence on her, personally.
Adam: I could see that..
As Adam shook his head, the show returned to the ring for the next match.
Last Edit: October 24, 2024, 04:52:38 pm by Adam Grant
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Adam Grant
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Re: FFW Future Shock Sydney Supershow - October 22, 2024
Reply #3
October 22, 2024, 02:05:42 pm »
A video package shows highlights from the Race to Go Nova that saw both Luci and River Campbell earn their respective title shots. Then we see Jamie become Nova Champion and successfully defend it against Luci before she faces River tonight. Then we return to the ring as Lexi begins the introductions.
Lexi: The following contest is scheduled for one fall to a finish with a 30 minute time limit, and it is for the Future Shock Nova Championship!
Zack: You saw the video, you know how we got here! We’re about to see two of Future Shock’s favorites meet up here, and I think both of them have something to prove. But I’ll get into that as we go along here. I’m also joined by Kyle Kilmeade for this match. Don’t you have other pressing matters tonight?
Kyle: If you mean the tag match later? Lacey and Valerie can’t be any more ready than they are now. I promise you that you’ll think they’ve still been teaming together all these years since their last match. Besides I’m kinda curious about this match.
The lights extinguish inside the arena only for a hockey style goal horn to sound; causing a spotlight to snap on and highlight the one, the only, River Campbell stood at the top of the stage playing to the crowd, waving her arms to get them to join in with the clapping and the opening “Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh’s…” of “The Enforcer” by Monster Truck. She nods her head, revelling in it as the lyrics kick in.
“I'm not looking for a fight
If you come at me tonight
I'm gonna make you sorry.
Don't try my patience, son
There's a reason I'm the one,
People stand aside for.”
With a smirk on her face she sets off down the ramp, beating her chest as she does so. When she reaches the ring she climbs up the ring steps. Entering the ring, the musician continues to play to the fans by standing on the middle rope and raising her hand in the air. She repeats this on all four sides of the ring before returning to her corner and waiting impatiently for the match to start.
Lexi: From New York, New York, weighing 143 lbs, standing 5’7 she is...RIVER CAMPBELL!!!
Zack: This isn’t River’s first shot at the Nova Championship. It’s been something she’s chased for quite a while now, and I think she needs to prove this to herself as much as everyone else that she belongs in this division, much less should be the woman to carry it into 2025.
Kyle: I can see why she might feel that way. But I watched her promo, and she seems like she had a chip on her shoulder about a few things. I like that, so I want to see how this one goes firsthand.
The sitars and the electronic beat of t+pazolite’s “Magic Raffles” blasts through the sound system as the stage is covered in dry ice fog. From the back, in a soft sprint, comes the “Magical Girl” Jamie Winters holding on to her magician’s hat, greeting the crowd with a big smile. She spins on her heels and strikes a pose as playing cards start raining from the stage and the lights blink in white and baby blue. She then starts skipping down the entrance ramp to the beat of her song, sharing high-fives with the people who have their hands extended out to her, and stopping to give rabbit stickers to the children in the audience that she “generates” using her magic tricks.
Lexi: And her opponent… From Lowell, Massachusetts… She is the reigning and defending Future Shock Nova Champion…. JAMIE WINTERS!!!
Finally, she reaches the ring, hopping onto the ring apron and then hovering in though the second rope. She quickly hops onto the bottom rope and leans on the top rope, flashing her playing cards with her rabbit stickers on them, before throwing those cards into the crowd and finally hopping down to the ring and taking her corner.
Zack: While River has to prove herself, I think Jamie does too. Some critics say she caught Arabella on an off night to win that title. Some say the same about her match with Luci. I don’t think anyone is that lucky to get past them both back to back unless they are incomparable athletes. Tonight, Jamie looks to silence all of those critics and continue to be one of the flag bearers of Future Shock into the new year.
Kyle: While I may not agree with a lot of what she says, there’s no such thing as having THAT kind of luck. Sure, she might have fluked one of those wins or the other. But not both. Those critics you’re mentioning are ignorant to how this all works.
Referee Ashley Pruitt takes the title from Jamie and shows it to River before lifting it overhead to show the crowd. As Lexi leaves with it, the bell sounds and Jamie heads to the center and offers River a handshake. The musician joins her and takes that hand, but not shaking. Instead she yanks her forward into an elbow to the mouth. Three more land in a row before she steps back, pulling her forward into a short arm clothesline. The guitarist grabs both of her arms to pull her up enough to start stomping her chest repeatedly before the last stomp to the face puts her down on the mat.
Zack: River’s coming out of the gate very aggressive tonight. Jamie just wanted a handshake, and so much for that offer of sportsmanship.
Kyle: There’s no friends when the bell rings, Zack. The woman standing across from her has something she wants. Now’s her chance to take it.
Jamie started to get up, but River began using clubbing blows to her back to keep on the canvas. She finally pulled her up from behind, and pummeled the back of her head with forearms that sent the magician lumbering forward. Campbell used a backstabber that sent her chest first into the corner before she rolled back to her feet, catching her as she turned around with a discus clothesline that put her in a seat against that same corner.
Zack: This is what River brings to the table when you face her. She likes to brawl and throw hands. And maybe because of the importance of the match, she brought some extra aggressiveness to the proceedings tonight too.
Kyle: I don’t think she just brought it tonight. I saw her showing it during that cage match at the Fatale Royale. I think it’s always been there.
Campbell grabbed the top rope and began stomping her body repeatedly until the referee had to tell her to let her out of the corner. The musician backed up with her hands up as Jamie was slow to make it back to her feet. The former Diamond Champion pushed the referee aside, and caught her with a running European uppercut from there. Winters fell back into the corner again, only to get yanked out by her arm and onto River’s shoulders for a Death Valley driver and a cover with the far leg hooked. The referee slid into position to make the count.
Zack: Look at those shots! The champ may be out of it at this point! Could we see a new Nova Champion right here?
Kyle: Way too early yet. I don’t think River even thought she was going to get the fall there.
Jamie kicked out after the two count, and River rose back to her feet. More stomps to the body landed before she dragged her back to her feet. Winters was whipped into the far side, and scooped up on the rebound with a spinebuster.
Zack: Right back to work for the #1 contender to the Nova Championship. Jamie’s gotta find an opening somewhere, this is turning into a mauling with a new champion seemingly all but confirmed tonight in Sydney.
The Nova Champion tried to get away from her by rolling towards the ropes. Jamie used them to get back to her feet before she caught a forearm to the back. River went for a German suplex, but Jamie had both hands holding the top rope. When she tried a second time, Jamie blasted her with a back elbow to the jaw. A second one shook her loose before Winters surprised Campbell with a Pele kick that put them both down.
Zack: That’s what Jamie needed! Sometimes those ropes can provide more than just a break when you need it, like right there. Quick thinking by the Nova Champion.
Kyle: Agreed there. It’s one thing I drill into my clients to always know where they are in the ring. And know where the opponent is, because it’s the shots you don’t see coming that do the most damage.
Jamie got back to her feet slowly, still feeling the effects of all the offense she had absorbed. River began to rise as well, at least till she caught a kneelift to the face that dropped her to a knee. The defending champion began using a flurry of front kicks to the body that the fans started counting off before Jamie connected with a shining wizard to the back of her head to put her down on the mat.
Zack: Win or lose, River’s gonna know she’s been in a fight tomorrow. I’m not sure Jamie is as strong as she is, but she makes up for that in speed with those shots.
Kyle: Jamie isn’t as strong as anyone on this roster. She has to rely on her speed and technical prowess. Being the strongest is overrated in wrestling.
