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FFW Atomic - January 25, 2025

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Author Topic: FFW Atomic - January 25, 2025  (Read 57 times)
Adam Grant
FFW Owner

Karma: 35
Posts: 8996

FFW Owner

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« on: January 25, 2025, 12:17:34 pm »

Location: Rogers Arena in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
January 25, 2025

Official Theme:

The click-clack of heels is heard as we see two heeled boots walking through a barely lit path until one hand pushes a switch upwards, lighting up the path as “Going to Hell” by the Pretty Reckless starts to play. The heels keep moving until another switch gets turned on and we start to see what looks like an abandoned power station.

Father, did you miss me?
I’ve been locked up a while
I got caught for what I did
But took it all in style

Then we flash to see Caitlyn Storm charging towards the ring in a clip followed by Emma Mackenzie stopping and listening to the crowd as she looks ahead at a battle royal in front of her. Then atop a ladder stands Kelly Kincaid as she looks down over the crowd with a title in her hands before we next see Tara Cortez pulling Vivi Traeger from the ring as the two look at one another warily.

For the lines that I take, I’m going to hell
For the love that I make, I’m going to hell
Getting heavy with the devil, you can hear the wedding bells

We’re back in the abandoned power station next as the woman in heels pulls open a door, slamming her hand against a button inside just as several green isotopes look to be radiating brightly before she joins a band performing and standing in the center of the room. That’s when we see Taylor Momsen and the Pretty Reckless as she begins singing and her band continues playing the theme.

Father, did you miss me?
Don’t ask me where I’ve been
You know I know, yes I’ve been told
I redefine a sin

We go back to the clips and find Josephine Star adjusting the Privilege Crown on her head with a smirk towards Kyle standing over her shoulder. Next is Scarlett Silver hoisting the Phoenix Championship while Valerie McKinley and others watch from different vantage points. Both members of Prophecy share a grin with each other as they head towards the camera, only for the clip to change and show Robbyn Helmsley jerking someone off some scaffolding to the floor.

For the lies that I make, I'm going to hell
For the way I condescend and never lend a hand
My arrogance is making this head buried in the sand
For the souls I forsake, I'm going to hell

We cut back to the band playing in the abandoned power station before one of the green isotopes explodes, and then we go into the arena with a deafening crowd. We see the ring with lime green ropes and flames shooting from it and the stage, which looks like that same power station but with two tunnels on either side. The camera pans the crowd, and then we hear our announce team.

Zack: Welcome to the beautiful city of Vancouver, British Columbia for the second ever edition of Atomic! We’re live in Rogers Arena for a night that’s gonna settle a few pictures as far as some of the titles go in FFW. I’m Zack Hudson, and this is the “Commentary Cat” herself, Gabrielle Crimson. Welcome to Vancouver.

Gaby: Welcome to Vancouver, Z, and my darling Faithful! It’s the era of new beginnings, and we’re still feeling the aftershock of the electric pilot episode of Atomic! Tonight could be an evening of upheaval and upsets, and if you blink, you may miss another change to FFW’s whole landscape!

Zack: Our main event will see the first defense of the FFW Undisputed Tag Titles by Prophecy when they meet a team who are just as underhanded as they are in Violence Inc. I’m not sure what to expect here, Gaby, other than a lot of dirty tactics.

Gaby: The fans aren’t really invested in either of those teams, but one thing’s for certain: there’s a lot of gratuitous violence and vitriol to go around with those both teams. I expect nothing short of a car crash.

Zack: The first challenger for the Atomic Championship will be determined when MIkayla Stone meets the “Lioness” Elizabeth Lannister. Adam said two weeks ago if the title isn’t on the line on Atomic, the next challenger would be determined. And here we are, pick me a winner.

Gaby: Both Mikayla and Elizabeth were defeated in the first round of the flash tournament that ended with Ruby Steele being crowned the first Atomic Champion, and I’m willing to bet Mikayla feels like she’s the one with the most to prove, after she was defeated by the eventual runner-up Clover Thomas, and was the only one not to take on Ruby when the cards fell.

Zack: Valerie McKinley awaits to find out who she needs to defeat in two weeks to move onto Vendetta on April 5th to challenge Scarlett Silver for the Phoenix Championship, Gaby. Laura Steele and my former broadcast partner on Tuesday nights, Claire Black, will meet to see who will face the One Percenter for that #1 contendership. I might be biased, but I’m leaning towards Claire.

Gaby: She hasn’t been in the ring for a long time, but like Muhammad Ali before her, I’m pretty sure she’s never lost her groove and her moves! And across the ring from her, a woman that’s sold her soul for many devils before, yet still needs to prove she can do it on her own.

Zack: Also tonight, more tag team action. The mother-daughter half of the Williams Dynasty, Jenny and Emily, will meet Harley Shannon and Mara Werth. The tag team rankings are in a state of upheaval with new champions crowned at Sabotage, so we may see future tag champions in both of these teams.

Gaby: Both Harley and Mara are efficient and talented; both former champions, nigh unstoppable as separate units. Problem is, it’s the Williams across the ring from them! Two women who don’t recognize the expression “fair play” when they wrestle, and couldn’t be any tighter of a team, because… Well, it’s a mother and daughter tandem!

Zack: If all that wasn’t enough for you, I know for a fact that the new Pure Champion is in the house tonight. We’ll talk with Lacey, who is now free from the restraints she felt she had by only being allowed on Future Shock. I’m sure she’ll be full of herself.

Gaby: Let joy be unrestrained in the Laceyverse or something or other.

Zack: Not only that, but we’ll be hearing from Scarlett and Kelly Kincaid. The latter of those two names met Rori two weeks ago on this very show, getting her first in-ring taste of Prophecy. I’m sure Rori didn’t win her over.

Gaby: Ooooo, talk about a spoiler in the tag team conversations. Imagine if the sister tandem in Kelly and Scarlett wanted to punish the Prophecy by being the ones to relieve them from the Tag Team Championships? I’m speculating, of course.

Zack: Also tonight, the newly crowned FFW Atomic Champion will be talking with Kayla about making history two weeks ago. I saw her earlier today when I got to the arena, and she’s still on cloud nine.

Gaby: As she should be! Being the first ever holder of a championship is sure to etch your name in the history books forever, and what she pulled off was no small feat. But before we get to hear Ruby or anyone else talking… I wanna hear it from Katherine Grayson! Are you ready, darlings?

Zack: Enough talking, let’s get to the action, shall we?

The show cuts to the ring with Kat Grayson standing front and center with the microphone in a blue dress ready to begin the introductions.

Kat: The opening contest of Atomic is scheduled for one fall to a finish.

The arena darkens and on the video wall we are able to see a Union Flag waving proudly. The graphic changes as we see interconnecting LS letters. A spotlight hits to the left of entrance and that is when we can see three fingers wearing glow in the dark light up jackets. Ruby Steele stands in the middle with a microphone and her bass guitar around her neck. Garnet Taylor is holding an acoustic guitar with a microphone stand in front of her. Sapphire Taylor has a Lead Guitar and a microphone, and Emerald McAdams is behind a drum set. They all begin to strum together and drum as the Steele/Taylor siblings begin to sing.

All our times have come
Here, but now they're gone
Seasons don't fear the reaper
Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain
(We can be like they are)

It is at this moment that we are able to see two figures emerging from behind the curtain to the loud sounds of cheers. The first figure is wearing a matching Union Jack design business suit. The woman is also holding a union jack designed megaphone, and that woman is Kath-Lyn Elizabeth. She smiles as she yells into the megaphone.

Kath-Lyn Elizabeth: Bloody hell you know what time it is… AGENCY OF STEELE PRESENTS the queen of SOPHISTICATION, EXTRAVAGANCE, AND CLASS!

(don't fear the reaper)
baby take my hand
(don't fear the reaper)
we'll be able to fly
(don't fear the reaper)
baby i'm your WOMAN!

With that a figure with blonde highlights steps out in front. She is wearing a Union Flag on her back as if she was an Olympian. She also cracks a smile as she showcases what is in her hand. It is her Union Flag designed cattle prod. She raises it high into the air and presses it as the crowd roars with excitement. She sprints towards the ring clapping the hands of the fans.

Kat: Making her way to the ring being represented by the Agency of Steele’s Kath-Lyn Elizabeth she is from London England, Laura Steele!!!!!

Came the last night of sadness
And it was clear she couldn't go on
Then the door was open and the wind appeared
The candles blew and then disappeared
The curtains flew and then he appeared
(Saying, "Don't be afraid")

The loud sounds of a live version of Don’t Fear The Reaper begins to blast all over the Pa System. As it does Laura Steele finally jumps onto the apron. She stretches her body out before sliding into the ring wrapping her right leg over the turnbuckle as she bends backwards and looks out into the audience. This gets a pop from the roaring crowd. She smirks as she hands her cousin her rod of sophistication before she holds her Union Flag proudly in the air. Laura blows kisses out into the crowd as Kath-Lyn holds her megaphone and screams into it.

Kath-Lyn: LET’S GO LAURA!!! LET’S GO!!!!!

Zack: Laura Steele has been back a little over a year now, and has been trying to get some momentum behind her ever since. Of course, throwing her support out for Sofia last year hasn’t really helped her popularity either.

Gaby: And as if there was any way to make her even less endearing, she’s got that maniac with the megaphone there with her. I remember complimenting this maddening pest Diamond for not carrying the damned thing two weeks ago, yet here we are.

As “Vanilla Radio” by The Wildhearts strikes up, Claire Black moves out to the centre of the stage bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet, loosening up a little before throwing her hands up in the air. She performs the sign of the cross and kisses the crucifix around her neck. Finally she began to dance down the entrance ramp towards the ring, shadow boxing all the way, snapping off furious combinations, her taped hands moving in a blur. As she reaches the ring she climbs the ring steps and enters between the ropes. She begins to shadow box one more time, practising a couple of combinations before stepping back into her corner, where she raised her foot onto the middle rope and stretched out, before switching to the other leg. As she finished stretching, she took the crucifix from around the neck, gave it a kiss then hung it over the top of the ring post before turning back to face her opponent, awaiting the start of the match.

Kat: Weighing in at 126 lbs and standing 5’ 5.5” tall, hailing from Boston Massachusetts, please welcome…CLAIRE BLACK!!!

Zack: I sat next to Claire for a long time on Future Shock, and I could see that glint in her eyes when she watched those girls. She’s been itching to get back into the ring, and that trigger was pulled to start off the new year. I’m excited to see what she has learned in her time away from the bright lights.

Gaby: Claire seems to me she’s the kind of girl who took the chance to learn all the new stuff from the up and coming girls, and is ready to surprise. Of course, she’s got those powerful killing punches; sure, it’s been quite some time, but it’s like riding a bike: when your punch is like dynamite, you just KNOW how to make it go off.