The fans were behind her as she started rallying them. River began to get back to her feet, only to catch a running high knee to the back that sent her into the ropes. She stumbled backwards into a reverse rana from Jamie that dropped her on top of her head. Winters rolled to her feet and took off for the far side. When Campbell sat up, the Nova Champion left her feet into a meteora to the chest followed by a hook of the leg. Pruitt was in position quickly to make the count.
Zack: River’s catching shots from all directions, and Jamie says she’s ready to put defense #2 in the record books as the Nova Champion!
Kyle: That was close. She should have went for it after dropping her on her head though.
But the challenger got her shoulder off the mat. Jamie rolled to a seat on the mat, putting Campbell in a headscissors before she rolled onto all fours. Then she began to pound her head into the mat repeatedly with her legs and get back to her feet.
Zack: Some innovative use of the headscissors from Jamie there. If there had been a nail on the mat, River’s head would have hammered it in right there.
Jamie headed towards the corner, making her way to the top rope as Campbell was getting to her feet. When the challenger turned around, Winters connected with a blockbuster before floating across her for the cover once again! Pruitt was immediately in position to make the count.
Zack: Jamie went airborne with what may be a knockout shot, borrowing a page from Nadia! There’s the cover!
Kyle: Clearly Nadia does it better then because she didn’t get the win with it. Nadia usually does, doesn’t she?
River managed to get her shoulder up once again, and Jamie made it back to her feet a moment later. The champion backed up to the corner as Campbell made it back to her feet. When she turned around, Jamie bolted towards her with a handspring headscissors…but the musician caught her and countered it into a powerbomb.
Zack: Good Lord! Jamie gave her a second too long, and she got drilled for it! If River were more cognizant at the moment, I think she’d go for the cover!
With both women down, the referee started the mandatory ten count. At four, River was back to her feet. She was leaning against the corner though, watching and waiting as Jamie was starting to get up as well. The challenger was pawing the mat with one foot and waving her arm in a circle as she wanted the champion to turn around.
Kyle: She’s giving her time to work out what’s going on here!
Zack: I know this setup! River’s looking to take Jamie’s head off with her favorite, that lariat that has won her so many matches! RAGIN’ RI–
Campbell took off towards her, but the champion ducked the clothesline. River turned around into a bicycle knee to the chest that sent her into the ropes. Jamie rolled to the next set of ropes to try to get back to her feet, only to end up catching thar lariat anyway as it sent her out of the ring over the top rope to the floor!
Zack: She got it after all! Jamie turned right into one hell of a RAGIN’ RIVER!! But she didn’t land where the challenger wanted her!!
Kyle: What did I just tell you?
The challenger pounded the mat in irritation that she wasn’t able to stop Jamie from going out of the ring. Shaking her head, she rolled out after her. Winters was pulled to her feet before Campbell shoved her under the bottom rope. She joined her a second later before going for the cover as Pruitt dropped for the count.
Zack: Jamie could be in La-La Land right now, and we may be seconds away from a brand new Nova Champion!
Kyle: You gotta do something more after they roll out to the floor like that.
The champion got her shoulder up in time, and a look of irritation began to cross River’s face as she rose back to her feet. She was muttering something to herself as she pulled down her elbow pad.
Zack: If Jamie hadn’t fallen out of the ring, I think we’d have a new champion right now! What’s River thinking here?
River shouted at Jamie to get back to her feet, which the champion proceeded to do. That’s when Campbell bolted towards her, looking for a rolling elbow to the mouth. But Jamie ducked the contact. As soon as River spun around, Winters caught her head for a stunner that bounced her to the mat. The champion dragged herself across the canvas and made the cover as the fans got to their feet.
Zack: She’d have lost some teeth if that elbow landed, and there’s a stunner! Jamie’s leaving Sydney with the Nova title intact!
Kyle: Too long between hitting the move and making the cover.
River’s shoulder came off the mat in time once again, causing the champion to double check with the referee. Pruitt assured her it was just a two count as Jamie struggled back to her feet. She glanced towards the ropes and headed in that direction.
Zack: This has become a match of centimeters with how close these counts have been! They’ve had each other dead to rights more than once!
Jamie used the ropes to deliver her step-up hangtime moonsault splash…but Campbell rolled out of the way. The champion crashed onto the mat as River fought back to her feet, and darted towards Winters as she got up. She landed her lariat for the second time, flipping Jamie on impact before she dropped for the cover. Pruitt was in position quickly.
Zack: MOMENT OF–scratch that! There’s the RAGIN’ RIVER!!
Kyle: Now that was impressive! River clearly has watched a lot of Jamie’s matches, and knew her tells.
The fans came to their feet as Pruitt called for the bell, and River rolled over onto the mat. She looked up at the lights with a smile on her face to catch her breath before she got up, and then had her hand raised in victory.
Lexi: Your winner by pinfall…AND NEEWWWW Future Shock Nova Champion….RIVER CAMPBELL!!
Zack: River has made history tonight in Sydney! The Nova title has escaped her grasp through the years more than once, but tonight, she made it happen on one of Future Shock’s biggest stages!
Kyle: She did a great job, not gonna lie. She brought that chip on her shoulder with her to the ring tonight like she did against Delilah, and look what happened.
River had the Nova Championship awarded to her by the referee, clutching it in her hands as she looked down at it. Then her attention went to Jamie before she leaned down to help her up with it, raising both their hands to a pop from the crowd.
As the fans cheered both women, River yanked Jamie into that exposed elbow to the jaw and dropped her where she stood. Those cheers turned to boos as Campbell looked down at her fallen opponent.
Zack: What the hell was that about?! Both women deserved all the praise in the world…until that happened!
Kyle: Now I’m even more impressed. Anything you do after the bell is free, right? She’s already won, maybe she wanted to leave the ring with Jamie still on her ass.
River looked out over the fans who were now booing her before she rolled out of the ring. She glanced around once again at them before she began her way to the back with the Sydney crowd showing her zero support as a result. She flipped them all a bird with one hand as she raised the Nova Championship with the other as she disappeared to the back. As the referee attended to Jamie, the show went to a commercial for Undeniable 2 coming February 25 on FFW All Access.
Last Edit: October 24, 2024, 05:06:07 pm by Adam Grant
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Adam Grant
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Re: FFW Future Shock Sydney Supershow - October 22, 2024
Reply #4
October 22, 2024, 02:05:58 pm »
After a video package showing the history behind the tag title match tonight, we return to the ring and find Lexi ready to begin the introductions.
Lexi: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall to a finish with a thirty minute time limit, and it is for the FFW Undisputed Tag Team Championship!
Zack: I’ve been waiting on this one since Jake announced the rematch, and I know so have Target Acquired! Our second of three title matches tonight could well be the one with the most vitriol behind it.
The curtain opens and Nadia Beaulieu and Alessandra Esposito appear as ‘Chase You Down’ begins to play around the arena.
Ooh Ooh
Don't let it slip away
Ooh Ooh
Don't let it get away
The two girls stand back to back and make ‘guns’ with their fingers. The raise them up and move them side to side to take their aim until the finally find their target directly in front of them. In perfect unison they make a motion as if firing and then lower their ‘guns’ with a satisfied nod, turning to face the ring when they have.
Can you hear me right now
I got your number
And I'm callin' you out
With liquid courage
I can beat all my doubt
There's not another
So I'm chasin' you down
They both take off towards the ring at a run, with Nadia reaching it before Alessandra. Nadia climbs the steps, while Alessandra hops straight up onto the apron when she catches up.
Chasin' you down
Can you see me right now
I'm comin' closer
Think I figured you out
Not like the others
You don't blend with the crowd
I've blown your cover
Now I'm takin' you down
Takin' you down
Lexi: Introducing at this time, ALESSANDRA ESPOSITO and NADIA BEAULIEU…..They are…...TARGET ACQUIRED!
Can you hear me right now
I got your number
And I'm callin' you out
With liquid courage
I can beat all my doubt
There's not another
So I'm chasin' you down
Chasin' you down
Nadia climbs up onto the turnbuckle while Alessandra hops up to sit on the top rope facing the ramp. Alessandra kicks her feet upwards to roll backwards into the ring landing on one knee. She keeps her head lowered as Nadia somersaults off the top turnbuckle to land on her feet behind her. The two make their finger ‘guns’ again, raising them to their mouths to blow the ‘smoke’ away before Alessandra gets to her feet and the two head to their corner, sharing some last minute words as they await the start of the match.
Zack: Let’s be honest, these two women were robbed at Unstoppable 15. Credit to Jake for giving them another chance at becoming champions, and I hope he’s doing well with all he’s dealing with currently.
As the music hits a spotlight lights up the entranceway, picking up both girls as they dance out onto the middle of the stage, feet moving quickly and hips swaying, both have red roses in their hair, tucked behind an ear and their title belts around their waist. The pair pause at the top of the entrance ramp, striking a pose back to back, grinning at the crowd before Dani starts to head towards the ring while Fran dances in place on the stage. Dani’s hips continue to sway as she keeps her feet on the floor while dancing down to the ring, hands moving around her body to accentuate and draw attention to her figure. As she reaches the halfway point, her partner skips down after her, before showing off with a back flip and a no-hand cartwheel.
Lexi: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome your FFW UNDISPUTED TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD!!! The extraordinary, the amazing, the incredible team of “The Divine” Dani Ruiz and “Fuego Furiousa” Frani Garcia… LATINA HEAT!!!
When Garcia makes it to the bottom of the entrance ramp, she chooses a guy in the front row, flirting with him a little bit before she takes the flower from her hair and presents it to him...only to crush the flower in her head before spinning away. She darts towards Dani as the girl stands by the ring apron, using her to leapfrog onto the apron and immediately drop into the splits before she slithered backwards into the ring, rolling back and coming to her feet where Frani hopped up onto the middle rope, leaning forward and blowing a kiss to the crowd, telling the guys this was as close as they were ever going to get. While she did so, her partner launched herself underneath the bottom rope into the ring, rolling onto her back as she did so and kipped up onto her feet. She pulled a muscle pose for the crowd, showing off her abs before pulling the flower from her hair and tossing it carelessly to the floor. The two women hug before unfastening the title belts from their waists, executing a title high five before heading back towards their corner as they decide who will start, passing the title belts to the referee as they did so.
Zack: Latina Heat have used every trick at their disposal practically to not only win but retain those tag titles. And they got one hell of a schedule too. Because IF and I do mean if they retain tonight, we already know that Prophecy is waiting on the next shot after their handicap victory at Breaking Point. The tag team division in FFW has not been more competitive than it is right now.
Referee Jennifer Stringer took the tag titles from the champions, and showed them to Alessandra and Nadia before she lifted them over her head. Lexi took the titles with her as the bell sounded, and it was Alessandra who stepped forward and cracked her knuckles. Daniela moved towards her to start for her team as the Sydney crowd was solidly behind the Italian. Ruiz raised her hand for a test of strength, to which Alessandra had a look as if to ask if she was serious.
Zack: This is not how I would have suggested starting this match if I were either Daniela or Francesca, not with Alessandra definitely.
Alessandra decided to take her up on it and reached up to grab her hand. Then Dani went to raise the other hand, but tried to surprise her with a thumb to the eye. But the former Future Shock Champion was wise to that trick and blocked it before turning and using a judo throw over her shoulder to send Dani to the mat. She had only just gotten back to her feet before Esposito spun her around, and started laying in right hands to the jaw. She shoved her backwards into the ropes, only for her to bounce forward into a discus punch!
Zack: I had a feeling she was trying to get one over on Alessandra, and thankfully so did our challenger! And we’re off to the races now, where a fistfight is not something Dani’s gonna win!
Danieal stumbled for a moment before she was scooped up and sent flying with a fallaway slam. The tag champion was back to her feet again, and caught a running shoulder tackle from Alessandra that sent her backwards into the neutral corner. Five more shoulder thrusts to the body followed that before the challenger hopped up onto the middle turnbuckle, driving ten punches to her head that the fans counted off. Danieal stumbled forward after that, only to find herself in a release German suplex.
Zack: Dani’s getting another taste of the raw power possessed by Alessandra. And to a nicer girl it couldn’t happen.
Ruiz got back to her feet, looking for her corner before another release German suplex sent her into the corner this time. Only it was the wrong corner as she landed at Nadia’s feet, prompting Alessandra to tag her partner before the two joined forces. They each grabbed an arm and a leg before throwing the tag champion into the air and letting her crash onto the mat. Beaulieu headed for her corner before being thrown off by her partner into a splash onto Daniela.
Zack: A top rope splash with a little rocket fuel provided by Alessandra right there! You know these two have been wanting this since the travesty that took place in Los Angeles.
Nadia dragged Dani to her feet, and shoved her into her team’s corner. Esposito held her opponent’s arm as Beaulieu darted forward with a running boot to the jaw. She backed up a few steps and followed that with a handspring back elbow before tagging Alessandra back into the match. As Ruiz stumbled out of the corner, the two partners hit opposite sides of the ring to come back with a chop block and clothesline from both directions that took her down before Nadia rolled back out of the ring.
Zack: A little Hi-Lo action there from Target Acquired, and Daniela can’t turn around without getting blasted from one direction or another. Or both!
Esposito pulled Dani back to her feet, and began hammering her with forearms to the head. A hard Irish whip sent her into the corner before the powerhouse charged behind her with a corner clothesline. Ruiz jerked the nearby referee towards her with one hand as a mule kick between Alessandra’s legs stopped her in her tracks. When Stringer got free of the grip, she turned to see the challenger on her knees as Dani pulled herself together.
Zack: Rest assured if there’s a low road to be taken, Latina Heat will barrel through it like nobody’s business. Daniela better capitalize quickly.
She turned around with a scowl on her face, and returned some of the straight right hands she caught earlier to the face. Ruiz grabbed Alessandra’s arm as she reeled on her knees, and pulled her forward into a ripcord knee strike. While her partner played the part of cheerleader in the corner, Dani hit the far side ropes and caught Alessandra with a running leg lariat that put her down on the canvas finally. A double stomp to her body folded Alessandra in half before Ruiz dragged the sole of her boot across the former tag champion’s face.
Zack: That’s not ever going to win a match for you, it’s just to send a message and try to humiliate your opponent. Latina Heat were quite happy to not have to face Target Acquired again, and probably resent that they need to do it tonight here in Sydney.
She pulled the Italian beauty back to her feet, and whipped her into the corner of the tag champions. She sauntered towards her before charging forward into a running European uppercut. Dani leaned back, and delivered a hard elbow strike to the Italian’s face followed by three more before blood began to seep out. Stringer got between them and started moving Dani back, wanting her to let Alessandra out of the corner. Meanwhile, Francesca was bludgeoning the challenger’s face with more elbows, trying to make her nose continue to bleed even more. At least she was till Stringer turned back around.
Zack: That’s a big problem for Alessandra. I don’t know if they’ve broken her nose or just busted it open. But I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s having trouble seeing right now, much less the mugging that’s going on in that corner making it all worse.
Dani made the tag to her partner before the duo joined forces in the ring. They whipped Alessandra off for the ride, scooping her up on the rebound with a flapjack to the canvas. A double fist drop from them both landed on the challenger’s nose, causing it to bleed more before Ruiz went back to the corner. Frani measured a knee drop to the face after that, she complained to the referee Alessandra got blood on her knee pad.