Referee Melinda Davis calls for the bell, and it’s clear that there are a lot of Future Shock fans in the audience as they show Claire all the support she could want. Laura rolls her eyes, pressing her hands to her ears for a moment before the pair head towards each other. She offers the boxer a handshake, but Claire smacks that hand away just before Steele catches her with a kick to the stomach. The Brit begins hammering away with right hands before using a side headlock to drag Claire’s face along the top rope to blind her. A side Russian leg sweep puts the boxer on the mat before she drapes an arm across her chest for a lackadaisical cover.

Zack: If she thinks this is going to get the job done….


Davis had barely finished the one count before Claire kicked out. Laura rolled over and mounted her chest before she began throwing furious right hands. To no one’s surprise, Black covered up and deflected the majority of them. Steele dragged her back to her feet by the hair before she flung her into the nearest corner.

Gaby: Yeah, no, you don’t wanna get into a jab trade-off with Claire, that’s gonna go nowhere in a hurry just like that cover.

She followed after her with a running European uppercut, snapping Claire’s head back for a moment. Laura climbed the corner, prepared to deliver a few blows before Black scooped her off and into an inverted atomic drop. That got the Vancouver crowd going before the boxer began using her hands. Claire landed jabs in a flurry to the head and body , even using an Ali shuffle before a right uppercut floored the Brit to the canvas.

Zack: Claire is not the woman you want to throw hands with, Laura. She’s not known as a Knockout Artist because it’s just a catchy marketing slogan.

Gaby: Well, you’re telling that to a woman who’s made a career out of slogans and bad choices alone, I don’t think she’ll give you any attention. But since “F around” is directly proportional to “find out”, she gets to watch Claire show her how one floats like a butterfly and stings like a motherfucker!

As Laura tried to get to her feet, Claire started throwing hands again. A flurry of jabs sent her off balance before the prizefighter whipped her across for the ride. Steele rebounded into Claire hitting the far side ropes for a running Superman punch that dropped her to the mat. The sound of the Vancouver crowd brought a grin to Claire’s face before a standing fist drop landed followed by a cover with a hook of the leg.

Zack: I’d put Claire against any woman in boxing today, look at those shots! She may be about to collect her first win in years!



But Steele got her shoulder off the mat in time as the two was on the way down. Claire pulled her back to her feet, and sent her into the corner chest first with a hard Irish whip. The impact sent the Brit stumbling backwards into Claire’s arms for a release German suplex.

Gaby: I told ya, those punches are like dynamite, Z! And it’s not like the shuffling is all she can do, look at her go!

With the fans behind her, Claire began to circle around behind her opponent as Steele made it to the ropes to use them to get back to her feet. That’s when the boxer took off towards her, leaving her feet for a reverse rana. But Laura grabbed the top rope with both hands, letting Claire crash backwards onto the mat instead. She took a moment to collect herself before turning around, and administering furious stomps to her head. She finished it up with a Garvin stomp after that.

Zack: Claire decided to take a chance there, and it worked against her. Laura’s stomping her like she’s on fire and trying to put it out.

Gaby: Claire started to feel a bit too confident, and I don’t think going for the high-flying stuff to pop off was the best option. But it’s not like she doesn’t have someone to advise her on that – I’ll never forget going back and forth with Serafina DeCaro, Claire’s long time tag team partner.

When the boxer began to get up again, Laura hooked her head for a double underhook DDT to drive her back into the mat. She dropped down to a seat on the mat, applying a headscissors next as the fans in the arena were trying to will Claire back to her feet. Instead though, what they saw was Steele rolling onto her stomach and beginning to cock her hips to drive the top of the boxer’s head into the canvas repeatedly before rolling back to a seat with a smirk on her face.

Gaby: Now that’s an… uh, particular way of targeting Claire’s head. Some may see this as some Maia López BS humping the mat kinda stuff, but it’s this kind of offense that’s gonna take someone like Claire out of her game… If she’s not offended enough to punch her head clean off.

Zack: I have a feeling this will come back to haunt her before it’s all said and done, but Laura is welcome to prove me wrong.

To add insult to injury as she kept the hold applied, Laura started mocking and berating the former Future Shock commentator. A few slaps to the top of her head only served to fuel Claire’s fire. When Steele rolled onto her stomach to continue driving her head into the canvas, Black got her feet under her.

Zack: If I’m Laura, I think I’d keep my mouth shut while I’m in there. All it does is fire up Claire more, as it would anyone else she faced.

Gaby: What she has in spades when it comes to confidence, she sure lacks in awareness. Look, Claire has her base back, and Laura’s up for a tough ride!

Despite still being doubled over, she began throwing right hands into Laura’s hip. It loosened her grip, freeing the boxer finally as she shook her head to clear the cobwebs. Steele popped up next, and hooked her into position for a brainbuster. But the prizefighter wiggled free, and landed on her feet behind Laura. When she spun around, Black blasted her with a headbutt to the face before jerking her forward into a falcon’s arrow.

Zack: If Claire had all her faculties, I think she’d have gone for the cover right there. But you have to remember she just got freed of having her head squeezed like a grape.

Gaby: Hence why I said it was enough to throw her off her game! A killer grip around the temples is enough to mess with your balance!

Claire made it back to her feet, pulling her adversary up with her. A short arm clothesline dropped Steele back to the mat, but the boxer kept hold of her hand and pulled her up again. This time, she used an Irish whip to send her across for the ride. Steele rebounded and ducked a spinning backfist. As soon as Black turned though, Laura caught her arm and yanked her into a ripcord knee strike before making the cover.

Zack: Laura avoided certain doom right there, and Claire never saw that shot coming! This may be the end of the night for my former broadcast partner!




It wasn’t though as Claire got her shoulder off the mat in time, prompting Laura to head towards the nearest corner to make her way up to the top rope. She blew a kiss to the booing crowd before launching herself into a moonsault that landed right on target.

Gaby: Claire may be enduring this match out of veteran wiles only, but look at Laura go! Picture perfect moonsault, and she’s ready to put the match to bed!

She made it back to her feet, full of confidence now. Dragging Claire back to her feet, she hooked her into position to deliver her spinning brainbuster before going for the cover again with the far leg hooked!

Zack: That’s one of her favorites, she calls it SOPHISTICATION!




But Claire still got her shoulder off the mat in the nick of time. Laura gave Davis a piece of her mind as she got back to her feet, even shoving the referee for not counting three. Davis, something of a hothead herself, shoved Laura back.

Gaby: For someone who fancies herself the peak of sophistication and class, that’s not very cash money, arguing with the referee when she knows exactly what she’s doing!

As this went on, Claire began to stir and get back to her feet. Laura spotted it, and yanked her head under one arm into position for one of her finishers. But the boxer shoved her off and quickly whipped her into the far side. Steele rebounded into a perfect right hook to the jaw that dropped her where she stood. Claire dropped on top of her for the cover with the far leg hooked.

Zack: That’s definitely the knockout shot I remember! LUCKY’S LIGHTS OUT!!




Davis called for the bell before the boxer rolled off the cover, and used the ropes to help get back to her feet. She had her hand raised a moment later as she was trying to catch her breath.

Gaby: What did I say about lack of awareness! NEVER turn your back on someone with a knockout punch!

Kat: Your winner by pinfall….’TKO’ CLAIRE BLACK!!

Claire couldn’t help but give a tired smile as she heard her name announced as the winner of a match for the first time in years. Her music began to play next.

Zack: Claire picks up her return win, and now moves onto face Valerie McKinley on the next Atomic to determine who challenges Scarlett Silver at Vendetta on April 5th only on FFW All Access. Who do you like in that one, Gaby?

Gaby: It’s gonna be a tough one for Claire, because while Laura is cocky but not sharp, Valerie is both, and also crafty as heck! Tonight may have given McKinley the pointers she needed to take care of Claire both in and out of the ring, and if I were Claire… I’d bring a friend!

The boxer left the ring, greeting many of the fans along ringside who were congratulating her as the show went to a video package of the Atomic Tournament from two weeks ago.

Lilly’s Journey

A handshake is the next thing we see when the show cuts elsewhere inside Rogers Arena, and finds the CEO along with Lilly Arthur and her husband, Colin. Adam shook both of their hands before he spoke.

Adam: Good to see you both, and happy new year. Welcome to Atomic!

Lilly: Hi Adam, it’s good to be. The first show was phenomenal and congratulations to Ruby on becoming the first Atomic Champion.

Colin: Yeah, I never thought any of the Gemstones would win a title. Always struck me as a bit… what’s the word I’m looking for here? Disorganized? But hey, good for Ruby! We’ll see how she does with either Mikayla or Elizabeth next time. I would make her a hype video, but it’d..be kinda short.

Lilly: No matter who she faces I’m sure it’ll be another tough night, one of the toughest of her career. Defending a title is always harder than winning it. I’m sure Elizabeth will come even more determined and vicious should she get to meet Ruby next time out. Mikayla will definitely put Ruby through her paces and force her up to her game, she can be ferocious.

Adam: Well before this turns into a Gemstones chat, what I wanted to talk about was the next step I had in mind for you, Lilly.

Colin: The tag titles, right?! You want me to find her a partner? I’ll go talk with Claire right after we’re done. Or hey, what if we teamed her up with Scarlett Silver?! I mean after she’s not Phoenix Champion, of course. OOHH!! We can call up Constance from Future Shock!

Lilly: I think if Claire was gonna be part of a tag team again, she’d probably ask Serafina first given how successful they were before. I’m not sure Scarlett would have any interest at all in teaming with me - Phoenix Champion or otherwise. As for Constance…umm….I don’t know, I don’t think we’ve ever really crossed paths. And before you think about Harley and Mara…I really don’t know if that’s something I should be getting in the middle of. So maybe, just maybe, we stick a pin in forming a tag team and going after those titles for now and hear Adam out.

There was a slight pause.

Lilly: Unless he was thinking about the tag team titles, in which case, yeah I could probably find someone to be my partner.

Adam: I wasn’t. I was going to say-

Colin: No tag team? Well there goes my idea about an Unlikely Allies kinda situation with you and Lacey since she can be on FFW shows again.

Lilly: Yeah, no, I’m not teaming up with Lacey. Besides - Pure Champion and as per Adam’s decree you can only hold one title at a time. Not that it matters because he wasn’t going to suggest a tag team.

Adam: It’s true, I wasn’t. I was going to say after a historic reign as No Surrender and Pure Champion, that it was time to look ahead to the biggest and most storied title we have: the FFW Championship. Lilly here has already proven she can handle the main event spotlight last year when she headlined with Sydney. She didn’t wilt, she thrived. And I’m going to start getting her into the mix with the likes of other challengers like Savannah, Raven, Tara, and I’ve also been informed Josephine Star wants a seat at the table.

Colin: I’m down with that! Gauntlet style two weeks from tonight, bring them all on!