Zack: The busted nose..possibly broken, it’s only getting worse for Alessandra. We know from experience when the Heat get control of a match, they are ruthless and relentless. The only team even moreso, I think, would be the new #1 contenders crowned at Breaking Point this past Saturday night.
Frani shook her head as she pulled the former Future Shock Champion to her feet. She followed that with her single knee facebreaker before immediately going for the cover with the far leg hooked. Stringer was in position quickly.
Zack: She calls that the EMBARGO, and with Alessandra’s nose the way it is…this may be academic!
Esposito got her shoulder off the mat, and Garcia punished her for it with more elbows to the face. She rose back to her feet, and hoisted the challenger over her shoulder for a snake eyes in her team’s corner that sent the Italian beauty staggering backwards holding her face. At least she was until Garcia hit the ropes on the far side for a one-handed bulldog to the canvas.
Zack: Everything the Heat are doing is targeting her nose, and I guarantee you, broken or not, Alessandra isn’t seeing a single one of those shots coming at all. Those are the shots that can knock you out.
She returned to her corner, tagging in Dani who immediately hopped onto the top rope. Garcia pulled Alessandra to her feet, and ducked out of the way as the tag champion came off with a quebrada that floored Esposito. She went for a leg hook and the cover before Stringer was in position.
Zack: The Heat can smell blood in the water here… and that may be a literal analogy! There’s the cover!
Again though, Alessandra got her shoulder off the mat in time. Ruiz shook her head as she pulled the Italian beauty to her feet. She hooked her head and delivered a slingshot suplex before getting back to her feet. Garcia showed her nothing but praise in the corner as her partner ascended to the top rope.
Zack: The confidence of the Heat is certainly rising here, and I’m not sure how much longer Alessandra can withstand this.
She launched herself into a shooting star press, but only got Alessandra’s knees when she brought them up. It froze the tag champion as she landed on the canvas, and Esposito began looking for her corner as Nadia had her hand outstretched waiting for the tag.
Zack: Daniela took a little too long up there, and that was definitely not the landing that she wanted! Alessandra must get to the corner as fast as she can!
The former Future Shock Champion began to head towards her corner with Nadia leaning over the top rope with her hand out. Daniela was starting to head back to hers as she made it first, tagging Francesca back into the ring. Garcia darted towards Alessandra, grabbing her by the feet to pull her to the center. She pulled Alessandra up, and caught an uppercut to the chin that staggered her for a second. Esposito went for the corner again, but the tag champion grabbed a handful of her hair to try to yank her back.
Zack: Francesca’s back in and Alessanda is desperate to get to the corner. I don’t blame her a bit, now she’s got her by the hair!
Garcia didn’t hold her hair long before a spinning backfist to the jaw sent her stumbling. Alessandra lunged into the corner after that, making the tag to Nadia as the fans in Sydney erupted! Beaulieu hit the ring, and took off towards Garcia with a lungblower that sent her forward before the blonde was back to her feet again. She hopped up to the second turnbuckle as Francesca turned around, and caught her with her blockbuster! She immediately went for the cover as Daniela headed up top next in her corner! Stringer immediately went to make the count.
Zack: FALLING FOR YOU!! There’s the co–LOOK OUT FOR DANI!!
Ruiz came off the top rope with a diving headbutt, but Nadia saw her and rolled off the cover and let her land it on her own tag partner instead. That brought a pop from the crowd as Dani got to her feet, looking to check on her partner before Nadia caught her with a superkick that dropped her where she stood!
Zack: Excellent ring awareness by Nadia! Dani hit her own partner, and then got her jaw jacked for it! We’re gonna crown new tag champs!
Nadia got to her feet, watching as both of the tag champions were starting to get to their feet. She took off for the far side, and came back to leave her feet with dual DDTs to both women simultaneously. A baseball slide sent Daniela to the floor, leaving her alone with the legal woman in the match. The fans were even louder now.
Zack: You can feel it! Listen to this place! Nadia is a wrecking ball, and I think we’re gonna crown new tag team champions in a matter of moments!
Nadia headed towards the corner to make her way to the top rope, waving for Daniela to get back to her feet. Ruiz was barely back up a second later before she turned around, allowing Beaulieu to come off the top rope and land on her shoulders for her dragonrana that spiked the top of her head into the canvas! She immediately went for the cover as Stringer dove for the count!
Stringer never got to finish her count before Francesca yanked her out of the ring by her leg. The referee immediately began reading the riot act on the floor as Nadia glanced around for the referee. She got back to her feet, and turned into a massive lariat from…
The musician pulled Dani on top of Nadia and rolled out of the ring as the referee turned back to see the cover and slide in to make the count.
Alessandra tried to make the save, but was yanked out of the ring by River before she could reach the cover. Francesca rolled in and helped Daniela to her feet before the referee raised both of their hands to deafening boos from the Sydney crowd.
Lexi: Your winners by pinfall….AND STIIIIIIIIIILL FFW Undipsuted Tag Team Champions….LATINA HEAT!!
The champions collected their titles and joined River on the floor for a group hug before the musician raised their hands in victory.
Zack: What a low down dirty rotten no good—
Both of the Heat beamed as they raised their tag titles over their heads as River congratulated them. The trio backed up the ramp as Alessandra was attended to by a trainer for her nose as Nadia slowly sat up, trying to piece together what happened.
Zack: Target Acquired get hosed again! They had the Heat dead to rights! This time though, it was River who screwed them over! And now we got the new Nova Champion and the tag champions on the same page apparently.
The fans continued to boo as the champions hugged their tag titles along with River behind them when the show went to a commercial break for Sabotage coming November 30th.
Final Warning
The show cuts to the back outside the locker room of Lacey and Valerie. Kyle steps out first and is immediately approached by Sara, so he closes the door behind him and turns to her.
Sara: I’d like to talk with you about what happened to Crystal this past Saturday night in Portland at Breaking Point. Do you realize you caused her not to be able to compete with Stephanie in the main event?
Kyle: Of course, I realize it. That was the point. That and to make a message very clear about putting her hands on me.
Sara: Well she said on X to Adam apparently she wasn't done.
Kyle: Yeah, that’s because she’s a dumb ass trick. Here’s a woman who has had about 13 husbands all of whom decided they could do better than her, and then she woke up lesbian one morning. If you had your ass handed to you by almost a half dozen women at once, you’d probably think ‘hey, maybe I should focus on something else now’ rather than DMing Adam to ask for matches. I’m sick and tired of making her relevant in FFW in 2024. And this was never even about her. I just called out one of her nimrod trainees for saying absolutely stupid shit. Why isn’t she yelling at her? If Allison kept her mouth shut and admitted in a promo that she’s dumb as a box of rocks, none of this would have happened. I have a very important match about to happen, Sara. So I’ll leave you with this. If that woman ever puts her hands on me again, I’ll make sure she’s in a wheelchair.
Sara: What did Cody tell you after that?
Kyle didn’t want to talk about that, instead taking a deep breath and pointing Sara away from the door. Then he shooed the reporter away as we go back to the ring.
Last Edit: October 24, 2024, 05:20:17 pm by Adam Grant
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Adam Grant
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Re: FFW Future Shock Sydney Supershow - October 22, 2024
Reply #5
October 22, 2024, 02:06:10 pm »
The show returns to the ring as Lexi is once more standing front and center as she begins the introductions.
Lexi: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall with a 30 minute time limit, and it is one half of your double main event!
Zack: Easily one of the most talked about matches in Future Shock, we’re about to see it. Two of the very best and most successful teams in the history of FFW are about to collide, but only one of them actually gets along with one another.