Lilly: That’s certainly one option. And if that’s what is on Adam’s mind, I’m more than willing to try my best and see how far I get through all four of them. Colin, make sure you bring the fire extinguisher with you because we know how far Raven is prepared to go to get the title shot. Though, if I’m honest, I’d maybe prefer to take them on one at a time even if it’s on back to back to back to back Atomics - without looking to step on Charlotte’s toes as an Iron Woman or anything.

Adam: I had no plans for a gauntlet. With you and Josephine being the newest additions to the rankings as of now, I see no better way to begin that journey for you both. I’ve set the match for Vendetta on April 5th, because both of you have pretty impressive pedigrees and it deserves a big stage for that meeting.

Lilly: That sounds good to me. If you count the No Surrender and Pure Championship as one continuous reign then I think I’m the longest reigning singles Champion in company history. Jo is one of the most decorated and accomplished wrestlers in FFW with reigns as Evolution, No Surrender and FFW Champion to her name; like me she’s an FFW Hall of Famer. So I think it’s only right that with the two of us trying to go after the FFW Championship we meet on one of the biggest stages possible.

Colin: Plus I don’t think you’ll have any misgivings about the kind of woman you’re facing. Poor Rose got her heart broken last year when she thought Josephine was one of her besties. That one stung, both of those matches were emotional to watch.

Lilly: I’m under no impressions that Josephine is even closer to being a friend of mine. I know that she’ll come into Vendetta and do anything that she can get away with; everything that she feels like she has to in order to beat me and use me as a stepping stone to get to the FFW Championship picture again. I know that she’s an excellent submission wrestler because she was capable of beating Starla McCloud. I know that she hits just about as hard as anyone on the roster. I’ll have to be at my best to beat her and I will be.

Adam: Good luck.

Adam shakes hands with her before we go to a graphic for the match just added to Vendetta and then a commercial break.

Going Atomic

A clip airs showing highlights from the Atomic Tournament two weeks ago where Ruby Steele became the first ever Atomic Championship. Then we go back to the live show and find her on the entrance stage with her new title alongside Kayla Palmer. To say the new champion is getting a loud response is an understatement.

Kayla: Vancouver, British Columbia, please join me in welcoming the first ever FFW Atomic Champion RUBY STEELE!

Ruby emerges from the back with the infamous Megaphone of Magnificence. She actually just presses the siren on it as it makes a loud sound although only those who are closest to the ramp can hear it as the pop from the crowd overtakes the sound of the siren. She actually stands next to Kayla as she raises the megaphone up to the microphone so the siren sounds loudly. She smiles bringing it down as the crowd chants loudly.


Ruby turns the megaphone off as she leans into the microphone and smiles at Kayla.

Ruby: Bloody hell Kayla, I don’t mean to be a PRUDE…NCE but can you please tell me what all of these fans are chanting because it’s hard to think in this arena!

Steele offers an even wider grin as she raises her championship high into the air which gets an even bigger cheer.

Kayla: I’m pretty sure it’s because of your accomplishment two weeks ago on the debut of Atomic. Congratulations on that too, on winning two matches in the same night to become the inaugural Atomic Champion. Tell me what that moment felt like.

Ruby: Honestly the moment was surreal. It felt like a dream come true and I am going to be completely it actually felt like a milestone for the Gem Stones. I mean everyone knows how determined Diamond is.

Diamond’s name gets cheers.

Ruby: Everybody knows how witty my sister Sapphire can be.

Sapphire’s name gets booed.

Ruby: And everybody knows how much of a powerhouse Emerald can be.

Emerald’s name gets booed.

Ruby: If you would have asked anybody. They would have told you that I was the least likely to succeed in this company. With only three wins under my belt in this entire company. You would have seen Diamond picking up on her old legacy, or Sapphire’s rise in the Adrenaline division or how Emerald has been making ways inching her way in the Diamond division but despite them the youngest of the band was the one to pull ahead. It’s so awesome and it’s surreal. I will be honest I broke down in tears after the show. It was a dream fulfilled and after only wrestling for a few years it all paid off.

The fans cheer but some of them seem disappointed as Ruby turns around raising her title even higher.

Ruby: FINE… I know what all of you want. You want to know how it really felt Kayla?! In the words of my favourite cartoon character Kimber Benton it’s was beyond a shadow of a doubt TOTES…

She raises the microphone to the audience and in unison everybody screams OUTRAGEOUS!

Ruby: That’s how it felt… A TOTES OUTRAGEOUS moment for sure!

Kayla: You know that title is going to be the most defended in all of FFW, that it’ll be defended monthly. Are you ready for that schedule? And do you have a prediction for tonight’s #1 contender match for it coming up next between Elizabeth and Mikayla?

Ruby: Honestly I am not going to sit here and state who is going to win and who won’t. Whoever pulls through will be giving me the fight of my life and I am ready for it. What I like about this title is the fact that it’s the workhorse title, and as special as being a champion is. I think guaranteeing myself to be on Atomic at least once a month sounds even better. A chance to have the most matches, a chance to be seen and of course heard. I am ready to be the horse and am ready for everybody and anybody.

Kayla congratulates her again as Atomic goes to a commercial break.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2025, 11:43:25 am by Adam Grant » Report Spam   Logged

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Adam Grant
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« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2025, 12:17:47 pm »

The show returns from the commercial break back to the ring, and that’s where we find Kat Grayson standing and ready to begin the introductions.

Kat: The following contest is scheduled for one fall to a finish, and the winner will be the first challenger for the FFW Atomic Championship two weeks from tonight!

Zack: That about sums it up. You could almost call it a Second Chance match for the two women who didn’t make it to the finals on our last show. Ruby won’t have to wait long to find out who’s first on her dance card.

Gaby: Both Elizabeth and Mikayla lost their first round match of the flash tournament two weeks ago, to newly crowned Atomic Champion Ruby Steele and to Clover Thomas respectively, and now the Gemstone is looking into a first defense into one of these, and you bet they’re out here to prove that that first round L was no more than a fluke.

The lights go out completely as the opening of Legendary by Welshy Arms starts to play. A rumble like thunder can be heard, getting louder and louder until a lightning effect flashes across the stage. The lightning strikes again and again, each time catching a glimpse of a female figure descending from the rafters on a trapeze-like swing.

Take a look around me
Taking pages from a magazine
Been looking for the answers
Ever since we were seventeen
You know the truth can be a weapon
To fight this world of ill intentions
A new answer to the same question
How many times will you learn the same lesson?

I think they got it all wrong
We just gotta hold on
And on, and on, and on

The lightning strikes come to an end as the lights come back up as they do, the female figure stands up on the trapeze swing a few feet off the ground, facing away from the crowd and then backflips off it to land in a crouch with her head lowered looking at the stage.

'Cause we're gonna be legends
Gonna get their attention
What we're doing here ain't just scary
It's about to be legendary
Yeah, we're gonna be legends
Gonna teach 'em all a lesson
Got this feeling in our souls we carry
It's about to be legendary

As the word legendary is sung, Mikayla Stone leaps to her feet with her arms in the air to a pop from the crowd. She soaks it in for a second before she takes off towards the ring at a run.

This is what we came for
And we couldn't want it anymore
We could never turn back now
Got to leave it all on the floor

Kat: Introducing at this time from Salem, Oregon…...MIKAYLA STONE!

When she reaches the ring, Mikayla jumps up onto the apron and turns around to smile at the crowd before she climbs to stand on the top rope. She gives the crowd a wave and then backflips into the ring to land with a smirk. She makes her way to her corner as her music comes to an end.

Zack: Mikayla came up a little short against Clover on the first edition of Atomic. To her credit, Clover is a load to handle for anyone. But now the former Future Shock Nova Champion could see herself in the ring with the one woman she didn’t meet in the tournament with a win here.

Gaby: And it would be quite the story, right? Because while Clover defeated her, there’s no telling if our resident witch’s weaponry would’ve been the right arsenal to take down Steele and write a completely different story. She did have the right strategy when facing the massively imposing Clover, now let’s see how she fares with the much nimbler and more technical opponent in Liz.

As the fans sit in their seats in anticipation of what is to come, they are greeted by the lights dimming. A brilliant golden spotlight focuses on the stage as the opening strains of “Massive Addictive” by Amaranthe begin to play.

“Give me purity, strength and affection
Give me lust to ignite my devotion for life
It's where beauty comes alive
Can't you see I'm a slave to the darkness
Cutting down
And I know I have done this before
As I stare into the wall
And now it's time to let it shine
Cause don't you know I'm addicted”

The curtains rustle a bit before the dapper figure of one Kyle Kilmeade emerges from the back, his ever present smirk etched on his face. He steps out onto the stage and glances at either side of the stage at the crowd before stepping to the side, holding out his hand to the curtain. Out from the back emerges the beautiful Elizabeth Lannister. Stepping out onto the stage, she takes Kyle’s outstretched hand and promptly twirls around slowly, showing off the intricate work on her robe. Dropping his hand, Elizabeth nods and starts to walk down the aisle, Kyle walking in stride next to her.

“Massive addictive
And suddenly I'm greatly affected
Like burning fire inside
My cyanide
Scared of losing my mind
Massive addictive
I'm totally completely afflicted
As I inspire the lie like a lullaby
Crawling around in my mind
My mind”

The pair slowly make their way down the aisle, Elizabeth’s gold and red robe flowing with each step she took, completely ignoring the fans on either side of her. As the pair walk, the spotlight changes so that the entire arena is soon engulfed in gold light.

Kat: Ladies and gentlemen, making her way to the ring, being accompanied by her manager Kyle Kilmeade…..from Scottsdale, Arizona…’THE LIONESS’ ELIZABETH LANNISTER!!

Once she reaches the ring she begins to climb the steel steps, with Kyle hopping up onto the apron and holding the ropes open for her. She carefully climbs through the opened ropes and steps into the middle of the ring, flipping her hair over her shoulders and sticking her arms out to the sides, her head tilted back, a confident smirk etched on her angelic features. She then returns her head to it’s normal position and unclasps her robe, shrugging it off as Kyle reaches forward to carefully hand it to a nearby stagehand. She then moves her arms back and forth to loosen up as the lights return to normal and the music begins to fade out.

Zack: It was Elizabeth who Ruby faced in the tournament two weeks ago before she went on to become the first Atomic Champion. She and Mikayla are far from strangers to each other, but these stakes may be the highest between them.

Gaby: With a championship opportunity on the line and something to prove? You bet! Elizabeth is one of the proudest, cockiest women in this company, and the role of “second place” doesn’t befit her – just ask the woman. She has the chance to prove her defeat to Ruby was an error, but she can only pull it off if she can thwart Mikayla, and she needs to keep her wits to herself in order to pull that off.

Referee Ashley Pruitt calls for the bell to start the match as the two women look across at one another. The Vancouver crowd is clearly behind Mikayla, bringing a smile to her face until they’re interrupted. "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" by Whitney Houston begins to blast all across the speakers and as it does, we are able to see Ruby Steele emerging from the curtain. She is clad in a sparkling ruby glow in the dark jacket. The Atomic Championship is around her waist as she stays at the top of the ramp.