The arena lights go out and a second later “Animal I Have Become” by Three Days Grace starts to play. As the song started a spotlight hit the stage area as Charlotte Harker stepped out from the back and into the circle of light. She’s bouncing on the balls of her feet in time with the music, nodding her head as she takes a couple of deep breaths, listening to the response of the crowd. She ignored them, keeping her eyes focused on the ring before she started to stride down to ring, climbing the steps and entering through the ropes.
Lexi: Please welcome, standing 6’2” and weighing 177lbs, she comes from Buffalo, New York….CHARLOTTE HARKER!!!
The wrestler climbed up onto the middle rope, throwing her hands in the air to again get a response from the crowd before she dropped down to the canvas, checking her knee pads as the lights came up and tested the ropes while waiting for the referee to start the match.
Zack: This will be Charlotte’s first match back after recovering from her knee injury, not counting the Fatale Royale obviously. If you watched her promo, you know she wants nothing to do with it or her partner. For those unaware, the One Woman Show as a team did not end without massive acrimony.
The crowd gets plunged into darkness. The silence gets broken by John Youle as he starts to make the introduction.
Lexi: Hailing from Sherbrooke in the province of Quebec, Canada. She weighs in at 142 lbs and stands 5’8” tall. This is the… “ONE WOMAN SHOW” SHAUGHNESSY O’NEILL!!!
Alice Cooper’s Poison begins to play as the video wall shows close ups of different parts of Shaw’s face before finally cutting to a live feed of the young woman as the spotlight hits her in the middle of the stage. She started to nod her head along to the beat of the music, the young woman headed down to the ring, the spotlight following her all the way to the ring. Rolling under the bottom rope Shaw kipped up to her feet and stood in her corner, checking everything about her ring gear is in position as she waits to start the match.
Zack: I’m not sure how well Shaw and Charlotte are going to get along. As a matter of fact, I’m fairly positive that they won’t. But neither of them want to leave without a win on a stage like this with the world watching on FFW All Access.
The lights in the arena go out as the opening bars of ‘Redheaded Woman’ by Bruce Springsteen begin to play. A white spotlight hits the stage and Kyle Kilmeade walks through the curtain with a smug smile in place. The spotlight turns to red and Kyle proceeds to open the curtain to allow Valerie McKinley and Lacey to step through. They move to stand one either side of him, with all three soaking in the animosity from the booing crowd.
Well brunettes are fine man
And blondes are fun
But when it comes to getting a dirty job done
I'll take a red headed woman
A red headed woman
It takes a red headed woman
To get a dirty job done
As the song continues, Lacey and Valerie walk down the ramp with Kyle between them giving them a little applause as they go. Reaching the ring, they both move to an opposite corner and climb the steps, before meeting again in the center of the apron to look out over the still booing crowd.
Well listen up stud your life's been wasted
Till you've got down on your knees and tasted
A red headed woman
A red headed woman
It takes a red headed woman
To get a dirty job done
Kyle joins the duo on the apron to hold the ropes open for Valerie to enter elegantly, while Lacey drops down into the splits and lowers her head towards her foot to roll under the bottom rope.
Lexi: Introducing at this time and accompanied to the ring by Kyle Kilmeade…. Valerie McKinley and Lacey…. THE GOLD STANDARD!
The three make their way to the corner to share some last minute words before the match begins, and their music fades out.
Zack: Oh, they brought back the old entrance for this one! Valerie and Lacey held the Future Shock and Unity Tag titles back to back for a combined reign of about two years. As you can tell, they are still very close and best friends. The only reason I suspect they aren’t together now is because Lacey was sent to Future Shock a while back.
As referee Colby Morrison called for the bell, it was the Gold Standard who was ready to go first as Lacey headed out of the corner. Shaw was trying to communicate with Charlotte, and getting roundly ignored by the powerhouse before she told her to finish her business and went to the apron. Shaw’s attention then went from her tag partner to Lacey, and the look of concern turned to one of irritation. And it was barely a second before they took off towards each other, and began throwing hands at one another’s head.
Zack: We’re picking right up where we left off with these two a few weeks ago on Future Shock! There’s nothing here but bad intentions, and look at those fists flying!
Shaw got the better of the exchange, catching Lacey with an uppercut that sent her backwards a couple steps. The brunette whipped her across to the far side, and took her down on the rebound with a Thesz press followed by mounted punches, much to the delight of the crowd. Lacey managed to roll her off, and got back to her feet. She had barely turned around before Shaw used a savate kick to the chest that wobbled her. The brunette hooked her head and took off towards the ropes, using them for a springboard bulldog.
Zack: Lacey tried to give this woman a concussion weeks ago, and put her back on the shelf because she couldn’t get the job done against her. You best believe Shaw has some receipts to hand out for that.
O’Neill pulled Lacey back to her feet before sending her into the far corner next. She followed her with a forearm smash to the jaw before using a barrage of fists to the head that drove Lacey down to the canvas in a seat. That’s when Shaw began firing knees into her face, much the same way that Lacey had done to her before Colby pulled her back and told her to let her opponent out of the corner.
Zack: Lacey was getting a taste of her own medicine there, and it would have continued if Colby hadn’t stepped in, I’m sure. These two need to meet one on one at some point in a rematch, no question about it.
As he was getting Shaw back, Lacey grabbed the ropes to pull herself up. Shaw sidestepped the big man, and charged towards the redhead. She delivered an avalanche splash before scooping her into a release belly to belly overhead suplex. The redhead started to crawl away from her as Shaw pulled her up from behind with a rear waistlock. That was when Lacey began firing back elbows with both arms, catching the French-Canadian on both sides of her head and shaking her loose. She grabbed Shaw’s head and delivered a neckbreaker to bring her down to the mat before taking a moment to collect herself. Kyle encouraged her to keep Shaw near the corner as she got back to her feet.
Zack: After catching a thumping, to say the least, Lacey got her foot in the door here. Some words of wisdom from Kyle too. Neither Valerie nor Lacey wants Charlotte in this match.
Lacey put the boots to Shaw, specifically the back of her head as she dragged her to the corner. A foot choke followed that as Colby counted her down to four before she made the tag to Valerie. The two joined forces in the center of the ring as they scooped her up for a double knee gutbusters as Valerie pulled Shaw’s upper body up by the arms before Lacey bounced off the middle rope with a leg drop across the back of her head. The One Percenter dropped down to the mat, applying a crossface before Colby moved into position.
Zack: I know Kyle told Lacey to keep her close to the corner, but the problem here is she’s too close to the corner. If Shaw realizes where she is, it won’t be any trouble for her to get her foot under the bottom rope for the break.
Valerie leaned back in the hold, trying to get as much leverage out of it as possible. Kyle watched from ringside, nodding his head as Shaw tried to break the redhead’s grip. She wasn’t having any success with that before she realized where she was and stretched one foot across the bottom rope. It didn’t stay there long as Lacey kicked it off before Colby noticed.
Zack: I spoke too soon. She found the rope but Lacey sure as hell isn’t going to allow a break if she can help it. Colby didn’t notice it because she knocked it off that fast.
Valerie pushed up a bit to give herself additional leverage as she leaned back. Shaw got her feet around the ropes this time, locking her ankles as Lacey began trying to break it. Colby noticed it that time, and called for the break. McKinley let go at four and a half before getting back to her feet, and making the tag back to Lacey. The One Percenter scooped Shaw’s feet under her arms and catapulted her into a lungblower from Lacey before she went for the cover with the far leg hooked. Colby was in position quickly to make the count.
Zack: Nothing but chemistry from Valerie and Lacey, not surprised at all. Lacey’s ready to call it a night!