Zack: Looks like the Atomic Champion is here to do a little scouting, unexpected out of 10 especially since you can watch on any number of monitors backstage.

Gaby: Mind games, plain and simple. I’m willing to bet more than a handful of people have already chastised Ruby backstage claiming she’s not ready to be a champion; well, here she is, proving she’s ready to be one, and a defending one at that.

As both women looked to see her, it was Elizabeth who took advantage of the situation by charging across with a running boot to the side of Mikayla’s head before she turned back around again. It drove her back into the corner before Elizabeth started throwing side elbows to her jaw followed by a monkey flip to send her out to the canvas. She quickly rolled on top of her to pull her head up, and deliver a few more elbows to the side of her head. When she got back to her feet amid a chorus of boos, she smirked and cracked her knuckles.

Zack: Never let it be said that Elizabeth won’t take advantage of absolutely any shortcut she can find, especially when there’s a chance of getting a title shot up for grabs. Listen to the response too. To borrow a phrase from Frozen, the boos never bothered her anyway.

Gaby: She revels in it all, honestly! There wasn’t a single moment that I remember that Elizabeth went with the crowd on… anything, honestly. Not to mention, it’s the cockiness that makes her so… boo-able. But, just like I said in our first match, try not to turn your back on your opponent before she does something funny!

Elizabeth quickly pulled her to her feet, firing her into the corner chest first. Stone struck and stumbled backwards before Elizabeth used the near side ropes for a springboard into a disaster kick that dropped the brunette where she stood. She quickly went for the cover with the far leg hooked as Pruitt fell into position.

Zack: Lannister’s not getting paid by the hour, she’s already looking to punch her ticket to a match with Ruby!


But the witch kicked out in time just after the one count, and Lannister made her pay for it by yanking her to her feet by the arm and into a hammerlock slam to the canvas.

Gaby: That’s the right strategy on Elizabeth, keep fighting and give Mikayla no room for breathers! If Stone gets her feet under her and starts bouncing, the pace of the match will slip out of Lannister’s hands in a hurry!

She barely let Mikayla have a chance to get up before she grabbed the same arm from seconds before and pressed it to the mat. That’s when a barrage of knee drops began landing against her arm and shoulder one after another as Kyle watched on with approval. She followed up by dropping down onto that same right arm, and cranked back on it with a Fujiwara armbar while Ruby remained on the stage watching with her title over her shoulder.

Zack: Lannister loves to try to take an opponent’s arm home with her every chance she gets, and that’s the predicament that Mikayla finds herself in right now. Though like we talked about last time, Gaby, I think I’d go after her legs.

Gaby: It’s a bet, I remember saying that about Elizabeth two weeks ago. She either focuses on Mikayla’s arm and keeps her softened up for that armbreaker, or she culls her opponent’s biggest weapon. And, as we know Elizabeth to be, she ain’t gonna go with no stinkin’ “cull their weapons” strat when she can let everyone know she’s going for her own trademark killshot.

Pruitt moved around to see if Mikayla wanted to stop the match, and got a defiant “NO!” to that question. Lannister leaned back just a little more to increase the pressure as Mikayla used her free arm to try to reach the ropes. They weren’t that far away as she stretched her arm and extended her fingers as much as she could till she got two fingertips on the bottom rope. The referee called for the break, and had to get to a four count before the “Lioness” got back to her feet and released the hold.

Gaby: And that's the danger of going for that well as often as Elizabeth does, and Mikayla had that well scouted: never stay close to the center of the ring, and that rope break is a given!

Zack: I know I’ve heard her manager say more than once that it’s not illegal till the referee gets to five. If there’s a low road, she’ll take it.

Lannister held up a hand towards the referee as she went back to grab Mikayla, who was now back to her feet in the corner. As soon as the blonde reached to get her, Stone caught her with a hard kick to the stomach. A second one landed before she began throwing left hands instead of the right, catching the advancing blonde with a few shots to the jaw. They rocked Lannister backwards before Mikayla left her feet for a single knee facebreaker that put them both on the mat, but caused her right arm and shoulder pain on the landing.

Zack: That right arm isn’t doing Mikayla any favors, but she’s still got plenty of other offensive weapons at her disposal. Most notable among them would be those legs and feet.

Gaby: But Elizabeth already looks like the cat that ate the canary so to speak, because she knows she’s done the damage! All she needs is that ONE opening, and in order for Mikayla never to let Liz capitalize on that, she needs to stay on top of her game, priority zero!

The “Lioness” began to get back to her feet slowly before the witch was taking off towards the far side. She came back with a high speed running kneelift to the face that sent Lannister backwards until a spinning back heel kick to the jaw dropped her where she stood. The Vancouver crowd was solidly behind her too as she favored her right arm before darting for the ropes, using them for an Asai moonsault that landed on target before she rolled the blonde onto her back and went for the cover.

Zack: Mikayla breaking out the high risk and high impact offense here, and she may be about to book a date with Ruby in two weeks!



But Lannister kicked out in time before the three. Stone got back to her feet, pulling the blonde bombshell up with her. She whipped her across to the far side, and went for a discus elbow on the rebound. But Elizabeth ducked it, not that it helped before Mikayla caught her with a Pele kick when she turned around behind her.

Gaby: Nice, quick thinking! Always have a plan B, children, for when THAT right there happens! Or maybe that was Plan A, because Mikayla knows Elizabeth’s crosshairs are on that arm!

The fans were getting louder now as Mikayla took off for the far side again, rebounded quickly into a scissor kick to the rising “Lioness” that stumbled her backwards. The baby sister of the Stone women hit the ropes once again, this time returning with a bicycle kick to the jaw that sent Elizabeth through the ropes and out to the floor before Mikayla could stop her from going out.

Zack: That’s why I said earlier that it was a better idea to work on her legs! Lannister got ejected from the ring there with one helluva bicycle kick!

Gaby: I mean, sometimes ya bet and ya lose, you know how it goes! Mikayla is feeling the pressure, and she’s making sure Elizabeth is as far away from her arm as possible – that first submission was enough of a warning!

Kyle was quickly around the corner to check on his client as Mikayla was rubbing her arm briefly to try to massage some of the pain away. When she spotted the pair on the floor, she took off for the far side and came back with a suicide plancha..that missed entirely when Kyle pulled his client out of harm’s way. Stone crashed to the floor as the referee immediately started reading him the riot act as he told her there’s no rule that he can’t touch his own client. In his hand was his Feud of the Year plaque.

Gaby: I don’t think a popularity award – or unpopularity as it is – is gonna make any argument for that man. He literally put his hands on a competitor, even if it wasn’t to assault her. He keeps toying with the rules and there comes a point we just have to ask, why, dude?

Zack: You can see pretty well why Crystal wanted to get her hands on him last year, and it’s hard to blame her. Maybe the execution of the plan could’ve used some work though.

Lannister smiled at her manager as she descended on Mikayla quickly, pulling her up by the bad arm and snapping it against the apron. Pruitt was counting them both out as the “Lioness” sent Mikayla shoulder first into the post, dropping her to her knees at ringside. She then pulled the baby witch up and rolled her back into the ring before sliding in under the bottom rope after her as the referee reached an eight count.

Zack: Even without touching her opponent, Kilmeade’s about like a tag partner for Elizabeth. Ruby may want to come down and be an extra set of eyes instead of staying on the ramp like she has. I’m sure Mikayla would appreciate it.

Gaby: Oh hell no, I wouldn’t count on Ruby to get chummy with anyone involved with this match. Mikayla does, indeed, need a batting partner here, because Elizabeth will get all the help she can get so long as she gets away with it! Can’t we get the other Stone sisters on speed dial?

Mikayla began to get to her feet, only for Lannister to scoop her up into a shoulder breaker to drop her down to the mat. When Stone started to sit up, the blonde applied a keylock submission behind her that focused on the bad arm and shoulder. Pruitt moved around to see about a submission, but the baby witch showed no interest in that.

Zack: Right back to work on that arm for Elizabeth, she’s like a dog with a new bone to chew on. She’s laser focused on the damage she’s already caused.

Gaby: Yep, and to be expected! Softening it up for that armbreaker, everyone knows her number!

As the referee checked again, Mikaya began using her free arm to start landing punches to the side of Elizabeth’s head. One after another landed until she finally shook her off, and was able to get away from her back to her feet. Lannister went to grab her, only to eat a spinning backfist from Mikayla into a superkick that dropped her to the mat. The Vancouver crowd was getting louder now as she headed towards the corner to make her way to the top rope. Ruby was also moving closer to the ring.

Zack: Mikayla got free, and knocked Elizabeth into next week! Now she’s going high risk, and the Atomic Champion wants a closer look! Mikayla’s walking the top rope, and sometimes I have trouble staying on the sidewalk!

Gaby: You may wanna stay away, Ruby, if you know what’s good! Both these women are gunning for that belt of yours, and if you wanna play spoiler, you bet someone’s gonna be VERY angry!

The youngest witch made it to the top rope, and then began to show incredible balance as she walked the top rope to the center. She then left her feet, using the top rope for a springboard corkscrew moonsault that brought the fans to their feet. She rolled Lannister over quickly for the cover as Pruitt dropped to count.

Zack: Mikayla with a corkscrew for the highlight reel, and Ruby’s got her first challenger in three seconds!!




The referee stopped her count when she noticed Elizabeth’s foot across the bottom rope with Kyle shouting at her to see it. Pruitt looked skeptical that the “Lioness” put it there herself instead of Kyle though.

Gaby: Rope break for Elizabeth, and Kilmeade is out here acting as far more than just a tag partner for Elizabeth! Forget extra pair of eyes, he’s an extra set of limbs!

She shook her head and got back to her feet, watching and measuring the “Lioness” as she was very slow to get back to her feet. The fans in Vancouver were loudly chanting Mikayla’s name as she watched her adversary like a hawk!

Gaby: But all that will be for nothing if Mikayla’s perseverance pays off! You think it’s time for some magic, Z? Because I sure do!

As soon as the blonde was back to her feet, that’s when Stone took off towards her and connected with her handspring stunner that bounced the “Lioness” off the mat. Mikayla dove on top of her with a far leg hook!

Zack: A little SMOKE AND MIRRORS will send Mikayla to a title match!




Pruitt called for the bell as Stone rolled off the cover and got back to her feet. As soon as she got her hand raised and heard her music start again, she began to smile.

Gaby: And we got to see the match that never happened two weeks ago! Meet your first challenger, Ruby!

Zack: Your winner by pinfall….and the #1 contender for the Atomic Championship….MIKAYLA STONE!!

Ruby headed up the steps into the ring next, and congratulated Mikayla before she also raised her hand, while holding her Atomic Championship with the other.

Zack: That’s our title match set for the next Atomic, Gaby! Ruby and Mikayla for the Atomic Championship two weeks from tonight in her first defense!