Charlotte was halfway into the ring when Shaw got her shoulder off the mat. Colby headed towards the Moose to get her back out, while Lacey used the distraction to choke O’Neill with both hands. Morrison turned back as Lacey was getting back to her feet and making the tag back to Valerie.
Zack: You have to believe on some level Charlotte is enjoying watching her former partner getting mauled, and only wishes she could join in. Valerie and Lacey have not lost a step as a tag team after all these years. Kyle has them like a well oiled machine.
The redheads pulled Shaw back to her feet, and whipped her across to the far side. They went for a double clothesline after she rebounded, but she ducked underneath it and kept running. The pair turned around as Shaw used the middle rope for a springboard into a cross body that took them both to the mat. All three women were on the canvas then as it was Lacey getting up first before Colby ushered her back to her corner.
Zack: Some split second timing there from Shaw, and she’s got herself a little breathing room here. Does she want to make a tag? I feel like she has to at some point, or this one is going to be all over but the music playing.
Shaw started to get back to her feet, but Valerie was up first. The One Percenter hit the near side ropes, and caught her with a knee to the body that doubled her over. McKinley sent her to the mat with a gutwrench suplex after that. She noticed how close they were to the wrong corner, and grabbed Shaw’s foot to pull her towards the center of the ring. They didn’t get far before O’Neill rolled onto her back, and brought her knees to her chest. That pulled Valerie with her as she began throwing right hands at her head, and then pulled her into a guillotine choke!
Zack: Valerie’s getting her away from that corner, and–OH! Look at Shaw go! Valerie’s stuck now, and the One Percenter may be overdue for naptime here in Sydney!
Colby was quickly in position to see if Valerie wanted to stop the match, but had not gotten that indication yet as Shaw locked her ankles around the redhead’s back. The look on the brunette’s face showed the severity of how tightly she was applying the hold, causing Valerie’s movements and struggles to try to get free to slowly begin to fade. The big man started to check the arm. He only lifted it twice before Lacey entered the ring and dropped a knee to Shaw’s head to break it. Morrison tried to get Lacey back to her corner as Shaw was getting herself together. She glanced towards Valerie down on the mat and then her tag partner standing in the corner. Charlotte glowered back at her as the two locked eyes.
Zack: Lacey may have just saved her partner from certain defeat there, and Shaw now has a golden opportunity to tag out. She’s wrestled both of the Gold Standard from the bell, but Charlotte is fresh as a daisy. What do you do, Shaw?
O’Neill got to her feet finally and offered her hand for the tag, to which Charlotte did not seem eager at all to make. As Colby was still having trouble getting Lacey out of the ring, Valerie got her wits about her enough to crawl forward and give Shaw a low blow that dropped her to her knees. With the other redhead now back in the corner, Colby turned back to see Shaw on her knees in front of her partner. At the same time, Valerie was beginning to reorient herself.
Zack: I know she hates her, but the simple fact is if Charlotte doesn’t tag into this match, Shaw is not going to beat the Gold Standard one on two. It’s just not happening. We saw how those kinds of matches go this past Saturday night with Prophecy and Stephanie Sullivan.
Shaw reached for the rope to get back to her feet before Charlotte slapped that hand, tagging herself into the match. O’Neill looked up in surprise as the Moose stepped into the ring. Valerie was getting back to her feet, but not for long before Harker bounced off the near side ropes with a running boot to the side of her head. She barked at Shaw to get the hell out of the ring, which the brunette duly did. Harker turned her attention back to Valerie, and pulled her to her feet before whipping her across for the ride. She scooped her up into a spinebuster on the rebound.
Zack: Charlotte is a game changer, and she’s, by far, the freshest woman in this match! I think Shaw’s more surprised than anyone that her partner for tonight bothered tagging in at all.
The powerhouse got back to her feet, dragging Valerie with her before she whipped her into the ropes again. This time, she caught her on the rebound into an Uranage side slam before rolling back to her feet. Lacey stepped through the ropes and came up behind the Moose, but stopped in her tracks when Charlotte spun around to face her. She grabbed the redhead by the throat, and lifted her with one hand into a chokeslam to the canvas.
Zack: Lacey was gonna try to sneak up on Harker…and you saw how well that went! Massive chokeslam, and Charlotte is building up serious momentum here!
Colby tried to get Lacey back out of the ring again as Charlotte was about to grab her once more. Valerie surprised the brunette before she turned around with a chop block to the back of her recently injured knee. That put her down to her knees as the “One Percenter” started back to her feet, leaning against the ropes and delivering a Busaiku knee to her jaw to put her down on the mat.
Zack: I knew that was likely to be a focal point if Charlotte got into this match! The Gold Standard knows exactly which leg was injured, and they’re gonna find out how healed up it is if they have their way.
Valerie was pulling herself together against the ropes as Charlotte was starting to get back to her feet. She used an Irish whip to send the Moose into the corner, where her back collided against the corner. McKinley followed her in, but ran into a big boot to the jaw from the Moose that staggered her backwards. Charlotte bolted out of the corner with a lariat that nearly flipped her in midair before she leaned down to rub her knee briefly.
Zack: That’s like running into a brick wall right there! You can do all the training you want, but you never know how well an injury is healed till you face someone who is actively trying to hurt you. There’s no substitution for being in that ring.
Valerie was beginning to get back to her feet as Charlotte rubbed her knee, but caught a mule kick from the powerhouse as she approached. It sent McKinley backwards before the Moose pulled her head between her legs, and executed a high angle jackknife powerbomb that bounced the “One Percenter” off the mat before Harker scooped her legs up for the pin. Colby slid into position quickly to make the count.
Zack: Good Lord! Valerie might as well have fallen off the roof of the Qudos Bank Arena! A thunderous powerbomb, and the Moose is about to hear her music!
The three count never finished as Lacey was back in the ring again, taking off towards Charlotte with a running knee that sent her off the cover. The New Yorker got back to her feet as Lacey grabbed her head, looking for a sitout facebuster but Harker shoved her off.
Zack: I think that’d have been the bell if it weren’t for Lacey right there. But now, she’s got a tiger by the tail! You stopped her for a moment, but what do you do with her?!
Lacey had just gotten her feet under her when Charlotte used both hands to scoop her into a sitout powerbomb! She rolled back to her feet as Harker stared down at the former Future Shock Tag Champion. Her attention went back to Shaw in the corner, barking at her for not stopping Lacey from interrupting the count.
Zack: I think the reason she didn’t was she didn’t want to risk getting caught herself by Charlotte, but I might be wrong here! It’s a good thing this is for one night only with these two, isn’t it?
Valerie was beginning to get to her feet before Charlotte snatched her forward into her side slam backbreaker before hooking both legs and rolling over for the cover! Colby moved into position, and Shaw hit the ring this time as Lacey went to stop the count.
Lacey was about to stop her before she caught a bicycle kick from Shaw that sent her rolling into the ropes as Colby counted to…
Morrison called for the bell as the Moose got back to her feet, and he raised both her and Shaw’s hands.
Lexi: Your winners by pinfall….SHAUGHNESSY O’NEILL and CHARLOTTE HARKER!!
Zack: Best not to call them the One Woman Show again, Lexi. Good thinking! They are far from a tag team at this point.
Shaw looked at her former partner, offering her a handshake. Charlotte looked at it, and took it…before jerking her forward into another side slam backbreaker. The Moose got back to her feet, glaring down at her former partner and telling her to go to hell.
Zack: Shaw tried to let bygones be bygones, but that’s not ever likely to happen. The former One Woman Show picks up the win tonight against a fantastically prepared Gold Standard, and there’s no question that we’ll never see the Show back together again.
Harker stepped out of the ring and headed towards the back. Kyle attended to his clients at ringside as the show went to a commercial for new Future Shock merchandise and upcoming ticket sale dates.