Gaby: And Mikayla has quite something to prove, just like she’s proven tonight that she’s ready for the spotlight! Ruby had better be ready to be the workhorse champion… Lest she loses the Atomic Championship in record time!

Ruby was smiling as she raised her hand, and it faded a little when the witch climbed the corner to celebrate with the fans. Atomic then cut to a commercial for Vendetta on April 5th.

Tag Team Sisterhood

A clip from the debut of Atomic two weeks ago shows the highlights from the match between Rori Mackenzie and Kelly Kincaid, including how it ended in disqualification after Maddison blasted Kelly with one of the tag titles, which Colby spotted. Then we find both of the sisters standing on either side of Amber Carano on the stage in front of the live crowd in Vancouver.

Amber: Fans here in Vancouver and watching around the globe on Prime, please welcome my guests…SCARLETT AND KELLY KINCAID!!

The half-sisters get a loud response from the crowd in Rogers Arena before Amber begins to speak again.

Amber: Kelly, I’ll start with you. On the debut of Atomic, you faced Rori as we just saw on the clip. This was your first actual match against anyone in Prophecy, and I think we can agree it didn’t quite go to plan. As you know, Scarlett here has been dealing with them for a year now. I’m curious if your impression of Prophecy has changed from before you first saw them to now after having been in the ring with Rori two weeks ago in Toronto.

Kelly: Not really. Like I said, I know what Rori is capable of, but I’ve already been set alight by one wrestler and while I’m not eager to repeat the experience, once you’ve been through it you don’t really have the same fear of it happening. And Maddi…well, we’ve seen what she’s capable of going up against the likes of Savannah Star and managing not to get pinned by Scarlett. Her and her partner are both very proud that rather than be pinned by Scarlett or me, they decided to get disqualified instead. But, hey, that’s their choice isn’t it?

Amber: True.

The reporter turns towards Scarlett, also the one she tends to get into the most trouble when they chat.

Amber: Scarlett, we also know that the tag titles are on the line later tonight in the main event when Prophecy makes their first defense against Violence Inc. I bring that up because I saw on X a while back that they took great offense…and still seem to do…against your husband for making that match possible. What do you make of this dissatisfaction with Cody?

Scarlett: I think they’re looking for a boogeyman. Someone to blame if they come up short against Cassandra and Stacey. And a reason for them to gloat further if they find another way to win…or do what they do best and get themselves disqualified to keep hold of their titles. Besides, it’s not the first time they’ve had a problem with him. Just like Rori came back and decided to reignite this whole issue that she has with me, they’ve done the same with Cody. I remember a time when they tried to run him over with a car in their first stint here in FFW.

Amber: They’ve also blamed him for some sort of conspiracy they think he has against them, stemming back to you being named as guest referee at the Fatale Royale when they faced the Action News Network, if you recall.

Scarlett: I remember. I didn’t recall them complaining in the slightest about getting a special guest referee who loathes the Latina Heat at Sabotage. Like I said, it’s just about them trying to construct a narrative that management is against them in some way. If that were true, would management have let them have their shot against the Heat in the first place after what Kyle and his clients did to Crystal that allowed them to earn the opportunity.

Kelly: And I’m sure if they retain the titles later on, they’ll claim it’s a conspiracy against them when we come after them; when we earn our shot to take the titles off of them.

Amber: I was about to bring that up, Kelly!

She turns back to the blonde.

Amber: The camera at the end of your match picked up you saying you wanted the tag titles now. Our fans who have followed your career know you were already a tag champion in the waning days of SVW with the reigning Future Shock Champion Missy.

She glances back at Scarlett.

Amber: I assume you want to chase them with Scarlett then? She has had a combative history with some of her past partners, you know.

Scarlett: Combative?

Kelly: Sure. She’s not had the best track record with tag partners has she? She was partners with Rori for a while. Her and Robbyn wanted to kill each other in the ring then teamed up…once? Twice? I mean as a tag team, we’ll not even mention you in ten femme chaos or representing FFW against SVW where you really weren’t in the slightest bit popular with any of your partners in those ten people matches. Me? Well, the team with Hayley Dark flopped admittedly…but Missy and I dominated the SVW tag team picture. And the last time I teamed up with Scarlett, her and I were undefeated I think, even though we did only team up over one summer.

Scarlett: Plus we’ve been at each other’s throats, fought it out and gotten past it.

Kelly: I guess it’s just something us sisters can do. So, yeah, with Missy busy as the Future Shock Champion, I’ll make do with Scarlett and we’ll go after Prophecy or Violence Inc or whoever else might end up with the tag titles when Adam decides we’ve earned the right to be number one contenders.

Amber: There’s also her tag match a few years back with Wendy Briese, and they ended up at Unstoppable against each other later after that.

Kelly: And do you remember the things that Scarlett had to say about Wendy when they faced at Unstoppable? Ouch. The Cajun was pretty damn savage and didn’t hold anything back, did she? I’m sure she’ll bring the same fire with her to our team. She has said that if she was going to chase a title, it would be the tag team titles and there’s no time like the present for her to do exactly that.

Amber turns back to Scarlett.

Amber: Is there something about teaming up with Kelly here that makes you feel it could be a different experience from all the aforementioned partners that you’ve had? I’m not sure you two get along all that much better than some of the women we’ve already named you teamed with. Though I’d say Rori would be the most extreme example, so I won’t count that. What do you think?

There was a nod of the head from the Cajun.

Scarlett: You heard her say it, the only team that I’ve been a part of for any length of time that’s been successful has been with her. Maybe I had bad luck with a couple of partners or the timing wasn’t right with some of them. And it’s no secret that I’m not the most popular person backstage; that I tend to keep to myself and have looked to win titles rather than make friends. There’s a proven track record with Kelly. We’ve proven we can work together. We’re both at a point now where it makes sense for us to team up more regularly and go for the tag titles, so yeah, I think we’ll make it work successfully.

Amber: I look forward to documenting your rise through the tag ranks of FFW. Thank you both.

The show then went to a commercial break.

The Laceyverse

A clip from the last Future Shock episode of 2024 shows the crowning of a new Pure Champion when the referee stops the match in favor of Lacey over Lilly Sheffield. No one in the arena that night was too happy about it, except for Lacey and her manager. Then we return to the live show and find the redhead and her manager with his award plaque in his hand as they address the camera. Kyle, in particular, looks pleased as he looks from the title to Lacey.

Kyle: Welcome back to being part of all things FFW again, Lacey. How does it feel to finally be unshackled as you have been for far too long?

The redhead grins and flips her hair back over her shoulder.

Lacey: It feels amazing to finally be free. It’s been a complete disservice to fans all over the world to not get to see me on both sides of FFW programming.

Kyle: I couldn’t agree more. Lacey has always said that she gets what she wants. It’s been no secret that she wanted to be the Pure Champion for the express reason that she isn’t confined to Tuesday nights. And with the launch of a new show like Atomic, there was no better time for her to start making her presence felt. As a matter of fact, starved fans will get fed two weeks from tonight when she competes in her first match on Atomic…as well as the first match on a Saturday night in quite a while.

Lacey: I really should have been on the very first episode I think. Atomic’s inaugural episode deserved someone with my talent and star power, but at least it’s getting me in two weeks time. That’s much better than it not getting me at all. Can you say who I’ll be facing? Or is that a secret?

Kyle: I was about to say just that very thing. According to what I was told by Adam, it’ll be a non-title match…because she doesn’t deserve one honestly…against the frontwoman of the Gemstones: Diamond Steele.

Lacey rolled her eyes.

Lacey: She definitely doesn’t deserve one. She should count herself lucky just to be able to share the ring with me, quite honestly.

Kyle nodded in agreement with that.

Kyle: I’m pretty sure she’s going to see Ruby’s winning the Atomic title as some kind of sign that she’s destined to get some gold for herself, and will come into the match thinking it’s a fait accompli that she’ll earn herself a Pure Championship match. Unfortunately for her, it doesn’t work that way.

Lacey: After how hard I worked to become the Pure Champion I am not going to let anyone use me as a stepping stone to get themselves into contention. If she wants a shot, she’s going to have to earn it some other way. And hopefully by having to jump through as many hoops as I was made to jump through.

Kyle: She only needs one hoop, and that’s getting past you. And she’ll never make it through that hoop. Not on her best day and your worst. So the people of Birmingham, England will get a treat as they see you in the main event. At least one person in the match is a draw.

Lacey: I’m always a draw, no matter where I am or what I’m doing, but I don’t need to tell you that.

He couldn’t agree more by the look on his face as the viewers see the graphic for the main event in two weeks before the show goes to commercial.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2025, 11:40:14 am by Adam Grant » Report Spam   Logged
Adam Grant
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« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2025, 12:17:56 pm »

The show returns to the ring from the break, and there we find Kat once again ready to handle the introductions.

Kat: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall to a finish.

Zack: Our first of two tag matches is up tonight. With new tag champions crowned at Sabotage and possibly again in our main event, these matches could be huge for the winners to shoot them towards the top of the rankings.

Gaby: There’s only one caveat here, though: one of these teams is looking less like a team with each program… If we look at the macro picture. Jennifer and Emily may be a mom and daughter team, but there’s the ever looming shadow of Sofía Rojas and her shenanigans to distract the Williams from their goals.

My Prerogative by Bobby Brown begins to play loudly across the speakers. As it does the crowd boos as Emily Williams makes her way to the ring followed by Jason Bennett. He is constantly talking to and trying to pump up Emily as she heads to the ring.

Kat: Ladies and gentlemen making her way to the ring from Detroit Michigan being accompanied by Jason Bennett. Standing in at 5’2 and 135 lbs, she is the pint sized powerhouse representing the Williams Dynasty…Emily Williams!

She shows no reaction, deciding to keep her focus locked on the ring as she slowly walks towards it. Emily slides inside the ring flexing her muscles as she waits for her opponent to come to the ring.

Zack: I’m not sure you’re gonna find a team closer or who know each other better than Emily here and her mom. I also think this is the first time they’ve teamed together when it was just the two of them. Luckily for her, neither are teamed with Sofia who likes to camp on the apron in tag matches, like Brittany learned two weeks ago.

Gaby: That’s why I said Sofia is an ever looming shadow: you never know how she’s gonna act, especially now that she’s weaseled her way into the Evolution Championship picture. It’s the kind of thing that, no matter how tight a familial bond you have, when you have some dumbass telling you you’re some dismissable whatsherface, it’s bound to affect your performance.

The entire arena goes to complete darkness. The Sith Lord Battle Theme begins to blast loudly across the speakers. It is at that point that we see the silhouette of a woman that is glowing in the dark. Her shoes and her gear is lit up but that’s nothing compared to the sight of a red lit light saber being able to be seen in the darkness (Kendo Stick with Red Glow In the Dark Paint) The light’s finally come back on and as they do we are able to see two cloaked females walking slowly to the ring.

Kat: Making her way to the ring from Korriban by way of the Bronx, New York. She is Lady!!! Darth Dream Jenny Williams! 

It’s at this point that the music changes into Jenny From The Block by J Lo. Jenny takes her hood off and where we can see her green highlights in her hair. She  cracks a wicked grin as she swings her lightsaber about showcasing different forms of her lightsaber stances. She sprints to the ring and immediately slides into the ring as her daughter Emily just continues to walk slowly. Jennifer kicks up to her fight and swings her kendo stick about. She flips the crowd off before she stretches out about and lays on the turnbuckle as she arrogantly mouths off to the ground.

Zack: What a role model for her daughter! Jenny has been in and out of FFW for some time, and she’s experienced more success than anyone else currently in the Dynasty. If you ask me, she should be the leader of the group rather than Sofia based on experience alone.

Gaby: And if that isn’t the most telling thing about the Williams clown car, I don’t know what could show you Faithful how that team operates. And… I mean, some moms-of-the-year in that general vicinity, lemme tell ya.

Kat: And their opponents…

As Seven Notes in Black by the Vince Tempera Orchestra begins to play, Harley Shannon appears on the stage wearing a leather jacket over her ring attire, with her tied up in a bun, held in place with a pair of chopsticks. Harley stands quietly in the spotlight as the song stops playing.

Kat: Weighing in at 122 lbs, standing 5’6” tall and coming from Hanover, New Hampshire...HARLEY SHANNON!!!

After a couple of moments of silence the song starts up once more - with a more eerie tone and at that moment Harley starts off down the ramp, shedding her leather jacket before reaching back and pulling the chopsticks out of her hair and shaking her head to let her bright, flame red hair fall down around her shoulders. As she got to the bottom of the ramp, the girl picked out a young fan at ringside, giving the chopsticks to the fan before she stopped short of getting into the ring with the two Williams women inviting her in already.

Zack: Harley’s managed to do everything she set her mind to since she joined FFW, and she’s smart as a whip on top of all that. I also don’t blame her for not heading into the ring until her partner gets here.

Gaby: Not when it’s the Dynasty in the ring! They do have a history, you know. But the most impressive part of what you mentioned is that Harley is a self-taught savant, and she’s ready to adapt on the fly, no matter what one throws her way.

"I'm only human
I'm only—I'm only—
I'm only human, human

“Human” by Rag’n’Bone Man starts to play over the soundsystem as the video screen shows a jail cell door sliding backwards and a pair of black ring boots with legs going all the way up to a simple blue skirt step out onto the landing only to suddenly stumble as if given a push in the small of the back from the man who appeared behind her in shiny black shoes and black pants.

Maybe I'm foolish,
Maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this
And see what's behind
Got no way to prove it
So maybe I'm lying

As the pair pass by, the camera gets a shot from behind before it cuts to more grainy CCTV footage that shows the guard escorting the raven haired prisoner across a prison yard of patchy grass and into another building. There’s another cut as we see a shot of exposed midriff on the other side of a counter that has a pack of gum, some loose change on it and a hair bobble on it. A hand reaches forward, picking up a pen and signs a name quickly before scooping up the possessions as she stiffly pushed to move onwards.

But I'm only human after all,
I'm only human after all
Don't put your blame on me
Don't put your blame on me

There’s another cut; this time to show the back of the black haired woman as she reaches up to tie her long loose hair back with the bobble while still walking forward, coming to a stop in front of a large closed door. The camera cuts to the opposite side of the door and low down, watching as it swung open and the woman stepped out; only for the blazing sun to obscure her face and body; the video screens becoming a blazing yellow-white sun glare with a spotlight shining bright as the same woman has appeared at the top of the entrance ramp. The spotlight dims to reveal Mara Werth standing there in her black boots, blue skirt and white vest top.

Take a look in the mirror
And what do you see?
Do you see it clearer
Or are you deceived
In what you believe?

Kat: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome from Tuscaloosa, Alabama… MARA WERTH!!!

'Cause I'm only human after all,
You're only human after all
Don't put the blame on me
Don't put your blame on me

With a smile on her face she begins to head down the ramp to the ring, running up the ring steps. She moved down the apron, facing out to the crowd and threw her arms up into the air before she stepped through the ropes. Heading to the corner, the girl carefully stepped up onto the middle ropes with Harley at her side now, throwing her hands up into the air again before she bounced back onto her feet and stretched as she waited for the match to start."

Zack: The last time we saw this woman in the ring was in her unsuccessful attempt at dethroning the reigning Evolution Champion at Sabotage. Mara’s made it clear she wants another shot against whoever has the title, but there’s other business to attend to right now.

Gaby: And you have to question what in this world is able to stop Mara on her path, because after a championship run that only stopped when she felt like it, the only woman, the ONLY WOMAN that was able to stop her in her ways was Robbyn Helmsley. She’s an absolute beast, and she has the chance to prove it anew tonight with one of her friends on her side.

Referee Colby Morrison called for the bell to start the match as both teams discussed some strategy in their respective corners. It was Emily who started for the Dynasty, while Harley stayed in the ring for her team. The two women sized one another up before they had a tie-up in the center of the ring. Emily quickly showed her power advantage with a hip toss that put Harley down on the mat in quick order.

Zack: Emily is easily the strongest member of the Dynasty, and she knows how to use that. It’s part of what makes her the most dangerous of the group, in my view, even if Sofia gets most of the attention.

Gaby: And she’s also the youngest. The fact she gets to flaunt all that strength while still being the baby of the company is something she definitely has in her advantage.

She popped back up for another tie up, only to get shoved back into the ropes. Colby asked for a break, which Emily gave but Jenny was close enough to kick the former Evolution Champion in the back. As soon as Colby went to admonish her, Emily went on the attack with furious right hands to the brunette’s head followed with a back body drop to the canvas.

Zack: Jenny’s got more experience in there than all three of the other women combined, and Colby is gonna need to keep a close eye on her from bell to bell for reasons like that.

Gaby: Because it’s not just the experience, right? It’s the willingness to be a bad actor. I just praised Emily for being young and having that youth in her favor; there’s the counterpoint right there, because mama gives quite the bad example.

But Shannon was back to her feet a second later, only to catch a short knee to the body. Emily whipped her into the far corner, and chased after her with a running European uppercut. But Harley caught her with a boot to the face as she approached, stumbling her backwards long enough for the former Evolution Champion to grab her head for a tornado DDT off the middle rope.

Zack: There we go! Emily got a little gung ho there, and found out what boot size Harley wears the hard way.

Gaby: And you can’t even say Emily got ahead of herself there, Harley can be just that good! We keep saying she knows counters for your favorite counter, and that right there is a testament to her awareness.

As soon as she spotted the powerhouse getting to all fours, Harley connected with a leg drop bulldog to drive her face into the mat. She quickly rolled her over and went for the cover with the far leg hooked.

Zack: Emily’s nose may be a little flatter, and Mara may have the night off!


But Williams kicked out as soon as the one count landed. Harley pulled her to her feet with a front facelock, and dragged her back to her team’s corner. She made the tag to Mara before the two joined forces. Shannon scooped her up for a front suplex as Mara dropped down to a knee to let Emily’s abdomen crash against it before she crumpled to the mat. Werth pulled her back to her feet, scooping her up for a military press slam that drove Emily back to the mat.

Zack: This isn’t the first time these two have teamed together, but there hasn’t been a lot of times either. So far, Mara and Harley are showing solid chemistry whereas their opponents have shown solid cheating.

Gaby: The only thing they have in common, these teams, is that they know they can trust their partner to be there for them. I mean, it would be quite shocking if mom turned on daughter on live TV.

The former Phoenix Champion pulled Emily to her feet, and whipped her into a neutral corner. The powerhouse struck hard and came stumbling out before Mara vaulted towards her with a running elbow to the jaw that sent her back into the corner. Werth sat her on the top turnbuckle before climbing up with her to deliver a belly to belly suplex off the middle rope followed by a cover!

Zack: Mara went a little high risk, which isn’t usually her forte but it paid off! Let’s see if it gets her a three count!



But Williams still kicked out as the two was on the way down. The jailbird pulled her back to her feet, and caught a jawbreaker for her efforts that stumbled her backwards. Emily yanked her by the wrist into a short arm clothesline to finally take her down to the mat.

Gaby: And there’s that strength on Emily Williams again, putting the former Phoenix Champion down on the mat!

When she spotted the convict starting to get up, she raked Mara’s face against her boot laces and gave the tag to her mother. They each grabbed the top rope as Emily used it to slingshot her mother into a flying shoulder tackle to take Mara down to the mat. She mounted her chest, and hammered away with closed fists, drawing Colby’s ire till she got back to her feet again. Harley started shouting support for her tag partner in the corner.

Gaby: The mom and daughter tandem is working like a charm here, and it does not look pretty. The humiliation tactics just keep coming, because that’s how Sofia Rojas may have educated them to do, and something tells me this will only work to make Mara even more pissed!

Zack:  She’s not really known for having a short fuse like some I could name, but an angry Mara is not someone you want to have to deal with at the best or worst of times.

But Mara was still rising back to her feet a second later. A bell clap from Jenny disoriented her before the elder Williams took off for the ropes behind her, using them for a springboard meteora to the chest when Werth turned around. It drove her back into the canvas before Jenny hooked the leg behind her, looking for the win as Colby slid into position.

Zack: Jenny’s cranked up the speed factor, and that’s always been trouble for Mara! There’s the cover!



The convict kicked out though, and Jenny was back to her feet quickly. She made the tag back to Emily before the elder half of the team climbed to the top rope. Her daughter threw her off in a rocket launcher on top of Mara as she was trying to get up. Jenny went back to the corner, and got a tag back in from her daughter.

Gaby: And another quick swap by the Williams, Mara just ain’t getting enough time to breathe! Tagging out and letting Harley hop in would be optimal right now!

That’s when Emily scooped her mother over her shoulder and drove her into Mara with a running powerslam before she left the ring. Jenny popped back to her feet with a smirk, waving for the jailbird to get up too. She didn’t have to wait long as Mara made it back to her feet, and caught the veteran coming forward with a palm thrust to the neck that sent her backwards. Werth made it back to her feet, and delivered a bicycle knee to take Jenny down to the mat. She dropped to a knee herself as she tried to gather her reserves.

Zack: That’s what happens when you waste time and tell your opponent to get up. They always do, and it often backfires in your face.

Gaby: Like I said at the top of the night, my friend: “F around” and “find out” are directly proportional, and it looks like it’s find out season for J-Will!

With the Vancouver crowd chanting her name, she started to head towards her corner with Harley’s hand out waiting for the tag. She didn’t quite make it as Jenny surprised her with a backstabber that put her down on the mat. Harley was rallying the crowd all over again as Jenny grabbed Mara’s ankle and started to pull her back towards her corner. As soon as she did, Werth rolled onto her back and pulled her knees up before a battery of right hands landed against Jenny’s jaw. It sent her backwards off balance before Werth made it back to her feet, and yanked her forward into a ripcord knee strike.