Last Edit: October 24, 2024, 05:21:29 pm by Adam Grant
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Adam Grant
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Re: FFW Future Shock Sydney Supershow - October 22, 2024
Reply #6
October 22, 2024, 02:06:24 pm »
The show returns to the ring with a spotlight shining down on Lexi in the darkened arena. When she begins to speak, the lights come back to full illumination as she smiles.
Lexi: The following contest is scheduled for one fall to a finish with a 30 minute time limit. It is for the FFW Future Shock Championship!
Zack: Here we go! Missy just successfully defended her title last month at Unstoppable 15, and she has a whole other kind of opponent tonight! We’re about to see a first ever meeting here in Sydney, and I’m looking forward to it!
”And the hand of the Lord was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and sent me to the middle of a valley… Full of bones! Full of bones!”
I should be at church but I'm ragin' on a Sunday
Lot to confess – fuck it, worry 'bout it some day
Baptizin' the crowd 'cause they lookin' pretty thirsty
(Save me! From my-! Self and! Take me! To the! Promised! Land!)
As the sultry beat of Bohnes' "Ragin’ on a Sunday" drops through the arena, all the lights of the house go out. Very unlike the dizzying array of lights of yore, now a sole spotlight illuminates the top of the ramp. Out from behind the curtains comes Luna Cortez, the Future Shock Diamond Championship around her waist and a cocky grin on her face as she soaks in the deafening boos being cast her way. The smile persists as she pulls off a short dance move, crouching down only and taking a spin. Her usual signature pose proceeds with the lights coming back on, with the maddening show of orange and violet lights that have long signaled her presence. Under the applause of only one man, her manager Christian Kincaid, she starts strutting towards the ring.
This is a chapel and these words, your religion
Raise your cup for that holy grail that you're sippin'
Free up your mind, I know that it can be a prison
We ain't got much time, you better spend what you were given
Lexi: Introducing first… Escorted to the ring by Christian Kincaid... From Fort Worth, Texas... She is… LUNA CORTEZ!
Luna reaches the ring, climbs onto the apron facing the hard cameras and pauses for a moment, soaking up the boos from the crowd and flipping her hair back over her shoulder. She steps through the ropes and into the ring, heading straight for her corner for this match.
Zack: This is the biggest match of Luna’s career right here, no two ways about it. She earned the shot by defeating Sydney Christensen two weeks ago, which Jake told her was the requirement if she wanted this to be for the gold. She did that, and it’s go time for the richest prize in Future Shock!
The lights in the arena go off before a single purple spotlight hits the stage. As the opening bars of “Wild Side” by Cross My Heart Hope To Die starts to play Missy appears at the entrance way. Missy stands perfectly still, as her head stays bent, looking towards the ground and her manager Christian Kincaid walks out to stand behind her.
I've been on my best behavior
But I've heard that good girls finish last
And once you're gone they say no one can save you
But who knows if I go I may never want to ever come back
We've all fell victim to temptation
It seems that I'm the last one holding on
What's the use in fighting for my salvation
And why does it feel so damn right to want to be so wrong
At the side of Missy purple lights flash on and off, looking almost like fireworks, as she remains perfectly still. As the lights subside, Missy raises her arms up to the air and a single white spotlight accompanies the move.
I just wanna dance with the devil tonight
I wanna know what it feels like
I wanna close my eyes, put my hands in the sky
I wanna walk on the wild side
Lexi: Introducing at this time…. Hailing from Leeds, England and weighing in at One hundred and twelve pounds and accompanied by Christian Kincaid… she is the reigning and defending FFW Future Shock Champion….. MIIIIISSSSSY!
Missy makes her way down the ramp to the ring keeping her eyes straight ahead, focussing on the ring, with Christian following a few steps behind. When she reaches the ring she slowly climbs the steel steps, surveying the crowd as she does until she reaches the top. She steps onto the apron and gives one final look around before she enters the ring between the top and middle rope. Leaning over the top rope she shares a few last minute words with her manager as her theme music ends.
Zack: There is no one better in big match situations for my money than Missy. She spent much of 2024 trying to get her hands on Sofia Hilton. She did that emphatically. She met the challenge of the longest reigning Nova Champion of all time at Unstoppable 15 against Arabella. She did that! And for just past a year now, she’s held that title and I’m sure plans to go into 2025 with it as the flagbearer, the hood ornament if you will, for Future Shock!
Missy hands her title to referee Melinda Davis, who shows it to Luna and then lifts it overhead. As soon as she hands it to Lexi, she calls for the bell and the two women stare across the ring at one another. Missy tells Luna that if she wants the title that she can come take it from her. Luna heads straight for her and Missy charges out of the corner with a double leg takedown of the triplet before she unloads with mounted punches to her head. Cortez shoves her off the cover, and quickly gets back to her feet. She barely turns around before she catches a knife edge chop to the chest followed by a second that backs her up a step. A spinning roundhouse kick connects with Luna’s jaw, sending her into the ropes before Missy catches her with a shotgun dropkick that sends her out to the apron.
Zack: You can tell Missy came out here fired up, and I like to see it. I’m not sure Luna thought she was going to be this amped right at the start, and there she goes out to the apron already!
Cortez gets back to her feet, and Missy brings her back inside with a slingshot using the top rope. She crashes to the mat, and gets up again. But the champion is relentless as she begins landing one European uppercut after another, rocking the challenger backwards before the champion whips her across for the ride. Luna rebounds into a discus clothesline that sends her down to the mat. The champion told her to get up as she began to pace for a moment with the Sydney fans solidly behind her.
Zack: The Future Shock Champion is simply overwhelming Luna here in the early moments of this match, and there’s not a soul in Sydney watching who isn’t enjoying every second of it. To a nicer girl it couldn’t happen.
Luna starts back to her feet again, and catches a running knee to the body to double her over almost immediately. Missy hooks her arms behind her for a double underhook DDT before rolling back to her feet. The Brit takes off for the far side, and leaves her feet for a double leg drop across the back of Luna’s head to drive her face down into the mat. Missy rolls her over and hooks the far leg as Davis drops to count the fall.
Zack: Luna is getting thumped, and Missy says she’s ready to catch that redeye back to Boston with her title intact!
The challenger kicks out as the two was about to land, and Missy mounts her chest again to deliver more forearms and right hands to her head. She drags her back to her feet, spins her around and uses an atomic drop to propel her into the corner. Cortez stops herself before she hits it, but the champion comes in behind her with a backstabber that sends her to the mat.
Zack: If the turnbuckles don’t get you, that backstabber will! Luna hasn’t gotten out of the starting blocks yet, and Missy has been absolutely flawless so far.
Cortez made it back to her feet, catching a forearm to the head as she did so before the champion snatched her into a Northern Lights suplex into a bridge. Davis dropped again to make the count.
Zack: A textbook Northern Lights suplex, and we may already be closer to the end than the beginning!
But Luna kicks out again, and quickly bolts out of the ring. She’s clearly dazed after all the offense she’s absorbed, while Missy gets to her feet. Davis asks her to stay back and wait for Luna to get back in the ring as she begins her ten count.
Zack: I think that was the smartest thing Luna could have done. She had to do something to break Missy’s momentum, and that’s certainly a way to do it.
Missy was not the most patient girl though, and went towards the ropes. She reached through them to pull Luna back into the ring, but Cortez grabbed her head and snapped her neck across the middle rope. It sent the champion to her knees as she tried to catch her breath, while Luna reached through the ropes and started choking her against the middle rope. Davis was getting agitated now before Luna finally let go, and rolled back into the ring. Missy was still coughing and trying to get her breath as Luna pulled her arms around her neck and locked in a straightjacket choke.