Zack: Now is the chance Mara’s been waiting for! She sent Jenny’s chin into the fourth row, and Harley is begging for the tag!

Gaby: You’re RIGHT THERE, Mara! Make a run for it, this may be your best chance!

Jenny started to head towards her corner too, and she made it first when she tagged in her daughter. Emily bolted into the ring as Mara was getting to her feet and about to make the tag. She grabbed a rear waistlock before the former Phoenix Champion began firing back elbows into the powerhouse’s jaw, shaking her loose before she lunged forward for the rag. The fans came to their feet as Harley hopped to the top rope and dropped Williams with a springboard blockbuster before making the cover!

Zack: Harley with a blockbuster like I’ve never seen before, it may be over right now!




Colby didn’t finish the count before Jenny broke up the cover with a double stomp to Harley’s back. She was starting to pull her up when Mara entered the ring again, bouncing off the near side with a lariat that mowed her down where she stood, bringing the Vancouver crowd to their feet!

Gaby: And we’re about to lose control here, with everyone in the ring!

Emily spun the convict around, only for Werth to catch her with her spinning knee strike finisher that dropped to her knees before Harley pulled her up into her full nelson twisting flatliner! She quickly rolled Emily over for the cover as Colby dove into position to count.

Zack: Good Lord! WERTHWHILE right into the SHANNON SLAM!




Colby called for the bell to a pop from the fans as Harley got back to her feet, and had her hand raised along with Mara’s as the brunette’s music began to play again.

Gaby: Now that’s a lethal combination and a half! Tuck Emily in, ‘cause she ain’t getting up!

Kat: Your winners by pinfall…..HARLEY SHANNON and MARA WERTH!!

The two girls grinned at each other and shared a big hug as Jason tugged Emily and Jenny out of the ring. The twinning team headed to adjacent corners to climb up, getting the crowd louder as they rallied them.

Zack: Mara and Harley turned out to be one helluva team, and wins like this will only help their campaign to climb up the ranks to challenge either Prophecy or Violence Inc, who we are about to see in our tag title main event!

Gaby: Last time we saw Harley and Mara as a team, there were no Tag Team Championship ambitions being talked about, but with the duos division upended after The Prophecy’s victory, everything can happen!

The girls bumped fists as the fans were still showing them unwavering support. Atomic then went to a commercial for this coming Tuesday’s Future Shock from Calgary.

Jo’s No Gatekeeper

Kyle is shown backstage prior to the tag team main event, and that’s where we find him with the “Queen of the North” Josephine Star. He glances off camera for a moment before he begins.

Kyle: It’s not all that often that I give Adam much credit, but I’ll do it here. Earlier tonight, he decided that the FFW Championship picture needed a little more. And what did he do? He made a match for Vendetta on April 5th with one woman who knows what it’s like to be on top of the mountain. There’s no reason she can’t be again, because she’s been absolutely brilliant since her return last April. That woman? Josephine Star.

He rubs his chin for a moment.

Kyle: The other woman? On the outside looking in. Never been in the picture, wants to be. So if she wants to hang at the big kids’ table, she’s gotta get past Jo at Vendetta. That woman? Lilly Arthur.

A small chuckle comes from the redhead’s lips, and a smirk crosses her face.

Jo: Well, we’ll give him credit where we have to. Of course I’m the no-brainer in this situation. Look at everything I’ve done in wrestling, there isn’t a place you could put me that would snake more sense. It all speaks for itself. And clearly, even if it’s negatively, I make people respond. And that’s what the company needs. Not my own personal Great White who only popped up whenever it suited her, while her husband made all the excuses under the sun for her, or its current champion who has the personality of a six-week fetus. We could mention Savannah but honestly, that horse got flogged enough recently. As for Lilly? Well, I suppose being injured out of a title is enough to get you in contention for another? I’m not stupid enough to brick all over how long she held it, but if that’s the bar…don’t colour me impressed.

Kyle: The last time we saw Lilly in the ring was at the throwback show that ended 2024 in the company over on Future Shock. On that night with what can only be called surgical precision, Lacey dissected her. Lacey broke her down, and Lacey…who you saw me with earlier in the show tonight…left as the new Pure Champion. Yeah, I know Lilly didn’t quit in the match and the referee stopped it. But the result is still the same. Lacey left with the title, and now Lilly has set her gaze on the FFW Championship. Against some of the others in the picture? I’d probably back her to get the win, but against Jo? I wouldn’t go to Vegas on those odds personally.

Jo: That’s because you’re smart enough to do that. Other people? Well, they’d go to Vegas with those odds because they just want to see me lose a match. Which is fine, their prerogative and all that. Like I said, I won’t dump on how long she had that thing for…but given everything in the lalst few weeks, I would make a good argument that she might be starting to get a little complacent. I can’t recall a match previously that was stopped in that manner, for a title in particular. I’ll respect someone who’ll put themselves at risk for a match, but I will never respect someone who goes out like that. If you cannot have respect for yourself, there is no reason I should have respect for you. And that goes double when you prove you don’t respect what we do for a living.

Kyle: We’ll see you at Vendetta. Now if you’ll pardon me, I have a tag title ma–

A production assistant tapped his shoulder, causing him to look at her.

PA: Cody wants to see you.

Kyle: I’ll stop by after the main event.

PA: He didn’t ask. I’d go now.

Kyle shook his head for a moment and headed off with the PA before the show returned to the ring for the main event.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2025, 11:40:39 am by Adam Grant » Report Spam   Logged
Adam Grant
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« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2025, 12:18:09 pm »

The show returns from the commercial break back to the ring, and Kat is already standing front and center ready to begin the introductions for the last time tonight.

Kat: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall to a finish, and it is for the FFW Undisputed Tag Team Championship!

Zack: Main event time, and the first defense of those titles since Prophecy upset Latina Heat at Sabotage late last year. If you like despicable tactics, this will be your new zen tonight, I suspect.

Gaby: The Faithful has been rooting for the giant meteor since the day The Prophecy became the #1 contenders, and it doesn’t seem to get any better for fans of clean wrestling. But one thing’s for certain: ain’t nobody dying out of boredom tonight in our main event!

As Daughters of Darkness by Halestorm begins to play, Cassandra Sheffield and Stacey Sky both step out onto the stage, flanked by Ryan Sheffield.

We came to battle baby, We came to win the war
We won’t surrender, Till we get what we're lookin' for
We're blowing out our speakers, There goes the neighborhood
A little scissor happy, Little misunderstood

Cassandra and Stacey smirk at each other at the sound of the crowd booing, both giving a little shrug as they set off down the ramp with Ryan following behind them.

We can turn you on
Or we will turn on you

Kat: Introducing at this time, and accompanied by Ryan Sheffield, the team of Cassandra Sheffield and Stacey Sky…..They are…...Violence Inc!

Daughters of darkness, Sisters insane
A little evil, Goes a long, long way
We stand together, No we're not afraid
We'll live forever, Daughters of darkness
Daughters of darkness

As they near the ring, Stacey takes off at a run towards the ring and then jumps up onto the apron, where she immediately drops down into the splits. Cassandra reaches the ring a moment after her and climbs the steps, she takes a moment to look around at the crowd as Ryan holds the ropes open for her to enter between the middle and top ropes, while Stacey leans forwards and grabs hold of her foot, lowering her head so she can roll under the bottom rope, still in the splits.

We're all survivors somehow, We just broke out the pack
And I don't need no dog tag, My name is on my back
We can turn you on, Or we can turn on you

Once in the ring, Stacey moves up to her knees, throwing her head back as she does and Cassandra stands behind her with her arms outstretched. Stacey licks her lips before both her and Cassandra give devilish smiles out to the crowd.

Daughters of darkness, Sisters insane
A little evil, Goes a long, long way
We stand together, No we're not afraid
We'll live forever, Daughters of darkness
Daughters of darkness

As the music comes to an end the two girls move to their corner to share some last minute words with Ryan and to decide who will start the match.

Zack: This will be the first time these two have ever challenged for the tag titles, and it was won as part of a deal from Sabotage that said if Stacey defeated Crystal, she could get a shot with Cassandra for the gold. Stacey held up her end, now they have their opportunity.

Gaby: I don’t think any member of Kyle’s agency will be sending Crystal Hilton breakfast baskets… ever, but Stacey and Cassandra can thank her obsession with Kyle for this match. That’s what you get for asking “what’s in it for me” – you don’t negotiate with sharks.

The arena dims down to a darkened state as the entrance fills with smoke and red lights start to move around the stage.  Random photos of both Maddison Knight and Rori Mackenzie start to flash on the tron, Maddison working out in very short clips interrupted by photos of Rori standing by an armory looking as if she’s choosing a weapon.

I've got that lightnin' inside me
Son of a God
I'm like a titan that's risin'
Oh, just you watch
I'm steppin' into fate
There is no time to waste
I've got that lightnin' inside me

The lights stop roaming and land center stage, and the photos on the tron stop moving as the word Prophecy is spelled out.

This is how legends are made
This is how legends are made

Both Maddison and Rori appear from the smoke, much to the hate of the crowd, Rori with a slight smirk, and Maddison looking like she’s ready for war, both girls staring daggers towards the ring. As the music starts to pick up the girls start to slowly move towards the ring, ignoring the arena full of booing fans.

I'm crankin' up on the throttle
Victory is mine
Show you the harder the battle
The harder I fight
I've come too far to quit
Step back I'm goin' in
I'm crankin' up on the throttle

 The girls make their way to the steps of the Ring and Rori is the first to walk up them as Maddison springs up onto the ring apron grabbing the middle rope and looking out into the crowd before she sits on the middle rope and opens the ropes for her best friend.

This is how legends are made

Kat : In the ring, from Manhattan New York, they are the reigning and defending FFW Undisputed Tag Team Champions.. This is PROPHECCCCYYYYYYYYYYY. MADDISON KNIGHT AND RORI MACKENZIE!

Like iron
From the fire
Gettin' stronger
This is how legends are made
Above it all
A new animal

Maddison and Rori get into the ring Rori through the ropes and Maddi up and over the top rope looking around the ring and then to one another as they finally show some form of emotion by smirking to one another, and disregarding anyone else in the ring, waiting for the tag match to begin.

Referee Jennifer Stringer takes the tag titles from the champions before showing them to the challengers and then raising them over her head. As soon as Kat leaves the ring with the gold, the bell sounds and we see Cassandra starting for her team with Maddison doing the same for hers. Ryan applauds his wife at ringside. The two brunettes size one another up for a moment before they tie up in the center. The taller Knight gets the advantage as she pushes Cassandra back into the ropes, giving the referee a break when asked and putting her hands up. That’s when Sheffield takes full advantage with a thumb into her eye followed by a jawbreaker that stumbles her backwards. The Brit grabs her arm and jerks her forward into a spinning back elbow to the jaw followed by a snapmare to the canvas. Before Knight can get up, she finds herself in a rear chinlock.

Zack: They didn’t wait long to start the cheating, did they? Cassandra is giving up a lot of in-ring experience to Maddison, but you wouldn’t know that to see this. I’m sure Ryan has both her and Stacey well prepared.

Gaby: When both teams are made of rogues, it becomes a beat eats beast kind of situation, and whoever devours the other end first gets the upper hand. Cassandra knows this better than most.

When Knight tries to grab her hands to pull them apart, Cassandra takes her by the wrists instead and turns it into a straightjacket choke with her knee pressed into her back. But Maddi struggles against that and rolls to the right and gets a foot under the ropes. Sheffield breaks as she gets back to her feet, letting Knight get up as well before the tag champion gets shoved into Violence Inc.’s corner. As soon as Maddison turns around, Cassandra charges her with a running knee to the body and a choke to go with it. When the referee backs her up and gives her a warning, Stacey pulls Knight’s head back in the corner and drives an elbow into her nose before Stringer turns around again.

Zack: Sometimes you do unto others before they do unto you, which is certainly the case here. I have no illusion that Prophecy wouldn’t do the same things right now if the roles were reversed.

Gaby: Neither should anyone else have that idea. It wasn’t by being cool, calm and collected that the Prophecy defeated, might I remind you, darlings, LATINA HEAT to become champions.

The Brit grins as she charges in with a discus clothesline, keeping Knight in the corner before she tags in Stacey. The pair join forces in the ring with repeated stomps to the tag champion’s body, driving her down to a seat against the corner before Sky hops onto the middle rope for a wrecking ball dropkick to her chest. Cassandra drops to the floor and holds Knight’s hair as Stacey takes off for the far side, and lands a running hip attack to her head as the referee yells at Sheffield to let go of her hair. Stacey quickly drags her out of the corner and drops for the cover as Stringer moves into position.

Zack: Violence Inc. is looking to pitch a no-hitter, and Stacey’s got the cover!



But Knight kicked out as the two count was on the way down. Stacey got back to her feet, and bounced off the near side for a double stomp into the brunette’s body when she was starting to sit up again.

Gaby: No time to breathe for Maddison, and Stacey may be known for her temper, but her best strategy right now is to keep the pressure instead of letting her anger get the best of her.

The former cheerleader seemed to measure her opponent and took off again, but she went for the corner this time with a shotgun dropkick to send Rori off the apron to the floor. The tag champion hopped to her feet, and headed into the ring before the referee stopped her. As that went on, Stacey used the ropes for a springboard into a double knee drop to Knight’s body. Ryan looked very pleased on the floor as the referee turned back to the action.

Gaby: See, there’s the problem right there: when both teams are out to get under one another’s skins, it only takes a small forced mistake for your opponents to capitalize. Rori caught a stray, and that only gave Stacey even more space to work her magic.

Zack: You’re right, and Ryan’s looking happy too. He’s flying solo as a manager for the team tonight, and if they win this match, Violence Inc. may not even need Kyle anymore.

The cheerleader dragged Maddison to her team’s corner, making the tag back to Cassandra before the pair joined forces for a double knee gutbuster. Sheffield took over from there as she pulled Knight to her feet, and whipped her across for the ride with an Irish whip. But the tag champion reversed it, and sent her into the ropes instead. Rori yanked the top rope down as she bounced onto it, causing her to topple over backwards to the floor instead. Then the blonde dove on top of her, and started hammering her with closed fists as the referee leaned through the ropes yelling at the psychopathic blonde.

Zack: Rori low-bridged that top rope, and look at her go to work on Cassandra! She’s feral when she gets pissed off, and it doesn’t usually take much provocation either.

Gaby: And that’s how her catching a stray can backfire on Stacey and especially Cassandra! And while it’s hard for the fans to be invested in either team, look at how amused Vancouver is to watch them get punished!

Finally Rori tossed Cassandra onto the apron and backed away as the referee was about to disqualify her. Knight had gotten herself together at this point and pulled Sheffield’s head between the ropes before executing a suspension DDT. It was clear that the tag champion had some receipts to hand out as she mounted Sheffield’s chest, and pummeled her with straight right hands to the head. She followed that with a measured knee drop to the head.

Zack: Prophecy has gained control of the proceedings now, and you’re seeing no absence of malice from Maddison after how things kicked off here in this title match.

Gaby: Which is to be expected. Ever since they stepped foot in FFW after their long hiatus, The Prophecy have been nothing short of devils, and I’m gonna guess facing a team that is just as vicious as they are can only fuel their shared madness.

Knight dragged her by the arm away from the ropes before she headed to the neutral corner to make her way up top. With Sheffield prone on the canvas. Maddison came off with a cannonball senton to her chest that folded the Brit into a ball practically on the mat, clutching her ribs in pain. A quick grab of both legs saw Maddison turn her over into a cloverleaf submission with Rori looking on approvingly in the corner.

Zack: I’m not sure this is the best idea. It’s very hard to get a submission in any tag team match, even more the case when you have two teams like this who will do whatever it takes and then some to secure the win. What do you think, Gaby?

Gaby: I think Maddison had better get a grip on that cloverleaf so pristine that Cassandra has no option other than to give up, because history shows us that, 1, Cassandra isn’t the type to yield that easily; and 2, Stacey isn’t anywhere far away from any of this… And, hell, neither is Ryan!

The referee knelt down in front of Cassandra to see if she wanted to stop the match, but the former Future Shock Champion showed no signs of that. She struggled reaching for the ropes, but Knight had excellent ring positioning and none were within her grasp as the tag champion leaned back, bending Cassandra’s body even further in the submission.

Zack: Cassandra may be stuck here, it’s hard to get out of that hold if you can’t make it to the—NEVER MIND!!


Sheffield didn’t have to make it to the ropes before Stacey entered the ring again, and charged across with a running boot to the back of Maddison’s head. It sent her to the canvas, but she popped up a few seconds later and lunged for the blonde. Stringer forced herself between them as she tried to get the cheerleader out of the ring, leaving Maddison to roll Cassandra onto her back and stomp her between the legs out of the referee’s sight. Stacey was back in her corner when the referee turned back around, only seeing Knight as she made the tag to Rori.

Zack: That’s what I was talking about earlier, getting submissions in a tag match is nearly impossible. Hell, I’m surprised it took Stacey that long to break it up.

Gaby: Part of that could be trust. Trust that Cassandra would be able to just break out of it no big deal. Cockiness is a poison that both these teams have drunk from in spades.

Rori dragged her boot across the challenger’s face before she pulled her up to her feet. A corner bulldog into the neutral corner followed that, dropping Sheffield to her knees. Mackenzie planted her head between her legs next, and used a turnbuckle powerbomb to crumple the former Future Shock Champion to the canvas. She yanked her out of the corner by her foot and dropped into the cover before the referee dove for the count.

Zack: Sheffield’s ribs might as well have a bullseye on them, and Rori’s ready to close the show!




But the technician got her shoulder off the mat in time, causing Rori to mount her chest and lean down to bite into her face. It caused Cassandra to shout in pain as she finally shoved the blonde away from her, allowing the camera to see the bite marks just above Sheffield’s left eye.

Gaby: And like a rabid dog! We’ve seen this before, Rori just tried to pretty much bite Cassandra’s eyes clean off the socket!

Cassandra’s husband was none too happy about it either as he complained to the referee about the biting. Meanwhile, Rori wiped her mouth with a grin as she watched the Brit begin to get to her feet. She snatched her into a rear waistlock before using a release German suplex to send her into the corner. The brunette crumpled against it before Rori charged in after her, leaving her feet for a meteora to the chest. She dragged her out of the corner again and dropped for the cover as Stringer moved into position.

Zack: Cassandra’s taking a shellacking here, and we may be about to see the first successful defense of the tag titles by Prophecy!




But Cassandra got her shoulder up again, causing Rori to get back to her feet. The blonde seemed to have an idea as she took off for the far side ropes. She never rebounded though as Ryan pulled her foot out from under her, causing her to faceplant on the mat.

Gaby: See what I mean about Ryan not being far away? Kyle Kilmeade ain’t the only one willing to get his hands dirty.

It gave Sheffield time to get herself together as she began to get to all fours. Maddison headed around the corner, making a beeline for the B-list movie star before Stacey hopped down in front of him. That didn’t stop Maddison though as she lunged forward before the two started trading blows on the floor. Sheffield made it back to her feet first as the referee went to break up the brawl at ringside. The Brit bounced off the near side as Rori was starting to get to all fours, only to drive her face into the mat with a curb stomp. She quickly rolled her over for the cover, but the referee was still trying to separate Maddison and Stacey at ringside.

Zack: To a nicer girl it couldn’t happen! Cassandra curb stomped Rori into next week, but the referee’s trying to stop a fight at ringside!

Ryan screamed at the referee to look behind her before Stringer checked and immediately dove into position to make the count.




Rori kicked out in time before the three count landed, and the referee went back to try to break up Maddison and Stacey at ringside. Cassandra scowled as she got back to her feet, leaning back against the ropes as she waved Rori to get up again.

Gaby: Maddison may have given Rori just enough time to kick out, but after that SICKENING curb stomp, you have to ask yourself if she’s even here in BC anymore, or if she’s in freaking… Mars or something!

Mackenzie got to all fours again as Cassandra took off, delivering a second curb stomp before she pulled her back to her feet. Sheffield connected with her cobra clutch driver in the center of the ring before she rolled her over for the cover. Ryan screamed for the referee to look behind her, and Stringer finally did before she went for the count again.





The referee called for the bell as Stacey got away from the brawl at ringside, and helped her partner to her feet amid a loud din of boos. The music began to play as the referee raised their hands.

Gaby: Holy–! Talk about an era of new beginnings! They just made transitional champs out of the Prophecy!!!

Kat: Your winners by pinfall….AND NEEEEEEEEWWWWW FFW Undisputed Tag Team Champions……VIOLENCE, INC!!!

Stringer awarded them the tag titles, not that anyone in the arena was happy about it. Ryan joined them in the ring, raising their hands.

Zack: Wow, Gaby! The tag title picture just got turned over on its head tonight as Violence Inc. are the new tag team champions in FFW! Cassandra and Stacey stand supreme after a wild brawl with no shortage of shady tactics!

Gaby: And their dance card can’t get any shorter! We just saw Harley Shannon and Mara Werth make a point for themselves, not to mention all the other teams that also want in on the action! Whoever’s next to fight for the belts, beware – there are new queenpins in town… And they’re primed for Violence!

The new champions raised their titles aloft to even louder booing from the fans as Atomic faded off the air from Vancouver.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2025, 11:38:34 am by Adam Grant » Report Spam   Logged
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