Zack: Luna was ready and hoping Missy would come to her. She got her wish, and now she’s working with the opening provided. She won’t have to try to pin the champion, not if she can simply choke her out.
Luna pulled back on her hands as Missy sat on her knees near the ropes. The ropes were so close but she couldn’t touch them with Cortez pulling her hands behind her head. Davis checked to see if Missy wanted to stop the match, but she got no such indication. Luna repositioned her to lay face down on the mat as she sat on her lower back, still pulling back on her arms to continue the pressure as Missy’s face began to darken.
Zack: I don’t care how strong or gifted you are in the ring. You still need to breathe, and Luna is only making this worse for the champion. Could you imagine her with the Future Shock title? You think she’s insufferable now?!
Davis moved around again to see about stopping the match, but was still getting no response that Missy wanted to quit. Luna barked at her to ring the bell, while the Sydney crowd was starting to get very loud in support of the champion. Cortez told them to shut up, but it seemed to be helping as the Brit became a bit more animated and managed to kick her foot under the bottom rope to their right. Davis spotted it and called for the break, only getting it after she was about to disqualify Luna after the five count.
Zack: Luna’s not gonna get herself disqualified, you can bet that. But she’ll take every millisecond of that count she can get. Missy has to get her wind back sooner than later.
Missy started to get to her knees before the triplet took off for the far side. She came back with a running hip attack to the head. She started to smile now as she began to trash talk the champion, not to mention smacking her face and telling her to get back to her feet.
Zack: Luna calls that the FULL MOON, which is the most appropriately named move in wrestling for a woman who tends to act like an ass more often than not.
She watched a second longer as the champion started to get to her feet. That’s when Luna bolted for the far side ropes, catching her with a bicycle knee when she turned around. The only reason Missy didn’t fall down was she landed against the corner, and Cortez climbed up to the middle rope. She pulled the tag rope still attached from the last match and began to choke Missy with it. Davis once again nearly got to a five count before Luna let go, mockingly telling the referee someone forgot to take off the tag rope.
Zack: That confidence is really bubbling over now for the challenger. Missy is certainly not the kind of opponent I’d be taking time to play around with like this.
A short arm clothesline pulled Missy out of the corner and dropped her to the canvas. Luna headed to the apron, using the top rope to deliver her slingshot corkscrew Arabian press before hooking the far leg for the cover.
Zack: There’s a family favorite, the C-BOMB! And she may be on her way to becoming the Future Shock Champion in 3 seconds!
But the champion got her shoulder off the mat in time. Luna rained forearms to her head briefly before getting back to her feet. She pulled Missy up with her into a swinging neckbreaker. As she went to drop her though, the champion hooked her arm around the top rope and let Luna hit the mat instead.
Zack: Missy always knows where she is inside the ring, and Luna was far too close to the ropes right there. But the champion has certainly had a lot taken out of her here.
The Brit leaned against the ropes, trying to clear the cobwebs and get herself together. Luna was back to her feet a moment later, and tried to plant Missy’s head between her legs. But the champion used a back body drop to avoid that as she stumbled forward, still recovering as quickly as she could. Luna was getting agitated now as she rose up again. She went to grab her from behind, but got caught with a stunner that bounced her to the mat! The Sydney crowd came to life there as Missy sat leaning forward, shaking her head as she was getting her wits about her.
Zack: Luna looked like a rubber ball the way she bounced off that stunner! Missy might have her title retained if she was able to make the cover right now! But it looks like she has something else in mind.
The fans began trying to rally the champion as she was getting back to her feet. Missy glanced behind her to see Luna starting to stir now. When the triplet got to all fours, the champion charged towards her and delivered her curb stomp. That also got a pop from the fans.
Zack: There’s the MISCHIEF MAKER! Cortez just kissed the mat, and I don’t think she’ll ask for a second date.
The Brit headed for the corner to make her way up top, perching herself and going for her frog splash finisher. But as she sailed through the air, Luna rolled away from her. The champion landed on her feet, and spun around as Cortez was using the ropes to help her get back to her feet. A running boot to the jaw barreled towards the triplet, but Cortez sidestepped her and ended up behind her. She scooped Missy’s arms behind her and lifted her up for the…
Zack: She avoided the frog splash, and there’s the LUNA ECLIPSE!!
But as she brought her up, Missy freed her arms and rolled through for a quick cover. Davis was in position immediately to make the count.
Zack: Missy was ready for it! Brilliant counter, and she may be about to make Luna regret even going for it!
The triplet kicked out in time before the three landed. Missy got back to her feet, taking off for the ropes again. Cortez glanced up to the referee to make sure it was only two before the Brit clocked her with a spinning knee strike to the jaw.
Zack: What a shot! Luna was checking with Davis it was just a two and got her jaw jacked for it! She never saw it coming!
Missy leaned against the ropes, watching as Luna was beginning to stir and get to all fours again before she darted towards her with a second curb stomp that drove her face into the canvas. She headed back to the corner once more, making her way up to the top rope as the Sydney crowd came to their feet.
Zack: A second MISCHIEF MAKER, and she’s got that frog splash on her mind! If she hits it, she’s retained her title!
As she stood up to deliver it, Luna shoved her feet out from under her and caused her to straddle the top rope. The triplet staggered on her feet, needing the ropes to hold her up after the two curb stomps. But she stumbled forward, climbing up to the top rope and executing a superplex before draping an arm across her for the cover. Davis dove into position!
Zack: No frog splash for Missy, but a ring-shaking superplex might be all Luna needs to leave Sydney with the Future Shock title!
The champion got her shoulder up as the three was about to land, and Luna rolled away. She slumped against the bottom rope, trying to get herself together.
Zack: Both of these women have to be running on fumes right about now. Luna needs to hit something big here, and the same goes for Missy. It’s clear they know each other’s moves very well, which is a tribute to their shared manager. CK is worth every penny they pay him.
Luna pushed off the ropes as she spotted Missy getting back to her feet. She tried to grab her arms from behind again, only for the champion to headbutt her in the face. It sent her backwards a step, dazing her before the Brit dropped her with a future shock DDT. She scrambled to her feet, hitting the ropes again for yet another curb stomp that drove the triplet into the mat. Missy darted for the corner.
Zack: Jesus wept, a third MISCHIEF MAKER!! She’s going up top again!! Can she do it this time?!
Missy could indeed do it this time as she launched into her frog splash with great impact. She hooked the far leg and made the cover as Davis dropped to count.
Zack: She absolutely did! LI’L MISS MISCHIEF!!
The referee called for the bell to a pop as Missy rolled off the cover. Her jaw was agape as she tried to get her breath back and then rose to her feet and got her hand raised officially.
Zack: Missy’s done it again! Tell’em about it, Lexi!
Lexi: Your winner by pinfall….AND STTIIIIIIIILLL FFW Future Shock Champion….MISSY!!!
That got quite the pop as well as Christian joined her in the ring. He returned the Future Shock Championship to her, which she kissed and raised over her head.
Zack: Sydney has been very kind to that woman, and it is yet again the sight for one of the biggest wins she’s collected in Future Shock! Missy will go into 2025 as the centerpiece of this roster as well as its champion! What a fight!
Missy climbed to the second rope in one corner, raising her title over her head as the fans in the arena gave her nothing but support.
Zack: A historic night, to be sure, here in Sydney! They’ll be talking about this one for a while! For those of you watching on FFW All Access, thank you for joining us! And good night from Sydney, Australia!
Missy looked up at the title over her head, and glanced over her shoulder to see Luna leaning against the ropes staring a hole through her as the Sydney Supershow faded off the air.
Last Edit: October 24, 2024, 05:22:50 pm by Adam Grant
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